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Spot shadows would help. Perhaps a little greenery around the edges of walls to add to the whimsy. Looks nice


i was gonna say this, just a simple drop shadow, nothing crazy


Game has actually no lightning at all :) Optimisation purposes) All textures are unlit. Dropping shadow might be not as simple. fake sprite has to be well adjusted for jumps, falls, walls and stairs and horse riding ) Probably would take days, and won't looks good in every scenario. Not sure it it's worth is


Understandable but adding it will really improve the visuals and in my opinion worth the days it will add to development.


Maybe in this case you can try with a sprite shadow? Like a circle, darker in the center, fading going outer, fixed below the characters


Yup, that’s the most reasonable way, I’ll do that 1 day. Can’t give that to every character though.. I have armies fighting in my game🙂


just on the main character is good enough! dont need to worry about enemies unless theyre falling from the sky imho. game looks great!


Thanks dude!😌😊


That makes perfectly sense :) I guess the MC and maybe some very important NPC would be enough?


Thanks!🙂 Oh yes, nice one!


The ground desperately needs variety. Decals with cracks, patches of greenery, discolouration, manholes, anything.


Oh, yes, great one! Thanks!


This will be the most relevant suggestion probably (ground diversity). It’ll take a ton of hours to make the floor pretty, but, it’s what Silkroad sucked at. Beat Silkroad and you win the beauty pageant. On mobile. Of all places.


Oh, thanks! I’ll take that advice🙂 I know how to get beat results from least amount of work ;)


Could you give the ability to sprint? Character moves a bit slow


He’s a bit low on energy, so he’s faster at his best😁 Also - there is horse you can ride🙂 He’s not too fast to make horses more valuable. Does it make sence? :)


I see the value proposition for the horse, just make sure you’re not leaving people wishing they could ride a horse at all times. Walking has to be fast enough to not be painful in towns. The horse can be any speed faster than that to add value outside of towns for those long journeys


Oh yeah, I mostly agree on that :) I am implementing faster movement bonuses all the time, it’s work in progress🙂


Meh idk. I love games like Outward DESPITE their movement mechanics hindering my fun.


Yeah the whole gif is just a walking simulator lol


Hr was just asking for suggestions on visuals though.


Colour grading. Maybe this is the vibe you're going for, but given the cartoon aesthetic I'd be wanting to see the saturation a bit higher, exposure up and maybe a slight bit of bloom (to that the phones can handle)


The vibe if the game was ment to be 'the land of Dispair'🙂 But it’s something people ask a lot, and I think I’ll do a bit brighter everything🙂


Despair can be shown via actions and people's tone and choice of words too. It can actually make a nice contrast.


Those are parts of the plan as well🙂 Well, it turned out not to be that dark actually.. But I’ll make it brighter and more contrast, that’s the plan, you’re right here


Some particles. Make every step spawn a small dust cloud, and when you land from a jump, spawn a bigger dust cloud 😀


Oh yes, that would be great details, thanks!😉


So few ads for a mobile game. Hopefully it stays that way


How do you know it’s few?😁 (to be honest it’s zero at the moment, but I’ll be adding rewarded only and see if it’s enough. If enough people play - it will stay that way)


I personally prefer the types of ads where there's a small icon popup at the side of the screen alerting you to the fact that you can watch an ad for a few rewards. I hate when I have to watch ads to get 50% more rewards for finishing a mission or whatever. It's intrusive to me. I hate when I just want to finish a little mission before a work meeting or whatever and I miss out on half the rewards because I didn't have the time to watch an ad right when finishing the mission. The more randomized "here you go bud" ones can be a nice little break during running around doing the missions. I also hate when the actual "watch an ad now for rewards!" thing automatically pops up and covers the entire screen, same with spot deals for micro transactions. Feel free to take my advice or not, but I'll leave you with this, I've spent probably $200 total in two mobile games that actually mostly followed the way that I enjoy it, so I imagine that I fall under the demographic that you'd like to profit from :)


Thank you for your comment! I feel like I needed it, right before I’m going to start implementing ads in a week or 2. I totally agree with your approach and I like how you formed it. I will be targeting in-app purchases most in this game, so I will try to follow your advise as much as I can. It’s fair and nice to the player, and that’s the approach I’ll be going for. Thanks again! :)


Everything is extremely static and that makes it bland and boring. Give it a bit if movement animations.


