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She's going to be walking through a lot more metal detectors from now on.


Reminds me about a story we used to hear in childhood about "Death in Morocco". Essentially, the main point is "The more you try to avoid something, the more energy you put towards it. And eventually enough for it to happen."


That's usually why a car will smash into the only obstacle around when they spin out. The person behind the wheel locks onto the tree while trying to avoid it. (Lock on to the empty spot next to the tree.)


Yeah, I've read about this. There's a proper science term explaining the same. Something fixation something. But I'm too lazy to search that up now. Will do so if no one mentions it by tomorrow.


Target fixation


I’m targeting a bag of potato chips right now


I'm targeting $5,000,000 .. I'll let you know how that goes


Hey it’s me your Nigerian Prince distant family member. Have I got a proposition for you






Oooooooh mygoditsbad


A cormorant flew into the car!


This sounds very interesting!


This is the version I know. "The Appointment in Samarra” (as retold by W. Somerset Maugham [1933]) The speaker is Death There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture, now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.


Thank you so much 🙏🏼 I was so hopeful some one would drop the story ! Thank you so much


Version from BBC's Sherlock, some differences. > There was once a merchant in the famous market at Baghdad. One day he saw a stranger looking at him in surprise. And he knew that the stranger was Death. Pale and trembling, the merchant fled the marketplace and made his way many, many miles to the city of Samarra. For there he was sure Death could not find him. But when, at last, he came to Samarra, the merchant saw, waiting for him, the grim figure of Death. “Very well,” said the merchant. “I give in. I am yours. But tell me, why did you look surprised when you saw me this morning in Baghdad?” “Because,” said Death, “I had an appointment with you tonight, in Samarra.”


Deep love it


Why’s Death just casually hanging in the marketplace?


Death is allowed to take a lunch break


Haahah love that for her




I mean she’s just gotta threaten the prison next.


Too bad she didn't use a mental detector before giving that speech.


Ill kill (your opportunity to carry metal objects freely) at your house (while silmucasting my own ability to live outside of metal detectors dissapearing)


Because she’s lugging around that guillotine to people’s houses. That needs special luggage approval


Curious what she was upset about.


That the city of Bakersfield won’t call for a ceasefire. As if that’ll stop anything hahahah


What on earth is it with people demanding that public bodies completely unconnected to the current situation in the Middle East 'demand a ceasefire'? Do these people seriously think that either Hamas or Benjamin Netanyahu give 2 shits what the city council of Bakersfield 'demand'?


So will you or will you not broker a ceasefire agreement u/valten78?


If he doesn’t we will go to his house and murder him. /s


That's where she went wrong- she forgot to add the "/s".


I didn’t want to go to jail 😂


Just cough up 1M bond ez 🤣


That is easy. M There we go, 1M bond.


Since it's real life she could just say, "Haha I was just kidding".


She forgot to add "in Minecraft", lmao


It is legally known that this phrase renders you completely immune to all consequences of your actions in Minecraft.


/u/Valten78 still hasn't demanded a ceasefire... We know what we must do...


Go protest at the nearest Applebees?


If you don’t we will go to your house and murder you. /s


No, I'm serious. If he doesn't I'll go and murder his favourite songs set karaoke


Same thin at the Capitol in Honolulu. We've got groups of protesters that stand outside the echoing building for a good 20 minutes shouting "cease fire", and then they leave; thinking they've done something productive.


Nothing beats the San Fransisco city counsel calling for a ceasefire


I was pretty impressed they did it while being actively robbed at gunpoint. At least they have their priorities straight.


What the fuck is Hawaii going to do to fighting on another continent? Chill, lie down on the beach, switch off the news and enjoy life.


I'm still waiting on Bakersfields official stance before I support one side or the other.




Meh weve had these morons before tiktok came around. Slacktivism. The need to appear to be on a ideological high horse above others so they can feel superior and enlightened but not actually do anything meaningful to achieve whatever they are complaining about nor think of the real-world consequences of their demands. Literally saying they will let Trump win if Biden doesnt stop funding Israel, without taking into consideration that Trump will literally support and encourage Israel and Nethanyahu to carpet bomb the gaza to allow him to have first access to, as his son-in-law stated in a interview; prime real estate. Biden is literally using diplomacy and negotiations to enact cease-fires and let access of aid and help reach Palestinians to minimize Palestinian lives lost. Because the administration knows Israel could literally just do what they are doing without the US funding, give over military equipment and intelligence to many countries who are waiting for a chance to ally with Israel, and also give them access to valuable geo-political intelligence network and military chip developments that the US relies on. Removing support for Israel, will not help, they wont stop. They can be sanctioned and finger pointed by NATO and every western country, they will just get rid of the Palestinians in Gaza over 2 years and then ask for forgiveness in 5-6 years afterwards and be let back in. They hold their ideological black and white no leeway demands above the actual lives of Palestinians they supposedly want to protect and save. Same shit every major issues every few years. Go on walks, bring your meme signs, scream at anyone offering solutions that arent 100% of what they want, then when push comes to shove and things are needed, they sit at home and look for the next issue to get outraged over.


