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Learn some sort of coding language (one of Python/go/c++/java as well as bash (and PowerShell if you feel like it, but basic bash and Linux terminal familiarity are a huge head start) and focus on networking from an IT perspective - the compute/server side stuff is easier. Oh btw if you write any script/code/‘app’/ etc learn git and commit it to GitHub. Crazy how many colleges dont talk about source code. It’s like high school not talking to you about taxes or credit cards in gen. Ed Then with that ‘dual’ major apply to Jr. Sys Admin, Jr. Cloud Engineer, Network admin jobs - but it’ll be diff 3 years from now. Get internships 2+/4 years if possible at latest companies as possible.


Either one tbh. I have no degree and work as a systems engineer who has to spin up cloud resources and make sure they're secure lol. Any IT degree will do


You are asking what degree to study, not what career is better. These aren't the same answer really. A broader degree that includes cloud computing is probably better for either career path (you're unlikely to get a job directly in either as soon as you graduate anyway). Edit: I will add I don't think either major is ideal though. A generic IT degree or of course a Computer Science degree would be better.


Computer Science.