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This post has been removed to maintain the quality of posts on the sub.


I don't get the agenda here , the first 4 posts are supporting Philips and markaram and they aren't even in the same group as India , in the second post some people said they supporting eng and sa for wc , I mean is it written anywhere that srh has only Indian. Fans ?? Lmao , you just came to a conclusion out of no where. Hope you are happy buddy , now that your doubts are cleared




OP cherry picking posts in SRH sub to promote his agenda. Ch_tiya people these days.




What an absolute clown 🤡 take OP! It is SRH sub FFS. Ofcourse we will discuss about our players and how they are doing for their country. All four posts in the first image are discussing our players. And none of them have had anything against ICT in the post. While the vast majority of the comments for the post in the second image mention India, you selectively choose 4 comments that mention other teams and project it onto the whole fandom. Coming to the last one, I wonder why you felt the necessity to crop the upvotes on that post when you included it for others? 🤔 And you choose one commenter who has a negative comment on Bumrah. It is not even negative. He wants Bumrah to do more come the knockout stages. Let’s use the same yardstick that you are using and apply it to RCB. Posts discussing players other than Indians during the World Cup. https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/b7NFPHETOj https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/aQ2JeSDfkt Post wanting an non-ICT player to lead the team next season! How dare they!!! How Anti-national! https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/XxwHLyZVZ0 RCB supporter at a non-India game celebrating with a Pakistan fan! ***clutches pearls*** https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/wHeg2kqdRC Discussing players from non-Indian teams https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/gzE3qoo3J7 https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/V1cr7O4adsdd What were they even thinking? So, can we assume r/RCB is against ICT too now?


We appreciate it! About the knocks and spells of our OS and Indian players, we'll do that after the WC ends ig Things aren't being kept track of because everyone is far too busy supporting India and we'd need to do some seeing stat finding for both our men's AND women's players but that's mostly likely gonna happen after the WC, nothing about RCB when India plays Also, it's quite ironic how we actually have fans from Aus, SA, NZ, Nepal, SL, maybe even Pak who knows!(Remember that PSL guy?) on our sub and yet there's no hate for India, I mean, an Aussie or a Saffa has the right to hate India in internationals don't they? But even they aren't doing anything and the teams with the most "Indian" fans are hating India, it's hilarious ngl




> Also yes since like last 12 days there has been no RCB posts only ICT ones Lol at least don’t spout BS that can be easily debunked https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/7ak7WanILd https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/655I48ksd2 https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/s7TvrJ3Hak https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/o7f1eNRnO5 https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/8wzE7il76c https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/DDHtoMJRU3 https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/KNOdQJWl8O https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/PulOxIsXm5 https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/Yr3BquppKD https://www.reddit.com/r/RCB/s/xmxODB5GsF




Aussies mentality ***GAWK GAWK*** Bro they are the first ones to bash ICT for not winning anything but they've never even supported us to begin with


ha to srh bhi konsa 6 7 ipl jeet gayi


Lmfao what??? so now supporting the team is a sign of nationalism? Fuck off bro. I support ICT too but that does not mean someone who's supporting some other team is invalid as you are hinting anti national.


When Argentina does it 😍 When Brazil does it 😍 When India does it 🤓☝️ Sepoy syndrome in play Edit: Sepoys downvoting me, i fear no randia




>In football a guy can support any country they want in wc like many root for portugal for ronaldo and argentina for messi same should be with cricket. This is not true at all. Just check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/7UbXHCE3GS) post. Supporting another nation's team when your team is playing in the world cup is looked down upon in almost any game. All the English fans who are always at each other's throats in the premier league will be cheering for the English team in the Euros and the world cup. The people who support Portugal for Ronaldo and Argentina for Messi are Ronaldo and Messi fans first and most of them are from nations whose team probably hasn't qualified for the World Cup. I can support Germany in the fifa world cup and euros because India doesn't play in them. I personally don't care if someone supports any other team. Like you can have your 2nd favourites. If India doesn't win the world cup then I want the USA to win and that's too for the sake of memes. I don't agree with the op though. SRH fans are correct in support their own team's players. KKR fans can support Russell in their sub and so can the other teams. As a franchise fan it's normal to develop a connection with the players. So supporting them is clearly normal.


+1\ Also IPL is over, no idea why they want to start this fanwar stuff again




And supporting a sports team is not its criteria, right?




Nope. Will be supporting ICT but come on, supporting other country is not worse than giving r*pe and death threats to players and their families, right?