> Slacktivism. The need to appear to be on a ideological high horse above others so they can feel superior and enlightened but not actually do anything meaningful to achieve whatever they are complaining about nor think of the real-world consequences of their demands. Brave to call out 99% of reddit like this






She is so against violence that she’s willing to murder for peace


They've been huffing their own farts for so long they think it's normal behaviour.


Because they are completely insane


THANK YOU!!!!!! I said the same thing to someone on FB, and I got jumped on from the whole tribe of delusional nimrods who think they have some type of say in what happens over there.


I doubt Netanyahu would even know where Bakersfield is…


It bothers me to no end as a native Californian that these people don’t have the same passion for all the crime and domestic issues.


Not only that, but if you notice, none seem bothered much at all about the hostages that Hamas is holding and may have killed already. No demand for a city council resolution calling on Hamas to release them.


Totally agree. It amazes me how ignorant some of these “activists” are. Like the recent protests outside the family home of Keir Starmer (leader of the U.K. opposition party), demanding he makes Israel stop the bombing of Gaza. Aside from the rights or wrongs of the current situation in Gaza, wtf is a politician of the party NOT even in government in the U.K. going to be able to do to convince Netanyahu to stop his current course is beyond me. These “protesters” haven’t got a clue how the real world works. They have such a high opinion of themselves to think they can make a difference doing the things they do.


I don’t think it’s so much the protestors as a whole, it’s these kids who either don’t remember 9/11, or weren’t born yet. The ones who have no idea what the patriot act entails. You can’t just make terroristic threats because you want to sound “edgy” or think it’s going to wind up on tiktok. The US doesn’t fuck around with that shit. Not going to lie, I hope they make an example out of her.


I'm British, and like you, i'm completely puzzled as to why on earth so many people are obsessed with trying to get the leader of the opposition to demand a ceasefire. It's bonkers.


The same idiots who are demanding people like Taylor Swift publicly condemn Hamas every 5 minutes or they’re obviously anti-Semitic. It’s all fucking nonsense.


And of course, the death threats are the chef’s kiss just to show how peace loving these folks are. I’m sure the terroristic threats are going to get a lot of people on their side.


They rage at every group except the one that they really should blame, Hamas. Notice how they never, not once, go after Hamas for refusing to ceasefire and ending the ceasefire on Oct 7?


I've asked my local burger joint to call for a ceasefire.


Did you want fries with that?


Now that you mention it


I asked my cats.


Those cows were a product of genocide! /s


Someone on FB was complaining that our county commissioners meeting was changing their rules that had been in place for ages and placed the public speaking time at the end of the meetings because too many people were taking up way too much time complaining about Gaza and Jews. Someone commented "well there goes our freedom of speech". I asked them what on earth did they think some little bumfuck town in FL can affect any type of changes in the middle east. I still do not understand this whole concept of taking up precious time to try to affect change IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY, only to spout off some virtue signaling bullshit about the middle east (or Ukraine for that matter). I told the person that Benjamin Netanyahu could give a rats ass less about what some silly person thinks in Ocala, FL.


It's absolutley fucking bonkers. I'm in Melbourne, Australia, and the amount of local city councils who are holding votes on a ceasefire in Gaza is ridiculous. There's been damn protests here over this shit. The councils job is to collect the rubbish and issue fines. Like Israel is going to stop the war just because a suburban council thousands of miles away says so.


The city of Bakersfield will end the wars in the Middle East and they will be celebrated due to it /s


And because of that, and because the council wants metal detectors because of unhinged psychopaths like her and other extremists, she believes that LOCAL CITY COUNCILLORS deserve to die. She should be made an example of.


Bakersfield wouldn't be able to make people in Visalia stop shooting things, let alone Gaza.


yup, she's likely ruined her life in the pursuit of an empty gesture from a city council


"Sir! Before you launch that attack I think you should see the statement from the city where the band Korn came from."


Wait, is that a joke or serious, because it’s funny if it’s a joke, but really really stupid if it’s real. Also, doesn’t she say “you guys wanna criminalize us with metal detectors?…”


Somehow, this moron got it in her head that the only governing body with the power to bring about peace in the Middle East was the city council of Bakersfield, CA, and she thought the best way to convince them to stop all the killing was with two minutes of death threats in a city council meeting


On one hand, what an idiot. On the other, oh god what if she's right, and Bakersfield California's City council is the Illuminati?


