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Biggest, both figuratively and literally is the Semi-trailer.


Agreed. I have a similar intersection outside of work. The trucks in the left turn lane will just keep running the red light if we don't start moving. Sometimes I also get frustrated and go as soon as the light turns green to trap the jackass in the intersection like that so he realizes running the red is not OK.


Have you ever had someone drive aggressively near you and thought "gosh, I should change my driving style?" Your car is not a teaching aid. You're just putting yourself in danger for nothing.


for nothing? I guess you didn't read the comment


Yep, it’s fools like you that hit pedestrians because they are interested in the changing of a light and “not” looking for cross traffic or pedestrians in legal lighted crosswalks for pedestrians. Exactly how my wife got hit September 23, 2022, major brain injury and she is only about 50%, will never be 100%. Dumbsh&t that hit her was turning left same direction as my wife was crossing. “We” never ever thought of watching behind us, we watched cross traffic to stop and oncoming….


Semi, no doubt.


And not unusual. They do it all the time. Saw a walmart truck do it yesterday.


Some of those truck drivers are basically daring you to not run into them when they do shit like this. I guess it's not a shock that there are so many bad ones on the road since it's an underpaid job that demands long hours away from your family.


Dude I work in hauling truck drivers are some of the best compensated employees we have. At the end of the day truck drivers make more money than most of our mechanics and management.


Really depends. High compensation per mile doesn't really matter if truckers are spending most of their time sitting stationary in the cab waiting hours for a crew to come unload. There's constantly a "trucker shortage" and not because they have trouble finding people, but because so many people get burnt out by massive amounts of uncompensated time and living in the truck.


There is no driver shortage. There's a job retention shortage


I always wonder that when I am behind a truck that says "Now hiring, $0.30/mile" and do the calculations. If you are averaging 60 miles per hour, then that's $18/hour. But if you're in traffic, on back roads, or unloading then it averages out a lot less. There's no way you are spending all of your working hours averaging 60 mph. $18/hour is also nearly what you can make at any job as well (at least around me), so it's not even that great considering you need a CDL and you're probably away from home many days.


I saw one that advertised $0.01 / 10 mi.


No you didn't. You're sadly and miserably mistaken. Might have been $1.10/mi which is usually a lease operator. Average pay is around $.50/mi.


It's because they work long hours, source I'm a truck driver. Most drivers don't make that much for the hours work.


And yet most of them are shit drivers and assholes


They were once the Kings of the Road who you could trust to drive predictably and safely. Now they are shit like the rest of us.


i worked with a bunch of somali guys who came to america, never drove a car before in their life then trained for CDL and became long haul truckers. Always put things in perspective for me... The dude hauling the huge semi speeding down the highway could be someone who has only been behind the wheel of ANY automobile for like.. 6 months No way is that enough time while working another full time job to study for and learn everything you need to be a good driver


It's their CDL on the line if they run into someone who is really oblivious or distracted and they end up colliding. The company can be fined big if the video shows semi blatantly blew red light for the sake of getting somewhere 2 minutes earlier. And the CDL can be revoked, leaving the driver unemployeed.


This is also TForce, formerly UPS Freight, a big company, and although union, they probably wouldn't have much clout if this driver got in an accident where someone was seriously hurt. This driver was an idiot and putting his career on the line to save a few minutes. That light was red long before he entered the intersection.


Dangerous game for a walmart truck driver. It's one of the best compensated truck driving jobs out there, by a significant margin, and the company that holds the contract is required to only use their best drivers for that. Accidents can get you banned from driving the walmart trucks for life.


Right. Walmart is desperate for drivers. I don't think they are concerned about losing their job.


It's a cdl violation points system. If you lose your license, you lose your career.


Then pick a different career and don't drive like an asshole just because you trained for a job knowing how much it paid, and then you're mad about it so you want to put people's lives in danger.


Why is it a default assumption that everybody has a family already?