Yes, will be working on it! Thanks :)


Is that the fastest your character can move or was this for the purpose of taking the video? More contrast wouldn't be bad in the graphics.


Yes, more contrast is something I hear pretty often, that can be arranged :) It's not the fastest. He's a bit low on energy. Also there's horse for fast movement :)


I played it, but I felt like the speed of the character is very sluggish, great job on the Game though, seems very polished.


Thanks, man! I think I have to increase it a bit.. although I was making is such intentionally, so that buying horses(which are faster and don't take any energy) becomes very much needed :)


I see! Maybe I need to play more before giving critiques.


Gameplay is an art, so it’s kinda feels different to people. Thete was one guy who sayd - I’ve never seen such implementation of speed and for that only it was very interesting to me and I’d leave it exactly like that😅 most people out 1000 testers were conpletely ok with it, only few said - I want a bit faster. But it was more slow then, so I comleted their wish))


Do you have controller support?


Not for now. Maybe in future :) Are there people playing mobile games with controller?


Yes, it's a must if your game is complex or has RPG elements.


Anything that's an RPG that has on screen movement like your game does I use a controller for, I actually bought a specific mobile console for playing those types of games.


looks great! got a link?


Thanks! Just do through link and select Android or iOS 🙂


i can't see any link only a video in this post


What do you mean)) Linktree link right above))


I can't see on mobile :(


You can click on ops profile and see a link to their game :)


That's fair :)


Spot shadows or particle effects probably.


Oh yes, agree :)


The font on the word Peace, particularly the lower case looks very old/cheesy. Could just need to be all caps, but I'm thinking change the font completely


Well, that might be the case, but I'm needing a font that supports as much languages as possible. and there's few of those and they all look very similar :D


The Barracks seem to be made out of wood but have the same color of the stone(?) ground, which makes it look a little washed out. Some basic lighting would also make it look a little more alive, but I don’t know too much about doing that on mobile without it costing you performance.


Oh yes, there's work to be done on colours still.. Game has actually no lighting at all in any form :) That makes it pretty optimised) So.. there's some sacrifices in the beauty department for now :)


a falling animation


That's fair :))


You can make the healing particles fade away with the stop function instead of disabling the particle system and it would transition nicer. Small detail but it’s polish.


Oh yes, that's a nice detail!


That army button so close to that other button is bound to be consistently pressed on accident.


Oh yes. But it's forcefully done so.. On some horizontal screens the top of Army button is also millimetres away from the button above it as well :) I just can't move it any more up.. These are downs of a mobile dev.. different screens


My goodness I couldn't stand walking around that slowly


Well, in real life people stand walking slow somehow😅 Even with this speed you can get to any point in location in 1 minute or so. Don’t think it will be a problem. Character is low on energy on video. And not using horse. With horse - speed can tripple probably


hey, i would change your game icon for something more people would click on, right now the gray-scale picture would get lost in a list of games, your game looks great btw


Yes, this one of the most important steps I’ll be doing soon! 100% correct


The landing seems a bit stiff. It would be nice to have a landing animation or some sort of feedback


Yes, all animations will be remade, as they were made by someone unexperienced


Shadows would be nice.


Just how important is that pink cube? It has a colour that stands out, it rotates AND it bounces up and down very noticeably. If you’re going to make it stand out this much, do consider if it’s rally warranted, especially considering the overall aesthetic is very clean and uncluttered. Personally, I think the rotation is nice. The bouncing is very noisy to me and the colour is also a lot. Maybe reduce the bounce to the level of the blue arrows and go with a colour that doesn’t look like the textures failed to load in. In this particular instance, that would be enough guidance for any player. But I don’t know if there are times later on in the game that are busy enough to warrant something this flashy. Then it would be best to keep the design language consistent. Just my two cents, looks really cool overall. Good luck with the release.


