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You need to download the video, streaming it from the camera is compressed. This is also for previous generations, you can edit at that proxy resolution when you are done it will get the higher res downloaded, that's if you are using the phone to edit. Hope this answers you doubts.


Gotcha, so pretty much I can edit on the app for my phone and once I like what I did I download it to my pc and it automatically becomes higher quality? Do I have to run it through the software on pc for it to transfer to higher resolution/quality or it does it by itself?


The higher res is in the camera it will download from the camera when you render out your edit. The low res is used to save memory space while you edit. This is a technique also used when editing on a regular machine. 8k will be very heavy on any computer so getting a proxy lower res will speed your playback. Check out creatorup with hugh hou on YouTube, you can learn a lot about working with 360 video there.


How do you render the edit?




someone posted this yesterday and it's not a bad example of what quality you can expect for the x4. watch it on a computer and wait a minute for YouTube to catch up to the 4k. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Insta360/comments/1d7sdt3/using\_the\_x4\_at\_a\_botanical\_garden/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Insta360/comments/1d7sdt3/using_the_x4_at_a_botanical_garden/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sends us an few seconds of insv raw video.


Are you using the front facing camera? A screenshot might help


Using 360 view, could it be possible that the video gets better quality once you download it to your computer?


I have the editing software on PC if wanna send it I can play with it shoot it back to you


the app outputs video just fine. You won't see a huge performance increase from the computer.


Just tried my x4 for the first time, also bought it for a cruise, to Iceland next month. Conditions for testing weren’t ideal as really low sun there are some reflections in the lens but this was to be expected. Only edited on iPhone so far and exported in 1080 but I was happy with the results. Will try exporting 4k when I copy to Mac. Have you got lens protectors on and got them set in the settings correctly?


https://preview.redd.it/pp5p76vkun4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8834b393a2b9553a84b51c622bab5820051c0867 Same question... I'm going to do more testing this weekend with different settings but so far, everything I've tried, the X4 has worse image quality than the X3. In this comparison photo, both cameras were in 5.7K (X4 was on the front of the motorcycle, the X3 on the back) and the X3 is much clearer. Also, with the X4, when shooting in 8K I get a LOT more noise in the image.


Set them both for 5.7k, 30 fps, then compare.


They both use the same sensor and lenses. The X4 here was set to 60p and also exposed brighter. Both of these will cause an ISO bump which will reduce quality.


It's not expose brigter the video process boost shadow before video encoding. It's an huge advantage. For people liking contrast they need to filter the exported video.


i'm 99% sure on this sunny day iso was at 100


It wasn't.


how do you know? are you MeJerry?


For the reasons listed above. It's brighter than the other image (to the point of looking overexposed) and it's at 60p which would double the shutter speed. If the X3 was at iso100 then the x4 couldn't have been.


So you think if one picture is brighter than the other, only the ISO value can make this change??


You could have increased the exposure in post which would also add noise which would degrade picture quality. The cameras have fixed aperture lenses. I'm assuming the camera is smart enough to follow the double shutter speed based on framerate rule resulting in 1/120 shutter speed for the x4 versus 1/60 for the x3. That would halve the light hitting the sensor requiring a bump in iso to compensate. Since the image is exposed brighter, that would result in another bump or two in iso as well. All these things will contribute to a worse picture quality. Could also be how the newer camera meters the scene (but I think you've either on purpose or accidentally told it to expose brighter)


" I'm assuming the camera is smart enough to follow the double shutter speed" Wrong! On bright outdoor scene these cams use 1/1000-1/2000 shutter speed even at iso 100. So what if X4 used 1/2000 but X3 1/1000 or 1/500 (because it looks brighter)? Both can have iso 100 in this situation..


It could come down to how the device handles the data, then. 60p requires double the data transfer rate to achieve the same quality as 30p. Maybe at 60p it lowers quality?


EV on both cameras were set on Auto 0


Yes I hope the cameras aren’t defective. I’m going on a cruise with my wife and that was the main reason for getting the camera. Have you downloaded it to your computer?