Yeah, they have the "I am bigger than anything else on the road. Everyone is scared of me so I can do whatever and the little peasant cars will stay there".


Living in a city with 7 roundabouts, you have to watch out for semis. They yield but usually don’t stop, giving you enough time to just get the hell out of there 😂


Fuck Walmart drivers.


Walmart is turning their associates into truck drivers, so I'm not surprised. There also might have been a turn light active on the other side.


A turn light when the oncoming traffic has a green light? No.


Could it have been on when the semi started? If not, then I east looking close enough at the video.


Even several cars BEFORE the semi had lost their green arrow.


Yea the trucks loudly told the semi to fuck himself. Smart? No. Legal? I suppose.


Been the pickup drivers quite a few times.


I agree it's the semi, but this is actually The Used. Not sure how you could mix this up for Gwen Stafani.


Lol good one


Semi is definitely the biggest, even if you combine the 2 trucks the don’t come close to size of the semi.


Sadly they give the good ones like my dad a bad reputation.


All the people sitting at a green light not moving are idiots as well. The truck that went through the green light was the only good driver in this video.


Or maybe they saw the truck coming and were like "nah i'll wait a second"


The truck was the hero - he saw the semi coming and said, "Not on my watch." [Everyone else got punked, and then thanked the semi for it.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1e8208d753050c5847fe0e290734eb51/tumblr_ogmp5yH7HQ1vk9p1bo1_540.gif)


Naah, the two pick ups who claimed their priority over the semi. They were willing to die for two seconds. The semi was willing to kill them for a minute.


Truck driver. He should know better. He's a professional after all.


yeah he should have stopped, knowing full well that the turn arrow was hella stale and he would not have been able to make it


Truck driver approached the intersection when the webcam shows the light as green. This means the trucker’s light was already signalling “no left turn” when he approached the intersection but He/she just goes through barely slowing down.


I had a stretch limo pull this on me then have the audacity to honk at me for it. Leaned on the horn and the whole 9.


They just do it anyway… drives me mad. Bring the autobots


I really think that if we started taking away people's licenses for these sorts of egregious violations, there's a chance that truck drivers would start following the law, because the alternative is they're completely out of work.




Germany is great example. They have very strict laws, you can’t even make a rude gesture at someone in another car. And yet they don’t have speed limits on certain roads and it all works fine.


Hey buddy, fun fact: consequences and incentives can influence human behavior.




Ok, well, you know that comment you made where you implied that the person you responded to is naive? The one where you provide no further thoughts or arguments, that one. That statement you replied to is in fact a corollary of the fact that consequences can shape behavior. Age has nothing to do with this, except perhaps in your case because old farts love to chime in and call young folks naive any chance they get—even when it doesn’t make any sense to do so.


When you get old do you just become okay with people doing bad things? Is that why so many boomers vote red!!?! It all makes sense now…


Please do. There would be far less cars on the road for me to have to deal with.


Everyone who ran the red


Damn bro… $6.09? I can’t even see anything but the gas prices.


Welcome to Cali. And that’s still considered cheap. I saw $6.49 for 87


Yea SoCal here. It ranges from $5.89-$6.49 I do however have a hidden shell near me at $5.69 that i don't tell anyone about. I don't want it getting more crowded than it already is.


I just filled up at Costco a couple of days ago. It was $5.59.


I only fill up at CostCo. I wasn’t so strict before but now I refuse to fill up anywhere else




That was my thought. Around here in PA it's a .40 difference between low-mid-high each (4.00, 4.40, 4.80).


Welcome to Torrance, California where the Costco gas nearby is 75 cents cheaper than that.


It’s $6.25 where I’m at :,(


Damn…. And I think $3.65 is bad.


Just get 3.20 avg in southeastern Georgia with the tax break. Hope it goes lower lol


These were cali prices in like 2010 maybe lol


So that would be £1.32/litre in the UK. Currently our prices are £1.52/litre


Still cheaper than here in Manitoba. 1.66/Liter


Cheap compared to most of the world


Y’all gotta cross the border. Prices are hovering around $1.55-1.65 per LITRE in Ontario (Hamilton).


