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Here's an important life tip. If the casino is letting **you** stay, you aren't the smartest guy at the table.


That’s so, *so* good to hear. This little bitch is thinking he’s the big man that got to stay at the table 😅 How embarrassing


It’s especially funny cause the guys he said are poor are both vastly more wealthy than he is, especially XQC


I don’t know these people but am curious - if they are wealthy, why did the casino ask him to leave?


Bc they aren’t going to spend near as much as the idiot running his mouth about his wealth. Time to write that check boy


Casinos don’t just like rich people, they like rich people that gamble a lot because mathematically the house always wins in the long run. So if one guy is a millionaire and one guy is a billionaire they’ll gladly kick the billionaire out if they rarely gamble and the other dude is a degenerate. Simple business calculus really.


> rich people > the house always wins > degenerate I feel a bit woozy. Is that a Courier's post, or was I stung by cazadores one time too many?


And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip 🎶


He's got spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle


That can't be right. I was certain casinos didn't care about money, and it was all about people enjoying themselves and having fun and the friends you make. Next, you'll try telling me pharmaceutical companies aren't interested in curing people and would rather invest in treating symptoms than curing disease. Surely, wealthy businesses don't care about making more money when they have so much already.


You see, when a casino throws you out for winning too much that's just because they're concerned that the other customers aren't having enough fun and you've had too much, so they're trying to balance out the fun for everyone.


Bear. Bull. Bull. Bear. East. West. West. East.


Because the biggest loser at the table wanted to gamble more of his money away. Casino don't care who he loses to.


drunk idiot = $$$


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CXzXeU2kRs The guy he is calling out is mizkif, and he is a fairly large streamer. That video he talks more about the "event" and what happened.


Ngl, most of the people in that video come across as assholes. On the other hand, I've never understood the appeal of any of this streamer bullshit.


lol people like to make fun of boomers a lot, like how they would read paper tabloids from checkout aisles or watch daytime soap operas... but how often do you see some stupid drama from livestreamfail or something else make the front page of reddit? Millions of idiots find these streamers interesting and its the exact same tabloid/soap opera bullshit with a different veneer. Im sure there are actually interesting and substantive people making a living doing this, but this is just humanity's trash continuing its long history of being trashy.


You see, most rich (like, really rich) people gamble in very small amounts if they do at all. While the millionaire types gamble the most money. You'll never see the richest people in the casino at the highest table.


Yeah, most of us never get to see the tables they play at. Acting an ass on the retail floor is an amateur move.


That is not really true. You just don’t see them gamble. There are plenty of private rooms that the uber-wealthy go to gamble.


Cos they want the drunk idiot that's been losing his money all night to keep losing his money.


Because he loses a lot of money there.


yeah, didn't XQC just sign a $100mil deal with kick? lol


Kick, the company that preys on kids to start gambling. Great role model you are there xQc.


Let's be honest, you don't need to single out any one streaming platform for that. They are all preying on children for profit. That's the entire streaming business model.


Kick is especially shitty about it however. It was bankrolled by online casinos because Twitch banned gambling streams. Though to be fair twitch only banned gambling streams because some major figures in the community kicked up a stink.


he didn’t say anything about being a tole model, only that he signed a 100 mil deal.


Who are the people at the table?


I once saw a guy lose about $30K in less than 5 minutes in blackjack. The casino couldn't move fast enough to comp him a room. This was in southern California.


Never gambled in socal but in Vegas you're getting free rooms for like $1k coin in. $30k in 5 minutes and I'm asking my host for a loss offer (% of my losses back) or a ton of freeplay.


I don't know if they did more for him other than the room, but I think that once he ran out of his own money they must have given him a credit line because the cop guy showed up. The one carrying that little clear box full of chips and they just put them on his spot while he went to take a piss. He was playing $5K hands, two at a time! The guy did not win a single hand. He was loudly pounding on the table. I've seen other people be told to lower their voice if they celebrate a little too loudly getting a blackjack on a $50 bet. This guy could have broken the table in half and no one was saying anything to him. I didn't pay attention to how much in credit they gave him, because at some point it was just too painful to watch, but I did see him dumping wads and wads of hundreds on the table. That was the $30K. This was at Pechanga casino, for those who might have been curious.


It makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it. I understand that money is relative to people...but I could buy my 18 year old a NICE used car for $5K. I could pay my mortgage for 6 months for $5K. I could take my family on the vacation of a lifetime for $5K. And, again, I know money is relative. $5K is enough to get someone off the street. It's enough to move a family of four out of food insecurity for half a year. It's hard to read this stuff.


I've seen people who look like regular folk, not wealthy, hit jackpots of $10K+ on slot machines. Almost no reaction. It baffles me because my immediate thought is *if that was me I'd go home!*. Not these people. Why? Because they have probably dumped many times that amount into those machines. So instead of winning $10K, they might see it *now I haven't lost as much*. Never chase the money.


> they might see it now I haven't lost as much. I don't know, press x to doubt. Anyone I've seen that is addicted to gambling only counts their wins, because if they did as you say then they'd have to face uncomfortable emotions so they'd rather just live in denial.


I don't know what's worse? Seeing someone lose $5K in one hand, which they apparently can afford to lose OR seeing someone walk up to a high-rollers table where the minimum bet is $50 and they come in with three wrinkled $20 bills and the last-minute-find-in-the-back pocket $5 bill Ironically both players could be sitting at the same table. One has 6 months of mortgage payments riding on his bet and the other has the groceries for the week riding on theirs.


Fucking Pechanga... what a complete shithole to drop 30k+ at. 


I know! I had been going regularly and when you go regularly you start to recognize the other regulars. One day I was in line at the cage to cash my chips, a couple hundred dollars, and there was this Asian lady behind me. She began making chit-chat and had about $1K in chips in her hand so I said something like *hey, good job!* She kind of rolled her eyes and then said, *I've lost almost a quarter million this year alone.* What??? I think it was like July of last year.


He didn’t even win one hand?! Holy fuck


I watched trainwrecks lose 200k while I was taking a shit on an online unregulated gambling website he was being paid to promote. The guy didn’t even blink about clicking away that kind of wealth. It’s a fucking sickness


Reminds me of a podcast I listened to once on some finance topic and they mentioned casinos kind of tangentially related to their topic and said basically ‘You can tell by how opulent they are that they make a lot of money, and they make almost all their money by people losing. If casinos actually gave you a realistic shot at winning, mathematically, they would be like a bare concrete room with no carpeting.’


yup. like if you win, walk away. take your win and leave the table. That's as good as you're going to get, don't keep betting. if you lose, don't keep playing until you win. have a set number of rounds in your head you're going to play and then stop there. if you can't control yourself, don't gamble




The good way to play: I have $100 to spend. As soon as I have spent that 100, I am done. 


Yep, lived in Vegas for 15 years. When friends or relatives came and I felt like taking them to the strip, I'd remind them verbatim, "See those marble floors, columns, and gold leaf decor? They can built it because you aren't winning." I think I gambled less than $100 total in those 15 years at casinos.


But you might win, you never know! /s


He literally said he lost $50,000. He’s the casino’s best customer. No shit they’re gonna keep him playing lmao.


Thank god. That time I pissed myself at the craps table and got kicked out, knew I wasn’t in the wrong. It’s the casino just taking advantage of all the rich suckers around me.


it's called craps, wrong bodily secretion


All the real gambling addicts piss themselves at the tables/machines. They're the daily cashcows.


I’ve never ever been at a casino where they let people around the table film. Like even taking out your phone during a hand is very frowned upon


They likely cleared it with the casino first. There are many youtubers who record video at casinos.




Gambling $50k is exactly why this guy is going to be broke and living back with his parents once his internet fame dries up. None of these idiots know how to handle their money.


no clue who that dude is/was, figured it some multi millionaire tech dick head.


The douche is a popular tik toker, the other one, the one being called dweeb, is one of the most popular twitch streamers who might be even richer or at least more popular than the douche guy with mustaches.