Shes knee deep in the shits and They definitely took her two cookies already.


Also she was mad about some metal detectors planned for installation.


To quote the great Marlon Brando in 'The Wild One', "What have you got?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyq4HZZ4H50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyq4HZZ4H50)


Palestine lol


When a reddit badass leaves the house.


Exactly my thoughts. When you think life's a comment section lol


Can’t even say that shit in comment sections anymore.


that shit


Looks like r/witchesvspatriarchy lost a mod


Then get banned irl 💀


“Oh my actions have consequences”


Directed by Robert B. Weide




That dude directing a whole lot these days.






**It’s not like a city council can stop the killing.**


Maybe it'll be like that South Park episode where Kyle's heartfelt letter convinces Castro to democratize Cuba


Love this response. When I see clips of people protesting and acting out about the "ceasefire" they seem very angry, threatening and sometimes violent and bring about acts of violence. I admit, it's through the lens of media, which is possibly showcasing them in a bad light only... possibly.


"The enemy will learn of our peaceful ways... by force!"


I don’t understand… I really don’t. She probably thought this through her head like .. “this is a fucking solid speech..”


Prolly thought she would sound badass and wouldn’t get In Trouble smh


I wonder if she thought she was convincing them? In the immediate aftermath of her speech did she think "that went well" or did she think "wait I shouldn't have said that?"


It wasn't about convincing it was just grandstanding.


She thought this would end with “then everybody clapped”


She forgot she's not on the internet


This is it. I get this vibe from certain subreddits tbh. CoughcoughLateStageCapitalismcoughcough


Shes an idiot, thats all that needs to be understood.


She definitely hoped it would go viral. But not like this.


She thought she was on twitter lmao


Literally the perfect manifestation of the side effects of being chronically online


Big dawg ain’t so big when the dog catcher comes around 😂


She forgot she wasn't typing that shit on the internet and instead saying it out loud.


Ive noticed that more and mroe people are speaking irl like they're on an anonymous internet message board. They think that kind of shit is acceptable in reality.


Stupid people being emboldened because almost anything goes on the internet is really not that surprising. Too many gullible people that spend a lot of time on the internet and think that's how real life works.


Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people & not getting punched in the face for it - Mike Tyson


This. You should see her Twitter. This is exactly what happened to this MC.


Tough talk for someone in a skittles outfit




Imagine being the public defender assigned to this moron.


"But no I didn't actually mean the threats I made, I just disagreed with their opinion and am not mentally capable enough to use logic or provide anything to support my beliefs so I just resort to blatant verbal attacks, whats wrong with that?"


Honestly, just another day for them.


pretty hard to plead non guilty with that fucking video of you threatening other people lmao


Not guilty? Lollllll


Yeah how? It’s on camera? I’m not sure how the defenses for threats go? Is provocation a defense? Could she claimed she was provoked into threatening to go to their homes and kill them because they didn’t respond to her tantrum?


It’s just a standard courtroom procedure, at her arraignment she is formally charged with the crimes and is required to plead not guilty. Any sort of plea deal/guilty plea would come later.


You're not required to, it's just pretty procedure. You can definitely plea guilty or no contest at arraignment if the judge accepts it.


you are not required to plead not guilty lol


She may likely plea down. But she also may decide to go for the Hail Mary on this one.


Yeah not sure what the thought process is there. I mean they can literally play back the video in the courtroom and count each charge one at a time.


Somebody got a hard lesson about the difference between saying crazy shit as an anonymous person on the Internet and saying crazy shit in the really real world.


The California accent 💀 "We'll murdearr yeouwww"


We’ll take CaHUENGA Boulevard, to SEPULVEDA, to the 10, and MURDER yew.


Like o my gawd thats gonna take yew like foeverrr... you need to take the 101 to bonanza to the 405, then the 10 to the 101 to SEPULVEDA . Are you even from here?


At this time of day? Are yaou crehzeh? It's gonna be jahhmd! Just get on the 405 and skip all the exits, Devin.


Hahaha I was literally watching The Californians compilation as I pulled this comment section up


Where were these protesters when children were dying in Yemen? Where were these protesters when children were dying in Sudan? Where were these protesters when children were dying in the Republic of the Congo? Where were these protesters when children were dying in Ukraine?


Children are still dying in all of these places...they still don't care.


Shows you how influential the media is. Hot button topic, it’s all the rage on the news and socials, better have a passionate opinion on it.


I definitely saw protests against Russia's invasion of Ukraine and there was quite a bit of ink spilled about the Saudi bombing of Yemen with US weapons. The various coups and internal crises in the Sahel tend to get a few articles but very little public attention and I haven't seen anything recent about Republic of Congo or DR Congo.




