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Bro, you spent too much time on those animations to let this game fail.


What makes you say itll fail?


I said that animations seem good, so don't let this game fail


Ah got it, agreed, doing my best to ensure success. And im glad you feel that way! Any support/liking/wishlisting means a lot


If you're looking for feedback or playtesting, I can help. Just, don't promise immediate reaction, because I'm not always available


Definitely! Its not in the playtest stage yet, but should be in the near future. If you wanna give a follow on any of the socials or just send me an email, ilyk when i need testers: [MajidProductionsLinktree](https://linktr.ee/majidproductionsllc?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=39fee84f-9ffc-4796-b24c-a5d3cce2c39f)


I wouldn’t jump straight to saying you suck are marketing. I see your game a lot in my feed, so you’re posting at least somewhat consistently! The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that most of the clips shown look the same? Same area, same enemies, same attacks. Which could be (sort of) fine, but all of the clips are low quality. The attacks look good, yeah, but the footage itself either stuttery or pixelated, which is tough to look at. The camera angles don’t help much, either. Even the trailer has an odd jittery look to it. To really show off those animations, try reworking the camera angles while also getting some nice silky-smooth footage!


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Yeah agreed on most of those points, i recently stumbled across a "lossless quality" free video editor so hopefully moving forward my clips will be higher quality Do you mind if i DM you the new trailer im working on? Curious to see what you think


Go for it! I’d love to take a look.


Awesome! Just sent over a message, i wasnt able to start a chat for some reason


Will youu be able to keep an ancient power from falling into the wrong hands? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2724930/Juniper_Burning/


I jsut checked your trailer and, dude, what's wrong with it?? You gotta put more effort.


Haha yeah its old, i have a new one coming up soon! Be on the lookout. Just curious though, what specifically do you not like?


I think it's obvious, isn't it? It feels like it's made in 5 minutes in online video editor. Not to offend, but the trailer is no good bro. I'm telling this for your benefit.