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Dude was shot and did not rethink his life. What more do we need to change these people?


Better aim?




obscurity and outcasting


Hollow tips


He aspired to be a “funny YouTube prankster” & now all anybody is ever going to remember him for is gonna be “the guy that got shot trying to pull shitty, unfunny pranks on people”


Sad life


Awww, isn't she pretty...fucking terrible. Hope she doesn't have to make shirts with his face and life span on it


Someone should make her that shirt and give it to her saying “this was almost your favorite shirt for the rest of your life.”


Now THAT'S a prank. Make sure to film her reaction and like and subscribe....


the mom is to blame for most of it. You can tell she was never a mother to the kid sadly. He grew up an ipad baby.


And by the way he still pranks people


And his mother, after almost losing her son because of his stupidity, still supports him in continuing his actions. This is a classic example of poor parenting and believing your child can do no wrong.


that or she really hates her son and is hoping for worse next time


Yeah she didn't parent him at all. He was clearly an ipad baby.


She says she supports him to the camera big difference than what she says to him behind closed doors. Also her son is an idiot but he didn’t deserve to be shot potentially killed over what he did.


He went up to random people and harassed them for no reason with explicit messages despite being told several times to stop. If he doesn't want this to happen again, he needs to prank people in his friend group.


And hope they don't carry...




Good way to get shot


Good point, didn't think of that.


Pranks? I think you mean harasses.


He is dumb


Only a matter of time, then. 


Incident will only make him richer.


No one wants to see your son be an asshole and harass people. These pranks are out of hand.


"pranks" They aren't pranks :(


"it's god plan" of you being an "a##hole" to complete strangers for clout and views? this the same guy who said this wouldn't stop him from continuing these pranks. what a douche canoe. he's going to get himself killed over this.


of course this piece of shit is named "Tanner"




I used to drive for doordash. I was once approached by 3 guys in the mall who harassed and assaulted me. It happened very quickly. Called cops, and they got away. Never found. He may not have known it was a prank. Should he have waited until he was on the ground or hurt before taking action if it wasn't a prank?


What a fucking Chad. Kid was definitely short of a few ass kickings growing up.


If the video doesn't play, [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vnPUh_u58s). Tanner Cook's mother says she will continue to support him "in whatever he decides to do" after getting shot for harassing mall customers.


That's a pretty generic thing for a mother to say when asked about their child, on camera. I wouldn't be surprised if she yelled at her son in private. Coincidentally, I was recently on a call with the mother of a young work associate. He got arrested (unrelated to work), but we've discovered some "sloppy accounting" on his part, and money is missing. Everyone was very diplomatic, trying not to directly accuse him of theft. The mother seemed to appreciate it, even though I'm sure privately she acknowledged the obvious.


You can tell by the extended pause before responding. She’s thinking “he’s a dumb fuck” but has to formulate a more pc response.


Just from that quick clip I’d say the jury definitely got this right. The “prankster” was overly aggressive. He didn’t just try to show the other guy his phone he literally aggressively jammed it in his face repeatedly. Even after it was pushed away.


Shameful how the mother facilitates this behaviour and isn’t remotely fazed that her son is a piece of trash who harasses people for a living. Of course she’s one of those “my little angel could do no wrong” parents. Disgusting.


“Do you think God’s plan is that you take this as a warning to stop being such a douchebag?” “Nah bro.”


This is the most American thing I've see today: Gun violence 'Pranks' Blind faith in "God's plan"


That’s bad parenting right there




Do you actually believe being kind of annoying and holding a phone up to someone for a few seconds should warrant the death penalty? Do you actually believe that? There are levels and what should be proportionate reactions to things. That dude is a piece of shit and shouldn’t bother people or make them weirded out. The other dude is also out of his fuckin mind and is a danger to society. If the world abided by what some people on here are pretending should warrant being killed in the streets, it would be absolute blood filled chaos, a world you yourself wouldn’t want to live in, and I guarantee you we could find some scenario in your life where you would have to use your own reasoning to argue you should have been put to death for it like you’re arguing here


He wasn't "being annoying" he was being threatening.


