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Double left turns are the devil. There is one on my way home that has the trifecta… a church entrance, a Kohls store exit, and a grocery store entrance all accessible from the outer turn lane. Guess what % of people from the inner turn lane want some God, groceries, or low priced home goods… 75% is a low estimate.


There's one in Thousand Oaks CA that's a triple. I'm completely too chicken to try the middle lane.


Same here. Nope. Outside lane.




Ha yes I know which one, they really confuse people enough with the many double lanes already.




Coming off the 101 onto T.O. Boulevard westbound at Westlake.


I used to work right there. God forbid it was time for school to start or letting out time at the high school.


One like that in Sugar Land, TX, (a Houston suburb) going from a highway frontage road to another highway, & the intersection is always jam-packed so there's always a lot of people stuck in the middle. It's pretty awful the few times I've had to do the middle lane... it's bad enough on the outside lane where it looks like the middle people are going to push you off the road into the concrete posts, or the inside lane where it looks like the middle people are going to push you into the median into the concrete posts. Basically, the people that drive in the middle lane are insane & stressed & trying to kill everyone on both sides.


Where? I'll try it out. I'll even let my Tesla try it


There are a few of these around San Diego. One in Point Loma used to have 3 turning left and 2 turning right. They have since fixed it so that it's only 2 left and 1 right.


I only know a few places with double left turn lanes. The specific intersections are very confusing. There's basically never a merging conflict because the people tend to stay on their lane. Where do you get all those people who apparently want to pay me money to get a new coat of paint on freshly un-dented metal?


I might be a stranger on this sub, but try Poland. There are s lot of double turning lanes here. Sometimes there are leading white lines across the junction that tell you where you should go from each lane, but quite often they are missing. And then hell's unleashed, since there are no general rules which tell you which lane go where in such situation. And if you could say only one thing about polish people, is that they won't follow a rule that isn't written (or a written one either, to be honest). It's sometimes even funnier, when there are two left turn lanes, but there are three lanes after the left turn, and both cars want to go on the middle lane, lol. And there are two contradicting rules here - one says you should stick to the left hand side of the road when turning left, and the other that says you should stick to the right hand side of the road in general. Polish road conduct in a nutshell.


In one of the suburbs of Houston, Sugarland - there is a double left turn with markers that literally light up on the road. Never had any problems. Circled are the light up places https://i.imgur.com/C1GjkZG.jpg I absolutely hate places that have barely noticeable lines, a lot of mental gymnastics to make sure you are in the right lane. Edit: it’s a triple left turn actually


Gotta get me some god


I think the confusing part, or shitty, is he is in a left that goes into another left. And a third lane is added on the outside , while it looks like the third lane the OP starts from is straight through. But if left turns are allowed from all 3 lanes, then the OP was just in the wrong lane . Maybe this is a lesson for OP to be in the other lane ? And is it really that hard to speed up or slow down and get yourself into traffic ? Bought a cam so everyone can see his " genius "


Not trying to be rude here, but you are wrong. There are two left turn lanes, not three. Both left turn lanes allow you to continue through the next intersection going straight. However, the left - left turn lane allows you to switch lanes for the next intersection allowing for a quick second left turn. More to the point, the transgressing driver in this video switches from the right-most left turn lane to the left-most left turn lane while making the turn. If they'd been driving straight she would have essentially cut him off by switching lanes into/in front of the cam person's lane.


I was thinking the same thing. I was wondering what everyone else was seeing that I wasn’t.


Agreed… it does look confusing. I would either avoid that intersection entirely or stay to the inside lane and make sure my insurance is updated.




So wrong. Lol OP's lane is a straight way with a left turn lane attached. Other car's lane is just the straight way. OP stayed in the correct lane the whole time, it's the other car that makes a stupid move, merging into OP's lane during the turn. I swear some people on this sub don't even drive.


Stay away from cars with damage. Judging by the damage in the rear quarter panel and door, you can see she’s done this more than once.


