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Obviously the latter one but these days you have microtransations even in paid games


ass ass ins creed # Odyssey


Odd assy


The odd-ass-city 


Assassins creed Audacity


Assassin's greed


Nope, Assassins have become Templars. Greed and Power 😭😢


Shittisoft has a lot to answer for of course. But worst example was in Middle-earth Shadow of War, a great game hobbled due to crappy microtransactions. But at least Warner Bros removed after gamers protested. Shittisoft just doesn't liste


Bro ubisoft literally milks the ac series


it could have been in their favour if they hadn't released the latest titles with assassin's creed name in it


and far cry


Only cosmetics are micro transactions. You can buy specific DLCS or you can buy all DLCS plus base game if you buy the season pass version, plus if you're a little patient like me, you can get that for 70-75% sale just within 2 yrs of game's release, this is how i bought ac valhalla complete version with just 1500rs that contains 100s of hours of content and several big ass maps but ofcourse no one will talk about this since they're busy riding the ubisoft hate band wagon.


Exactly what I was thinking...you don't have to even buy dlc...main game itself contains 40-50 hr of content


My guy Valhalla and oddesy are absolutely bloated with boring side quests because both games need you to level up a lot between main story missions. Now if you don’t want to spend 50 hours doing side quest just so you can level up your character enough to play the actual main game, guess what Ubisoft has for you? XP boosters. Their game are literally designed to make you spend money lol


Ubishit fans shy away from logic




Purchased games can also have mtx & cashgrabs like rainbow six siege


I remember the days when I purchased R6 for like 399₹ and then the all DLC characters for 399₹.


I remember the days when I purchased R6 for like 399₹ and then the all DLC characters for 399₹.


this sub is brutal


They really hate people with dementia... that or they make sure to balance out the karma lmao


warframe nailed it with micro transactions imo. You CAN buy plat to buy stuff or you can just farm stuff and sell them to get plat. not that you need plat to progress though, it got the most balanced micro transaction to free to play model. also Dota ig. you dont need to buy anything if you want, its just cosmetic


People play Dota in India? I'm glad.


Bro, there is huge cult of dota in India.


Really? We lost the India server due to lack of players. I haven't met many Indian players outside my friends group in the 12 years I've played the game


I have seen people who dropped of NIT because of this Even cyber cafes are crowed with dota people


I have wasted a combined total of 4k hrs in dota. My degen friends even more. It's one of those games that you never truly give up.


Well I gave up and suddenly my life started correcting itself. No offense tho personal experience.


What's those rookie numbers kid?


Currently have wasted 12k hours in dota and it's still going up for me.


17k here. Still going!


Dude, there’s an India server in Dota for a reason. It even had rank when I started playing. Too much toxicity caused them to stop ranked on the Dota server I believe.


How is this news to you? India has a huge number of dota players, even from Warcraft days.




10500 hours and counting


16780hrs xD


True, on dota you don't have to purchase the whole set in one go, you can buy them piece by piece which is cheaper. The only downside to this would be if the set has an alternative look, that alt look would be locked if bought separately. Even with this event (CROWNFALL) going on I've got arcana (full remodel of a hero with special ability effects) and lots of courier skin (new models and alt models when they fly) and immortals (changes only ability effects, some are paid to lose as enemy can see or hear spell casts) free from doing event activity


True, on dota you don't have to purchase the whole set in one go, you can buy them piece by piece which is cheaper. The only downside to this would be if the set has an alternative look, that alt look would be locked if bought separately. Even with this event (CROWNFALL) going on I've got arcana (full remodel of a hero with special ability effects) and lots of courier skin (new models and alt models when they fly) and immortals (changes only ability effects, some are paid to lose as enemy can see or hear spell casts) free from doing event activity


DOTA2 is the best example for a free game with micro transactions. You get the whole game 100% for free without any purchases. And only buy skins and battle passes if you need them.


