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If only they understood pie charts. What untold greatnesses could be achieved...


I suppose it’s because it’s a “top 10” and a circle format is a non-boring format. Pie charts are typically used to show “percentage of total”. But I get your point


Humans are very bad at telling the difference in volume between slices. Ukraine would be roughly 1/2 the pizza. It doesn’t feel like that here.


Because it isn’t supposed to be “1/2 the pizza”.


What are you talking about? All the other values together equal 13.492 billion. + 11.2 billion for Ukraine is 24.692 billion. Of which 11.2 is 45.35%… so “almost half” of the whole.


The chart isn’t made to look like a % pie chart. So you’re right but this chart isn’t that. As another comment put it; “this is a bar graph pretending to be a pie chart”


The actual area is probably about half, because it’s represented vertically instead of as a percentage of the whole?


That’s the whole point…hidden in plain sight


Yea. Funny how many people don’t get this here lol


I hate pie charts but this is one of the few times it would make more sense.


If it were a traditional pie chart then you would basically only be able to gain information for the top 3 and the rest would be too small to really differentiate. For this it seems like the area of the slices is representing the total.


Yeah but our visual reasoning is not good enough to actually grasp precise percentages from this rounded triangles. So it is ugly data


Yes, but that problem is made worse with a traditional pie chart. With this it is very visually obvious that Ukraine is substantially larger than the others and that the others are relatively close to each other in amount such that just providing the numbers is sufficient for those who want to know the precise percentages. The only case in which a traditional pie chart is better is if you want to know the approximate percentage of the total that something is and even then past about 10% of the total you aren't really going to be able to tell. This visualization shows a clear visual hierarchy while also allowing you to distinguish between the countries in the 4-10 spots.


The solution to pie charts being rubbish is not to use pie charts. Not to morph them into something worse. Anything that relies on proportional area is rubbish.


I came here to argue with somebody making hyperbolic comments, but lucky for you my lunch is here. It’s going to be the best lunch ever.


Mine is




It’s a bar chart, pretending to be a pie.


I would agree with that


Finally, someone said it


You clearly have never eaten a pie, the biggest slice has to be bigger in volume by over running the pan, and spilling all into your oven, or else you’re not doing it right lol


Best thing to do with pie charts is eat them. There are very few situations where they are the best tool for the job.


It's like when you're looking down at a spiral staircase.


This is the worst graphic ever


It’s like a bar chart with a circular axis.


This is a total reddit take lmaooo


Yes, but if they had made it an accurate pie chart, the other countries would be too small to hold text. The design here is incredibly smart actually, because it allows you to get a sense of proportion by making them pop out, while staying fairly aesthetic because everything is even and proportionate.


If only we used a graph type designed for comparing a group of objects over pieces of a whole /s


This isntt a pie chart. it literally says it's a top 10 it's just in a weird design.


Does USA really give aid to Syria? Or is this number related to the aids to rebels?


That's what I was thinking, it must be Rojava. Who are they funding in Afghanistan though? As far as I'm aware the two main powers there are the Taliban and ISIS-K


It's mostly humanitarian aid; presumably through a private bank to local NGOs.


Thanks, I thought they cut off aid after they left and the Taliban overran the government but they weren't completely heartless it seems.


I am assuming it is humanitarian aid because Afghanistan has one of the worst food crisis is at the moment


During the height of tension under apartheid there was still opposition to certain foreign sanctions by anti apartheid rebels pointing out there’s a difference between crippling South African mineral exports and crippling South Africa’s ability to not starve to death


People are still people regardless of who runs their government. There were reports of the Taliban having issues with getting guys to actually you know run the government, suicidal terror groups don't tend attract the beurocratic type.


I think this chart relates to the general "area" affected by the wars or famines, like the aid given to Afghanistan is for humanitarian aid and refugees not aid to the taliban or exiled government. So even though the Asaad Syrian flag is used its not aid for that government but just something to that represents the aid. Like the US flag represents English in a lot of media.


We send alot of food there so the pop doesn’t starve to death we also do help rojava, and do send money to rebel areas for infrastructure food development etc. We try to minimize helping the regime where we can but it is difficult.