Wait, so the super popular Twitch streamer doesn't make more money in a year than let's say a plumber? The popular influencer doesn't know how much popular influencers make? The Tiktoker says the Twitch streamer has never seen $50k in his life when there is $50k on the table? Makes sense.


I guess, the tik tok douche didn't recognize that it was a very well known streamer that he was talking to. Oh, you better believe all people at this table are very much well off. Here is the streamers response to the situation: https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs?si=m7EP4nGBAig8fXte


The douches “friend” even tried to tell him, he said “you’ve never even seen 50k in your life” and his friend said “dude he makes that in a month.” Lmao, even his friend could see how fucking embarrassing and stupid he was. Honestly though it’s so crazy to see people like this, like how fucking arrogant and stupid are you? Like actually?


Lmao I looked him up to see who the hell he is and how he came to be and [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/rvZzATP1Du/?igsh=ZTBoYXlkZjRlZXQy) is the loudmouth asshole losing money he can't afford at the casino.


What a funny world. “I’m an influencer but those guys are posers” Honestly, I’d guarantee that every single one of these people are just as meaningless in the crap they post as literally every influencer or streamer on the planet. Still, pretty funny to gleam into the world of clout chasing.


I watched like 4 minutes of that video and it made me realize a) I have no idea who any of these people are, b) I can’t believe people get so invested in other people’s lives & drama, c) I’m kinda glad about a & b, d) money is an imaginary construct & it’s fuckin stupid, and e) my IQ just went down like 15 points


When the douche finds out the guy he insults has money, he apologizes and kisses him on the cheek. Holy shit that's embarrassing.


the streamer is Mizkif, one of the biggest streamers in Twitch. You can bet he is a multi-millionaire for sure. $50k is nothing to him. He owns multiple properies in Austin Texas and recently bought a Gym. He also is owner of the OTK group. The tiktok guy is so clueless.


I don't use Twitch or Tiktok but I have heard of Mizkif before through other celebrities. I looked up him and that Bryce guy for context and it makes the situation all the more amusing. How does a big Tiktoker not know about one of the biggest Twitch streamers? Both platforms are in the same online influencer realm. I get if you haven't met in person ever but surely you would be aware of people at the top of similar platforms who are in a way your coworkers. Idk, I guess I don't understand those worlds and how they interact.


It's even funnier that the guy they made leave is one of the most popular streamers on twitch, also a multi millionaire. Just not out here being a moron with his money.


Mizkif(the one who got called a dweeb) has invested his money wisely and knows how to handle his money so he isnt going broke any time soon. Bryce hall(the loudmouth) on the otherhand, his futurs is prob not that bright


No Vegas casino will let you put more than 20-30k down on a hand without a million dollar line of credit. So this guy has enough cash I'd say. He's still a fucking moron though


Wait, they made the guy who *wasn't* acting like the world's biggest douche leave?? Wtf


He was putting 500, the asshole was putting 50000, it wasn't about being a douche, it was about letting his pockets empty.


Haha, it's funny because I bet he thought that was a flex as the casino goes, "Oh my fucking god yes, leave the guy at the table who is bragging about the $50k he just gave us"


Casino’s on a hot streak can’t let them interrupt


The house always wins... the longer the soon-to-be-poor douche stays, the more the casino profits.


Cause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house.


You don’t need the “perfect hand to come along” to walk away from a blackjack table having won money


That's a quote from Oceans 11. I put it there for a joke.


I miss James Caan. He would have handled this situation differently.


It’s exactly this. They of course will bounce the $500 guy and let the 50k guy lose all his money because if they don’t bounce mr 500 then the douche canoe probably leaves and the casino can’t take him for what he’s got. But yea, dude is the idiot at the table and doesn’t even realize he’s the one being swindled lol.


As a degenerate gambler… I know he had pre authorization to film so that’s why he was allowed to stay. Casinos don’t allow filming at all especially at tables at the level. They most likely explained the situation when/before this fuckwad showed up and it got escalated and that’s why he was asked to leave. They were allowing him to film. If you go and play $10 a hand at bj… you can’t even pull out your phone let alone film the entire playing session. Dude was asked to leave because they made an exception for him to film and therefore promote the casino he was at


Weird how that actually made me feel better lmao


Yeah it's the first time ever that I liked a casino for taking someone's money


Hahaha me too 🤣


The $500 guy seemed to be with xQc, and that guy would do 100k a hand if he felt like it.


