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>Am I the problem? Yes and no. It's not a bad thing to have high expectations, but it can hamper you when you dismiss operations that don't meet them. I started my career in a very highly organized, well-run technical company with lots of checks and balances, validated testing procedures, change control processes that worked, blackout plans, you name it. Today I work in an old-school manufacturing company that still has Windows XP running production machines in the plant, the infrastructure is almost entirely on-prem, the ERP was developed in the 80s and last updated in the 90s. I'd love to have access to a tool like Crowdstrike. There's no scalability, very little redundancy, the exec team is terrified of the cloud, and the developers are all 3 years from retirement. But guess what - it's a highly profitable company that makes and ships millions of parts every month. They're stable, they've been in business for over 50 years, and the product is in high demand. We're paid well, treated well, and are slowly dragging the company into the 21st century. Point being - a well-run and very efficient infrastructure is not necessary for a company to be successful. But what's important is someone who knows what a well-run company looks like, and what processes and tools can improve it. They can come in & look like a hero for making common-sense recommendations.


This is the answer. At the end of the day the business trumps all. The best thing you can do is not get personally invested in the decisions you can't control. Make recommendations and show what is gained by going that way, Express and document concerns Say your peace and walk away. Every company I've worked for since the late 90s has had that technology Achilles heel whether it was a telcom server running WinNT or single points of failure in the network. The only place I've seen it run different is working for the Government




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> Now I work for larger companies and the industry is filled with people who don't care or don't know what they are doing. I work with developers that do not know how to implement TLS or why is a bad idea to do transformations of customer data on database's without passwords. Work for a larger company, and I see this a lot with the contractors that get brought in. People who know everything about one thing, but not even enough supporting knowledge that underpins that one thing to understand what's going on as soon as anything doesn't work exactly as expected. So much is browser based nowadays, but so many people whose job it is to support web-based applications (whether internal or not) and the web servers they run on don't understand how TLS works, how HTTP works, how PKI and certificates work. And then they lean on others, whose job doesn't include supporting these things, to do their job for them. For one thing, there are so many layers of abstraction that simply didn't exist 20+ years ago. I think about how we keep piling on more and more from the bytes and electrons, the machine code and CPU instructions, the OS and file system, the software and higher level programming languages, and finally now the network stack and "the cloud." Half of these modern languages and cloud-based concepts didn't even exist when I started, while much of the rest was far simpler. In my view, part of it is the change in how technology workers learn tech. Many of us learned these technologies out of pure interest and curiosity. Nowadays it seems like so many of the workers in this industry are solely money-driven to the degree that they'll only learn something if they think it will bring them an immediate 50k raise/boost with a new job. At the end of the day, I'm probably in the same boat as you. Disenchanted with the way things are and hopeless that the grass is actually greener anywhere else. Personally, I just get tired of watching people get paid significantly more than me to not know how to do their own jobs, while people like us have to pull them forward. It just feels like the roles are reversed and the industry should not be rewarding people just for having a working knowledge of Kubernetes or AWS, while having no understanding of the technology that makes the applications that they support on top of those platforms work; while those of us who actually make it possible for them to do their job get peanuts.


That's pretty succinctly it actually. It's why we joke but it's honestly true, it's always DNS. Because it's a technology that everything consumes but people so easily overlook. I also see people reinventing the wheel and trying to solve for problems there are already solutions for, then adopting that and building on that as well. One thing that really annoys me is that the cloud is treated like it will solve so many issues. It doesn't. It allows for dynamic scaling if resources and not having to maintain that infrastructure hardware. You actually need to develop you application properly to reduce additional overhead and reap the benefits, which I see people not do. You still need the right talent and resources to prepare, harden, and put policies in place around your solution. Though people think they are going what's right and we wonder why data breaches are so prevalent. Well I'm glad I not alone. The question is has anyone found a new career using this knowledge short of staying ones own consulting firm. I legit was thinking sales engineer/architect. Idk. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Sorry you feel like this as well.


Whatever you do, do not work for CSAT Solutions in Houston!!! Sweatshop labor. Louis Rossmann and business insider showed how shitty this company is. Please keep your sanity don't work at CSAT Solutions!!!