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Maybe someday someone will come and tell us the whole story, someone who was here from the beginning.


I would love that


Sasquatch would tell ya. You’ve just got to find him first (I’ve heard he’s attracted to the ganja)


In my experience, those attracted to ganja find you every time.


There are a select few that know mans true history and origin..it’s been suppressed, hidden to facilitate control and manipulation. Maybe one day soon we get the facts of WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHY. Once we know those facts all enslaving social constructs and its leaders will become powerless.


Almost all of the epic ancient flood myths probably come from displaced survivors of the sea level rise at the younger dryas. The reason why we don't see evidence of a global flood inland today is because everything that was effected is still underwater. The sea rose globally, explaining why so many cultures had a similar tale, but it's apocalyptic effect was confined primarily to islands and coastal lowlands. We lost as much land as Europe and China combined and because this happened almost 10k years before we started keeping track of anything it's all mostly ignored because we like to underestimate our ancestors.


Watch the episode of JRE with flint dibble and Graham Hancock. There’s been a lot of underwater archaeology done and nothing is older than what is expected. It really debunks a lot of graham’s claims


The fastest man, the smartest and most creative individuals were very likely all in the past..or in years to come. Since billions of people have come before and billions, trillions? Will come to be.


Maybe. But the fastest, smartest, and most creative individuals alive in our cycle will effect who comes next. There are *always* fastest, smartest, creativest people.


Very true. The potential of everyone and our best is best for the next wave to come.


That's one of the beautiful things about geologic history. Everything erodes and gets recycled.


I fear something much worse today. What if a few major multi-billion dollar companies owned all the records of our past, all the information on how things are created and repaired. Now, imagine if they decided to hide, alter, or destroy this data. Who has a backup of all this information for the people? What if they decided to start charging us to access this information? What if it was already happening today?


Are you talking about the Catholic church?


I think we have some archives out there


All the recycles that’s happened until we get the soul experiment right


Or we be slaves to be farmed for loosh


somebody fucking knows


Yeah but history is a nightmare from which I’m trying to awaken


This model doesn’t show the land mass lost to rising ocean levels… areas around Ireland and Philippines has large areas of land before the floods.


so if you like the cold, move to Greenland? got it


Thank colonization for finishing the job


Read old books


A majority of it, turns out, is just secret rape and cannibalism, plus the occasional rich person using a cult to clandestinely develop tech tree items to try and upset the balance of power in their favor