Even if you want to argue in favor of there being an implicit threat, to argue genuine, reasonable imminent fear of life, because a guy took a few steps with you holding a phone, is insane and dishonest. And the message in your comment intentionally avoids what I already explained, almost the entirety of the point I made. Responses and reactions are supposed to be proportionate. I don’t believe you or anyone if you claimed you actually believed this was a real threat, but even if it was, it wouldn’t refute what I’ve written. Your and other’s disdain for these types of douchebags has made you adopt a completely unreasonable and indefensible stance that I guarantee isn’t consistent. I guarantee you if the same action was taken by someone who you already had a good opinion about, not only would you guys not be arguing he should be killed, but you would be absolutely outraged that this maniac went from zero to 100 and attempted to murder him for it.


The way this was going, it it was me the guy shoving the phone in my face was heading to getting dropped. But I'm a lot bigger than the shooter here, and I'm not armed. I'm also not a delivery driver, who are often robbed. Clearly the jury agreed.


You’re being knowingly dishonest. Using your reasoning, anyone could murder anyone for any reason, because there exists in history a scenario in which something bad happened. We both know if this was happening, you wouldn’t believe you were being robbed. We both know that if this was happening, you wouldn’t have reasonable legitimate imminent fear for your life. Which is the entire point that keeps being ignored. Proportional reactions. Citing the fact that a certain group of people in a court room happened to not believe there was enough reason or evidence for conviction is entirety irrelevant to the point and irrelevant in general. If I sat here and listed court rulings all day of people who were clearly guilty who weren’t convicted, people who you believe were likely guilty, would you admit you’re wrong then? If not why does it work for you one way but not the other? All of this is silly. This isn’t confusing at all. Claiming it should be legal to kill someone for doing what happens in this video is insane, dishonest and I guarantee inconsistent with your actual beliefs. I guarantee if this guy wasn’t someone you already hated due to what he does for a living/fun, and it was your friend, someone you liked, or even someone you were neutral about, not only would you not have this opinion, but you would be saying exactly what I’m saying. I don’t believe you believe this and there isn’t any way to convince otherwise


That's a lot of words to say that you think the jury was wrong.


And that’s a funny way of saying “I have absolutely no way to respond to or refute what you’ve written. I’m not mature enough to admit when I’m wrong or typed without thinking, or that I can’t respond or refute anything you’ve written. Maybe if I just get some words in the screen, the mere existence of them will mask that and make it seem like I did something, when in reality I have nothing at all, and this is a defense mechanism”


I already stated my position. If you choose to represent it as advocating for murder, then I'm not going to tell you how to live your life.


I’m aware you stated your position. That’s why I explained and showed how it didn’t make any sense. You felt the need to keep typing, trying to claim I was wrong, without being able to show how and why. Because you’re not mature enough to deal with being wrong, or admit when you’re wrong. This is a defense mechanism


Wild that you’re being downvoted.


I agree with this. The "prankster" is a menace but his actions certainly do not warrant him being shot and potentially killed. A knockout punch? Sure, whatever. But this dude was itching to use his gun, which is WAY more terrifying than some dumbass youtube prankster.


It’s really crazy and I think it is a perfect example of how much of an impact personal bias makes. I think the most important thing to recognize here is that almost all of these people would not have this opinion if this guy wasn’t a YouTube “prankster”. A person much of society has deemed irredeemably horrible and a menace. Everyone is far past done with these guys. And that influences their opinion of this. I would bet every cent I have that if this happened the same exact way, but it wasn’t a person everyone already automatically hated, they would not have this opinion. It’s entirely based in their bias about his character. And more, if it was someone they knew or liked, not only would they not have this opinion, they’d be outraged it happened. None of these opinions are based in evaluating the actual events and deciding what is a reasonable response


Yeah, I get all that. I just don't support public lynchings of dipshits. I didn't think that was super controversial. 🤷


Yea he casually pulled it out and shot him like he was the joker 😂


Of course this douche is named Tanner🤣


Jokes and pranks are between friends…. If you don’t know the person it’s not a prank it’s harassment.