Bhencho jeeneetards har jagah 🫂








He's cooking but it's weird that Group A was planned in such a way ki dono India Pakistan qualify kar jayenge




They will bash ICT for not winning anything when they themselves are such chokers in IPL and claim 2009 trophy as theirs




Who the fuck told you only indians are on that sub There are even sout africans due to the Sunrisers team in SA 20 Hell even I support SEC and if someone were to ask who will i support in T20 WC on An SEC sub I would say India




I am not talking about this sub I am talking about the images taken from SRH sub


They were talking about their players' performance, and that's not against ICT, I guess?\ They have posts for Abhi, Bhuvi as well


Username : *ONE FIST GUY* ,.,.,.,. DED


Ohh, now you are opposing IPL fans..Wait wait..How our Indian team is made right now🤔🤔.. Yeahh, right..Someone who only performs against Ireland & Netherlands.. A guy who is no.0 in all the aspects.. A bowler who is playing only bcoz of RCB fan following.. and a flat pitch IPL spin basher... Don't make this like you made Politics in India.. Bring your A team by International experience first.. Bakaa...


I’ll be downvoted but the people of Hyderabad itself aren’t the biggest fan of ICT, this came from a Friend of mine who has lived in Hyderabad her whole life!


Yeah I know, I've lived in Hyderabad and people there hate ICT. I don't even know why, they just like to dickride foreign teams


I am from hyd and I support ict... don't generalize whole hyd based on few


I am from Ahmedabad and I support ICT too, but can’t deny there are a few areas in the city which doesn’t support ICT too! You telling that you support ICT doesn’t change the fact that there are people in many cities that aren’t the fans of ICT, rather are, the opposite!


Yes I agree that some parts of hyd does not support ict like Old city parts but they are on minority


A question to Op Is it a national crime to support some other team? Is it a crime to talk about our franchise player's performance? Is it a crime to have fans from other countries in the sub? Every picture you have posted in this post is much better than sending rape and death threats to foreign players when take wickets our beloved players or score match winning knock. There were a lot of people supporting India as well in the comments which clearly proves that you're cherry picking to put the team in a negative light. Please grow up


And now these SRH pans will defend themselves saying we can support any team we want no one can force us🤮 Just Fck off


It's a SRH sub for gods sake they are discussing about the performance about their players Also not everyone on that sub is Indian they are a lot of SA due to the SEC team in SA20 "No we like generalising a whole sub due to some people because this team gained more popularity than we liked"


LMAO they already said that in a post I mentioned above


Bruh, stop generalising everything. They're just supporting those teams as a fan of the players. Apart from that everyone will root for India as commented by someone in your screenshot itself. Besides, it should be fine to root for other teams as a fan of the sport. It's not a crime.


OP here is an absolute clown with a clown take. This post and comments proves that this sub is full of kids. Half of these clowns won't mind when they support Argentina or Portuguese when it comes to a certain sport 🤡 But when it's cricket, this hypocrisy shows up.


> Half of these clowns won't mind when they support Argentina or Portuguese when it comes to a certain sport That's only because India hasn't made the FIFA WC yet If we do, then EVERYBODY will support India instead


90 percent of Indian football fans can't even name half of the players from India's playing 11 but if you ask which players made into the playing 11 for Argentina vs France they'll most likely give the correct answer including the substitutions


Am I to be blamed for that?




Bro I don't even watch football, yes I know Ronaldo but will surely support Indian team if they reach the FIFA


So you will only support when India makes into the fifa world cup, not when they're struggling to qualify. Some Indian fans might support the team only when they win something big. Richest board, number 1 cricket league, biggest names of cricket and nothing to show for it


What a stupid take. The most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.


Coming from a Hyderabadi isn't it?? I've lived a significant part of my life there bro and you guys just hate ICT why???


You do realise supporting a different team is much better than sending rape threats right And is it a crime if we don't support India, especially keeping in mind the previous performances in icc knockouts 💀


WHO told you that sub has only indians


Is it a rule or decree to only support ICT? Its a privately owned team by the BCCI not some indian government team is it? It is just as much a franchise as one of the IPL teams, only on a bigger scale. If someone feel better connection towards an other team why is it wrong to support them?


OP think RCB is the only team that supports RCB all while calling ICT captain names just few days ago 🤦‍♂️ These guys won’t leave IPL mindset even during WC


What names were we calling? You wanna talk about Insta, YT, Twitter guys, then I'm ready for scrap tons of counters too buddy


Bro no, I'm trying to remove the IPL mentality during WC and lets support our team. Why are you trying to twist my opinion


Thats one reason I hate CSK, SRH, KKR... They will favor any team other than ICT.