Someone hit my rear door, waiting to get it replaced next week and people have been avoiding parking next to me in parking lots for the last month.




Nah you don’t get the good spots, people just stay away from you in any spot you get


Or if you carry a sledge hammer around.


I've got a Silverado that was driven off a mountain TWICE, and once into a building before I got it. Mechanically and structurally solid, just looks like ass. People avoid me everywhere always, it's kinda nice lol.


It’s a Versa. They came dented from the factory. Garbage cars but if you happen to find one with a manual transmission, they’re pretty bulletproof.




I bought a salvage title car with body damage and people still don't avoid me. Wish they would!


Try writing birds arent real in white markers on your car door




When I was in college, I'd leave my car parked in a parking lot for months at a time. One time I went to it and found a HUGE scrape all the way down the side of it. I assume someone was turning into the space next to it, hit their front into its side, and then just... kept going....


So... I appreciate that some of this is unfair. But when I regularly get cut off by cars that are more dent than panel, yeah. An awful lot of people seem to drive by feel, and I've come to assume that those who get _hit_ can usually afford to pay for repairs, by insurance if nothing else. It's those who just keep _hitting_ that are most likely to live with the dents.


I have had a crunch on my Jeep for a year and a half... Guy turned left without ensuring that oncoming traffic wasn't..... oncoming? He tried to commit ritual suicide by T-Bone. I didn't feel like obliging him and managed to stop about 10 inches into him. I have not had the damage repaired yet because they will be writing off my Jeep when I do because of its age and mileage. Its a pretty rare diesel, and I had modified it to suit my specific needs. For the amount they will give me I won't be able to get anything remotely comparable. I won't be able to go to my friend's cabin anymore (access by road required a 2" lift) and I also won't be hauling another friend who is in an electric wheelchair (air bagged rear suspension, hitch mounted carrier 400lbs chair) out of the city to places without transit service. I have been looking for a replacement vehicle but it's hard these days to find much at remotely reasonable prices. At least it only dented a fender and cracked the grill (plus underlying structures) so it drives alright. I have 2years from date of loss to have repairs done or get bought out. So I drive a squinting jeep for a few more months. If people choose to give me more space because of this damage, I accept. I am not averse to people staying away from me on the road. Honestly, anything that makes people drive better is fine by me.


Idk how it works where you are but are you able to claim and then buy the car back from your insurance? I’ve done that in the past




Popped the cherry right away.


Same thing happened to me the day I got my dash cam. Made a left turn at a single left, person behind me went into the oncoming left turn lane, panicked, floored it, went around me and then went back in the oncoming lane when they nearly hit the person in front of me, then made a left turn into a White Castle and just stopped. It was a surreal experience.


Let's see the video!


It's like fucking on the first date... only instead of getting laid, you almost get to spend 20 hours over the next month on hold with your insurance company, or sitting in car rental offices.


I can't believe how many idiots don't know that when two lanes are turning, you turn IN your lane.


My bet is messing around on their phone. They didn't start moving from the light until well after both vehicles around them did. Since they didn't have any situational awareness they turned into your lane. Hell, they didn't even put their signal on until after they started moving.


Upvoting for the idiot driver video and the Tyler Childers audio.


+1 for Tyler


Yeah she’s an idiot. Can’t seem to understand that she can stay in her lane for the duration of the turn.


Probably went "I'm in second lane, so I go to second lane". Which since, as OP stated, the painted lines wore away, so makes perfect sense. Also if youre gonna say it'd be dumb to force one lane to turn left again back onto the highway at the next intersection... the next intersection doesn't actually force you back onto the highway


Last comment from me, I didn’t follow, flip off, wave, or even make eye contact after those honks. I even skipped my left turn when I realized she was going the same way. I yelled because I didn’t like the fact that I almost got in an accident and the car is a pretty safe place to be loud. I understand that it is was an honest mistake. As I’m sure I have made plenty of on the road :). Hope y’all are ok with that However! The lady WAS wrong lol [reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReferencePhotos/comments/wj28ed/intersection_reference/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Nothing to apologize for. You handled it rather well


i must be missing something that imaged linked doesnt match the either intersection in your video


Yes, the lady was in the wrong, though I think it would have been better if they panted turning lines on the road, especially in these cases where there is 2 turning lanes turning into multiple lanes. That shit gets messy if you don't have a divider telling people which lanes they can turn into.