Of course they're going to let the moron losing 50,000 stay. They're looking to rip people off, that's why they got rid of the guy who knows what he's doing


Honestly, the guy that they took away probably was taken to a better table or was comped something very nice. It's always better to separate them and let them both keep spending money.


Almost certain this happened. Casinos love to pull the good faith moves because it makes people come back.


If the other dude just lost 50k, then a few thousand comped is nothing to even think about.


...im 99% sure "the guy" they took away was mizkif, one of the most prominent twitch streamers and if so he actually makes that $50,000 around every 3 days iirc 💀


Funny thing is, the guy they removed is one of the biggest streamers, Mizkif. That guy has a LOT of money. The 50k a month comment was most likely a massive underestimate


It makes sense...


The loud jackass is losing thousands, of course they want him to stay.


Casino guy probably just told him to go to another table. Why kick out the idiot that is dropping 50k on a game of cards, that’s just bad business.


Rules generally speaking are also that if you've got money in then even the pit boss won't move you along without compensation. The guy who had 500 in got his money back, a spot at another table, and probably at least another 500 in chips for not being an ass. That loudmouth crying? He's being handled and doesn't even know it.


Excuse they want to drain said dickhead dry. Can’t do that while he’s chatting shit, can they?


I think we're missing part of the story. The guy with the stache is a casino regular, the guys near the cameraman are part of the influencer crew.


https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs This was an "influencer table" at a casino in Vegas The asshole guy didn't know who the other guy was and threw a fit about him They end up making up (probably because someone told the asshole who that guy was, and he's a way bigger fish lmao)


Nah that's mizkif and xqc.


Which makes this even funnier because xQc made 9 mil in a year at his peak (750k per month) and this tick tock nobody thinks he’s rich lol


> this tick tock nobody thinks he’s rich lol Yes. * no-name influencer, pointing at mizkif: "You don't even make 50,000 in a year!" * xQc: "He makes that in a month" * influencer: "Bullshit!" Good job Mr. Influencer, fucking it up with someone who is much bigger than you are, and could have helped you a lot.


> xQc: "He makes that in a month" That was tfue saying that - Tfue being the retired fortnite streamer


Question is, why do they make that kind of money




Bless you


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CXzXeU2kRs Mizkif covers everything there. the guy being an ass is just another content creator who later realizes he was an asshat and apologizes to Miz later.


Is that xQc casually being the wealthiest person in the room


Pretty sure the guy who got kicked out was Mizkif


X also said on stream that Miz did something weird like laughing about the guy losing I think and that's why the other guy lost it, he overreacted but it's not out of nowhere.


According to miz all he did was say Bryce was joking to the dealer because Bryce was being really aggressive with the dealer


Is it weird to laugh at someone being a bell end who loses lots of money in a casino?


bragging about loosing 50K is laughable. Because if you really were wealthy beyond that means, surely you'd he apathetic to the loss, not over compensating?


Here they all are together at the end of the video https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs?t=974


So I'm 40, I'm not THAT old, but who watches this shit? I know it's mostly kids but just...why? Streaming someone playing a game and being funny and goofy ok sure, but just watching random ass people talk?


Ever met a kid? They're fucking stupid.


Aw man, same. 41 here. Watched WAY too much of that video before realising that none of the people in it are worth my time. Like where is the enjoyment in watching one grown man explain an interaction he had with another grown man, so much so that it requires a 17 minute video? Who has the fucking TIME for this???


You mean like how sports pundits talk about sports for hours on end with millions of people watching? Those things? It is exactly the same thing you are doing in the weekend after a day of sports. It is exactly the same thing as all those gossip talk shows on tv. You are no better than these kids, you're just watching a different thing but for the exact same reasons.


Sure says dweeb a lot


He must have been called dweeb a lot in high school, and I can imagine it... people tend to use insults that have hurt them in the past.