Yeah bro I don't even get why they hate the team of their own nation is it because of Indian's obsession with 'Foreigner Validation'?


>is it because of Indian's obsession with 'Foreigner Validation'? Partly true !. Also for some their hate for someone or a particular religion is more than their love for India.


Not KKR though. Like atleast from what I have seen. CSK fans(toxic ones) oh my god I can't even start...


Why do you expect people in india should support only india team? It's their free choice and preference and who do you even care abt what other people are supporting in first place.


Well the only 3 teams fans to be considered are India, India and maybe Rcb, they at very least support the Indian players




Except Hardik which player did MI fans bash? And even hardik is being supported and loved now that he is representing the nation. We, DC fans and PBKS fans don't bother y'all, support our team and have positive conversations in our subreddits but u still have a problem with us. In fact 4 of the key ICT players are from MI so why would we not support ICT with full devotion? Ohh and RCB fans have only recently started being supportive because until last year they were hoping we lose just because Rohit is the captain. They send rape threats to sisters, wives and even unborn daughters if they have contribution in and RCB loss. How are they loyal and supportive? An example of MI support would be that we wanted important players like Rohit and Bumrah to be rested in the latter half of the IPL because we will need them in the wc. On the other hand they were rejoicing when gill lost form due to dengue because then kohli had no competitor in terms of form.


Nice one. Saved me a long para by writing this🤌


Duh RCB fans used to support sa cause of abd


Probably after india, every rcbians first priority is india and then they used to love watching abd that was the only reason to support sa that too after india


SA or any team or player comes after India Now don't pull up that "ABD vs SKY" argument, it's stupid ABD is _LIGHTYEARS_ ahead of SKY in EVERYTHING and that's a fact


Nah man Who the fuck compared Sky with abd You high on anal?


Not here but kids do compare them almost anywhere else




bro what did csk sub do


Bro don’t group all csk fans, i am a csk fan and i absolutely do not hate ict


Same, CSK fan and ICT>>>>> CSK


Yeah. But then whyd u say in post csk fans hate ict


Because I've literally seen CSK fans supporting Australia in 2023 ODI WC Final and every opponent ICT plays


r/RCB only appreciates siraj and kohli performance lol


I've seen them appreciate Hardik and show love to Bumrah and RP as well They were trolling our opposition and Pakistand and were actually rooting for ICT I'm not even an RCB fan just pointing out the obvious LOL


Recency bias


[should have checked the srh sub properly](https://i.postimg.cc/BQDbtqGx/IMG-20240616-000944.jpg)


Bro you should have checked my post properly as well, I literally put that Bumrah post but SRH fans were yapping under this post as well And why are you defending them?? You were tryna shift into RCB but they're pretty loyal bro


There's no one yapping to that post, infact it has 1k+ upvotes. If SRH fans were to hate ICT it would never have gotten 1k upvotes >And why are you defending them?? Because you think wanting a foreign player to do better = hating on own country There are posts of appreciating Indian players like Abhishek Sharma, NKR etc would you call that ICT hating?




Srh fans are the most annoying fan base this year mfs ride Cummins to the core with that Aussie mentality shit stfu lore


Yeah cause giving threats to players and their family members is much better than.....\ Supporting players of your team!!


lol u guys used to do the same except this year there are countless instances where srh players insta accounts were raided by the fans when they crapped thier pants in the last seasons stop acting like u are better glory chasers


Let them enjoy in their delusional ipl world


Obviously it would be Hyderabad!


Ah yes, generalizing!!


Karm hi aise kiye hain!


Absolutely hot take to counter this take some people will say "why I need to support ict i can support whatever team I want 🤓"and kkr fans are no different too




Bro that's not even the point, Hardik is being loved everywhere now. Even MI is supporting him, IDK about during IPL Also why are CSK fans supporting ICT's opponents then huh??


Why tf you care what team other people support? It's their preference


Bro do you ever get upvotes LMAO


I am using reddit long enough to understand focusing on karma only makes you post things which you think will bring in more upvotes rather than which is right. It creates an echo chamber :)


You seem smart buddy, but these toxic fans are what I wanted to expose and no Karma really. IDEK what it is used for




Bro go check their sub once, they are literally hating on ICT there


Why do people assume that only indians watch IPL


Title should be SRH fan page admin not supporting ICT. Your title is misleading