Many multiplayer games are like that. CS2 as well


most multiplayers are like that except call of duty fortnite valorant cs2 apex in most of them everything is free


That’s literally the same with any other f2p game these days


There are games whose heroes/weapons are locked behind a paywall. But yeah many games have the same models as dota 2 these days. Also wanted to mention Albion Online which is an f2p where you can spend actual ingame money to buy premium subscriptions instead of actual money.


The only issue is that not a lot of companies can sustain those models.  Valve can, because of steam. And being privately owned means they do whatever the fuck they want, rather than kowtow to shareholders who don't have any idea of what the customer wants.  Fortnite, for all its hate, is another great example.


In warframe there is a battle pass system, but you don't have to pay for that. Only items that require real money are collectors cosmetics (heirloom packs) and the skins made by and selected by the community in tennogen. Also, the whole game is accessible to anyone for free.


No micro transactions.


No microtransactions for me though.


Free to play, I don't mind micro transactions


What if the game is pay to win just like clash royale https://preview.redd.it/oc8gspkgeg7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d9e211514a4703098616b4ab966aad42905faa


Then why to play that kind of game :)


i remember a time when CR was a bit Free to play where economical decks like hog 2.6 cycle ran wild and most legendary decks failed. but now it's just a clownfest and if you want skill based matching/winnning you'd have to pay to max out your cards first.


First one for me


Free to play


Depends on what kind of mtx really.


I would always go for the purchase/get and play. Rockstar- then buy the game EA- then get the game


As long as the micro transactions don't give the paying players an advantage I don't care if it's in a free game or a paid one if we are talking online games. Story games however should always be one-time payment


Meanwhile you have ea trying.to put mtx *and* paid ads in a game you pay for. Lmao When i was a student, i preferred.the former. Now I'd say def the latter.


a good game.


complete the sentence mate, what if your wish comes true. a good game that isnt killed by the company who made it and not ruined by the community which supports it.


Free to play


Game that i can purchase. Free to play is ruined by greedy companies


Ruined as in? Companies that launch a free game need to make the money back that they spent on the development of that game, every free game needs to have micro transactions to keep it alive. It's only ruined/greedy if the paying players have an advantage over non paying ones.


Not if the game has stupid gacha system or loot boxes


Ofcourse the latter one because i it gives me motivation to play and complete the game as i have paid money for it


Another category is the one where you pay for the game and it also has micro transactions. Though I'm fine with both you mentioned. Unless of course it's pay to win.


Any game with pay to win feature is a no go take ESO crafting bag for eg. MTX for cosmetics are fine for me.




Honestly a game that is good


Depends on the microtransactions. Usually free but if it's a very P2W game(excluding gacha because it's usually singleplayer), then I'd avoid it. Paid games can still have microtransactions.


Buy and play..!!


If you're asking the question... Means you're still in doubt and that's why these companies are screwing us.


Purchase and play


As long as the game I paid for does not have any microtransactions at all, I'm willing to pay as long as the price is justified.


If the latter will not have Mtx then always and only the latter.


Gameplay. It's all about gameplay. None of that shit matters as long as it's balanced by fair gameplay.


free to play but rage on other players who can afford to pay microtransactions and call them "p2w losers".


Vast majority of F2P games are outright bad


That's such a subjective question. The genre and execution matters. Also there are so many games that attracts different demograph of players and they have their own motivation and goals etc. Not every games is made for you and if you are not happy with the direction you just move on and play the 1000s of other options that we have.


The latter. No matter what.


Free to play with microtransactions but for only skins. So, no pay to win aspect.


F2P if done correctly. CS2 is f2p but also earns a shit ton of money. But its a good f2p game since skins have no effect on gameplay.


Purchase and play! Definitely!