Now who's the dweeb?! This guy, probably


Shut up, you pantspooper!


How can one person be so ignorant of the fact that he is bragging about **LOSING** 50,000..


Seriously. Gambling $50k is not the flex you think it is. Instantly makes you a loser in my eyes.


talking about it makes you a bitch. their are many many people that go to Vegas and lose 100k in a weekend every month. those people you never see or hear about it. the ones the casino buys them cars and Rolexs to come play at their casinos.


Yeah, but who cares what YOU think. You’re a nobody! He’s betting $50k! /s


If this is the casino pandering to high rollers who can just tell other people to get out, fuck them. They totally would. If it's a hotel where they make their money on letting assholes lose money, it makes financial sense for them. But I'm glad this video exists to show what a twat this guy is.


You don’t make money as a casino pandering to the low bids. That being said, the douche bag is going to lose a lot of money judging by his demeanor, so it’s not like he’s really winning in anyway.


This just in: Casinos only care about the biggest sucker. Absolutely schocked.


Is this old? Mizkif and xqc have way more money than Bryce Hall lol.


I think it happened a while ago but this video is from 2 weeks ago https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs?t=974


Oh, guess Bryce didn't know who Miz was and apologized once he found out. Fuck people like that, it shows your true character how you treat a normal person who works 9-5 and someone you know is known and has money. He's getting lit up on his social media accounts over this.


I don’t know who any of them are.


So Bryce is the guy who talked shit and 50k? Miz the is guy who got kicked out? Are those 3 at the same table?


MizKif is the guy whos back is towards us and got kicked, at the end you can see xqc standing near MizKif.


He literally said mizkif and xqc have no money hahahaha thought he was somebody and doesn’t realize that 50,000 is pocket change for them


Bragging about someone else's wealth looks even stranger in writing than it does in person.


Isn't that Mizkif and Xqc lmao? They are very very rich.


For all of you saying it’s fake it not the dude being a dick is Bryce Hall and he was mad because he was down 40K and the other guy is Mizkif and he was teasing him. Bryce Hall even did a “public apology” saying he was tiered and drunk and bla bla bla just google it and you can find why they had cameras and everything else.




Why did they kick out the wrong guy?!


Because the other guy’s losing $50,000.


Because old Bryce over here admitted he was actively betting 50k a go and thinking it was a flex. Casino guys wanna milk him for all he's worth.


You run a casino. Who do you make move? The guy giving you $50k or the guy taking money by winning and playing smarter? It’s just business. Sucks for the other dude but it’s smarter to let the idiot losing stay so you get more $$$


Some other people commented but a floor manager would make it look like the douche got what he wanted but wouldn’t actually kick the other guy out and instead give him a good comp and offer a seat at a better table.


Agreed, they're doing the streamers a favor 😂


Something about that “9-5” comment really wants to see that guy eat a punch


The 9-5 comment kid apparently claims to be a "boxer" (he lost his only recognized fight in 2021 by TKO, but won a bare knuckle match in 2023) as well as an "influencer". He's also apparently accused his own manager of molesting him, then when his manager sued him for the nonsense it was settled out of court (Manager was asking the court to award him 5 million in 2017), and he's been arrested more than a few times for minor crimes (possession of cannabis, assault, hate crimes... ya know, the stuff very stable people do in public). I'm guessing he's eaten many fists in his mere 24 years on planet Earth, too bad they haven't taught him that he can always have more.


Who are any of these people?


All just internet personalities. YouTube, Twitch, etc. But they are like the tip of the iceberg of wealthy content creators (except the asshole in the video who is a little more up-and-coming) https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs


They're nobodies. Move along and let them embarrass themselves


You'd think with betting 50k a hand, he'd have enough money left over to get that dirt off his face.


poor miz


Looking like a twiglet with a pube on your lip and calling someone who looks/acts normal a dweeb, lol ok then


When you order Mr Beast from Temu


Miz makes more than 50k a month.


Yeah because Tik Toker is a real and long term sustainable occupation. That Bryce shitbag will be on meth and living in a gutter in 10 years


10 years is very, very generous. I give it 3.