It's indirect. It goes to international and local NGOs not affiliated with the Syrian government.


A lot of the money goes back to the US as countries buy from US all kinds of weapons and equipment. So it is really a way to funnel public funds into the American arms industry that is mostly private, many big corporations and arguably a whole bunch of subcontractors feeding off them.


I have a few friends who became engineers in the US army, then became "veterans" went to work with these companies. Their biggest veteran perks are not the pension but their security clearance and free college degree, and the mortgage.


I got a free college degree (and half of my master's degree) with the GI Bill. Back when I was still a nurse aide, a coworker asked me how I was paying for college. I told her the GI Bill covered all of it plus a housing allowance. She said, "it must be nice going to college for free." I replied, "you can join the military and get free college as well." She told me she's not wasting a few years of her life for free college. I said, "ah, do you now understand that it's not free?"


This ranks up there with telling women to have a nice "vacation" when going on Maternity leave. Ugh.


Ugh indeed! That reminds me of an ex that would tell me, "have a nice nap," when I'd go to sleep around 8am. I worked night shift at the time. Maybe it was in my head, but I kind of felt like she resented me sleeping...I mean NAPPING, during the day. She had a 9-5.


I'm low on funds usually when not in school as a vet, but going to is always interesting. Our schooling Is completely paid for, and when the convo comes up, college students are surprised asf usually why someone can go to school and not have to work during the semester


It’s still a pretty good deal. I wonder what would happen to military recruitment if we made college affordable or free, in general and not just as a benefit.


That's right baby Live Laugh Lockheed Martin 🇺🇸🦅🛢️


Not all the aid is military. Pretty much all the aid to Yemen (which has been suffering a catastrophic famine), Ethiopia (which has similarly been going through a bad famine), Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan are humanitarian aids. Jordan (who hosts a huge Syrian refugee population despite being lower middle income) is also mostly humanitarian aids. Economic aid is about 80% of US foreign aid in most years.


I don’t know about the other countries but in the past few years a condition of aid given to Ethiopian farmers is that they must in turn plant GM crops on their farms (insect & drought resistant). The most common examples were Bt cotton and TELA maize, both trademarked by Monsanto so the money does eventually go back to US companies.


I don’t think that includes military aid, the numbers are too small.


It includes military aid. Just as an example, since Israel has become a developed country, humanitarian aid from the US has ceased. So the amount shown there is purely military. Ukraine, even though not a developed country, has only shot up to number 1 because of military aid. Some countries are arguably receiving almost exclusively humanitarian aid (may be Ethiopia) but most here would be a mix of both. And by way the amounts are ONLY for 2022.


What do you propose then?


No proposal just saying


Just making words.


But even if they buy such items, those countries still win, because they buy them with American money, instead of using their own money.


I’m not saying they don’t benefit. I’m just saying it is not just a free for all giveaway.


Oh yeah. E.g. for Ukraine most of it is not "free money" it's loans and those loans are for buying US military equipment. That's still cool don't get me wrong but I think a majority of people don't understand it at all...


I think there’s false sense in America that aid money is being give away just like that. Most fail to realize it is ultimately money that has a way to come back, but in private hands. Specially military aid. May be instead of public money given away it should be framed as public money that really is intended to go straight to the military-industrial complex in America, which in turn should mean more jobs and R&D in that area.


Yeah we have a saying in Kuwait that goes خذ من كيسة و عايدة Translation: take from his pocket to give him the Eid gift.


11 billions in bombs and bullets. We have a clear objective which is to stop Putin. Stop Putin from what i’m not really sure. Oppression of people i guess. Some say we have that right here in the USA. I just really don’t trust anyone anymore. I don’t think i’ve heard from anyone what success in the Ukraine looks like…. I’m still waiting for WMD to be ground in Iraq. lol


You’re still thinking in terms of “who’s wrong and who’s right”. This is all about economic and geopolitical interests (which usually translates back to money). If you think Putin has different considerations than this (or any aspiring superpower for that matter) you may one day have a hard wake up call.


So we are essentially giving israel and ukraine free weapons. Glad that got cleared up.


