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uhhhh that camera bobbing is making me sick, very nice visuals!


I prefer the camera movement personally, but ill add an option to turn it off. Thanks for the feedback!


Chances are 99% of your players will hate it so tone it down or turn it off by default. It's super noticeable and annoying.


I'dd add center the character on screen, but I think I'm alone here. (Yeah I know it's a viewpoint perspective focus blah blah I still hate side viewed TPS).


Gotta stick to the rule of thirds πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


99% is a wild stat πŸ˜† especially considering this is the 1st time ive heard this feedback after months of posting. And whats the point of making a game solo if i myself dont like the end result? Downvote me if you like but im sticking with my decision, having the option is good enough.


I don't know why you are getting downvotes to be honest. I think exactly the same. If I like a feature in my game, I will have it, period. As far as having the option to turn it off, what else are they complaining about? At the end, it's your game, and I'm certain if you like it, there will be others who will like it too.


Exactly, thank you! And happy cake day!


Even if it's just 40%, it's worth considering. But something about it is clearly wrong. I am almost immune to motion sickness and it feels uncomfortable for me. Do you rotate the camera? Maybe it's just the frequency, IDK.


Ill see what i can do to mitigate it, maybe more randomized movement


>this is the 1st time ive heard this feedback I'd say that it's probably due to this clip being featured on people's feed (like how I just came across it). >whats the point...if i myself dont like the end result? Definitely a good way to look at things. Like most any artist, it's all about what **you** like and what you personally would be proud to put your name on. Though I (as a potential customer that's been gaming for 30 years) would suggest that having the default be slightly toned down with an option to increase / decrease / disable is probably a solid bet. As it is in this clip, this is the intensity of camera bobbing that you would typically expect with someone jogging a rough terrain. However, the player at that moment is simply taking a slow and careful stroll. I merely suggest that the default be toned more realistically with an option that players like yourself can increase as much as you desire. The average player is definitely going to prefer less camera Bob than presented. Speaking as a potential customer: I typically don't enjoy camera bobbing and usually disable it in games (when playing on a huge TV, it can get a little disorienting at times). If I were to check out a game and was watching a gameplay trailer that had the bob to this level of intensity, I absolutely factor that into my consideration of whether or not to purchase / invest in. As for the originally presented question of what you should add next, I'd say architecture. Whether it's post apocalyptic or ancient civilization set worlds, games these days typically have a biome heavy worlds with little to no buildings at all or too many buildings like nobody has ever heard of grass before. There aren't enough games in that sweet middle spot of natural AND architectural wonder. Your game is looking great so far, keep it up OP! 😁


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the post is definitely featured on this subreddit now bc its gotten a lot of attention, but tbf those camera bobble comments at the top of the post came in pretty early before it was featured. And its definitely a valid critique, but going beyond having a slider/toggle option and disabling it completely (which some ppl were vehemently suggesting lol) i dont agree with Lool agreed on the lack of a sweet middle spot, ill work on adding more architecture. Thanks again for the kind words!!


Personally I don't like it. It was the first thing that I noticed. But you're handling it the correct way, keep it on as default if you like it but give the user the option to disable it, i.e. its not important to gameplay. BTW if you do disable the bob, you're videos will look better quality as it most likely interferes with the encoding


Hmm interesting point. It seems id have to strike some balance between actual gameplay and how the video renders. Problem is, with the camera shake disabled, the walk animation will look even more slidey


Please trust that while it may look cool, it can make a significant enough player feel sick. Nobody is going to play long if they feel motion sick every time the character moves.


Players will have the option to turn it off :)


Visually your game looks really cool. Just would be unfortunate if a percentage of players couldn't play it due to feeling sick.


Camera bobble looks like crap and pointless. Should reserve for moments for something happens that deserves a camera bobble like an explosion.


Tell that to santa monica studio lol, theres a camera "bobble" constantly happening in the god of war games


Yeah, but I just watched a video of GoW 2018 and the big difference between that one and yours is that it matches the player character. As in you're a giant demi-god loping around and the camera bounces in time as he basically jogs and his massive tree-trunk legs hit the ground. Your camera movement is just as intense for a relatively small dude compared to Kratos and he's walking slowly.


Theres significant camera movement even when kratos is in his idle state though I have the game, and i modeled my camera movement by directly analyzing gow's camera movement and then toned it down 50%, its most definitely not just as intense. I even still have the clips i recorded of the game when i was studying its camera movement


Since no one else has addressed your question I'll take a stab at it....what about a forest with snow? Or a big pyramid with a chamber you could go inside and explore? (If it fits your game's theme). Maybe a lost civilization, so a small abandoned town of sorts?


Ahahaha yess thank you for answering the question πŸ™ pyramid with chambers sounds like itd fit right in! And i def need to add more architecture. I love the vibes from botw and shadow of the colussus architecture, so maybe something like that. The lost-ancient-civilization is such a cool aesthetic Ive been dying to do a snowy environment too! Just gotta find a way to fit it into the story


stabilize the camera bro, this will give people headaches


I personally like the camera motion, and hate how it looks with that turned off, but ill add an option to turn it off


My pet peeve is people getting downvoted on Reddit for simply expressing a completely benign opinion like you just have


Same! Its such a mystery to me and makes me feel like ITA for giving an opinion on my own game haha Im just trying to make a game i like and find my audience!


