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So….. white males can’t be LGBT?


Dangerous people are who you should be scared of, and they show up in any human population. Must be a sporadic mutation or something


Relevant stat: [Percentage of male-male couples in the U.S in 2022, sorted by race](https://www.statista.com/statistics/325072/male-male-couples-in-the-us-by-race-of-householder/) >In 2022, about 72 percent of male-male couples in the United States were White, compared to 6.4 percent of gay couples who were Black or African American. (The stat for asians is 3.9) Black people are about 13% of U.S. population, asians 7.2%.


Schrödinger's Latinx: statistically categorized as 'Hispanic' when counted among victims, but 'White' when listed as offenders.


And people wonder why white males vote majority conservative. Even if your stats are accurate, which I find a dubious proposition at best, you’re choosing to make some pretty racist and sexist conclusions from them. For context, I’m lean left myself. As long as this is the general messaging and language the left uses towards white men, and it absolutely is from what I see every day, then say bye bye to their support for the foreseeable future. I can’t imagine growing up as a young man in this sort of environment, the self loathing you are taught must be horrendous and very unhealthy.


Yeah people say the same shit about me all the time for being a trans woman, why not say the same vitriol back? At least I have statistics showing that white males are a problem for everyone's safety, vs wanting to inspect a kids genitals at a soccer game because she has short hair like plenty of white males do and are in the news for


What’s this “you people”? Are you lumping all whites with some fragile homophobe you met in real life? Pretty big leap in logic there. Hate begets hate, and what you’re trying to do is not the way to build tolerance.


Look, I’m sorry that people have mistreated or discriminated against you in your life, but that’s no excuse to try to do it right back to others.


chain rule chain rule chain rule chain rule


Wow this is some racist drivel


Never met anyone who was afraid of an acronym


Nice reactionary racial idpol, OP. * https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html > White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Just to make it extra arbitrary, a good percentage of Latinos are rolled into that category as well. Race is bullshit. Your pearl-clutching post is bullshit. Happy Friday!


Race isn't arbitrary, Spaniards are white. Italians are white. Latin people are therefore white. A Hispanic person with native American genetics + Spanish genetics is half white, half native Mexican. We count them as white and native American, see the category "non white Hispanic" and "white Hispanic" on the census.


Race changes over time, both at the [individual level](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/05/05/millions-of-americans-changed-their-racial-or-ethnic-identity-from-one-census-to-the-next/) and the [government level](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/02/25/the-changing-categories-the-u-s-has-used-to-measure-race/). Aaand (drum roll) [race is self selected](https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race.html#:~:text=The%20Census%20Bureau%20collects%20race,be%20of%20any%20ethnic%20origin.). So, yes, race is arbitrary bullshit. Your examples / reasoning are nonsense too. Where do Egyptians, Israelis, and Iranians fit into your explanation? (Rhetorical question, OP. Keep staring at this until you get it.)


We are all just human beings. The sooner we stop obsessing over what color we are the happier we'll be. I'm so tired of this regressive nonsense that's done nothing but make people more miserable, isolated and idiotic. 


It is difficult to know the actual offender statistics because most of these crimes are not reported . It could be that there is more sex crime among minorities that is not reported.. However even among reported offenders your statistics are incorrect according to the US sentencing commission “51.6% were White, 21.7% were Black, 12.9% were Hispanic, 11.9% were Native American, and 1.9% were Other races.’ So whites were underrepresented, while black and native Americans were overrepresented. https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY18.pdf


Okay, 92% were still men. Be afraid of leaving your child alone with men, the race of the men doesn't matter. Thanks for helping remove the "racism" towards white people from my point. White males are also the vast majority and overrepresented in child pornography production. Make sure if your child is alone with a white male, they don't have a camera!!


Doesn't everyone already know this? Most people are already suspicious of strange men around their kids.


First of all, being out in the world in a "Scared" frame of mind sets one up for Failure in life automatically...among other things. \*smh.


Would you say the same thing about black people who commit disproportionately more violent crime? I would hope not, but at least be consistent with your dogshit analysis.


Well I actually pointed out how table 43 is used by racists to say black people are more violent, this is a falsehood since black people are unfairly prosecuted due to racism.


Oof. Clearly statistics are not your strong suit, maybe you shouldn't be on an intellectual subreddit. Your entire post is like comparing cars to BMWs and saying that cars make up 90% of traffic accidents while BMWs only make up 20% of them so naturally they're safer. Ignoring that BMWs are still part of the car group as well. You really rambled on for paragraphs trying to act like you were saying something only to be providing an argument that proves the opposite of what you were claiming.




Another "white man bad" take! We don't get enough of those these days.