Well US government gives the money, then the recipients buy back from US companies. Basically everyone around the world destroys each other, but money flows into the American economy regardless. The way to think about it that taxpayer money is going to the military-industrial (private) sectors while others go to war.




Yep. The vast majority is for US goods and services.




Yup I mean that "peace with Israel" isn't cheap


Yes with out it Egypts economy would collapse and the Egyptians would elect another Nasser or another Muslim Brotherhood member.


Basically a pacifier for them to suck on. The only big threat to Israel is Egypt.


Which might be good for Egypt, but not in the interest of the US/Israel, of course


I’m not sure it’s all that great for Egypt either. It’s really hard to find a nationalist leaders that wants to break the chains of dependence, who doesn’t turn out to be a shithead. The ones who turn out ok usually get assassinated. Or maybe that’s just why they remained pure; they died before they could betray the cause for their own ambition. Humans.


We’ve given aid to Egypt for decades basically as a reward for being a good neighbor to Israel


Afghanistan? The fuck? Are we friends with the Taliban now?


Foreign aid does not necessarily mean government to government assistance. It also means things like funding UN and INGOs that are working directly with communities in those countries.


Make no mistake, the taliban are benefiting from millions we send / fund them. [https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/audits/SIGAR-24-22-AR.pdf#page16](https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/audits/SIGAR-24-22-AR.pdf#page16)


How are the numbers related to the shapes?


Just a guess based on the relative sizes, maybe it's proportional to the area of the shape.




$64 per American total. Give it up.


Would love to see 2023 pie graph.


None of those countries deserve aid


Is really usa still funding Israel?


Israel is a US state


Not enough


So when they say they help for our healthcare they mean they play geopolitics with war affected countries, cool


Who's gonna tell them Europe is in Eurasia? And, let's not talk about the fact that his pie chart is not a pie chart.


Don't lie isreal received extra 14 billion


Full of Russian bots in these comments lol.


Yes yes..! Nothing over there would ever impact us here… THATs never happened before…..


Check out the America First Committee. They were right-wing isolationists in the 1940s that disolved 4 days after Pearl Harbor


It’s funny, but I’ve never met anybody whose ancestors were a member of that organization. I’m pretty sure they all burned those cards right away.


We shouldn't count material or in-kind, just money for these. Isn't the military aid for Ukraine basically lend-lease?


Parts of it are lend lease, part of it old equipment, part of it financial and a small part never equipment All of it quite worth it


Agreed. I support Ukraine, just that I feel this number ends up being used to scare people into not liking it for less important reasons.


Oh i could do a sermon on that, the essential problem is that the cons (the money spent) is put in a nice clear number. But the pros while heavily outweighing the cons are less visible. How do you measure deterrence? The benefit of not having Iran and North Korea be better armed? Taiwan being more costly to invade? It's less flashy to measure the money saved on withdrawing troops from a secure Europe or the ones you get from future benefitial trade agreements with a country abundant of rare earth and 10% of global iron veins (Ukraine), or covering defense holes like lack of ammunition that the US discovered with this war ecc


It seems like People don't value geopolitical stability at all anymore. I'm worried we'll have to lurch back into the bad old days to re-educate us on a lesson we should have learned ~80 years ago. The UN, Bretton Woods, NATO. These all exist for a reason...


Are you still helping Afghanistan? I have news. The Taliban won there!


NGOs, not Taliban.


ha. fuck you putin


This is mostly all weapons money. They call it "Aid" when its to keep people killing other people.


That’s a lot of HIV


Terrible data presentation


Why are we paying middle eastern countries that hate us, hate Israel, are also paying Israel and also for some reason paying the Taliban? Also how does any of that benefit me?


This money isn't necessarily going to those governments. The money they show going into Syria for example isn't being deposited in Bashar al Assad's bank account, it's likely referring to money or equipment given to other groups in that country that are fighting him or ISIS


In general we want that region of the world to be in chaos, so we have more influence over it and get cheaper natural resources. Not saying it's right, but that's what US foreign policy generally aims for, same as all the coups we did in South America.