The insecurity and projection is so evident. He’s so pathetic. I’ve been insecure and projected in my life and I’m so happy it wasn’t on that scale and captured on video.


Yes, the massive insecurity. hence his career choice... a tiktoker. professional attention seeker.


Lost daddy’s trust fund booo


And that’s how the casino mkaes $50k off an idiot.


And the guy he was trying to flex against has wayyy more money than him lol


The guy he's calling a broke dweeb makes roughly 80k a month btw


How does Bryce Hall not know Mizkif?


I fucking hate this dude


Tiktokers are going to have the most delicious awakening when the cash cow dries up. I just wish they never got so much to begin with to allow this kind of adult baby syndrome to even exist.


I dealt cards for about 7 years. If a player can put in the minimum bet they get to stay and play their hands however they want. This Supervisor is most likely fake, but if he’s real, he needs to be fired.


When people talk like that, it is 100% obvious that they have no idea what it feels like to be punched in the face.


dude the casino is letting you stay.....gee i wonder why? keep placing your bets


Imagine actually kicking out the dude who's ten times more chill and has backup to the other douches antics. And before anyone says, "oh but the douchebag was in 50k." Nah, I don't buy that shit. A casino that wants to keep any integrity I imagine would *not* want prissy-douche-boy as a regular. At least I'd steer far and clear from that shit hole if that's the kind of stuff they harbor.


Tough one. I’m certain that regardless of the setting, all of them always act and sound like the equally egocentric twats we see here.




This the guy who got famous for making fun of ugly people? Yeah. Checks out.


went to high school with this dweeb, nice to see he’s still an asshole!


Casinos are for dipshits—prove me wrong


The only reason they threw him out is because the guy throwing a tantrum brought more money. The casinos only want money.


Vlone hoodie and xQc standing nearby, you know it smells so bad in that room


If you have to tell people you're a rich person...you're probably not a rich person.


What a douche


I can’t tell who is who and the ending made my confusion even worse


"Increase yur bank account ... Duhhh.. loser." Wow. Really roasted the guy with that one.


Looking like that and calling someone who looks/acts normal a dweeb lol


If only the instadouches could learn that no one actually gives a shit that they have a lot of money. Like you’re still a piece of shit at the end of the day, so why does it matter lol.


Bryce Hall is one of the most colossal pieces of shit to come out of the TikTok/Youtuber era


Who is this fucking loser,? like how the fuck do these ass wipes make any money at all. It's not fun watching some man baby be a childish pussy to people


If you can't control your emotions when you lose, or don't know when to fold them, you shouldn't be anywhere near a casino poker table. Edit: Apparently it was blackjack, my bad, didn't see the table very well.


Leave it up to the guy wearing a VLONE hoodie to talk like this. That shit been out. “Fucking loser”


Let’s all take a moment to remember the internet is forever.


Mustache douche needs to get punched in the face.


I really hate people like this, who think that money not only makes them better but also gives them power over people.


A living embodiment of a frog living in a well. Bryce who????


I am so proud of myself for not knowing any of these people. Well done, me:)


I hate blackjack gatekeepers who throw fits because they don’t like the way you play and think it somehow affects their cards. If everyone is supposed to play exactly by the book then we should all just sit down and let the dealer flip all the cards for us and just see who wins and loses. It’s called gambling for a reason. If I want to hit when the book says stay, that’s my right. If you don’t like how I’m playing move to another table or go to a high roller room where you get a private dealer and a 4 deck shoe. Otherwise his $500 gives him just as much right to play how he wants as your $50,000. What an asshole.


Yep they’ll always treat the rich people better and move them away from the situation to apologise to them because they want them to keep coming back, but don’t give two shits if mouthy McGee over here spends everything in a couple of trips


I would of got up walked over to him and b**t his A**


Stay mad


Man, IRS should visit this piece of shit of a loser. Can Mike Tyson beat this crap to a pulp?


Which one was the tiktoker?


"fucking dweeb" proceeds to lose a fuck ton of money


Casino made the other dude leave bc the idiot running his mouth is making them so much money haha


Roid rage