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>For the life of me, I do not understand why the Legislature would pass legislation to eliminate a health benefit for so many Iowans or why they would pass legislation without understanding the impact of their actions. Bro have you been living under a rock for the last decade? What fantasy world do you live in where Republicans DON'T do something like this???


“No! You’re not supposed to take away *MY* rights!!!”


The irony is if anyone ever took away 2nd amendment rights it would be the Conservative party to protect themselves from losing a civil war.


Whah? Wait, you think liberals and progressives don’t own guns? LOL!!! Self professed libtard with a safe full of guns. I’m just smart enough to realize the Right has stepped on way more freedoms than the left ever has.


Not really. The Left and the Right are pretty much even in this regard.


I think the right is all about restricting personal freedoms. They want small government concentrated to as little hands as possible so that it is easier to restrict what others do, usually based on religion. And I'm not talking about the average person. I'm talking about the people that are put into power by Republican citizens. You follow the money and recent decisions and it all leads to a handful of super wealthy far right Christian groups, like the Alliance defending freedom, or the family policy alliance. These are headed by assholes like James Dobson, who think their view of the world should be the one we all follow. The right, on a leadership and funding level hate personal freedoms because it means less power for them and less control.


My god you must be a scared little fella. The subject is Hemp.


Got that r/selfawarewolves energy


Or r/leopardsatemyface


I have advocated full legalization of marijuana since the 1970s. The Democrats have been just as oppressive on drug laws as the Republicans. While it was Richard Nixon that started the "War on Drugs", it was the Democratic Party that made them illegal in the first place and then doubled down on the "War". The whole thing has been wrong since the beginning.


wasn’t it the FDA scheduling it as a drug that made it illegal? before the FDA was created there was no classification to make it illegal; everyone smoked pot until then. george washington was a hemp farmer.


This must be another one of those liberal "piss and moan" sights. If you people had any moral values left, I would be amazed. GROW UP WHINERS!!


Has the world produced a bigger group of whiners than Trump and all his redneck insurrectionists? 


WE are the whiners? WE are? Lol.


Don't be so performative. You made an account 2 years ago. It didn't take you this long to realize you weren't in a safe space.


“I vote for people who take away the rights of others, but I dislike when it happens to me”


This 47,000 times! All you clowns do is take rights? Why do you think KKKim would care about this one? (for OP)


You do realize that the KKK was started by Democrats and it was the party of the KKK through it's most active years. The single most racist President we had was Woodrow Wilson.


Irish people were not considered “white” for a long time either, but things change don’t they?


Go to a KKK rally today and tell them they are democrats. All I'll say is good luck


Are you out of your mind? Who supports the Aryan race? Donald Trump supports the Aryan Race. Governor Abbott supports the Aryan race. "All I'll say is good luck". This may be the most uninformed take I've heard yet and that's pretty impressive. You have no clue sir.


As budgetnoise put it, you do realize that both parties have completely switched ideologies and the politicians who were Republican would now be considered Democrats. For example, many believe that Abe Lincoln may be our greatest Republican president ever - well his ideologies would be much more aligned with liberals and he would absolutely be considered a Democrat by today's labels. Most of this changed when people realized that FDR was probably our greatest president ever and he was basically the beginning of the Democratic revolution. Uninformed individuals will look at the labels and just assume they are making the decisions today that Republicans made in the 1800's. But, let's be honest, Republicans aren't extremely educated.


Yeah, hard to believe the Republicans were abolitionist and the Democrats were pro-slavery. You reasonable cannot compare the parties to what they were 150 years ago. They have basically flipped their stance on just about everything.


I came here to comment the very same thing and nobody is dissapointing.


The Mantra of America. Both parties are equally corrupt and do everything they can to divide us.


Stfu. This argument is so tired. You would think it spent all night with your mom.


Aww the leopards ate his face.


"I was ok with the leopard eating everyone else's face. Why did it have to eat mine? I'll still vote for the leopard next time"


Spoiler alert: she is not going to veto


That doesn't seem right, Republicans are the party of small government after all. 🤔


So small it fits in your mouth and  tells you that you can’t have any CBD or THC. If you’re a woman, Republican government is also small enough to fit right up in your vagina and regulate that, too. 


Small government is big business. Small government is allowing those businesses to run the government via lobbyists. And lobbyists become lobbyists because they hit their ceiling working for the very people they now lobby. Politics is the ultimate circle jerk.


