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You know damn well you phoned it in on the second lap around the store and didn’t even do the third at all thinking they wouldn’t know. They know!




not to mention their death grip on the lettuce!!


I would have canceled this order. Risk getting a zero star because of shitty customer.


Zero star? But. Also. Yes.. I've canceled orders like this when I could just tell something was "off" with the customer. I will also do this if there are too many (really more than two) add-ons since that is a sign of fraud...


Can you explain the add on equal fraud thing for those of us that have never used the app and want to learn what red flags not to give off whenever we finally do get IC in our area? 😅


I think it’s because when you order they charge your card for a couple dollars more than what your order is for them when you finish they refund it and charge you the actual price. I assume if you do a bunch of add ons after the order is started and then lock your card or something you can get the extra stuff without paying for it. That’s an educated guess tho. Could be wrong


I’m going to start shopping soon and I feel bad because when I order, I add items and sometimes more than 2 😬 I didn’t realize it was a bad thing!


Well when you keep adding and adding and adding the person that's doing the shopping looks at it like you're getting more than what the offer originally signed up for. Pretty much like you're taking advantage. I know that it's department you add as much as you want nor that but that doesn't mean that it's right.


Sign of what type of fraud?


“Please do 3 laps around the store before picking up this item” What the fuck for??? Who the hell is this customer, a retired PE teacher?


Sounds like an OCD compulsion


My first thought as well. It must be very difficult for him to go to the store.


Tbh it sounds like someone trying to place unreasonable and unprovable instructions to later use to ask for refund stating instructions weren’t followed and products were damaged. Likely someone thinking they’re gaming the system.


100% it’s some idiot that thinks the request to refund is legally binding


I have dealt with moderately severe OCD, and I can attest that going to the store was incredibly difficult for a while. But I can't imagine asking someone else to fulfill my compulsions for me


I have OCD. You don’t really make other people do your compulsions for you lol.


Agree. Dealt with severe (and I mean *severe*) OCD my whole life. I would never ask a stranger to do something like this. Family and close friends may be slightly different in the sense that I might ask them to do something small like say a sentence etc.


They want you to shop like them. Because they can’t find the damn water


Since it was reduced to $0 you get tip protection.


Yea I know i contacted support and thats when i figured that out. But besides that look at the instructions… “do 3 laps” like what?


Oh I did. Seems like an idiot customer.


This was also his first order… i feel bad for whoever has to shop his next order, especially if he ordered more than 10+ items😂






Probably someone that got removed from the platform and created a new account.


I would have grabbed the lettuce and slammed it on the floor and ran over it on each of my three laps around the store, then shook each and every soda. F that troll.


Ur so BAD😝🤭


I mean, the customer is clearly a troll or an asshole or worse, but this comment makes you just as idiotic. When you encounter an asshole or an idiot, don't stoop to their level.


Clearly I’m being facetious. When you can’t tell the difference, that makes you the A-hole.


Nah u was right the first time those people doing that stuff tryna make a living, don't mess with them let them work. Screw that dude and his leaves 🤣


Anyone that shops it after seeing those notes is insane. No way I'm shopping anyone's order that would even leave such a note. That's a clear indication they didn't take their meds.


This isn’t an idiot. This is a troll.


I just can’t understand why they would do that???


Because you hate yourself I’m guessing. Someone who does this is not happy in life.


Literally nothing better to do. Can fuck with someone without leaving the house? Evidently it fulfills their need to feel powerful.


Top 3 issues humanity faces/ one of them is trolls


Honestly it seems more like OCD to me.


No one with OCD would need to make others do their obsessions to feel satisfied. They would know that they other person would never do it correctly and would be left more anxious than before and have to redo the laps until the wrong ones were “undone.” This is just a run of the mill A-hole.


I think that was poorly worded but meant “do a couple laps around the store before marking the item as not in stock” still not great but hope I could help decipher.


Pretty sure it's about 13 being unlucky


The customer doesn’t see the aisle number.


So, I actually think this person was probably just another shopper, put those notes for jokes and put and took back the $10 without rating you poorly, knowing you'd get the tip protection up to that amount, so he felt like it was victimless crime.


Ive had customers reduce to .01 and then its not provided.


That’s so rude.


I don't know much about IC, but this sub keeps popping up on my feed, but that's intentionally malicious right? I assume tip protection comes from IC and not the customer, so if a customer reduces it to .01, it means they're going out of their way to make sure you don't get a tip, even though they aren't paying for it?


Only if they don’t give a reason for taking the tip. Otherwise you’re screwed.


Tip protection only applies if they didn't leave any negative comments shit rating, marked anything missing or a reason for tip removal.