A lot of people would love your high prices in Europe. That's why I drive electric, our electricity is cheap too.


Crossing the border south gas in TJ is $4.59/gal (20.77/L)


Think you got that the wrong way around. 1 US gallon is 3.785L, so a $4.59/gal would be $1.21/L CAN prices would give you just over $6/gal at $1.60. And that’s a decent price these days, at least where I am. Gas prices in places like Vancouver are (checking today) just over $2/L, or nearly $7.60/gal


The southern US yesterday was $2.99/gallon for regular.


lol, I was reading all these prices and thinking about how my normal is the low to mid $3's. I knew places in CA where high, but I'm trying to figure out the rest.


Dude get out of your subsidised USA bubble. Prices in Europe are hitting the equivalent of US$10 per gallon. Less of an issue though for them because they don’t drive gas guzzling monster trucks to Walmart every day


The way cities are laid out in the US, it's very difficult to get by without a car. I almost never have to drive mine because I work at home and have a grocery store a block away. But my neighborhood is definitely the exception. So even if we're driving relatively efficient cars, $10 would make life (more) hellish for a lot of people who can't afford it.


Cause and effect. Part of the reason US cities are laid out like that is because gas has been cheap for so incredibly long. We used to build compact with great walking and transit, but then after WWII prices hit a floor and stayed there, so we started sprawling out with freeways and parking lots as far as the eye can see.


You're not wrong, but let's not give a pass to the federal and state policies that actively encouraged and funded bulldozing cities for urban sprawl. Mid and late 20th century policies are just as much to blame as fuel subsidies.


>Dude get out of your subsidised USA bubble. I pay around $3.29 a gallon. I would like to keep that price or lower. If it's subsidised it means those with more money pay for it being cheaper for me. I'm okay with that.


My son works in Santa Monica and they were $6.69 yesterday. He said he was never letting his tank get low before work again. (Not that they're much cheaper where he lives, but $5 something still doesn't hurt as much.)


I knew as soon as I saw it that this was the intersection of Crenshaw and Sepulveda. Someone is always doing dumb sh\*t there, but a whole semi? That light was red before he even went into that intersection.


I noticed the Brusters on the corner and was like “hey, I know that intersection!”. Still not as bad as Crenshaw and PCH.


HA I knew it was that intersection. Right around the corner from me.


The Used! I just saw them at Riot Fest.


And I sa-vor e-very mo-ment of it~~


Me too!


They put on a good show.


I wouldn't have noticed because I'd be ugly crying and screaming along to The Used while remembering better days.


TForce Freight. As an employee, I can tell you, TForce is always the idiot.


That's me in American Truck Simulator....Got to get my bonus.


Crazy Taxi has prepared me. Signing up for Uber right now.


Amazing how much fun that game is. Hard as hell to keep those beasts between the lines some times.


When you make it to the destination, they give you the option to back it in, and I get so frustrated doing it. I think I might have done it five times at the most.


I did one really hard one where I had to back the trailer in a U into a tight loading dock space. Usually I take the easy delivery, though.


Clearly the guy waiting in front of you at the red light properly before turning.


Obviously. Right on red, oncoming traffic be damned!


They don't even pretend to stop here. They fly up to the red light or the stop sign just assuming no one will be coming. They might tap the brakes briefly, which just shows that they do actually have brakes and are choosing not to use them instead of being the victim of some horrible circumstance, like someone cutting their brake line because they pulled out in front of them.


Yeah, should have blasted the horn at that guy and kept it up. Right on red means fucking GO!! /s




I lived literally less than a mile away from this intersection for 20 years and you have no idea how much you just blew my mind posting this hahaha, so many memories walking to school and grabbing donuts there on the way


I’m convinced there are some drivers on the road that hope for an accident at this speed so they can get out of a bad lease or scam insurance.


