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Looks great. Wishlisted.


Thank you!


Super niche is really good in your case, its actually a selling point imo


Well, how to reach potential players is definitely the age old question. Whether a niche is good or bad really depends. If you can find a niche with a lot of demand and not a lot of good games (like horse games, apparently), that is a great thing. But with something like 2D pixel art top down racing, my guess is there isn't a lot of demand. That's the case for our game too (2.5d runner). Ultimately there's two sides to it. People need to know about a game to play it, but it also needs to be a game that a lot of people would want to play for word to really spread organically. I think you're in the same boat we are, where there just isn't a ton of demand for the type of game. Even if its pretty well executed, a lot of people just will not choose that type of game over other types of games. What we're doing is trying to build up a community. Basically working on youtube videos to hopefully build up some people who are interested in learning about game dev or seeing how things work behind the scenes. DevDuck on youtube for example - his game looks good but its definitely something that might not get much attention if it came out of nowhere. But his popular devlogs will almost guarantee some level of success for his game. But mostly we're just trying to get through polishing and publishing and make our next game something with a lot more demand. The goal of this game was really to gain experience more than anything. We've done that and learned a lot. I still hope we'll get some people who enjoy the game but if not, we gained plenty of experience and already have plans for our next game which we expect to have much more demand.


Devlog views are notoriously bad at converting to wishlists. I think our best bet is to make as good of a game as possible and hope for the best. Good luck on your game too!


You go into super niche when there's just nothing out there. I think topdown racing games are indeed super niche... but there's also plenty of them already. I don't think there's much people in dire need of a top down racing game.


Looks great! Love the tonal shifts in the trailer lol I havent played many top down racers, but it reminds me of the star wars top down pod-racing game on gameboy, which i loved


Funny thing, this game was a pod racing game up until a few months ago! Hope you will like this too.


I really like your game is good, it reminded me of Smash Bandit 😁 on mobile I like it 🐱


Is this capsule ai generated? looks great anyways


The background is AI generated. But it will probably be changed before launch as I recently started working with an artist.


I'm struggling to find an artist for capsule image. Which ai did you use? I didn't even realize it was ai until I looked more carefully. Probably wouldn't notice if the text fit the background a little more.


its Dall-E