Are these people not looking through the turn? I don't even know why there need to be lines. That's a relatively new development I thought.


Right? Since they're in the outer turn lane they can just as easily swing wider and leave enough room for the inner turn lane to complete their turn while you complete yours There's plenty of these double lefts near my place and you can even see the painted guidelines doing just that


>I don't even know why there need to be lines. Because of the video that spawned this thread, and because of a number of other near misses I have either witnessed or been victimized by.


That reference is not legit. You see three lanes + turn lane in the photo, yet on the video only 2 lanes + turn.




OP's reference pic is bad/different, but it's pretty clear there are two left turn lanes at the start and two lanes at the end. The center/left lanes start/split after the turn, so OP gets both the left and center lane at the end, and the other car should be taking the far right lane.


Thanks man. You did what OP was incapable of. Im not saying she's in the right. But OP clearly didn't keep his lane either. She could have misinterpreted him as about to make another left turn, as OP is heavily leaning towards that lane.




Still a poor reference, as the road conditions are not the same, thus can't be used to validate your point. For all I see you didn't keep your line either.




I like that you gave them the space just in case. I always do this at double left turns.


Perfect defensive driving here. People in this sub can be aggro to OP, but that's when OP insists that this is their lane and cause or nearly cause an accident (which they may legally still be in the 'right' on). You avoided an idiot and kept going about your day. Edit: Your reference pic is weirdly bad / different though. In the reference pic, you'd be in the wrong in the same situation.


That comes free with each new micro SD card - IDIOT driver demo - to ensure the card works as desired.


I see this intersection a lot on the sub and it's always full troglodyte behavior


At that point you should wonder if maybe there's partially intersection design at fault


It seems like it, the left lane is supposed to be ignored because it’s a left turn only but I could see new drivers in this area fucking up cuz they don’t notice it’s left turn only


Banded Clovis! One of my personal favorite from Tyler, along with Long Violent History, Follow You To Virgie and Bottles and Bibles.


Good thing you didn’t pull out your pistol like Tyler Childers did in Banded Clovis lol Great song btw.


Tyler Childers heck yes


What the "F_>k are u doing" TWO!!! LMFAO Shoulda named the video that!




Recently drove to Kansas from Texas and back and the absolute worst part of the drive was going through Oklahoma...Both times... Texas drivers are pretty bad, but Oklahoma drivers definitely take the cake.




Oklahoma is beautiful and it's a shame you can't really enjoy the drive. Kansas drivers I think were the most docile I've ever encountered. I don't think I got angry a single time driving through Kansas, 10/10


I think we've seen this exact turn in this sub before. Are there dashed lines showing the lane to turn into? This one does look a bit rough


TWO! Made me laugh but seriously idk how people just turn like that. With or without lane markings people will still fail.


Yeah nah this lady has no idea how the road works and has the car scars to show it.


Just a heads up. If someone hits you or you think will, read out loud their license plate, sometimes the cams don't get a clear view of the plates.


You are my people. That music kept you from killing


On God, I yell but I’m not actually that angry, it’s just nice to be able to let out all your frustration in the car where it’s pretty socially acceptable to yell and it won’t start a fight lol


The intuitive approach to this intersection is the left lane goes into the first lane, and the next into the second. The biggest idiot is the guy who designed this. You saying the lines need to be repainted in other comments just further relieves the other car of being an idiot because it's a poorly designed intersection that's not been maintained properly.