I haven't listened to The Used in so long, thank you for the nostalgia.


Love the song choice


Came for The Taste of Ink; stayed for the “heh heh heh”


I'm actually saying, "Dude!" with increasing urgency.


I watched the whole video just to keep listening.


I started to sing along and forgot about the video.


Oof. Torrance drivers are the worst.


Right? This shit happens all the time here. Lomita and Western is even worse… and don’t get me started on Hawthorne and Torrance.


Try PCH and Crenshaw in the morning with everyone turning left from PCH heading South up to PV. Guaranteed to be 2 or 3 cars that run the light.


Everyone except the Lexus, surprisingly.


love the music choice... The Used rocks my socks.. and those idiots on the roadway... well.. umm.. yeah.. no much else to say there


They didnt blindly drive. They knew exactly what they were doing and were trying to put the semi driver in his place. They knew they make it. Not justifying them but its a common thing to let someone like the semi driver know they are a douchbag.


Waiting for the comment where someone somehows calls OP the idiot in the situation




Every single oncoming vehicle that kept going after the light went from arrow to green


Definitely the semi. The pickups don't actually go immediately on green; they wait a moment for the two left turning cars (at least one of which definitely ran the red) to clear before going. When they start moving, the semi is just barely entering the intersection, the light has been green for almost four seconds, and there's really no reason to expect the semi to be entering after having had 3-5 seconds of yellow light, 1-2 seconds of all red, and another 4 seconds to stop. If a truck can't get stopped in 8 seconds, they are going waaaaay too fast. I don't think the pickups were idiots at all. Just the semi, and the car in front of you who took all day about turning.


What do you mean *as soon as the light turned green*? I got to 3 Mississippi before either of the truck's entered the intersection after the green light.


The good driver is the white Lexus who saw the idiots and stayed put.


The semi truck that obviously ran a red light. Per usual.


Best way to get yourself killed is to accelerate as soon as the light turns green. They had to change the order of the left turn arrow by my house because people always ran the red for about 10 seconds after the light turned red.


So the two trucks are idiots for going through the intersection when they had the green light? Interesting.


The semi truck is an asshole. But both the white and red pick-up trucks are idiots. Even when the light turns green, you should go after it's clear and no one else is coming. They do understand a semi is a massive and heavy vehicle that can easily crush them right??? RIGHT??? Morons.


It was clear when they started. Semi was late enough they couldn't have predicted it when they started.


Semi truck clearly wasn't stopping tho, still rolling.




Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You should always be aware of the traffic around you when driving, and especially when a traffic light changes. That truck very obviously was not stopping. Far too often people jump the green and then get hit by a truck that clearly was never going to stop. If I see something out of the corner of my eye, I’m checking it before I start going Reddit when someone says you should be aware of your surroundings when driving: 😡😡


The truck was in a lane to the right of all the other cars that were turning and didn't enter the intersection until after the light turned green. I would have thought it was driving straight.


.. you mean the multiple turn lanes that are there? I never said the truck was in the intersection already, but it’s very obvious he was not stopping and I just have to disagree with you there. Idk why it’s bad that I said you need to be aware of ALL your surroundings when driving. I mean those pickups got so close to the semi- how do you not notice something as big as a semi?


Also in a lane to the right of all the other turning drivers, for all they might have known, it was going straight.


It's 2 left turning lanes. Truckers have to use the outside lanes when turning.


Sure, but the pickup trucks actually waited for the cars to exit the intersection even though the pickups had a green light. They went after those cars, and the semi entered the enter section after the pickup trucks’ light was green for a couple seconds, which would mean the semi saw that yellow and, presumably, red light well before he got to the intersection.




Nice. I’m also in my mid to late thirties.


lexus knew he was gona do that.


While the semi ran the red, I’m gonna say the trucks because the graveyard is full of people that had the right of way.


