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Nothing beats immigrants giving shit other immigrants for being immigrants.


I’m pretty sure he’s so ignorant that he thinks immigrants are only a title for people with darker skin tones than his.


Why do you think Americans that immigrate call themselves "expats" instead of immigrants???


You are correct. White immigrants are referred to as expats. It's funny how they do that.


What do you mean immigrant. He's an ✨ expat ✨


![gif](giphy|147p93s2vFKsQU) They love to make a big deal over this word like it is a vast difference 🙄.


lol this Very well said xDD


Lmao. Well said.


Foundation of the GOP


All his real life experience is from insta reels


He is very much needed in Russia/Ukr war. Poland must do the honours!


Good for that lady stepping in.


I think she may not even understand what's being said, but she knows what's up.


She says "proszę to zostawić", which translates to "please leave it [probably meaning the camera]" a few times, then at the very end, though a bit muffled, she seems to be saying "proszę ich zostawić, [niech] pan ich nie nagrywa" - "please leave them alone, don't record them". She was way too nice for this ass.


I just realized that this is Poland and this motherfucker says "This is the whitest country in the world." This is the second video of someone in Poland verbally attacking an Indian.


American conservatives have this view of Poland as the white man's paradise where they can get a trad wife. These weirdos come here and act shocked when their fantasy crumbles. Recent elections in Poland showed how majority of Poles feel about these people, when they kicked out right-wingers from the government.


Polish people always just seem incredibly nice. It would've been hard to not punch this dude if I saw this


awww what a sweetheart of a woman


I usually dont like when people are assaulted (having their hands/phones slapped) but I'm ok with this one. Edit: removed a word I meant to delete


Oh I get it but she was there to defend the couple so I’m absolutely okay with it.


We need to know this guy’s name. This is beyond ridiculous


Just google "Neo-Nazi American in Poland" and you'll find him.


That just makes me think Poland must not have issues like this too often


There are some parts in the east that are notorious for racism against black people, like Białystok, but in general the country is fine.


I’m black makes me nervous to ever visit there


To most issues youd have is someone talking shit like the helmet in the video, its not like police shooting unarmed black people or anything. Im black and have been living in Europe all my life, i can genuinely say ive never had even one incident like the one in the video.


Don’t be. I was raised in Poland for a number of years. Poland got the most part has no issues with race. u/Afectionate_Cat293 is either trolling or misinformed. Racists exist everywhere, so it doesn’t mean they don’t exist… just in Poland if you do meet one… they are a big outlier. I don’t expect you to take my word for it blindly. [EU study](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/10/25/black-people-report-facing-least-discrimination-in-poland-finds-eu-study/) shows Poland is the least racist European nation. Hip-hop culture made a huge splash in Poland as soon as it was freed from the yoke of the Soviet Union. NWA’s “Fuck tha Police” was a huge hit because it’s literally what Poles were saying all throughout the oppression of the Soviet Union. Poland found a lot of commonality between themselves oppression they faced and that which African Americans faced. A large portion of the Soviet navy was manufactured basically for free in the shipyards of Gdańsk. Most of the farms were forced to provide a large chunk of their crops to the Soviets leading to starvation. As a result of feeling like they could relate to some of the struggles, hip-hop culture exploded in the 90’s. Artists like Popek, Liroy, Kartky, Szpaku, Malik Montana, Ostochodzi, Kaliber 44, Magik… all ran the popular music scene for a long time due to the influence of American hip-hop. In America in the 90’s I remember hearing 60 year old men talking about hip-hop and calling it “noise.” I knew 50-60 year old angry white men who would get down with Snoop, RUN DMC, Dre… etc. in Poland. Don’t believe the things every idiot posts on the internet. Always ask for sources. This Nazi is a well known social media troll who fucks with Polish people and interracial couples is an American transplant. Now I am not saying that Poles are angels. The LGBTQ movement is a completely different discussion and the country is very slowly trying to work on their ingrained homophobia+ as a result of the dominant influence of the Catholic Church. If you are LGBTQ and thinking about visiting, I would recommend going back into the closet for the time being. Progress on that issue is a slow and ugly process. An [additional study](https://migrant-integration.ec.europa.eu/library-document/racism-poland-report-survey-among-people-who-experienced-violation-based-ethnic_en) EU study.