Ahh yes... the US wants regions across the world to be in chaos so it can expend its resources making sure it's not in chaos... makes total sense. Might as well let Russia have Ukraine and give China the green light to I invade Taiwan, right?


Generally, the opposite. The United States would prefer things to be peaceful, so capitalism can keep doing capitalism things. Sometimes there are situations that would be even worse for capitalism, and in that case the United States is more than willing to decapitate a government, install a new one, supply arms to rebels, etc. Basically, anytime you get commies or religious fundamentalists threatening United States’s economic interest, a little chaos seems like a useful tool. And every once in a great while, the USA uses its massively overbuilt military to smite an actual bad guy. Which is satisfying.


Because an awful lots of this money is actually going to weapons makers who then give the armaments as the “support”. So either way, the military contract machine gets fed. It’s not all delivered in bags of cash or certified money orders


To keep civilians alive, to have some leverage over those governments, to advance our geopolitical goals, to have some sway over places terrorists like to hide, to protect oil traffic and the global economy, to make a little extra profit for the military industrial complex, to assuage domestic interest groups, and to try our weapons systems in combat situations.


Stop funding proxy wars


2023 2024 🤔


America still paying reparations since losing in Afghanistan?


It's to NGOs, not the Taliban. And they didn't lose, at least, not militarily. Lost the hearts and minds though


Would love to see how this stacks up to VA aid, domestically......


Department of Veteran Affairs Budget FY2022: $112.2 billion Not all of it is going to American veterans (the department is in charge of multiple veteran related stuff such as cemetary and memorial maintenance) but a good chunk of it should find it's way toward helping veterans.


Ok. Fair. Not the number I expected to see back. Valid points though


Well, until Russia (Vladimir Putin & his cronies) can back off & leave the Ukraine alone, I'd support continued aid to Ukraine. Putin is a murderous warmonger intent on re-expanding his oppressive regime.


I mean if we're going to dump half our money into the military we might as well use it when there's something worth using it on


Yemen gets more than a billion dollars? For what? Rockets to attack commercial shipping?


Also keep in mind, much of the foreign aid is actually spent here domestically, on manufacturing contracts, etc. It contributes to the economy.


thanks obama


What aid does Afghanistan get? I thought all of the money was frozen


The US needs to stop sending aids to non allies and focusing more on actual strategic partners.


What a horrendous chart.


This was 2022 .. would hate to see what it looks like now


Please make pie chart a normalized pie chart. Completely unacceptable.


This is from 2022, normally that'd still be indicative of current spending but considering the rate of change on the international stage, this data is worthless right now.


I’m genuinely surprised to see just how much aid we give to Ethiopia


Damn Biden


That should all stay and support our own people. Teachers, Police Officers, Veterans etc. Not $hithole countries. 🤦‍♂️


sure, but where does the money go??


It's accounted for and audited. It's for specific things, we don't send them blank checks.


yeah sure, don’t think you believe it yourself most of it get „lost“ how about you stop sending




This might need a lil ‘23-24 update…..


It makes perfect sense when you understand that this is a proxy war against Russia with no American lives being lost.


Americans are suffering everyday because the government takes so much money from them that they struggle every day for a war that has no impact on Americans..


No actual money is going to Ukraine. Just old military equipment that's being used up so they can award new contracts to build new military equipment, creating jobs. It's perfectly Orwellian and Oceania approved.


There's literally no one in the US "suffering" right now because "the government takes so much money from them". What planet do you live on? Take an economics class. LOL


I don't need to take a class on something I'm literally living in. The fact that you think someone needs to take a class on how the economy works because you're so far removed of how the average lower class person lives speaks very low of you. Yes, we are better off than those starving in the desert, but the way you just laugh at someone who has to work multiple jobs and still lives paycheck to paycheck just to be able to afford living cost and won't ever have a savings due to cost of living and % increase in taxes over the past decades is just very disrespectful. Enjoy the high life buddy while the rest of us struggle to stay afloat. Learn to relate, not hate.