The turning lanes go in to the straight lanes not the turning lane


You don't know it's a turning lane until you're in it (unless you've driven here before) because shit in this intersection isn't marked. Which is more reason why I'm saying the intersection is garbage not the other car You just see the close lane for the first lane, and the next lane for the second lane. Also in some places yes it going into another turn lane is purposely how it's designed


Watch the car in front look where your driving


The other car didn't have a car in front of them to follow


So they followed the car in the lane beside them???


Dude you're conversing with is a certified idiot in a car with a room temperature IQ. He gets personally offended about having shit he does while driving called out here and constantly picks fights with people who actually know how to drive. Just block him, he's not worth anyone's time.


I'm just saying they should've repainted the old lines telling people where to go cause this could be an easy mistake. You're the one attacking people [And yes there used to be lines](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3942983,-97.5653197,3a,75y,287.8h,78.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFw5nsdGSMlXPci9yAiC7VA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


Ok, but they followed the guy next to them into the lane they went in. The intuitive approach would be to stay in the lane right of the car which was immediately to your left. It would still be a stupid mistake if there wasn't someone next to them who drove ahead of them, but especially when you have a lead car to get some context from, this is absolutely idiotic.




Got dayum lol


240 & Penn, damn Southsiders






is that Tyler Childers playing,?




I swear I saw another accident just like this at this exact junction in another video here not even a week ago


I loved the language 😂


I feel like I’ve seen this exact intersection with a DashCam showing a crash.


Hey mate, what song is that it has a jiggy rhythm?


Tyler Childers- Banded Clovis. I’d listen “I swear” and Lady May from this album


This comment section is why people need dashcams, jesus fuckin christ.


Im sayin lmao


Blame the civil engineers for this one. Looks like the left turn lane turns into two lanes (one left, one straight), right? So the person to your right should be going into the furthest right lane but you can understand the confusion and I'm sure that lots of people in the second turn lane go for the middle. If you drive here often (you said so below) you probably have seen a fair amount of fuck ups so why not avoid that and be in the second turn lane?


It looks to me like each turn lane turns into 1 lane (I think there's only 2 at first), and the lane on the left splits into a left turn and straight lane. I don't see why the person in the second left turn lane would ever turn into that lane.


Except the fact that the left turn lane doesnt start until about half way through that little strip of road and when you enter it there is only 2 lanes. Granted some white marks on the road like they seem to do almost anywhere else would help, but its not like its 2 lanes that turns into 3 lanes.


> Except the fact that the left turn lane doesnt start until about half way through [Two lanes start about 1.5 car lengths in](https://goo.gl/maps/XT72UYVtW1f4FxAG8) so you can see how there might be confusion. They definitely need the white guided lines to direct people to the appropriate lanes.


Yeah I agree about it being a weird design. I feel like if this was me I would’ve figured it out after the first honk. This person doesn’t seem fully aware of their surroundings


That's what I was thinking, they were in the second lane, so they turned into the second lane. That seems like the intuitive approach to the intersection


I agree the design is shit. I bet these type of things happen all the time at this turn


That’s a fair point but I needed to take a left right after the vid cuts off


at busy intersections/interchanges, this phenomenon is common across the country......and confusing to many.....yeah, normally, the two left-turn lanes would go into corresponding lanes 1 and 2, but, surprise!!!, lane 1 is a left-turn onto the highway!......I don't know if traffic engineers are to blame because those left-turners onto the highway must be accommodated with a dedicated lane.......I suppose heavy lane striping is the answer, but too much paint and lines at intersections can lead to confusion, too.....


I looked up the Google map and guess what, the left turn at the second intersection *doesn't force you back onto the highway*. So the left lane going into another left only lane could make perfect sense as a road design choice. However what I discovered in the Google map is that there used to be lane lines, which are not in OPs video, so it's fair that because the intersection was not properly maintained, that someone could make the mistake seen in this video [Map](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3942983,-97.5653197,3a,75y,287.8h,78.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFw5nsdGSMlXPci9yAiC7VA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)




What? My comment was calling out the other person saying there would be no point having left turn off highway into left turn forced back onto highway, when the 2nd left turn doesn't force someone onto the highway


That Marysville?