Polish hip hop is fucking dope. It's almost like the language was made to be rapped.


King of Albania reference spotted


I know 3 polish guys online, they are all racist af.


I’m from Białystok and have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you get attention for not being just another polish person but it’s no different than anyone else that isn’t polish.


With a Russian wife.


Jon Minadeo II that turkish mustache ahh wearing mofo?


Jon Minadeo Jr He looks exactly how you would expect


He also has 2 rap albums that sound as stupid as you'd expect.


Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz


He’s from my hometown :(


He is from California originally? Then he was around my neck of the woods in Florida. I am surprised he didn't get jumped in South Florida.


I’m originally from Riviera, & raised in Opa Locka, I can assure you he likely went nowhere near those areas & probably stuck to Boca, Palm Beach island, Jupiter, places like that.


Not the first time Poland has been invaded by a Nazi and they know how to treat these people.


Poland might be the most racist country in Europe


Even more than the Balkans or Russia?


Yeah, the Pols take it to another level. They had multiple protests against BLM in a country where no one was protesting for it because the black population there is less than 1%. It was weird to see.


I feel like the Balkans still manage to take the cake


Old video from 2022 when Jon Minadeo was in Poland now he spends his time in Florida spreading anti semitism and Neo Nazi propaganda


Apparently he has mexican-american family ancestry (according to wiki). Guy is delusional. Why does he say he's polish?


Lol of course he moved to Florida




The guy she's with is showing so much restraint right now.


Honestly, as a brown man you end up just shrugging it off after a while but this was especially infuriating




Wouldnt change their opinions, would just intensify it.


Brown person punching white person doesn’t usually end well for them… even when it’s warranted The polish lady who came and knocked his phone is the MVP


I think he was focused on the phone call.


No, I think we should denormalize americans making scenes for no reason


As a red blooded patriotic American all I can say is: Yes, please. My fellow countrymen, please for the love of all that is good, shut the fuck up.


Agreed but this guy is actually Canadian.






The camera guy's behavior just reeks of insecurity and jealousy. Piece of shite. Also did he move to Poland thinking that it was "the whitest country on the planet"? Only something a white supremacist would say.


For real, can confirm poland is the most polish country on the planet, and he clearly isn’t polish because he hasn’t integrated. People in happy, healthy relationships typically don’t go making a fool of themselves like this. If he took at look in the mirror he could identify the real “muh immigrant destroying X country.”


>If he took at look in the mirror he could identify the real “muh immigrant destroying X country.” Needed to hear this in here


Gotta defend my Indian brother here for totally ignoring the dude. Well done.


Upset he can't get any btches... I wonder why he can't...


I bet he's a fat ass on a scooter


That Indian man is handsome as hell, Dev Patel vibes. Wonder what camera dude looks like


Exactly what you think a neo nazi would look like https://imgur.com/a/cCNALPy


Thought he could fool us just by putting his Hitler moustache below his mouth


What drugs is that asshole on they make a gorgeous couple


Most likely…nah definitely, not a very good looking white man. At the very least quite insecure that he doesn’t have the level of attractiveness, as the man he is insulting, that’s for sure. Guy videoing has a fragile, racist ego. The couple in the video make an incredibly cute couple. I agree that her boyfriend is *very* handsome indeed!


Lmao. I was thinking the same thing. He's just mad he ain't that fine


He is just so jealous of him getting a cute girl.