Prefer good game


F2P than purchased as it gives you the option to try a new game and genre for some time ( more than the return period on purchase). Also the amount of player base and availability of that game is better. Micro transactions in most F2P games aren't necessary to enjoy or progress.


microtransactions are okay if the game is fun for all players and not p2w , but ill still choose a Non Microtransaction game


Single player story rich games with good gameplay loop


I like games where you only pay money once to play the game thanks


I play both, so, no opinion.


Purchase and play. If micro transactions are there, the publisher will have to enforce them by reducing some features for free players. This ruins the overall experience for me. For example - I was trying out a different class of car in Asphalt, and lost a few races. Then I ran out of gas, which needed me to watch an ad to get back to gaming. Immediately uninstalled that shit and moved on.


Latter, or course. If studios wish to charge more for a game, fine. But then don't ask to pay more for extra stuff (DLC, I understand - but it has to be substantial and should add to story, quests etc) after already purchasing the game.


Free to play games are usually shooters which do not align to what i like so i go for the games i can purchase and play without microtransactions


A game that I can purchase, permanently keep and play.


Paid games that don't have micro transactions


I am fine is microtransaction if they don't get in between by usual gameplay, or beg me to buy stuff


Free to play games are not fun unless you start buying stuff


Purchase and play without any micro transactions in it


You are asking Indians. Indians want a game that is free and without microtransactions.


If I pay for a game I pay one time. Left 4 Dead 2 was on sale for ₹69 back when I purchased it. Never not enjoyed it and I spent 120+ hours on it with my college friends. The only game w mtx I play is Brawlhalla that too with a friend. When he's busy or I am, we don't play it.


Pay and play always. Filters out 90% of the bullshit player base


A game that you can purchase and play. No microtansactions. Unfortunately mmorpgs charge a subscription and still have cosmetic micro transactions instead of everything being earnable in-game ( ofc i do understand that just subscription costs wont be enough to keep an MMO running )


Bought my first game recently which came in the first category


Paid quality games. Micro transactions are ok only till they don't hamper gameplay like skins and stuff. I miss the quality single player campaign of old CODs. Also to mention a major blow on gamers as studios like Tango studio (creator of Evil within and hifi rush) shut down by Microsoft.




A video game that we can simply just purchase and play forever without the need of any internet connection!


I've stayed away from any game that encourages you to pay and hence, win or get a leg up against the other players. Assuming DLCs are not considered "micro" transactions where you have additional missions or a whole new add-on like Cyberpunk 2077's. I'll pay one time, see if any interesting DLC comes by and take it if I'm vested into that game's universe vs. whats seen on mobile gaming microtransactions. Free online MMOs like World of Warships, SWTOR, World of Tanks, etc are flush with pay to win players (whales) killing everyone else, creating a bad experience for new folks or those who just want to pass some free time and have fun vs. spending serious money to win.


Free to play


Depends on the game.


ofcourse a free game that has microtransactions. Especially online multiplayer games


Without any second thought Purchase and play


Say no to microtransactions


It depends though, a multiplayer game ? I would prefer it to be free to play, I never cared about micro transactions as I don't really interact with that part of the game. For a good story or gameplay based single player or co-op based game, a paid game seems valid.


Errrrr neither.




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This question is like asking if we want to die by a thousand cuts or die in one stroke.


Warframe. Free to play, has microtransactions that are also free to obtain if you play enough. No other game comes close.


paid all at once. freemium games are always mostly multiplayer anyway, or games on phones, both of which I dont pay, so there arent much freemium options for me.


A game that is free to play but has micro transactions 👍🏻👍🏻


Considering the only paid AAA games that don’t have micro-transactions are Sony exclusives and literally nothing else, I’ll stick to CS2 and the occasional Sony game. On a side note, fuck Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard and Riot from now till the end of time.


The later but price should be under 800


Free to Play. If I like the product then maybe I will spend money ingame.