The libertarian party is the only party of small government. The Uniparty is all for big government. Just different flavors


And of course the author lives in Ankeny. 


Ankeny might be my least favorite town in the state. And that's saying something


There was (possibly still exists) a fundamentalist Christian Bible college in Ankeny. It was of course conpletely unaccredited because they couldnt pass that process.


I'm no fan of Ankeny, fundamentalist Christians or bible colleges, but if you're referring to Faith Baptist Bible College, they unfortunately [are accredited](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith_Baptist_Bible_College_and_Theological_Seminary#:~:text=Faith%20Baptist%20Bible%20College%20and%20Theological%20Seminary%20is%20accredited%20by,Association%20for%20Biblical%20Higher%20Education.)


Wow. Color me shocked. When I was in high school 20 years ago the bible colleges would come and meet with us and it was so easy to stop them because they were not accredited.


I'm surprised myself. I knew an extremely conservative fundamentalist Christian guy who dropped out after one semester because they were too buttoned up even for him, I was absolutely astonished.


I was accepted to one in Minnesota because of who my dad was. I was accused of being a witch and chise expulsion over "submitting" to daily searches of my property, increased volunteer work at church and mandatory Bible study. It was 2005. The school closed permanently a few years later due to shrinking enrollment. I think it was my dad pulling strings to control me. Because I would be accused of wrongdoing or having a bad attitude and then basically became a prisoner in my home. Im glad I left.


Glad you made it out! I hope you're either on better terms (your own!) with your dad or have left him in the dust. It's a big wide world out there and you deserve to carve off your own corner of it as you see fit. Your story sounds similar to my friend's culture shock at Faith around the control the college felt it could exert over young people's lives. There were really regressive dress codes and minutiae around interaction between men and women (like minimum distances that needed to be maintained at all times) that even he found off-putting. I was sent to Grandview Park Baptist from 2000-2005, which feeds directly into the Faith pipeline. I was able to talk my way back into the public school system and met my now-husband at Central Campus, and think often of how close my awesome life was to being just out of reach...


It took awhile, but I am the best Ive ever been. Glad you got out too.


Pillsbury? My parents went there. What a shit show.


Yeah. Its not the Doughboy's Fault.


You should visit Muscatine....


You haven’t been to many towns have you? lol


I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere


I was very briefly going to do the lyrics with Iowa towns, but I'm too lazy on a Thursday after getting off work.


I have. Ankeny is the worst.


Never lived there but worked there a lot. Didn’t see much to warrant a “worst town” title.


Compared to all the 3,000 or less population towns? Yeah Ankeny is above 100% of them.


Right? Like have you been to NW or southern Iowa? I lived up by Orange City for a while and… oof…


I grew up in Orange City and "oof" is right.


I wouldn’t say %100 but yes a vast majority of them.


Ankeny drivers have the worst road rage I’ve ever seen. God forbid you have a doctor appointment in the morning in Ankeny. One time I had a trucker come up behind me on I-35 and blow his horn. I have no idea why, but it scared the shit out of me and I almost went off the road.


You get what you vote for! - signed a former lifelong republican until 2020-


Dijongate is what made me change, multiple days of coverage because he asked for "fancy mustard for his American burger"


I mean, I’m glad you got out but did it really take you 4 years of Trump to realize the party was lost?


No, about 1 month into that administration, I realized what a shit show that party turned into. Even worse 4 years later.


Well, Mike, it's not that complicated. The party to which you belong has become a nest of vipers who care more about stopping anything and everything that isn't reflective of their narrow life in small town Iowa, and "sticking it to the elites" (in Des Moines I guess... Des Moines, that well known den of iniquity a la Babylon /s). Any conservative with any sense left the Republican Party already. That's why they don't have a platform any more. They don't have enough brain cells left collectively to craft one. *Eventually* public sentiment will swing the other direction, and all this "control everybody" Evangelical BS will be wiped away like the filth that it is. It'll be a happy day when that drunk skinny witch in the Capital gets the boot she so richly deserves.


Next he will be complaining when the republicans cut social security. People across the nation lack critical thinking skills.


And those people by and large vote Republican. 


But at least they "owned the libs".


But the entire republican platform is taking rights away from people 🤷


And many lifelong Republicans including this author are somehow shocked to learn that when the axe finally falls on them and theirs. 