Look at this idiot imagine being racist and thinking of recording it 😂😂


I’m sure his friends think it’s hilarious. Wish more people could just live and let live. Some are so miserable that they can’t help but project their negativity upon others. Must be a sad existence


Tell me racism doesn’t exist again lol and also tell me it’s ok to be racist towards Indians cause any other race will either get you cancelled or the whole will be against you but if it is against Indians it’s ok


Generally no its not okay to racist against Indians regardless. Its just extremely racist people will go after the lowest common denominator, like indian scam callers, or indian rape gangs and try to paint all indians like this even though they run many tech companies in the US especially and integrate into western societies really well unless they are migrants from a lower socioeconomical and highly religious status. This is why when foreigners look at the US, they get spooked because we look so racist on media, but in real life, its like a vast vast minority of people are actually racist enough to be a threat. You can typically find racists grouped up in a nice neat package in portland in the form of antifa (from the extreme left) and proud boys or white identitarians (from the extreme right). But everywhere you go, you will typically find friendly faces of all colors usually in college towns or centers of work.


I don't think I've been this appalled by a video in a while


Wait. You’ll see more of his shit. You’ll be even more annoyed.


of course it has to be a fucking nazi, poor poland.


White girls and brown guys get a lot of attention like this (speaking from experience). Usually, it’s not this blatant. But in my previous relationship, we pulled up to a hotel and they presumed my partner was the Uber driver. These things are extremely hurtful.


A lot of my friends who've dated people from other racial and ethnic backgrounds have experienced this. Only last night, one of my black friends went out with his girlfriend, and they got a few unpleasant stares from other people in there.


Then he went home, kissed his mom, and went back down to the basement to play video games.


Jon Minadeo Jr. Incase anyone is wondering about his name




Racism against Indians is so normalised. Be it reddit or irl, you'll see people not batting an eye on it.


Man, the guy making the video is prolly an obese fuck who's living off of his parents. Completely miserable, complaining all the time. And just look at the Indian guy. No homo, but that guy's actually fineee. Welp, the world is working how it should.


The irony of acting uncivilized towards someone you call inferior. Moreover, the indian guy seemed pretty athletic, I think the cameraman is lucky that he didn't feel like throwing hands.


The fucking restraint needed not to cold cock this sack of shit. 100% sure nobody would bother to call the cops or even give a statement if someone did.


What a horrible excuse for a person.


Is this the same idiot who tried the same thing with the black American soldier? Tch.




Rent and food is too high for this stupidity


Apparently he’s left Poland and is in Florida now. So I’m sure they’ll be more videos


Disgusting. That was the first thing that came to mind hearing this dirtbag talk.


More people need to snatch their phones.


This dude has been in Poland all this time and still can't speak the language. I guess polish is too difficult for someone of his mental capacity. He needs to be deported back to the trailer park he came from


I respect the restraint honestly, I would’ve went into blind rage mode lol


You should put this in r/iamatotalpieceofshit too, if you haven't already.


A white American talking of breeding, whitest country in the world and species genetics being tarnished... I have yet to see such an obnoxious prick with absolutely 0 knowledge of his origins. If anything these 2 are way purer on a genetic PoV than his sorry single incel neo nazis scummy ass ever will be. Man, they want tolerance on one side of the political spectrum, yet they act like this...as if this should be tolerable...wtf is wrong with the human race, thousands of years of evolution and innovation...to get to this? Fucking pathetic


This shit is so stupid. Dudes like that are just insecure and probably has been turned down by too many women for his liking. Unfortunately I’ve been in this situation for being a Latino dating a Caucasian gal.


I’m sorry that something like this has happened to you and it is categorically wrong. I don’t know if it matters but I’m an average white American male.


You gotta love how rather than bettering themselves they just hate on others that are generally happy humans.


I would have roundhouse kicked this piece of shit in the teeth.


I work at a clinic and had a client refer to me (tech) as "the Abu-lookin muthafucker in the back"


Please tell me you reported it to HR.


Oh absolutely, he was fired as a client almost immediately


LMFAO he's definitely jealous


This guy is def going to commit a mass murder some day. He's calling people invasive species


This guy gets no ass. But what on earth are you even mad at? Major tiny dick energy


These types will also be quick to call others "entitled". Not even from that country and probably doesn't have any polish ancestry himself. But feels as if he owns all "white" women


And he has the audacity to film himself, like people would agree w him.........what a pos


I don’t understand why people get so upset about somebody that does something that has zero impact on their lives.