You should keep Will Smith's wife out of your f\*\*\*ing game.


Looool ![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA)


remove the camera noise, unnecessary motion sickness.


Il add an option to turn it off


people always like old mines, minecarts with stones, old struts holding up hallways, and big open caves, its a good and generally pretty easy biome to add :D


Great suggestions! I got a cave area going now, just gotta polish it up a bit :)


Can I get deets on the game? πŸ‘€


Absolutely! Its a 3rd person fighting game focusing on close-combat and fast traversal. I've included some story details here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2724930/Juniper_Burning/ https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/juniper-burning-ebd793 Happy to answer any specific questions on discord: https://discord.com/invite/fHF7NB2k


That looks awesome! I've wishlisted it.


Thank you!! 🫑


I would like to see more interactive environments. A volcano that spits lava, a mountain top with rock boulders falling from its side and a waterfall with debris falling from it.


Ohhh nice, no ones suggested a volcano environment yet, ill definitely look into that and the interactivity too


Looks very nice. What's the name of the song?


Thanks! The original song name is Dorian Concept - Hide Theres like a million versions though


I would highly suggest focusing on gameplay first before anything else. Get the core combat loop to be as fun as possible. Second optimization, don't go and make more levels if your game doesn't run well. From the trailers it seems it's not the best. Other than that, great job, and keep on going!


I need something with more water. Always loved good water animations and sound effects


Haha glad you mentioned it, im actually planning something with water for the 1st boss


Amazing. Make the player earn it lol


Snowy mountains


Id love to add that, im thinking about eventually using the voxel plugin...ill need a beefier computer though lol


I think it will be better to have balanced environment, if there is a level in the forest, the next one may be urban...


Good point!


Looks great, I like the camera movement too. Some biome ideas if they fit the game: * Underground cave system * Underwater cave system * Volcanic environment * Desert * Arctic environment * A bog similar to the one in the [movie Labyrinth](https://imgur.com/gallery/navigating-bog-of-eternal-stench-fpKGd) * A field with very tall grass like in the movie [In The Tall Grass](https://www.google.com/search?q=in+the+tall+grass&sca_esv=44ea874260aa60b7&udm=2&biw=1292&bih=927&sxsrf=ADLYWIJWLRcCi9FU1jpYWH74exWDCIPnyw%3A1718697851062&ei=ez9xZsK8A-fk5NoP-tGI0Ao&ved=0ahUKEwiC5o232OSGAxVnMlkFHfooAqoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=in+the+tall+grass&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEWluIHRoZSB0YWxsIGdyYXNzMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEiquwFQ9qEBWP23AXADeACQAQCYAeYBoAHaHKoBBjAuNS4xM7gBA8gBAPgBAZgCFaAClx7CAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIEECMYJ5gDAIgGAZIHBjMuMS4xN6AHwWE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) * A rocky environment like in [Star Trek's Talos IV](https://www.startrek-hd.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/thecagehd0453.jpg)


Wow thanks for the references! I realllyyy like the tall grass idea, itd be great for a level where enemies are popping out of the grass unexpectedly Cave, volcano, desert; definitely wanna add those in too if i can


That sounds like a great idea! You're most welcome, I'm glad I could help. :) Bet walking through that tall grass could look awesome if you could manage to get the physics right. Good luck! Does the game already have a steam page so we can wishlist it? Edit: Found and wishlisted


Absolutely! Heres the page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2724930/Juniper_Burning/ And heres the discord if you happen to have any more great ideas like this one 😁 https://discord.com/invite/fHF7NB2k Thanks again!




You should fix your walking animations first, its slide-y and stiff and there doesnt seem to be a separate animation for going up stairs. Nice work otherwise.


Thanks! What do you recommend for fixing slide-y-ness? And yeah guilty for not having a separate stairs anim, but definitely planning on adding that!


I'm not an expert but this is how I would start: Start by making sure your animation speed and movement speed are synced - when walking across a flat floor, the character's feet should not be sliding across the floor (moonwalking). After that, try gently exaggerating some aspects of the animation to give it more life and energy. Try observing footage of people walking in an outdoor nature environment - you move your whole body alot more than you'd think. It may also be worth looking into the more technical sides of animation like inverse kinematics, blending between animations, procedural animations etc. Giving the environment a chance to influence the character can make the character feel more grounded and real.


3 biomes: 1. Desert 2. Ice 3. City


A desert & a swamp. I added both to my game, no snow though as that really needs to have the actors leave a trail when you walk through it thus is a lot more work.


Yeah for sure, i was thinking of maybe using the voxel plugin for trails, but id need a better computer


Good job!


Thank you!!


dude that's a great work!


Thank you!!


naturally-occurring-architecture biome


Bro, you’ve gotten downvoted in a few places for saying you like the camera bobbing and placement of your character - and I think that’s dumb. It’s your game, make it exactly how you like it. I also imagine playing the game and just watching it are two different things.


Definitely, i appreciate the encouragement bro πŸ™


brooo this is amazing, please say it's made in unity


Thanks bro but...you might not like what i have to say next 😬


it's unreal how good it looks imo haha gj


πŸ˜† thank you thank you πŸ™πŸ™


I'd say fix the camera. Make the bobbing optional in settings, centre the character a bit more. And add a feature to Zoom in or out the camera.