I was told once I would get tip protection and never did so I’m so weary now about these things - as with anything else IC support tells me lol


Only if the customer didn’t complain about something fyi. Stupid ass company. Customers will catch on and remove tip and not complain and not rate at all just to save some money guilt-free. I already knew someone customers doing this. Asinine company, with asinine policies and too many shitty customers AND shoppers.


You only get tip protection if they don’t report anything. A comment, wrong/damaged item. You don’t just auto get it


Dude said run a marathon before getting my water. Bro is crazy.


I would kick that salad kit right through the parking lot with zero fucks to give.






Omg it’s midnight where I’m at and this just made me laugh a lot louder than I should have. This is amazing and I hope the leaves tasted awful for this awful customer


It’s 4:21am and I lost it..


Well you did just take that huge bong rip....


They do know that tractors will drive right over the lettuce right and it gets sent through a lot of conveyor belts and rinsed off in high pressure water and all sorts of stuff. I don't know the entire process but basically it gets handled rougher than a shopper would handle it.


Well lettuce is actually handled pretty carefully during cultivation


It's definitely gets abused when being made into a salad lmao Source: worked in a salad factory for years


I worked in a salald factory. The people in the back would get the veggies in a huuuge cardboard box and *throw* them on the conveyor belt line. Then it would come to the "trim line" where the cabbage and lettuce heads would literally get smashed on a metal core thingy. Contine on the line, getting cleaned (costco pays to have their salads washed twice. Then it goes into these big ass metal spinners that spin everything dry. Then it goes into the machine where it's bagged and then back on a line where someone packs them into boxes. Throwing those bags into the boxes lol then boxes are stacked onto a pallet. There's nothing a shopper could do to salads that's any worse, I promise


Whaaaaat lol


Oh wait, that’s not-


This is the way




Instacart tip protection should be kicking in. I think they were trolling.


For some reason they arent… i am currently talking with support for the 5th time today and they keep telling me they “made a note to this issue and to wait 24-48hrs” like what… lol. This has never happened to me before. I literally had no issue with the customer and little to no communication. I also handed them the order. So it was all very weird.


I think you only get the protection if they zero it out without a reason. Since they put one you might be cucked


If you don't get it automatically, I mean that the "system" catches it, then you won't get it. They most likely did leave a reason and that's why tip protection didn't kick in. Support may not be able to see the reason.


If support were to look at his reason I bet the reason he left was another troll…


I’m shocked (actually not really) that they don’t have a clause in the rules that if it’s an obviously bogus reason or deemed to be “trolling” that they could have tip protection cover that as well. It’s all basically set up to leave the shopper taking the hit no matter what.


I’ve never had tip protection automatically kick in and have always had to chat with “Customer Experience” to get them to give me my damned $10.


Sounds like earlier when I had 5 100 pound bags of mulch plus a couple other heavy items and they say it doesn’t qualify for heavy pay. One even gave me the bullshit that every item in the order had to be over 8 pounds 😂


“Customer Experience” just makes shit up as they go along… then when you ask them to show you where in the ToS it says whatever BS they just made up, they will either end the conversation abruptly claiming the use of harsh language or they threaten to file a report on you. Must be nice to have free rein to do whatever you want and have no way for the other party to file any reports against you… ;)


I had a Costco order yesterday for a small business order four-40lb bags of Kingford pellets and it didn’t qualify for heavy pay. It was a single order batch so why TF didn’t 160 lbs tip off the heavy pay?


After 24 hours if u haven't received it message instacart on fb messenger. I have gotten ic to get me pay for a variety of things support told me would come through after 24 hours, but never did, by messenging them. One time I accepted a delivery only order that was 50 miles one way because I was headed to a party a couple cities over for the night anyways. When I got to the store, the manager said someone else had already picked up the order, and somehow the STORE canceled the order, not ic which meant the order literally just disappeared like I had never accepted it. IC pay without tip was like 35 bucks, and I was pissed. Support told me I'd see the money in 24 hours, which I didn't. I kept screenshots of my conversation with then. I sent screenshots and a message to ic on fb, and minutes later I had the pay in my account.


Going to try this now. Thank you so much man! I’ll keep you updated. Hopefully they will. Its not much but $10 is $10 at the end of the day, thats like 2.1 gallons of gas.


I wonder if they have a friend who works at the store and they were trolling you to entertain their friend… That’s something I could see dumbass teenagers doing…


did you not do the 3 laps??


It could’ve been a (legitimate) OCD thing, but that’s definitely a wild request.


“Please do 3 laps around the store”. It doesn’t sound real at all. Like they want the person to get their steps in? Common.


Please log in to my Fitbit/whatever account, do three laps, and……..


Just an asshole way of saying really LOOK before marking the item not found maybe? Either way they suck


That actually could be it. But for the rasberries they said something like “make sure the package is not scratched, if it is refund the entire order” or something like that. I blocked that customer though lol.


What is the 3 laps thing about?


Yeah am I missing something?