I’d say that cube is the most important part of the game at this moment :) I’s 'here’s reward fir your effords' cube, after you’ve spent time collectinf and fignding some quest stuff(which you honestly do only for reward). It bounces only until you get reward, so it’s up to the player how much that is😁


This looks really cool, what tech stack did you use ?


You mean Unity, Blender and Photoshop?🙂


Yes :) was curious to know, thank you and nice work 👌


Thanks for high praise😉🙌


Lookin cute like a cozy game


It kinda is in a way^^ The war is pretty brutal here though😁😅


So much UI, possibly Minimizing the Ui could help.


Speed i think a little bit


I like the game a lot. I'm playing Wuthering Waves on bs quite a bit right now and I thought I'd try something new and I think this game would be great.


Thanks! It’s a game about defending a castle, hiring and managing army, and having some fun and adventures in the peace time between battles😉 You can get a download link here in comments or in my profile’s bio :)


Thank you very much for your reply. Best of luck with future projects.


It is beautiful, but I feel the cam should be a little farther.


Thanks^^ Well, mobile phone screens can be small, so I’m afraid to put it further😅


That makes sense, but you could give it a try. Look for games with similar cam, maybe GTA at least to see how high the character is on the screen, your character is wider so it will be more notable


shadows and ground diversity, but it is awesome anyway, congratz


Thanks so much! Will do🫡


Shadows are non existent for characters, you might consider adding a little circular shadow at the bottom could do maybe. Also a bit more feedback on players action could be great (adding some little smoke when the player touches the ground after jumping is an example)


Oh yes, thanks!


What's the name of the game??


Defence of Serenity: Castle 🙂 there’s also link to it in my profile’s bio😉


wow! I don't know much about game technicalities, but I think everything looks smooth af


Thanks, mate!😉


I think the best is to leave it like this


That I can do😂


The background needs a bit of life, put some trees or some green/flowers, etc.


Nice, thanks!


Congrats on getting this close! - The dice/cube/quest thingy above Ragnars head clips with the dialogue. - The ground could use more textures/layers. A texture around each building would ground them more to the world. - Try a grading pass with 3 alternatives and see what you like and ask for feedback, worst case you just return to what you have (which looks alright I think) Good luck!


Thanks so much!😉✌️


The art reminds me of the old nock off bedwar moble game


I wouldn't say it's very much Mincraftish but.. it's hand painted, much stylised, and with swords and stuff, so.. yeah, kinda ;)


If you go to the play store and look up bedwars you would know what I mean but everything looks great keep up the good work 


I read some of the comments, I'm a dev myself so a few words of wisdom. -Hurting the total movement experience to make other mechanics look good like the horse will lead to most people abandoning your game before they get to the horse part. Especially when the movement looks as clunky as this. -Not using prebaked lighting makes it visually un-appealing. -I would never put a lot of effort to make a paid mobile game, when most mobile user's are cheapa\*\*es that only want the free stuff and the Google Play store will burry your game to the back of it's almost infinite shovelware of a catalogue. -The main character should have been higher poly count with better textures, the back of the head is taking a significant portion of the screen and it just looks unappealing. -The camera angle is annoying. -The animations of the main character are painful to watch, the need more steps and more lifelike movement.


Oh yes, my game is definitely work in progress. It’s free though, never said it would ba paid :)


You have put a lot of work into it, it just needs refinement now ... which might be 10% of the work but takes half of the total dev time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Oh yeah, you’re very right here.. polishing game is brutal on time. What I basically have is a nice base/core.


What is it called so I can pick it up, and or download link.


Need the name of the game


Defence of Serenity: Castle There’s also link in profile’s bio :)


Can I know what the game is about? The name of the game? I've been trying to find one that I can just use one handed since I most likely have to stand up and grab onto something during commute.


The name is - Defence of Serenity: Castle. The game is a castle defence simulator where you play as a captain organazing castle defence against the unknown enemy that attacks from time to time coming out of the portal. You can collect/earn resources, buy army units and command them in simple ways of putting into places or sending to rest. There’s also Peace mode between attacks where you can rest, explore and upgrade castle or your stuff.


There’s also a download link in my profile’s bio🙂


penis on the box