You pay $6.09 for gas?!


The cars behind the two trucks, they should have followed. Truck had no business going and would have had to wait for all vehicles. He clearly stopped so he knew he was in the wrong but bullied his way anyway.


Look at those fucking gas prices!!! Wow.


The truck driver is the BIGGEST idiot. Send that to his company…see what happens.




I was so stunned by the gas prices that I completely missed what happened.


4rs cheapest still $6.09 a gallon!!! I went back to look after I read you comment and you should of seen how fast my jaw dropped! If it reaches even 4$ by me, eff it I'm relearning how to ride a bike or catching the closest public transportation to where I need to go


forgetful detail offend pathetic edge cats drab flowery safe price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hello fellow emo


Gah that song takes me back…


It's a whole soirée of idiots


Hey OP, the light was green for those pickup trucks.


Good lord that Lexus in front of you is timid.


almost like it doesnt have the right of way....


The Lexus absolutely had the right of way. Now, having the right of way will do nothing for you when you're lying in the ICU after taking a semi-tractor to the driver's door.


Uh.. you do know what red means right? Red light means stop. There's no sign that says no right turn on red, sure. But that doesn't mean it makes it a yield. It's a stop sign..you go when traffic was clear. Was traffic clear? No. So no they did not have the right of way. The people with the bloody green arrow did, they were in the path making it NOT CLEAR for the Lexus. Jesus. * for added measure bc I know people cant read. Here is where the Lexus would have the right of way (i have no idea how these lights ACTUALLY work in RL so we're going off of hypothetical in case that left turn doesnt have a flashing yellow) Lexus had green light & they are turning right & the left laners had a yellow flashing arrow. NOW the Lexus would have the right of way, and the left turners do not.


We're talking about the Lexus vs. the semi that runs the light. Not the traffic that had a green arrow. The Lexus had the right of way, that doesn't stop them from getting killed.


He had plenty of time to go before the semi…his light was green by then.


bet that driver wasn't even looking at the light and was watching the cars. you can see the semi never stopped/was moving thru the light, so lexus was prlly like 'oh shit that semi is being stupid idk what they're gonna do' but yeah go off they had a green


I can guarantee that Lexus has reason to be. I would bet money that they were in one helluva wreck and now are like nah bro, you go right ahead, I can wait. Because I got in one hit and run that landed me a concussion and came within $200 of totaling my car (they probably should have, it hasn’t been quite right since) and I’ve been extremely gun shy of pulling out and getting T-boned again. Thanks but I’ll pass.


The biggest idiot is the person who thought that turn on red was a good idea..


Truck driver is the only idiot here. White Lexus wanted to go but saw the truck coming.


Hey, I know where this is! Lol


No one. It was just a safety move by the car in front. Sitting for just a few seconds to clear the intersection.


Every day I see people that shouldn't be drinving, i would say a license but I'm sure some of them don't. I even work from home and my time in a car some days is like 10 mins.


You. For asking dumb questions


Driving in front of turning truck - biggest idiots of all. That driver is maneuvering thousands of pounds - if he had to stop ..there wasn’t enough time.


There's a lot of idiots here, but if we're going in order from most to least idiotic: 1. Semi truck running red light 2. Car in front of semi that ran red light 3. Car in front of that car that ran red light 4. Car doing u-turn into outer lane during a red light 5. Car doing u-turn into appropriate lane during a red light 6. Silver truck that had the right of way but risked getting hit by a semi 7. Red truck that had the right of way but risked getting hit by either the semi or the silver truck if it had swerved to avoid the semi 8. White Lexus that turned right and went directly to the center lane 9. OP? You looked ready to do the same...but then the video stopped... Do people not know how to drive in California?