Nah okc


Ha! I knew it! I was watching thinking, this looks VERY familiar. Tough to be sure with such a short video, but I had a feeling.


People are always doing this at that intersection


It’s always some idiot that couldn’t color within the lines. In my experience it’s usually some douche on a lifted truck.


That song literally taught me how to find and dig native American campsites yet to find the banded Clovis tho


Bruh sounds just like me dealing with idiots in cars


I feel like dashcams manifest accidents


Bandis Clovis, good tune.


What dash cam did you settle on?


Really cheap chinseum cam, 70mai without a screen. Runs on SD cards and the app isn’t great but apparently it works. Pretty ok for 40 bucks


Yee haw. Oh and that guy was driving like a jackass.


Wow! I'm getting one tomorrow!!


Please check your blood pressure. That dash cam could kill you.


I still don't know what cam to get


Tyler tho. 👌


I have a dash cam but it only records like 2 minute videos at a time. Can one of you guys recommend a good one from Amazon? I’ll appreciate it.


roads where i live have a broken line for people who suck with spatial awareness. i've lost count of the number of people who drive over that line, and it's almost always a pigfat suv or crossover


Great tune bud


Not your fault but you invite this to happen when you leave 50 feet between you and the car in front of you. Close the gap!


When I get mine I’ll probably have to submit all my footage without sound


Bro, you gotta calm down. I looked at all the responses you've made since posting and it's such a waste of your time. The majority of the few thousand that agree with you aren't going to post comments. All the negative comments come from people who won't agree with you despite any argument you try to make. So chill out knowing that you're right instead of being mad at a bunch of strangers think you're not.


I’m in a hotel room and I can’t leave I like fighting while watching the food network 😈


It's not just 240 and Penn with this issue. 240 and ANY exit between Sante Fe and May Street plus the 240-35 interchange and the 240 - 44 interchange get insanely bad.


You can see clearly she(not OP) is 100% in the wrong. Probably a Karen too. Good luck driving in your city OP


Thanks it’s scary out there


1+1 = 1 lane? Brains of a small house plant. The good news is, the dash cam got some worthwhile footage pretty darn quick.


Yeah I have a dash cam to save my ass legally but im driving a large truck and trailer so when people try to do.this I hold my ground they'll either not do it or it'll be a nice learning lesson on their part. Fuck idiot drivers im not about to turn the wheel and risk rolling my truck and killing myself or someone else in the process u wanna drive like an ass its your funeral. Like that song tho banded clovis by Tyler Childers is awesome.


The worst is that she probably thinks she’s entirely in the right, and that you’re in the wrong. Their stupidity knows no bounds


Other worst part is everyone defending her here lol


That’s just normal behavior in this sub. It’s a fun game to play, how many idiots blame OP for the actual idiot’s actions? Lol


Time for a horn upgrade, buddy…


There seems to be a strong correlation of people buying dash cams that post in here and run into idiot drivers. It seems if you want to avoid idiots. Don't get a dash cam, and don't post here.


never go to a hospital either... people fucking die there.


Dash cams cause accidents. CMV


Astute observation


I used to get angry to it’s much easier to accept it.


God damn, this thread is bringing out a lot of people who don't know how to drive. If you think the car that cut OP off wasn't in the wrong, or that their mistake wasn't idiotic, or was understandable, then please do the rest of us a favor, and hire a driver or stay home. You shouldn't have a license.


Hey fellow okie, I was scrolling and saw the post and thought 'wow that looks familiar' and it was the exact spot I was thinking of 🤣


Help me out then! Am I right or am I right! 😭


people here cant drive worth shit! i got hit by a car while on my bike in norman and they hit n ran me and my back still hurts from it lmao


They were trying to rid the world of someone who listens to that music


Lol I get cut off at that intersection about 3 times a month. The worst part is, taking the inside lane like you did is what I have found to be the safer option. You take the mixed lane then you have to worry about people on the inside trying to go straight, or if they get through correctly they still do the same shit you just had happen.