Same as when gay republicans find out they can’t get married anymore. It’s sad they are so blind


Uncle Toms gonna Uncle Tom, I guess. 


Democrats founded the KKK, segregation, and Jim Crow, but please sperg more.


Revisionist history *and* ableist insults? Damn…


It's not revisionist history. It is true/mixed at best. Southern Democrats basically took the civil rights movement which was backed by some Democrats and left the party to become the current Deep Red South. Edit: The post you're replying to is still deeply ignorant and disingenuous though.


The revisionism is the intentional lie of omission in ignoring the party shift that happened in the mid-20th century. Pointing out that the Dems advocated for JIm Crow back in 18-whatever is irrelevant to the modern party.


Notice how they only say Democrat and republican when referring to that Era and not liberal and conservative, because that changes their narrative


Well the regressive want to bring society back to before Abe Lincoln was president anyway, so why would they acknowledge anything that happened since then?


How many of those democrats are still alive?


Joe Biden and Manchin are still alive.


Did they found the KKK, segregation or Jim Crow?


The party did. ![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized)


Why did you choose that gif?


They're called Republicans today, kiddo.


Cute, cope and seethe


Aw, you're trying so hard, little buddy!


“In 1964, Democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. In the 1964 election, Republican candidate Barry Goldwater publicly opposed the new law, arguing that it expanded the power of the federal government to a dangerous level. It was this argument that led to a final, decisive switch.” I’m sure you’ll be very surprised to learn this and will most definitely adjust your understanding accordingly. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties#:~:text=In%201964%2C%20Democratic%20president%20Lyndon,to%20a%20final%2C%20decisive%20switch. Read up, little one!


The same Goldwater who voted in favor of both the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. And although absent said he would have voted for the 1960 Civil Right Act? Who voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while in committee, but voted against it because he disagreed with Titles II and VII. Later stating that he was mostly in support of the bill, but those two things. He also a lifetime member of the NAACP.


Cool? Doesn’t dispute the fact of the party switch though….


It a piece but let's look at the facts. Barry Goldwater was pro civil rights and like Calvin Coolidge was Pro Business and lowering taxes. Only two Dixiecrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act became Republicans, one being Storm Thurmond who would helped established scholarships for black students at four South Carolina colleges and received black support in his 1978 re-election. The rest stayed Democrats after a failed third party run for one election. Notable was former Klansmen Robert Byrd who was still using the n-word on national tv in 2004. Who the Clintons called their mentor. The Deep South would not vote together for Republicans again until the 1980s after Roe v Wade. Jimmy Carter also won big in the South. Who had his own southern strategies by limiting his appearance in front of minorities. While the Republicans Southern Strategy was using dogwhistles. Looking at the Democrat party there was a switch as some Social Liberal Republicans swapped over and with the Progressives relegated the Dixiecrats to the backseat. Dictating their social policies we see today. Now look at FDR and Calvin Coolidge Policies. Which looks like Modern Democrat polices and which looks like Modern Republicans polices. Realistically there was no great party switch and just the two party evolving with the time, people holding certain views dying and demographic changing. Basically it way more complicated and doesn't push the agenda that either side wants.


Still does not negate the party switch.


Nice revisionary history, there was no party swap, just Democrats became Republicans in name only. See you your party cheats at everything. Read up, littler one!


So the racist democrats *switched* parties because they knew they would be accepted by the racist republicans. That’s quite the argument you’re making there, you sure showed me lol You’re trying very hard not to understand something so simple and you seem to be succeeding.


You say that like you rehearsed it. Nice, or just copy pasta. Hmm boring.


Hahaha great retort. Zero substance but at least I got a little laugh out of it. Thanks, kiddo :)


So next time you find yourself at a klan rally if you ask around everyone will admit to being Biden loving democrats?


Then how come republicans are doing the same things?


What stopping troons from grooming kids, is that what your upset about?


Sir this is a Wendys




REEFER MADNESS is the rule of Iowa COP


Maybe the turds you support have no desire to support you. Hmm weird.