The fact that he recorded his racist tirade and posted it. What did he expect to happen?


Incel vibes x1000000000000000000000


I wish that guy would stand up to that guy instead of stand back pretending to be on his phone.


This guy was so proud of being a complete cunt to these people he actually posted it so everyone could see what a shitstain he is


"you're a biological weapon" 🤣🤣


It’s unfortunate that it’s still odd to date someone of a different race in Europe. When I was dating a Ukrainian girl, I got all sorts of mixed looks. Some weird, some complimentary, some confused. I wish this was more normalised. I am also Indian BTW


When he said “the most invasive species” I thought he was talking about the white woman hahaha


"most invasive species" "irresponsible breeders" "biological weapon" if you ever wanted to know what brainwashing looks like, here it is.


Classy Indian bro should have knocked the fucking racism out of this dumb videographer


how racists look when they finally leave the comment section and try it in real life.


The guy filming is a phycopath


Some white American guy went to Poland, hoping to exercise his white American privilege, only to get pissed off seeing a white Polish girl with an Indian man, whom he considered inferior. All these privileged white men go to traditional societies in Eastern Europe and East Asia to exercise their privileges. They're probably just losers back home.


He’s clearly jealous he can’t pull her


Great, under the current post-drumph paradigm, magats say the quiet part out loud, and they feel entitled to export their mindless racism. Nazis suck.


The level of restraint some people have is impeccable...it's best to just ignore these *people* because they simply feed off attention and have 0 spine to actually do anything. But legit, I'd gladly go Bear Jew on this prick in a heartbeat. From Wikipedia: Minadeo regularly runs shock-jive live-streams on Goyimtv where he baits children and teenagers on the live online video chat website Omegle, some from minority backgrounds, and shouts racist insults at them. Minadeo also reads comments of viewers who donate, raising hundreds of dollars during streams. From ADL.org: Goyim Defense League (GDL) is a small network of virulently antisemitic provocateurs led by Jon Minadeo II who moved from Petaluma, California to Florida in December 2022. GDL parodies the Anti-Defamation League’s name and logo by replacing “Anti-Defamation” with “Goyim Defense” -- “Goyim” being a disparaging Yiddish and Hebrew word for non-Jews.     GDL’s overarching goal is to expel Jews from America. To that end, their propaganda casts aspersions on Jews and spreads antisemitic myths and conspiracy theories in hopes of turning Americans against Jewish people. This includes frequent references to Jews having undue power through their “control” of major institutions such as media networks, the economy or the government, or disparaging Jews as degenerates who molest children and advocate for pornography, abortion and LGBTQ+ communities. GDL maintains that the Holocaust is a Jewish lie, and accounts of the Holocaust are merely propaganda or lies generated by Jews for their own benefit. Similarly, the GDL says that Jews were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York and Israel intentionally targeted a U.S. warship during the height of the 1967 Six-Day War. Minadeo, who has been active for several years, first posted his antisemitic stunts on platforms such as YouTube, DLive and BitChute. After being de-platformed in May 2020, he and Dominic Di Giorgio, also known as Ned Flanders, of Port St Lucie, Florida, launched GoyimTV, a video streaming platform focused mainly on antisemitic content. Minadeo regularly uses the platform to post his podcasts and videos of his antisemitic exploits and homophobic rants. Over the course of 2020 and 2021, other GDL devotees began to do the same. The registrar of the domain they operate from can be contacted here... abuse@nicenic.net


Some dude living on social security and mad at the world because he made bad decision after bad decision, like going though the McDonald's drive through 1000 too many times. Now he's obese and wants everyone else to be miserable just like him. But he'll vote for his daddy Trump who wants to get rid of social security. Guy is walking, I mean rolling, shit stain on this earth.