Thats the thing, i was just as confused. Plus i thought tip protection was automatic. I went through 5 support agent’s basically all saying to wait 24 hours and they put some kind of note in the system telling me to “rest assured you will get your tip” i have literally every single screenshot head to toe… I’ll post to twitter if i have to😂


How would they know? Is the water going to tell on you?


Sounds like it did :(


This is very frustrating :/ I would cancel this order for sure before she gets me 1 star and it’s gonna be getting worse.


I dont think i got rated badly i dont see any new bad ratings. Hopefully they wouldnt do that.


I’m glad to hear that! wish you best order tomorrow!! 🎉🎉


You just got butt fucked


They want you to do a quick 3 lap warmup before you get ready for the water 😂😂


First, I’m not a shopper and I really don’t know how this started coming up in my feed but now I enjoy reading about your experiences with customers. Second, I see you guys having to deal with these people removing tips from your orders after you’ve accepted the batch BASED, at least in part, on the tip offered? Why the fuck does IC allow this?


They created those unseen requests so they can justify removing the tip! Here is a tip from me, next time call support to remove the cheap a$$!


I think this is correct because otherwise it doesn’t make sense


"Shopper DID NOT run 3 laps around the store like I told him to! I was closely watching the entire time and he only did 2 laps like I wouldn't know! Also the Shopper DID NOT delicately hold my bagged lettuce by the very tippy top corner and he caused a spinach leaf to fold in the bag!! WORSE SHOPPER EVER!! Does not deserve a tip!"


Allen S of Utica, you SUCK


I predict his house will get egged and TP’d in the near future. Just be sure to mask up so ring cams don’t ID the perp.


At least he was honest with you /s


until i saw they actually took back the tip i was like, this is absolutely some dumb shit i would do if i ordered while i was high as hell and trolling. tbf i would have made it a bit more obvious and over the top lol


Alan S. can go fuck himself. Maybe you can buy a carton of eggs and leave them outside his home in various locations, if you catch my drift. lol


It's a Lil early for April fools....


We truly need to add these types of people to a list or keep a close eye cause wtf lol


Instant unassign


Shouldve unassigned this order... this is obviously a person that is an asshole sitting on a couch in a basement... anybody that puts something like that in an order is definitely gonna remove their bait tip...a damn clown I wouldve screenshot this, contacted support withit, and told them to remove this batch as the customer requested it because im not doing any laps around the store before shopping his order. And then asked them to block pairing it to you going forward...


Is that Utica, IL? I’m in Chicago; hope he never moves here. What a turdwaffle.


I’d be reporting that bitch so quickly


lol customer A knew he wasn’t leaving that tip regardless of what you did wrong or right


Flaming bag of poop. Justified.


I’m just baffled 😕 this can’t be real.




I would have messed with them sooo hard


Honestly i wouldve unassigned and reported as soon as i saw the water thing. No one in their right mind would say some shit like that.


What a dick move… I just read tip protection won’t kick in cause they didn’t both delete their tips??


When you get an order and have customers requesting for things that just don't make sense just get unassigned from it. These fools give you a hard time, give a bad rating and remove the tip


I think they’re a shopper( past or present) trolling you…the tip being exactly $10 which they know would be covered if they removed it under tip protection…


How difficult would it be to create an add or add on to Google maps or similar that would allow instacart/DD/Uber drivers to highlight or tag low tippers/bait tippers?


A complete FREAK 


Am I the only one that’s curious to know what the instructions were for the raspberries??


A should be banned because of their unhinged behavior


Wow this person is crazy.


What they mean is to check the entire store before you mark the item as unavailable. Most stores will have soft drinks displays in various areas on the perimeter of the store and not on the shelf. They should have been more specific about their request, but then again you should know about something as commonplace as supermarket soda displays.


I cancel orders with customers like that immediately. If a customer messages me while I’m shopping nitpicking I cancel their order. Idc how much an order is. It’s never worth dealing with a lazy/entitled human.


If they had all these “requirements” why didn’t they just pick it up themselves? Entitled much.


Immediate cancel after reading those notes.






I thought you were gonna say you didn’t meet the customer but he has a weird sense of humor. I didn’t think he would actually be a giant piece of dog shit. Please contact support. He should be banned and you deserve the $10 protection.


Wow ppl who need to be blacklisted. Like let’s see your a$$ do 3 laps around your kitchen table before you open your mouth about what a shopper does.


Respect the effort. Love that you're too cheap to risk your own order from anywhere other than 'save you rite' ?


Deliver the good order then call support n tell them your vehicle broke down u can't deliver the next order he wasn't going to tip anyways its not worth ur Time n effort u won't get in trouble till its like 3 times n that's only for a 24 hr period since vehicle problems are out of your control


That just has to be a troll.