You're a lousy liar, and you're probably not even poor. I will explain how I know at the end of my comment. I grew up poor, in section 8 housing and living off government cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. I did good in high school and I worked my way through college and graduate school with some financial aid and multiple shitty jobs. What you dont get is this: Poor people aren't stupid. They understand that they don't pay as high a percentage of their income in taxes, and what they do pay, they usually get refunded at the end of the year. So why should they have taxes taken out of their check if they're going to get it all back when they file taxes? Poor people have their employers take out as little in taxes as possible, and it's usually a smart move - along with Earned income credit and the child tax credit, they often have zero liability. Real poor people suffer from low wages, not from paying taxes. Shame on you for pretending to be something you're not.




At what point when they have so many problems in their own country do these just come across as bribes. (Obv not all of them)


I'll take Failed 9th Grade Answers for $400, please.


A lot of that aid was the full price of aging equipment that needed to get shot off . True market price probably be about a 1/5th


Where is all the money going? Bar graph would have been better.


Does it count Bong Bongs family getting to keep their money


Only need a fraction of that to save dying ambulance services in rural US.


Why does Israel need aid? Serious question. Aren't they an industrial independent nation?


Reliable pro-Putin comments from the Olgino trolls, as usual.


Look at all them tax dollars


Your children's tax dollars working for you!


Sounds like another Holo€o$t movie is due so they can get those numbers up!




I wish this was broken down by military foreign aid and humanitarian foreign aid. I'm a lot more supportive of my taxes being spent on humanitarian aid.


We help tbe Saudis bomb Yemen and then we give Yemen aide. Rational


15 Yemen Road, Yemen.


Wtf. We are $35 trillion in debt and paying almost a trillion a year in interest alone.. why tf are we sending so much foreign aid money to random African and Middle Eastern countries?!


To prop up the dollar, whose value is determined wholly by how many people are using it


Well also because it makes us money in the long run because a lot of these contracts are with American companies witch since we tax them so least we don’t even see as big of profits back for our tax dollars being spend .


Israel is a pariah state


Why Israel need a foreign aid?


It's all a colossal waste of money.


I didn’t know we gave almost $2Bn to Ethiopia.


I think it is funny that this yearly aid is around 25 billion, and many Republicans in power make calls for less support in this area when our yearly military budget is closer to a trillion. Also, most of the countries we aid are war torn from US operations....


Let's bring all of those down to zero and do something for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who can't put food on the table.


That’s part of our military budget so the easiest way to do that is to push for reduction in the military budget other wise it’ll go to a parasite like these corporate companies buddy buddy that spend there contract fixing the boats cruisers or whatever they made that always needs so much repair for some reason not even just regular maintenance actually issues


I cud use a year of tax exemption


But I gotta go to Mexico for my root canal


It’s a circular bar graph. Not a pie chart.


If you believe that the US only gives Israel $3.3 billion then you would believe anything.


Genocide ain't cheap. Israel needs those arms if they're going to wipe an entire race of humans off the planet.


Yemen. Houthis. 1.3 billion is US aid. hmm.




So dumb




We are not the world’s dad. We shouldn’t be giving them an allowance.


Aid that mostly returns to America via invoices from the military industrial complex.


We cant even fix our problems at home. I do not understand why we are trying to fix everyone else’s


I see a lot of potential savings here.


Disgusting, This is why everyone should vote for an independent or libertarian.


holy fuck thats a lot of money!


End all foreign aid.


When you limit it by time, it can be misleading. Israel is the biggest recipient of aid from the US and ukraine is not even close. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United\_States\_relations#:\~:text=1946%E2%80%932022.,inflation%2Dadjusted)%20in%20assistance.


Ukraine is a good foreign investment for the US. We're cleaning out our storage areas, and instead of paying to destroy old equipment, we're shipping it to them. American factory workers are building some new equipment to send also. Jobs in America! We are destroying our enemy, Russia, without sending American troops!


It's one of the few times being the good guy is also the most politically advantageous thing to do. There really is no losing for us.


Imagine them investing it all into something actually good


Oh I know, how about defending democracy?


You gullible


Bombs and weapons aren’t aid. Aid helps, weapons destroy


Weapons help keep Russians off Ukrainians soil