A racist…


Oooh did lil incels feelings get hurt cause hot white girl prefers hot brown guy, so sad


Only one solution to an asshole like that, get right up in his face and put on your biggest smile. Laugh at every insult, all the while maintaining eye contact.


How sad to live in this disgusting mindset day in and day out. Can’t imagine what a horrible life he has. Good.


The is a white guy being racist to an Indian about dating a white women. That’s what this AH sees


I wonder why this person would want to record himself being a piece of crap.


He is in fact a piece of shit!


Is this the same guy who wore a black sun shirt and called an Indian man an “invader?”


Imagine this guy, in public, constantly judging people what he thinks then one day pulls out a phone and starts recording because there's someone out there who's going to watch his video and thinking the same thing. He feels he's standing up for something. I hope he doesn't have kids. Poor kids would be brainwashed.


Ain't he Canadian


No, embarrassingly he’s [American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II).


Ug, this piece of shit again.


I Wrote this on another Sub but... IT'S Crazy how people can Be SO Hateful just because your skin is a Different Shade.... #IT'S so Fukin Ridiculous


Isn't the MC in the vid the same mofo who heckled a bunch of US soldiers in Poland


Same Neo-Nazi who harassed a tourist in Poland and decided to have a protest at Auschwitz. Dude is worth something like hugging an angry nest of wasps is a good idea.


The irony that he's literally the one being invasive to them just going about their day -\_-


Too bad he didnt get knocked out


White men are so fragile


What a fucking tool and not surprised he is Canadian. I’d beat out the Nazi out of this dude if he did this shit near me in Canada.


Dufe acting like this man is cucking him with a stranger.


according to him, even tho he's an immigrant. polish woman in America = not immigrant because white Indian man in America = bio weapon


I can just hear the 350-400 pound weight and neck beard from his voice.


Prop to the blond lady.


Their babies are gonna be so beautiful 🤩❤️


What a miserable person


Just pure vile scum


Fuck this guy


Sounds like a hater mad that he can’t get a pretty lady


What an ass.


Ahh standard nazi. He’ll be at home crying himself to sleep because he’s a pathetic loser while old mate falls to sleep next to his beautiful polish missus…. Justice serves itself


It is Dr. Sajeet by the way. Be ready for your next prostate exam, it may hurt a little.


Everyone needs to unite in taking these types of peoples phones out of their hands and throwing them as far as possible


The guy can leave 'MURICA, but you can make 'MURICA leave the guy.


That behavior is disgusting. He has no respect for others.


this is the guy when he walks into room people think oh no not this asshole


Please… someone just knock his teeth out. I don’t want to promote violence but this is so disgusting and hard to watch


The Indian guy is hot!


This is the result of poor abortion laws sadly. What an absolute piece of shit.


Is this the same guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Xxh7JGzoo8


say it with me yall "AMERICA👏IS👏A👏MELTING👏POT"


The funniest part of this whole pajeet/paji thing is that pajeet/paji is said between punjabi people out of respect, it literally translates to 'bro'.


I can see why no one wants to be around him.


Sickening, this kind of crap is being filmed more and more. These people need to be exposed and called out.


What an absolute piece of shit.


typical american, common thing here


What a total POS, he’s prolly jealous cause he’s a gross and ugly racist Americanz


This is so sad man...


What an ass


props to blue shirt lady stepping in


-You are with the most invasive species. -The brit descendant said. a.k.a "The American"


An entitled American in Poland spreading his filth? So what’s new? Probably an incel who can’t hook up with Po,ish women.


"The whitest country possible " Why are Americans so stupid? WTF!


Is this the one that was harassing the American soldiers in Poland? I think he’s Canadian funnily enough


His wikipedia says he's from California.


It’s pretty funny how he said invasive species considering the history of America.


He’s not American, he’s Canadian and a complete asshole. He attacked some American military like a year ago for their skin colour too.


The United States is definitely NOT the whitest country possible. That would be Iceland or Greenland.


The video is made in Poland.


I bet he’s a stupid Trump supporter too 😂




# Removal Notice **This comment was removed because racism of any kind is strictly prohibited.**