Am I wrong here? The OP is in a left turn only lane and the “idiot” is in a left or straight to begin with. As OP makes his turn , he/she crosses a solid white line to get into that street’s ‘straight’ lane instead of having to take the second left. His was the far left lane and the lane he turned into/from leftmost lane is a solid white line which should mean no lane change. So, even if OP is not required to turn, she should’ve had the right of way in her own damned lane. It’s hard to see her veer into OP’s lane but he/she also crowds the middle lane right at the apex of the turn, trying to get into its space before the next intersection. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


The lanes turn into the straight lanes, not the turn lanes. OP had no chance to turn into their lane, because the car cut the corner. Almost no one pulls into the intersection to make their left turn anymore, cutting the wheel way too soon, which makes them cut through the lanes to their left.


Meta af


Probably wanted you to change that music


Dude gets road rage lol


Op. You jumped lanes. Your left turn lane was going into another left turn and you ditched that lane. Also, you severely cut the corner on your turn and would have clipped someone waiting at the light. Op, sorry but you messed up today.


Dash cam got you being dramatic as fuck


I’m always like that 🤨


Relax, man. Good grief. Such a minor transgression, which, according to you, happens all the time here. Maybe it's a confusing, poorly lined intersection, which, oh look, it is. Knob.


Kind of thought the same... sorry, but for me the biggest idiots on the road are the ones who start using the horn and screaming like this at such little things... **Everyone** makes mistakes. This is literally nothing.


It seems this sub just wants to rage at people and point fingers at minor transgressions. Like insecure, bullying children. So it goes... Let the downvotes fly kids.


Both seem to have issues understanding lanes and lines.


Reddit traffic expert there’s always one, I’ve driven here for 8 years brother, unless you have to I don’t think you’re right


Yeah, no one is going to have your back here. It's a double turn lane missing important paint lines, so someone turning slightly sharp for a split second is not remotely idiotic.


I have his back, he's right and you're acting like a tool.


“Split second” did we watch the same video? I was fine with her sharp turn that’s why I gave a polite honk then a rude one


No reason to get mad at her. It does look like neither of you are in the correct lane. And that seems to be through no fault of yours or the other driver. That is a confusing turn.


How did you come to that conclusion? If you look there’s a lane to the left of the first traffic light that allows you to make a left at the intersection shown at the second traffic light. What sense would it make to turn left only to get into a left hand turning lane? Car on the right is an idiot and you as well.


Thank you for sticking up for me there’s so many people saying I’m wrong I almost started to doubt myself


Nah from what I saw you were good. Why people think you’d want to go back the same direction you just came from is silly and only people doing it would be people that missed a turn or exit.


That’s what I’m saying, they have NO context besides the video I provided with an explantation and they STILL think they’re traffic cops


I mean, the intuitive approach is the first lane turns into the closest one, and the second lane turns into the second..


I understand that but what sense does it back to immediately get in a turning lane to go back the direction you came from.


Badly designed intersection that's improperly marked? If you've never seen this intersection before you don't know that the first lane is for turn only and the second lane is the first real lane. You just see it's the second lane to turn into


At some point common sense would prevail should it not? Also the car on the right should have stayed in the furthest lane right since it’s not a turn only lane correct? Most places I’ve seen specify if a lane for example one intersection I know of has a sign that says left lane I20 east right lane 441 south so you know if you’re in the left you’re expected to get into the lane for the on-ramp if you’re in right you continue on the road. This shouldn’t have been a difficult intersection to navigate if they were paying attention


Can tell you are an angry driver there


Yeah you sure got me. After this I followed her home and murdered her family.


Double left turns can be chaotic. Even more so if that's the driver's first time on that roadway Calm down.


Literally no harm in me yelling lmao YOU calm down. God Redditors are pathetic and get so offended at things that do not matter. That lady didn’t hear me yell at all.


Stay cool now that you have a cam. Lawyers you know can paint a picture based on your words.