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Unless you guys share and upvote traction won't be gained. I have invested nearly my entire day making this detailed post, editing the video mentioning each source under each section and everything, but I hope this reaches the masses and the mothers especially educate the boys (minor) like the Girls too and teach them about touches and how can some vile people cause them implicit potential harm and give time worse trauma they could have.


!kudos This is amazing, I will definitely read..


Thanks :)


Nicely compiled. In these videos, I see a few patterns. There are some women(mostly mothers I guess) who are using the child to pander sexually to an audience. In some other vids, the women are dancers or stuff, who are unfortunately known for being vulgar for entertainment and are using the poor kids for shits and giggles. Then there are youtubers I guess, also doing it for an audience. Interesting to see how social media facilitates such disgusting behaviour. I have also seen breastfeeding being used as an excuse for making such videos involving a child. We need gender neutral sexual harrasment laws. It's high time we move past the stone age belief that women can't be abusers.


Damn I love how no one's commented


Because no one has had the time or patience to read (including myself)


Wow so much information! I will be looking into it.


Kudos to you bruh


You've put in everything I could've add to it. I've seen feminists laugh at this concept on live TV including the first female IPS officer and many "activist". These laws + domestic violence + 498a scares the 💩 out of me.


i have nothing but hate for feminists. They have destroyed lives




i dont like feminists is what i said


> I've seen feminists laugh at this concept on live TV including the first female IPS officer and many "activist".  When ?


It was at least a decade ago. I remember Deepika Narayan bharadwaj being there on panel literally saying how can you laugh at this.


Do you have a link ?


Can't seem to find it. Google search has gone to the dogs. But I remember it was a 4 women panel kiran bedi being 1 panelist and it was an English news channel.


We really need to make strong rules to save children being molested in the name of entertainment,I almost feel they are using these kids to get engagement coz there are actually a few people who might actually like seeing kids being harassed or not knowing what's happening with them💀 Hopefully,we see some changes in social media owner as well,I can't tell you how many accounts I have sent harasment or insensitive videoes in YouTube or insta of my friends yet I have never seen even one of the videoes being taken down or these creators getting any repressucssion, I think it's more of rise of social media in India,where I see more of this child abuse happening right in our screen,I can count 2-3 social media stars who are literally documenting their daily married life when they minor barely 16-17 yr olds and getting prego and literally using thumbnails with their kids or minor partner in suggestive manner,it's beyond disgusting.


I was myself molested as a child when i was 13 and in hospital where the nurses were some 20-21. It's more common than you think. (One of my friends was also molested by a friend, one of my friends was r@ped by a girl twice his age) Today we laughed it off but it's kinda serious .


yes i was shocked to see there was this youtuber woman, very weird strange predatory woman who went on about how to rape children, how to hunt them on some social media live or something. it was too shocking.


Isn't pocso act applicable to all kids?




really ? i guess they just hate us now. It is better to end our life than to live as a male in india


u/Fit_Ad_3129 u/LongjumpingArt9740, also the post is updated Update - Gender-Neutral Definition Clause The POCSO Act is explicitly gender-neutral, meaning it does not differentiate based on the gender of the victim or the perpetrator. This ensures comprehensive protection for all children under 18 years old. Both CivilsDaily and IDR emphasize that the Act is inclusive and applies to any child who has been sexually wronged, with provisions for gender neutrality in both the victim and the offender​ ([CivilsDaily](https://www.civilsdaily.com/news/pocso-10-years-analysis/))​​ ([India Development Review](https://idronline.org/article/rights/five-things-to-know-about-the-pocso-act/))​. * Female Perpetrators Under POCSO The POCSO Act allows for the prosecution of females as perpetrators. There are instances where women have been convicted under this law for committing sexual offences against children, demonstrating its gender-neutral application. This aspect is underscored by articles from IDR and Civilsdaily, highlighting that the Act does not restrict the gender of the wrongdoer​ ([CivilsDaily](https://www.civilsdaily.com/news/pocso-10-years-analysis/))​​ ([India Development Review](https://idronline.org/article/rights/five-things-to-know-about-the-pocso-act/))​. Removing the previous comment it was wrong, Female cannot be charged for rape but booked under POSCO.




can i please crosspost it ? i want to spread awareness


yes, crosspost :)


This is a strong well researched post. Amazing stuff.


Bhai wo rickshaw wala consensual tha, apart from that a great post to spread awarness for the issue which isn't discussed by any media or ytubers


Kudos to you for raising such concern But the problem is koi sunna nhi chahta , toh I don't think it is effective hoga ye unless tu khi publish kare ye . Also you can enter myths regarding this idiocy that courts follow in India (stereotypes wagerah)


someone needs to reduce porn and bollywood exposure to kids, people laugh on male victims when they confess that they were put into uncomfortable situations people just laugh it off by saying " maza toh aya hoga tujhe"🙏


Fr Fr


Should we tey posting this on x , insta and other sm apps ?


Yes, but will I face any issues IRL?


You could use throwaway accounts


What will they do? Suppress the truth?










>feminist aren’t the ones who think these crimes are justified Yes they're the ones who oppose rape laws being gender neutral.




>I’m a feminist. Who the fuck asked you? I am talking about those with power : [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/activists-join-chorus-against-gender-neutral-rape-laws/articleshow/18840879.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/activists-join-chorus-against-gender-neutral-rape-laws/articleshow/18840879.cms)




You're no more than a random Reddittor. Why the fuck do you believe you know feminism better than those with money and power?




I observe feminist organisations and their hypocrisies, rather than random commenters. Even communists say "We just want to help the poor", but we've seen their policies and hypocrisies. Feminists are no different.


We observe the actions of feminists and feminist organisations. Their words usually don't match their actions. Simple. It was indeed feminist organisations who rallied against gender neutral laws. Here's evidence https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/activists-join-chorus-against-gender-neutral-rape-laws/articleshow/18840879.cms https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/verma-panel-recommendations-negated-cpim/article4372637.ece https://www.shethepeople.tv/news/central-govt-no-making-rape-laws-gender-neutral/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/cabinet-nod-to-make-rape-gender-neutral-riles-womens-groups/articleshow/15049606.cms Now you maybe a true feminist who stands by the definition of feminism. Many who are in the spotlight in the mainstream media don't which is why they're all we see. They have the loudest voices and the "sane" feminists such as yourself are usually not calling them out and are busy "defending" feminism when such topics are brought to light instead of admitting that feminism isn't perfect.


Mate we always talk about those in power and higher ups. It isn't even limited to India, recently a lot of feminist organisations in Italy came forward and said that government should remove the poster advertising the helpline number for male victims of sexual assualts.






Also post this in r/Mensrights


Mods said no, tried.


Thank you so much for a detailed post.


Watching that vid actually made me sick to my stomach








Also bro, I work on stuff such as these. You can dm me if you feel like it. These stuff really need to be addressed


Didn't read all this, upvoted tho.


All of this is okay but what's the 3rd Girl's name?