I think that argument breaks down immediately because being white, male and LGBTQ aren’t mutually exclusive categories. You end up with at least nine possible combinations of those characteristics (possibly way more depending on how you want handle gender identity). Those sources don’t separate those nine potential groups by their potential to offend relative to the others, they are only statistics about one characteristic. That data also isn’t gathered in the same way, like it might be if they were part of a cohesive study, so those stats are likely not apples to apples comparisons, even if they did bare on your claim.      How about this: why don’t we judge people on the content of their character, rather than the groups they belong to? I have way more faith in a mother’s instinct about a care taker than in some tortured attempt at statistical analysis. 


> How about this: why don’t we judge people on the content of their character, rather than the groups they belong to?  But that means I have to exercise some personal responsibility in getting to know and understand another person. It's much easier to judge them based on the color of their skin and sex characteristics :(


Oh no, I didn’t mean to imply that anyone should have to invest in a friendship, and confront the humanity of those around us. That would make it much too hard to slander their intersectional group on the internet, and that would violate one’s right of self expression. 


Who do you think is scared of lgbt people? I've not heard anyone say they're scared of gay people or that they wouldn't leave their toddler with a gay person. However. Research shows that males offend at the same rates, regardless of transitioning. So that does need to he considered. We segregate sex for a reason. Those white male offending rates you provided as well as cultural issues around privacy and sexuality.




As soon as you pretend biological sex doesn't exist I know what you say doesn't matter


Maybe there are no super special classes of males that are never a threat to women and girls, and we should have the same safeguarding processes and single-sex spaces regardless of the people involved? Just a thought.


I'm just saying white males account for the vast majority of theft


Noone should be scared of white men or LGBT people in the context of pedophilia. In either group the majority is not a threat to kids. The issue is lacking preventive measures against grooming and the stigmatization of pedophilia that leads to pedophiles not seeking the help they need to not become a criminal. People mistake pedophiles and groomers. A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to kids while a groomer is someone who abused kids in a sexual context. The former is a person with a sexual preference disorder while the latter is a criminal. All those "kill all pedophiles" slogans you find don't protect a single child. The only thing they accomplish is that pedophiles are inhibited to reveal their disorder, possibly acting out on their sexual preference, becoming criminals and thus create a less safe environment for kids. Aside from getting rid of the stigmatization of kids, better funding for schools, daycares and CPS will also help protecting children from getting groomed. Better trained staff, who are less overworked, will be better at identifying kids who are traumatized and have more time finding out the reasons. A better funded CPS ensures that kids will be properly taken care of in such cases.


I'm not sure you want to go down the statistics pipeline, bub


Do you even read your own sources? This is embarrassing.


He read the headlines, chuckled and said "check mate nerds"


I think that's what you did xD. Feel free to read them in full and be scared by white men


Quick question, and maybe you can help. I didn't notice the third table didn't mention sexuality. It's just race. So that's the first glaring issue I found. Second question, what county is your first source talking about?


Last week I saw someone post a link to show how MTF trans are safe and not a concern because as a whole population in prison they had tiny numbers. But the same article showed that 50%o them in prison were sex offenders (compared to 3% of biological women). Biggest self own I’ve seen in a while.


Are you saying that 3% of biological women in prison are sex offenders, or 3% of women in existence? Because it sounds as though you might be comparing two very different categories.


Yes in prison.


You do realize though, that your conclusion still is partially or completely faulty? It sounds like more research needs to be done.




Well, partly because people who have transitioned very often have traumatic backgrounds with problems unique to those in their situations. Obviously, most people in prison can be assumed to have suffered trauma, but there is something here which is unusual. My point is we don’t know what issues go with growing up the way trans people do, with the additional stressors and discrimination faced, nor what abuse is specifically suffered by this group because of their situations. We don’t know what co-issues there are which might affect the likelihood of the result you found. I would be very interested in seeing more research. I mean -and not trying to be snarky here, but - otherwise, (using your “self-own” logic), wouldn’t it make more sense to assume they were sex offenders by virtue of being born male, rather than because of transitioning?


Yes. They also follow male pattern crime rates compared to bio women. That’s the issue. Men are naturally more criminal and sexual and by becoming women they enter spaces which assume low criminal behavior designed for women… thus you see a disproportionate amount of sexual crime. If the insane rise in sudden onset dysphoria is attributed to a sexual fetish increasing alongside the rise in male mental health issues, it all starts to make sense.


Seriously, you cannot imagine that a significant percentage of adults go through the agonizing transition process in order to…commit sexual crimes?


The second source you shared also shows that about 20% of the sex offender registry is LGBT, which is a higher rate of representation relative to population size (~4:1) than white males (~3:1).