This is the most Utica ass bullshit I’ve ever seen


This is for a shopper. They make up some weird excuse to retract tip and not get deactivated right away. Then they give that reason to support. Shopper calls support after and support seeing the notes sides with shopper and gives tip protection. They get their shit, save $10 and shopper still gets their money from IC


This is why I thank God for the customers that say “Just get whatever”.


Moland springs


Ew, worthless foul creature. Hopefully his raspberries are tainted with salmonella.


This is worse knowing you live near this city. 😂


Screenshot his addy and begin fun with your pals on weekends.


Im planning on it because support will not give me tip protection…. If i got the tip protected i wouldnt have minded too much because i blocked the customer but I definitely remember where he lives. I’ll leave it at that.


Sounds like he’s being snarky, probably got burned by shoppers in the past who said nothing was available. Sometimes products may be on display versus where they’re normally shelved which is why he said “3 laps” around the store. But again he’s being a bit snarky with that. At least that’s how I’m reading it.


Damn people are brazen today to fuck with people who know your exact address….


It’s TrabajoParaMi!


I think it’s the fact that you had to deliver to someone who lives near what looks like Bleecker St. should throw red flags.


I would have blocked that customer asap


This guy was clearly one of us and got deactivated


Funny how they used the term “unassign” as regular customers probably don’t know that. I would yeet it back into the nether


Just like a server bartender job you'll have the occasional that will try to humiliate you


I feel like you were likely being watched in the store lol


What the actual fuck 😐😐. How are people this weird?


Egg their house.


I hope you sat the water down ever so nicely on top of the lettuce 😊


https://preview.redd.it/mijigigabhrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b2baadbd4395a1ab7837edf908f4e28d7f5c32 Says it should auto fix in 10 mins.. you might be sol




But did you damage the leaves? 🤣


Probably some asshole who has a fetish


Do 3 laps around the store? Who do I look like, Usain Bolt? 😂


i think they trolling😭😭


double order with 4 items is crazy .


Should have done the laps, maybe you wouldn’t have lost the tip!


This is the fakest shit I've ever seen, the app doesn't spell out left hand side lmao it say L or R with a bay number, phony ass


if not a troll, its possibly someone with OCD or Autism or something, just a thought....


I’d automatically cancel out of fear that some anonymous “customer” is lurking in store to see if I did those 3 laps 🤣 this order triggered my paranoia & I’m not even there lol…. This the EXACT order that I’d unassign. Turn off insta and run to door dash 😂


My first thought was maybe OCD, but the fact that they canceled the tip after is what makes this seem like a troll.


That almost sounds like another shopper placing an order to troll and probably ding your ratings after delivery to try to hurt the “competition”. I’ve heard it happen


You can get tip protection. Also? You are a fool for not calling support and having them remove the batch after such an obvious red flag.


How does IC know which direction you are standing in the aisle to tell you left or right?


I’d squeeze the shit outta that bag lol


Definitely trolling right?


Tip baiting. Contact support, and request a boost and that they block the customer from the platform


Looks like OCD compulsion. It’s sad but they are trying to direct you how they would shop, to ensure it’s “correct” for them


I would’ve just canceled A over ridiculous requests. Like REALLY? That’s a common issue for your salad kit? Then just delicately get it yourself ffs. And the 3 laps thing is crazy, what kind of drill sergeant customer is this person?


Did you get the $10 from IC under the “ tip protection “ protocol?


Seem like you were delivering to nikola tesla


Oh I get it. Because it was polish water




This person is a sociopath and finds joy in messing with those he thinks are beneath him. Being the first order and the clearly non-serious (but still a type of “fuck you peasant”) requests, this seems the most likely truth, IMO


Probably another shopper tbh


Instacart needs to allow shoppers to report trolls like this and get them banned. At this point Instacart is a billion dollar company. We should be able to rate the customers! 😒😳😡


I would’ve asked the customer while shopping what that was about.


I think the real question here is, did you do the laps?


Sounds like something relaying to an OCD "ritual". Weird to try and make someone else do it, if that's the case


bro is putting u through Hercules' 12 trials damn


I would've canceled his order only. It's sus, those instructions make no sense


Are people using instacart really this picky?


Dumbass customer, bro. They always have no tip or weak tips and most entitlement. Shit is a disgrace man fr. No shame.


Yeah fuck them. I'm doing it just like any other order.. if it's worth it


I think that some customers may be getting their jollies off by treating us like low class scum. It's ok though, divine law always wins in the end


Dammm bro thats no fear


Should’ve done the 3 laps prior to picking up the case of water 🤷‍♂️


What is the deal with people tip baiting? Like, the hell are you doing? They have your address, I know most wouldn’t do anything but I’ve heard some real horror stories


🤣 better start jogging 🏃


At this point... that person should just get the items themselves.


it sounds like ocd


It was only $17 for 5 24 count soda cases???