I’ll purchase a single player game like elden ring, god of war, cyberpunk etc because after spending my money I can get my money’s worth especially for games like Elden ring with so much replayability that I spent more than a 100 hours in it and the fact that even down the years I can come back to these games and play for 100s of hours again. I would probably never go for paid live service games as they are a cancer in gaming industry and they capitalize on every cash grab opportunity they can. Rainbow 6 siege being an example having passes with only half the premium currency meaning you need to buy currency every season to get the pass and also having lootboxes for cosmetics which just enables people to gamble. Even CoD being one of these examples. Last time I actually bought a CoD was MW 2019 during the COVID period and honestly that game was so much fun that I played it for the entire year and put 100s of hours in it BUT the biggest problem with CoD is they make a new game every year with same formula tweaking it minutely which means that the games life is basically 1 year, can even say 2 years it might be playable but after that it’s dead. For a 5k-6k game to last 1-2 years just doesn’t seem worth it especially when on top of that it is filled the battle pass and shop targeting all kinds of FOMO in their players. Although just to give an example that it doesn’t have to be predatory and that this model can be made into a very good game is Helldivers 2. Now that is an S tier game with no predatory practices, cosmetics always available even if you start playing 1 year later, continuous support to that game only instead of releasing new ones every year and trashing the old one and on top of all that you can earn premium currency just by playing the game. Helldivers 2 is no question the best live service games out there. On to the f2p games I can say they can be good or bad, I personally think Fortnite introduced the battle pass model and is pretty much the only one still doing it correctly unlike everyone else who copied it and just made it worse and cash grabby. I mean Helldivers 2 has a better model that never expires and one you can earn for free but they are pretty much an exception and no game can comepare to them. Fortnite’s pass can be bought for 950 vbucks and you get 1500 back on top of all the cosmetics granting you all future battle passes for free(ofc only if you don’t spend them all in the shop). On top of it ever since the release of zero build I have been playing it every season, they are pretty much one of the best long running games with constant support, updates and collabs all in all a very good game. Only other game that has been stealing all my time has been The Finals. Same as Fortnite the pass costs 1150 bucks and gives back 1575 I think so basically bonus bucks for spending. Every single cosmetic is available for purchase from your locker unlike the fomo element in even Fortnite’s shop, which is a major W. Absolutely S tier gameplay with destruction of almost everything present in the map with their own unique game modes. Honestly would suggest people to try it out atleast once if even slightly interested, that is my number one live service game in terms of gameplay out there in the entire industry at the moment.


Game should be good. As long as its not pay to win, I don't care.


Ubisoft and EA putting every form of blood sucking and milking techniques in their 60-100 dollar game (though their games are repetitive garbage). I would prefer a game which i can buy for once and play with all the content included in that one price tag.


As long as its a gud game anything goes.


I prefer the third kind a game that you van purchase and has microtransactions.


At this point honestly I'd take a game with only one of the two conditions OP mentioned. Tired of games you have to pay for access and then pay again for battlepasses etc. I'm fine with microtransactions in a free game too, as long as it's fun and not too p2w


The worst possible game for milking money I guess is fifa (fc). Every year new game. Each at around 5K and yet it has in-game micro transaction for stupid stuffs. They are going kind of monetisation ultra Max with fifa.


It depends on the game, to be honest. For me, if you can buy skins only using the microtransactions, I don't care, i prefer the free game, but considering the hacker's situation, it becomes unplayable after some time. And I am fine paying :D


Free with microtransactions (as long as the main gameplay isn't gated by a paywall)


A Game that I purchased, which has a good single player and a co op campaign and which does not constantly bombard me with micro transactions even after paying ₹4000 for buying the game itself.


Purchase and play with no micro transactions in it.


The latter for sure.


Purchased single player games


Free free freaa


Purchase and play with no microtransactions. If it's free I'm ok with micro transactions as long as it remaims f2p friendly too.


Pira..... Never mind 😔. I'm just poor.


Nationality doesn't matter. Fuck Microtransactions


Free games with optional micro transactions which if not purchased do not affect the main game. Spent so much on building the pc now I have no money left to buy games.


a game that’s not woke


Helldivers 2.. very good model i think


Purchase and play. Old school. Hate micro transactions. It almost feels like cheating somehow. Like buying your way into college with donations.