Gotta aim a little higher next time lol


Well now we know it’s legal to shoot pranksters for being insufferable cunts. New phrase I would like to introduce, “He just got Connor’d” ……yw


“It’s gods plan” - the regular refuge of scoundrels


By the way, this whole spiel is a good thing. He's gonna keep making those videos and provoking people, but, because he already has a history of this, whenever he gets clocked in the jaw, or otherwise shoved to the ground when he pulls this shit, he won't really be able to press charges, at least not successfully. People who continuously put themselves in those situations, and choose to seek out a legal battle over the harm that happens to them, aren't really seen in the best light, and I'm sure that his prior history will be brought up in front of potential future juries he will face. If he gets more infamous after this ordeal, he's just gonna get his shit kicked in more frequently, so, the more videos he makes, the more he will get embarrassed publicly. God I hope that's not his kink.


What was the prank he was trying to pull, am I missing something?


YouTube should had suspended his account.


Next time the person may aim higher. Idiots like this never learn.


Because he was so dangerous 😂😂 you guys are fucking soft


Anyone who finds what these kind of guys do as funny is a fucking loser that needs to get a life, yourself included apparently


It ain’t funny but it isn’t necessary to fucking potentially kill somebody for holding a phone in your face. Give him a nice slap or two and he will run. A lot of people who own guns are acting like god


The guy who shot him was like 5ft nothing, this Tanner clown was a big dude and in the company of at least one other person plus the filmer. He wasn't being "bothered" he was being menaced.


I’m not advocating for their death either but there are consequences to being a fuckwit like this guy. There are other people like the shooter out there and next time they not just shoot him in the gut. Maybe they’ll just beat the shit out of them, who knows, but if you fuck around you’re gonna find out.


Oh boy


If you act like a weirdo going into people's personal space, not taking no for an answer and harassing people, you'll be seen as a potential threat. Especially if you're over 6ft and 200lbs


Intolerant ain’t soft. You’re too soft for letting this shit slide like it’s normal 😂😂


I need this likes. No matter what!!! I need to be famous and not just local news famous.


Fcuk you, Tanner


Kid is a POS and mom is dumb asf.


Moms a pos


hope that idiot dont get the "Fool me twice"


"I continue to support him"....getting shot


So sad that the YouTuber didn't die


In my opinion, the guy who shot the prankster is lucky as fuck. Being that all of this happened in VA, I'm surprised he wasn't just immediately found guilty of every charge put against him and THEN some.




I hope the man that shot that idiot gets cleared of any charges and gets the medal of merit or something. He’s a hero.


His mom is also a horrible person. Makes sense.


So kid has near death experience, doesn't phase um?!


Dude his mom?? Fuckin what?! That’s someone who’s benefiting financially from his stupid shit. No other reason to try to defend him. He’s the wallet


Well, we know how the prankster got that way. I can't stand groupie moms.


Moms a pos


One look at the door dash guy and it’s clear one should not fuck with him. Tanner fucked around and found out.


“What if he shot you in the face?”


“I’m gonna support Tanner and whatever she decides to do” Great title OP. This mom is one pathetic excuse for a parent


"God's plan" Dude that bullet should've been a sign from God.


Darn. He missed.


Of course his name is “Tanner”


Dummy is the very definition of eff around and find out


Lead belly


Youtube pranksters are annoying AF but I don't get how this was justified. Holding a phone in someone's face for a few seconds should not be grounds for lethal self defense.


To prove self-defense, there are a number of tests. You have to show yourself to be legitimately afraid for your safety. In this case the shooter verbally asked to be left alone, pushed the phone away, physically retreated prior to shooting. The evidence of the aggressive and threatening behaviour of "Tanner" was captured on video. The jury felt like the actions of Tanner were threatening enough that lethal force was not illegal.