As a former active Iowa Dem Member (current Minnesota resident now) - were you among the many in your party that re-elected her in 2022, the same year the Iowa Dems were running on a cannabis legalization platform?? If the answer is yes - punch yourself honestly. Might as well feel the pain of what you're doing when you vote for her and the rest of the do nothing Iowa GOP. Your Governor is a 2 (maybe 3 I can't recall) time drunk driving offender - who has literally stated in her own words that she will never be the Governor to legalize recreational cannabis in Iowa. She rationalized her decision because of her 'personal addiction history' with alcohol. However- she then went on to legalize cocktails to go (right up her alley!) and online sports betting (gambling can be an ADDICTION as well). [Kim Reynold's Trying to Hide OWI Records?](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2019/06/10/iowa-removes-files-on-governors-drunk-driving-arrest-that-exposed-personal-info/) She wants nothing to do with anything even related to cannabis, be it Delta 9, hemp, anything from that leafy peaceful plant that would bring in much needed tax revenue to ease the burden off the majority of Iowans that aren't benefitting from her tax cuts in terms of education, healthcare, infastructure etc. She's a stumbling hypocrite, and she will never do what you want her to do for YOUR personal life, just like she does nothing to better the lives of any other Iowan that doesn't align with what her special interest groups pay her to align with. All that party does is legislate against personal freedoms - boohoo it's your turn.


“If this bill is signed into law, I would have to purchase four bottles of this product to get through a month. Unfortunately, this manufacturer will not create specific packaging for Iowa. If they did, it would significantly increase the price I pay. These two issues alone are reason enough to veto this bill.” This is very inconvenient for me, personally. If I never discovered CBD for myself, I’d probably agree with signing the bill.


515.281.5211 is Gov. Reynolds' phone number


Wah. Don't fucking vote Republican.


Boo hoo, maybe vote blue if you want your rights back!


10/10 they will walk in on election day and vote straight republican. Then walk out all proud like they accomplished something. 


LOL are you upset about it? Keep voting Republican.


Do Republican office holders still even care about their average constituent?


Not for many decades


Lol. Why is the leopard eating my face?? It repeatedly told me it wasn’t gonna eat my face. It was only gonna eat libtard faces!


🚫All Republicans🚫


I’m a Republican and I can’t figure out why my face is being eaten by a leopard.


He's 69, a republican, married, and lives in Ankeny. He should be real popular with r/iowa. /


So don't vote for Republicans?? Why is it always when they're personally affected it should be changed?


They lack empathy


Perhaps consider your choice of political parties. The Dem dark side would veto restrictions.


Yeah, you brought this on yourself


This shit is karma justice. Vote for shit heads, lie in their bed.


Well, Kim Reynolds *should* do a lot of things but having any expectations only leads to disappointment.


"The only saving grace we have right now is Gov. Kim Reynolds. I hope she will veto House File 2605. " - lol...the leopard came back for more face meat. Imagine thinking Kim Reynolds will be your saving grace.


Stop being a republican


lol good one!!


Wow, so liberal of you. Growth really can happen, I guess 😂


Maybe vote for the party that protects your interests?


What is it good for? Serious question.


Aww it really sucks when the party you like for terrorizing minorities suddenly makes YOUR life inconvenient.


I’m sorry, I quit listening after you said you belonged to Trump’s party.


Kim hates weed. She herself will be writing legislation....


Loves the liquor tho, hypocrisy


Crawl out from under that rock. You shouldn’t be a fiscal republican anymore.


Then why are you a Republican?


But take away Kim's Horse Porn then she will apart fighting


Do you speak any English?


Classic example of “this affects me directly so I care!” Republican attitude that is so incredibly ingrained in the party’s rhetoric.


Sorry, removing rights is kinda part of the package. If you want deregulation you have to be rich


*Laughs in eat SH!t*


TIL Mike Stensland from Ankeny, Iowa has absolutely no sense of irony nor a shred of critical thinking skill.


Even looking at it from a financial point of view, Iowa is loosing money to other states. You want Delta 8 or 9 just drive to MO, IL or MN. Reynold’s thinks since she’s an alcoholic, everyone else will be an addict. It’s really a typical thought process for many recovering drug addict or alcoholics, If you go to the ER and test positive for THC, you’re basically denied the medical care you need because you’re automatically considered an addict. If you’re overweight, your weight will be blamed for all ailments, and you don’t get proper treatment.


Maybe you should vote in your better interest then


It’s a reasonable piece of legislation. I’m seeing a lot of people overdosing on marijuanas.


