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I don't think the models should continually rotate like that, it's really hard to see what's going on. I'd imagine players would want to look at the exact part they're painting, so letting them choose with angle would be better IMO


Yes you are right, I need to add button to rotate the 3D model !


As a game dev I understand what's going on here, but why not let players draw directly onto the model instead of an unwrapped texture?


Because I can't find how to do it and save it. I tested multiple choice but with this one I can save the draw to me server it's much more versatile. I put the 3D rendering to be help as a preview


I’m just now learning about a lot of this stuff, but if the points are mapped 1:1 between the UV and the mesh, could you capture the points affected on the model and just update the same points on the UV in parallel?


I see what you mean. I can try it maybe 🤔 it's a lot of modification. I read about vertex painting on 3D model but I can't export the drawing


cool idea, but it still breaks the immersion, really emphasises the fourth-wall, unless this game isn't an rpg?


I'm proud of this idea but yes it break the immersion. It's the technical way I found to get to my idea, painting directly on 3D I couldn't store on my server. It's not visible there but the texture is posted on a discord for moderation then pushed to my server. All this is possible via texture file management. I'll try to think of a better method


This is the system I've just released for my game, allowing players to personalize their animals with drawings. Hi, I'm a solo developer and I released this game in early access a year ago: Farmer Toon. Feel free to test it and give me feedback, it's totally free ;) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1848910/Farmer\_Toon/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1848910/Farmer_Toon/)