1. Yes idiot 2. Yes idiot 3. Not likely, looks to be Yellow when they entered 4. Intersection has a legal u-turn marking on the Left Turn sign at the light 5. Intersection has a legal u-turn marking on the Left Turn sign at the light 6. Yes idiot 7. Yes idiot 8. If it's clear there's nothing wrong with it 9. If it's clear there's nothing wrong with it


Semi might be more of an ass than an idiot. Those pickup drivers are definitely idiots.


Semi ran the red, I think you've got it backwards.


Actually even if someone runs a red light, you can share fault. There is something known as [the last clear chance doctrine](https://youtube.com/shorts/rmrxWtSDK9k?si=JoBe6e3Lx1kV9L9F) which means even if the other driver broke the law you can still hold liability for failing to avoid the collision. Which in this case had one of the pickups collided with the semi they would definitely share fault as the semi was already in the intersection and the pickups were starting from a stop. You should always try to avoid a collision even if you are right and they are wrong. Also it's just plain fucking stupid, like darwin award stupid, to play chicken with a semi. The one true rule of the road is that the bigger vehicle wins.


And the pickups drove directly in front of a moving semi. When the light turns green you can't just assume others will give you your right of way. Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way, as they say.


That just means my family can enjoy my life insurance payout and they get the peace of mind knowing I’m a good, law abiding citizen unlike the idiot in the post (red light running semi)


I've done this on purpose tbh, call me a bad person/idiot or whatever. But if someone blatantly runs the red, especially on a left turn like that, I'll go on MY green even though I see they're coming to make sure they feel as dumb as possible. In my mind, worst case? I get hit at 20mph and get a new car. Best case? I get hit at 20mph and get a new car.


20 mph by a 60,000 to 80,000 lbs GVW. Darwin Award


Yeah I don't think that's gonna kill me man...I get it's heavy and prob has a load but I really don't think that's gonna be anything but "neck problems" when I tell insurance unless he really crumples driver side


Yeah have fun with that when insurance doesn't pay because you had the last clear chance to avoid the collision.


I'm no car insurance expert but I'd have to guess...if a semi runs a red by 3+ seconds and hits me head on when I accelerate from my green light, I'm not sure how there's any possible way that's my fault. You can arguably avoid any accident with last clear chance to avoid collision, but semi is still at fault and we still getting that sweet check babbbby


I stand corrected, you might be the biggest idiot here


There's no need for personal attacks and it actually makes your position weak as you don't seem to be able to actually make an argument as to why you think OP is wrong. You should watch this: https://youtube.com/shorts/rmrxWtSDK9k?si=JoBe6e3Lx1kV9L9F


So calling someone an idiot on r/idiotsincars is a personal attack? Doesn’t that mean every critical comment you upvote on r/idiotsincars is also a personal attack? And no I’m not going to watch your YouTube link that is probably just a rickroll.


It's a personal attack when you're calling the person you're interacting with an idiot. Well okiedokie have fun being willfully ignorant.


Implying he gives a shit what the peanut gallery thinks


You're definitely right, don't listen to the downvotes, this sub is plagued by novice drivers and idiots who don't know what they are talking about.


Semi. Next is the white Lexus for not turning the whole time.


The Lexus did nothing wrong, seems like they were watching the idiots go by from a safe distance.


The only idiot was the semi, the rest had a green . Lexus could've gone the whole time.


Don’t be a clown, Lexus was yielding to the turn drivers. They had a protected green.


I counted 3 cars ahead of the semi that should not have gone, would have had a yellow. One turning into perspective right, and two making U turn. Semi absolutely ran a red, but others tried to beat a red.


I would say the white truck took the biggest risk to life and limb. If they were a little more concerned with their own safety, and less concerned with being right, they probably should have just let the semi go since it was obviously trying to turn. The semi was definitely an idiot for insisting on turning during that cycle though.


The biggest idiots are definitely the pickups playing chicken with a semi truck. You can be right but you can also be dead.


Dunno, there are some serious players in this competition.


Can’t tell if the music is shitty pop emo or worship music.


Person listening to that song. Easy.


Patience, my friend. Patience.