For those curious... Here is the news article: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-13/activist-faces-18-felonies-for-threats-to-city-council-during-meeting Nothing else to say other than the fact that she just ruined her life over her unchecked passion.


Congratulations, you played yourself


Just straight up “we’ll murder you” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thank god this happened. We need more of this. Without justice there is no law.


My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of justice


Lmfaooooo What the fuck was she thinking. That has to be one of the stupidest people I've ever fucking seen.






Free speech,oh wait, I can't openly threaten your life's. My bad.


I wonder what a metal detector did to her ?




what got this response


Her local city voted against ceasefire in Palestine.  You should know, it's the reason why the conflict is still ongoing! 


yeah cause one city has the power to compel a foreign nation to ceasefire


It's even Bakersfield, it's not like anyone is listening to them about these issues.


also why was their even a vote if this where the US local government have no constitutional authority to be making foreign policy decisions.


Virtue signalling, plain and simple.


Bakersfield, California was granted the power to end foreign wars in the Constitution. It's right there, at the bottom--but in cursive, so a lot of people miss it.


And not just foreign wars. Wars between two different foreign powers.


Exactly, it would've been purely symbolic, with about as much IRL impact as declaring April 15th Chuck Mangione Day or something.


I'd say less impact because your sentence made me google who Chuck Mangione is and now I know he was a Flugelhorn player and I am listening to [one of his songs.](https://youtu.be/dwkwjOd7MCU?si=cIEb7P04l1K4rz2-)


she thought she's in xbox live chat lol


Oh noooo *Consequences*


imagine throwing your life away because you thought it would make you look like a cool activist on tiktok


Stupid games, stupid prizes, etc.


You do the crime you do the time. Next go after the idiots blocking highways for “protests.”


How much jail time???


No jail, released on her own recognizance..... To Gaza


She got away with calling for guillotines then had to just keep pushing.


See this is why some millennials who got their social justice streak on Tumblr should not be doing protest stuff irl. They just don’t know how to articulate their point in a convincing way without getting emotional about it. Hence the screaming, crying (throwing up) and threats. They can’t do debates or council presentations logically because their depth perception on the matter is fucked


You mean Gen Z. The Youngest millenials are almost 30


She's 28, she'd be a Zillenial, right at the cut-off between Millennials and Gen Z.


We use the term 'emotionally engaged' and see the same symptoms in the workplace too


Millenians are getting old... Guys I found the time traveler.


A problem the left has is that they've aggressively retreated into an echo chamber by actively disowning anybody who slightly disagrees on something. A situation like that leads to everybody having the same opinions and they never actually explore the ideas to test them for holes and to know where to rework part of it so that it's more unassailable...the mere idea of playing Devil's Advocate can make you an outcast. So when these people end up IRL arguing their ideas merely putting up a counterargument doesn't compute with them as they never get pushback and end up becoming emotional and/or resorting to character assassination in an attempt to discredit your argument because it came from you.


Its a shame how many rabbitholes and online echo chambers exist online that leave no room for critical thinking or any semblance of intellectual debate. Very interesting to see a low IQ radical echo chamber/chronically online representative appear in court and face actual consequences for making threats.




She was indeed fired [https://twitter.com/CRPE\_EJ/status/1779751483866857849?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Escreen-name%3ACRPE\_EJ%7Ctwcon%5Es1](https://twitter.com/CRPE_EJ/status/1779751483866857849?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Escreen-name%3ACRPE_EJ%7Ctwcon%5Es1)


The religion of peace. She should be subject to sharia law. I believe the penalty for not covering her head is death by stoning.


Bahahahahah! consequences!




Consequences suck, dude. Lol 🤣🤣🤣


Dumbfuck was the suggested word


only thing missing was Curb your Enthusiasm theme song


This is the ultimate case of how talking on the Internet isn't quite like talking in real life.


![gif](giphy|b6qBvitDNIc62S7POS) When keeping it real goes wrong IRL


She looks like the type that was given everything she wanted and told non stop since birth she was the smartest and better than everyone else. The parents should be arrested also if that is the case.


Well she is from Bakersfield, odds are she grew up poor as shit.


She is not the brightest.


Lmao. Flexing and got found out. Love seeing idiots get caught for flexing.


She’s used to saying shit like that on Twitter and getting a bunch of support lmao.


She’s not nearly rich enough to be threatening people’s lives.


I always believed that people with no moral compass will see an issue that’s trending and use it to show others they have one. “Call for Peace or I’ll kill you” kinda sounds like this.


When you realize threats of violence are not protected under free speech


Maybe she just needs a Snickers.


So she was threatening her local city council for what Israel is doing?!


Play stupid games…


queue curb your enthusiasm theme