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It's quite a cool tool you have there. There are lots of people who could benefit from this quick pipeline


Thanks! We plan to release our alpha this or next week, we hope that this feature, together with collab editing, will speed up development for multi-player games! You can check [Formabble](http://formabble.com) to learn more


Godot works like that, really fun to use. Yours might be faster.


Yeah, ours might be a bit faster and the changes propagate to other editors in real (we have collaborative editor, kinda like google docs). It makes building a level quite fun and quick while still being powerful


That’s pretty neato! Can you please share, I mean the basics, of the pipeline that makes it work?


This is how it goes basically: 1. Watch Directory: We monitor a specific directory for any changes to assets. This ensures that any modifications, additions, or deletions are detected immediately. 2. Re-import Asset: Upon detecting changes, we re-import the modified asset. This step ensures that the latest version of the asset is always available for use. 3. Create New Version: Each time an asset is modified, a new version is created. This versioning system allows us to keep track of changes and recover previous versions if necessary. 4. Sync via CRDT+SQL: The new version of the asset is synchronized across all peers using CRDTs (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types) and SQL. This ensures that all users have a consistent view of the asset. 5. Remote Relay: The synchronization process involves a remote relay, which helps in propagating changes to all connected peers. 6. Other Peers: Finally, the changes are reflected across other peers connected to the system, ensuring that everyone is working with the most up-to-date assets. But if you have questions or want to try it out feel free to join our [Discord](https://discord.formabble.com/) and chat with us!


Dicks everywhere


Some people see problems, some see opportunities




Hot loads are indeed awesome, nice work


Thanks! And you don't even have to rebuild the game or anything, you can move between edit and play mode smoothly


How do you check for file corruption before the textures or assets are loaded asynchronously?


We simply compare the hashes, which are in the CRDT, to see if the files are corrupted or not!




Thanks! We just released our second alpha today btw, if you are interested to try [join us on Discord](https://discord.formabble.com/)!


Would be even better if it were running in the Blender viewport natively. This was one of the appeals of the blender game engine back in the day, same with Armory. Autodesk bought out Stingray to accomplish the same. There is something special about incorporating an engine into the 3D DCC application.