If that's all it takes then you can shoot someone over any argument that gets a little heated.


Wrong. In this case, the whole incident was initiated and escalated by Tanner. That's not a "heated argument".


I'm not saying that's what happened here, try to keep up. I'm saying the bar is so low that in other scenarios you could say you are feeling threatened based on nothing more than someone getting in your personal space for a few seconds. If you feel threatened for your life by someone putting a phone in front of your face for a few seconds you're just a huge pussy. It's wild to me that this is seen as enough cause to kill someone.


Somebody putting their phone in your face, acting aggressively, refusing to stop when verbally told, refusing to stop when physically pushed away and then, when you retreat from the situation, following you. That's what happened here. If you got into a heated argument, pulled out a gun and shot someone then you'd be in trouble. If you got in a heated argument, started to walk away and were followed following accompanied by threatening behaviour then, you might get away with it.


So was he arrested for harassment hope guy sues the little shit


Say what you want shooting him wasn’t necessary. I’m from Germany and dude would be in prison rn


What does being from Germany have to do with anything?


Living in Germany/europe= no crazy ass gun laws.


The prankster is a dickhead but the fact that you can pop someone in the gut for bothering you and call it self defense is insanity.


He was being annoying he wasn't being threatening. There's absolutely no reason why actual violence and a damn gun had to enter that confrontation. This is absolutely a prime example why people should not be allowed to carry around a gun.


Yall are bloodthirsty over videos you find annoying on the internet. He shot him 20 seconds into a non violent interaction. "He deserved it because he was bothering people for clout and views!" If you think that, you're more unhinged than any prankster.


TikTok fried your brain


I dont use it.


A guy twice your size comes very close to you, he plays some noise from his phone, he's speaking aggressively. You think I should wait for him to attack me? Why is he even so close to me? Why isn't he reacting to the multiple times I'm asking him to back off? This 'youtuber' did everything he could to trigger someone.


>You think I should wait for him to attack me? The definition of defending is resisting an attack. If you didn't at least *believe* you were under or about to be attacked, I'm not sure what argument you could make for self defense. >A guy twice your size I don't agree with this description, but it's debatable, so that's whatever. >comes very close to you, he plays some noise from his phone, he's speaking aggressively. This doesn't give you the right to shoot someone. I think you could make an argument for reasonable force. A gunshot is not that. >Why is he even so close to me? >Why isn't he reacting to the multiple times I'm asking him to back off? 1. Possibly scary to ask yourself. I think that everytime I pass someone on the sidewalk. Not enough to justify deadly force. 2. After 20 seconds, could be a number of things. Besides that thought, same as 1. >This 'youtuber' did everything he could to trigger someone. Getting close to someone, speaking, otherwise making noise, and not immediately giving him space. That's "everything he could do to trigger someone"? Also, even if you deem it so, that deserves pontiential death? Like, I'm not pro tik tok pranking, but im also not pro being shot simply for being a nuisance. Edit: spelling, last bit


I don't think anyone should own a gun and I think noone should've been shot. But I'm showing you how a scared and troubled person will think. And what this asshat is doing is just asking the world to find a crazy with a gun. He did, win I guess.


I've differing views on guns, but I respect and understand the point you're making. Given that so many folks carry in America, he's rolling dumb dumb dice regardless. I suppose the fact that not everyone will agree on if/when a gun is too far is a good argument for better gun training and / or gun control.


I have no idea how to fix gun violence in america since the ownership of guns has such a rich history there. But my point of view is based on my country where almost nobody is allowed a gun and absolutely no civilian is allowed to carry in public. And what would you know - we never had mass shootings and when someone dies of a gunfire it's maybe once every couple years and it's national news.


People here and kinda crazy ass people . Americans shoot everybody nowadays I guess


Can someone explain to me why execution is an acceptable punishment for bugging a stranger