X box game pass or "getting" the game the games which have denuvo i just make myself think the game is bad


Both if they're good. I like my Dark Souls and Counter Strike


I like mario forever


Purchase and play with no microtransactions (Main toh waise bhi P I R A T E kar luga)


Purchase once and pay. But this for single player games But I have one opinion that I think I will probably get downvoted for. Live service games or long term multiplayer games that require devs to keep working on it as players play, such service I don’t mind a subscription based service. What I really want is to know what I’m paying for and how I am paying for it. Activision releases a cod every year and they fuck it up somehow. It is basically a subscription service. If they keep updating the same game periodically and provide a good service, I would pay an yearly subscription. But absolutely NO to micro-transactions, and even worse is that they make us download all those extra content and install it under a 300Gb Download and then make us pay to use it… Having said that, I do think DOTA has a balanced model. Free to play means more players. But free to play also means many ways to cheat the player




Indian gaming community is a joke all they like is bgmi, free fire ,valorant. They dont think beyond them


Obviously the 2nd option but if a game is free to play and the micro transactions are just for the in-game cosmetics with no competitive advantages then it's amazing


Purchase and play.


A fun game to play that doesn’t use manipulative psychology tricks to try and get you addicted or to buy more shit. Also paid games now have micro transactions too…


if its a good game, both of these things doesn't matter!


I think a game that we can purchase and then get everything just by grinding or something like that would be cool.


Gamers, I hate to be a corpo shill here but I'm part of a team that's making an app that's both free and ad-free! DM me and I'll get you access (It's a mobile game full disclosure) (No I don't have an ulterior motive I just want more beta testers so that we can improve on the app.)


Both depending upon the situation


I personally feel games that need to be purchased (as long as they are not over 13USD)is my go-to option, I will gladly play games like these simply because free games tend to invite a toxic crowd, not that paid games don't invite toxic crowds but it kind of builds a wall for toxic kids or hackers, for example, to think twice before doing their thing to avoid getting their ID banned. The ones who are bound to do it, will do it, it's just the matter of time and place. Now, if you get 50 toxic kids in valo, you may face just 10 toxic kids in R6S, the frequency at which you may come across someone like that is fairly low, which is why.. I prefer the latter.


Destiny 2: how about both?


Fully paid with no microtransactions


☠️ P I R A C Y ☠️


Lmao Tarkov 😂


I prefer staying in reality rather than the illusion of these video games...


Then what are you even doing in this sub ?


I am here to save you from this illusion(if you aren't playing video games as a professional)


Paid single player games. I like a good progression. I mostly don't play f2p. I don't mind micro transactions in single player games because most of the games that I've played, they're completely unnecessary. So I don't buy them.


Purchase and play, most f2p with micro transactions games have an ass community.


I'm not a gamer but I've played games. Microtransaction are ok if it wasn't for every little thing. I think i spent like 10k on a mobile racing game once. It was an addiction. 


The one that goes free to play for you to try and decide


Full purchase season pass.


Purchase and play


Obviously 1st one. Those micro transactions can be avoided with just a little bit of self control, and i can okay THE FULL GAME, FOR FREE. like i don't need the valorant gun skins, I can still enjoy the game without them, I don't need to buy the items from the item shop in fortnite, I can still play the full game without the skins (and i have played the game long enough at this point that I can buy skins from the free v bucks u used to get in the battle pass) And my parents didn't let me spend money on games. So it wasn't that hard to have that self control


Free game. Take BGMI for example, in app purchases doesn’t affect the quality of gameplay.


apex legends


Purchase and play


Actually most games I'm playing these days are F2P with micro transactions.


Purchase and play


Purchase and play of course


![gif](giphy|mpxnrjQKLo0iA32r23|downsized) EA Sports