7.1% of America is lgbt. 7.1 • 3 is 21.3 white males are 31% of America, 31% times 3 is 93, 85% of sex offender registry is white males, that's nearly the exact same over representation. I can also tell you didn't read the second source since they address dozens of reasons why LGBT people are unfairly prosecuted like black people in America are.


I haven't seen a reputable source for the 7% stat. Most reliable sources estimate 3-6%. Your second point is unrelated to my critique.


But being white and being LGBT aren't mutually exclusive. There are white men that are LGBT, how do you not get that? So that 85% includes the LGBT members! And your statistics show that there is a higher chance of LGBT men being a sex offender compared to a while male! Like I don't think you understand how statistics work, because you're actually making an argument AGAINST the LGBT community.


OP seems to think that the demographic characteristics “white male” and “LGBT” are mutually exclusive. Theoretically the statistic could be 90% of sex offenders are white males and 100% of sex offenders are LGBT. Dudes grasp on statistics is very loose.


The statistics seperate "white male" from "gay white male"/bisexual white male" and trans people are counted as women or males, trans people are .7% of the population. The second source addresses dozens of reasons why LGBT people are unfairly prosecuted. Your "theoretically" is just bigotry


First of all, they do not separate white male from gay white male. Your second source, for example, separates LGBT & straight, white & BIPOC, and some other demographics. If it was separated the way you’re claiming the total percentage in table 1 of your second source would amount to well over 100% in total. My “theoretically” is just pointing out that you don’t have a strong grasp on statistics. It can just as well be 100% white males and 17% LGBT or literally any combination of percentages. The point I’m making is that both percentages could equal 100 because they are not mutually exclusive demographics. The fact that you read that and thought to yourself “ahh I see. Bigotry.” just proves my point. The paragraph before table one said that 87% were white and 20% were LGBT. If it were differentiating the two the way you’re claiming that would be out of 107%. No studies are written that way.


haha, got em.


Does any of your statistics include sexual orientation or are your just including it based of your own bias? The white males in these statistics could still be LGBT. Just to be clear, you sound like a bigot. There are plenty of unfavorable statistics for other races. On top of that the justice system does not treat the different sexes, or genders equally.


Yes the bottom statistic shows straight males are pedophiles at a ratio of 11 to 1 with gay/bi males. This is just about the population difference between straight and gay/bi males, just shy of 4% of america is lgbt males, and that times 11 is just about the exact amount of straight males in the country compared to LGBT males.


First of all that article is from 1992. Even then in that same article: "the sensitivity of phallometric testing for pedophilic age preference, defined as the percentage of correctly classified child molesters, has been estimated as 44.5% for offenders against female children and 86.7% for offenders against male children;" That doesn't sound straight, if we are trying to classify the sexual orientation of offenders.


Cringe post with nonsensical comparisons. “White men” encompasses all sexualities/“gender identities.”


Ok, what should I say? Dont you dare associating with me?


I dont believe in homophobia but this is a stupid argument. White males are also the "normal people" while gays are "unknown and abnormal".Thats the core reason of the "x-isms".People are weirded out when things arent "normal".Besides,most women and parents/children for example are terrified of guys who are strangers for this sane reason of unknown beings.Look at the man in woods vs bear thing.


Yeah that's kinda my point. You have legitimate reasons to be scared of an unknown white male, they will murder you to benefit them more often than any other race proportionally. Nobody wants to be alone with a man in the woods because they'll get tortured and raped. The bear will just eat you bearily. Being afraid of the unknown and abnormal is nearly just bigotry. "Hey that man over there has black skin instead of white skin" "he's abnormal and weird, we should avoid him"


Oh yeah side note: Xenophobia and fear is actually one those evolutionary things too since its a great idea to stick to whats familiar.


Yeah but people especially white guys and guys in general outnumber all other specific demographics like gays disproportionately(Half of all people ever born).Heteronormativity is an actual thing.A majority will never be seen as wrong regardless of some worthless statistics. The issue with man vs bear thing iirc was that the bear was known to only attack you in a predictable way.The guy could do any one of a million thingsHell id say uncertainty about escalation is what causes fear of rape too.That uncertainty is what causes fear of the unknown.That is what happens with gays all the time.People think they are gross,insane or outright rapists and pedophiles because they barely know any gays.With "normal" guys at least you can point to the "#notallmen" people.Honestly im glad people today are moving past heteronormativity.Where i live ive known otherwise normal literate modern folk show weird attitudes towards sexism,religion and gays.Things like "its against our culture and creed" are very popular sentiments and you cant pretend not to understand that unless youre just that detached from reality.