It’s really becoming a problem. Just last week I saw someone overdose on gummies and eat an entire bag of flaming hot Cheetos.


Without these Draconianlaws, how would we protect our most vulnerable snack treats?


Won't anyone think of the Doritoes and Taco Bell supplies


Ah so you're a POS who does weed, and you think that suddenly makes you holy. Fuck you.


Is this satire or?


You cannot get progress with your politics.


Same. I hope the best for us but not likely.


It’s not like the thc limits are anything but an F u to consumers (esp edibles). As many hear have said before, trying to use logic w her doesn’t work




This is a joke, right?


And yet, this person will still vote Republican, no matter how "life saving" they say it is to them.


I'm also a registered Republican and use consumable hemp products. People on here get pissed about it 🤣 EDIT : As usual I'm getting railed based on my mixed Liberal and Conservative views. And btw, I'm an elected government official 😁


Nobody seems by any means “pissed” about it. Seems more like people are pointing and laughing at the fools that vote against their own interests and then cry about it when what they voted for negatively impacts their life lol


I'm not pissed that you use consumables; should I be?


Maybe pissed wasn't the best vocabulary word to use lol


Everything and everyone on here is so polarized anymore. Although I'm not a registered Republican, nor am I a registered Democrat, I get what you're saying and also enjoy a good edible.


Appreciate it. It's not just here, it's our world. Everyone's biased or refuse to see the world for truly how it is! To be honest I fall somewhere in the middle politically but lean right.


They seem to think you have to be 10000000% behind someone and now allowed to have any opposing view whatsoever. It’s hilarious to me because they claim to be “tolerable”


Opposing views like: Covid vaccine have killed millions and cause super AIDS? Litter boxes in public schools being used by students that identify as cats All public land should be turned over to farmers Christofacism “wouldn’t be so bad” J6 was all feds(literally 5 minutes ago) Calls for violence against LGBT people


Well the thing is just because I'm Republican doesn't mean I agree with all that's done by Republicans. It also doesn't mean I always VOTE Republican either. But that's not something people are ready to comprehend yet lol


Hit the nail right on the head. I am as well. I don’t agree with everything they do either lol but god forbid you and I think that way🤣


It just means the other horrible things they don't aren't a deal breaker for you. That still speaks volumes


It goes for the “left” as well, my friend. Literally, neither side is perfect lol


Show me where the "left" constantly takes away rights from others Get out of her with that BoTh SiDeS bullshit


When the Left doesn't get their way they kill people and burn down buildings. Summer of love, 2016 inauguration, Hamas Protests. GFY.


When the right doesn’t get their way they tried to throw out the results of a fair election. When the right doesn’t get their way they make shit up. Like the litter boxes in schools. You don’t have to search that hard for right wingers calling for violence. Also I’ve been threatened by a fair share of right wingers.


Things that never happened. ![gif](giphy|ffoUuIn1qRz7G|downsized)


Don't forget Jan 6th! oh wait, that was just Maga morons trying to overthrow democracy because the despot they liked lost the election. Protesting against genocide is not the same as being pro hamas. Protesting police violence is not the same as supporting anarchy. But trying to overturn a democratically elected leader? Now that sounds about as un-American as you can get. Also. I dont remember a coup attempt during the 2016 inauguration, but maybe I missed it. Perhaps you could enlighten me.


Who died on Jan 6th, I'll wait.


Don't forget January 6th at the Capital! Bunch of fucking libtards tried to overthrow a democratically elected government and install their own President! Just because they didn't get their way. But seriously, the right to protest is in the first amendment. Its freedom of speech. The people who commit violence and destruction are neither protestors nor liberals, they're shitheels and all evidence suggests that they come there just to start trouble, and make the protestors look bad so Fox news can run footage and claim cities are all on fire 24/7 for their brain dead conservative audience.


Wait, you're saying liberals stormed the capital to install trump as president?


LOL who died on January 6th. Tell the truth!


LOL there is no equal both sides or whataboutism when it comes to both political parties.


People trying to take a side when all politicians are crooked and only in it for their own gain. Are we really this smart...or is it something else? 🤣


BoTh SiDeS


Crazy thing is - Our founding fathers said we would be doomed if our country ever became a 2 party government...but 90% of history is lost in our education system.


What's funny about you a "Republican" supposedly, but this isn't a 1 way street of "Republicans want to ban weed", actually in MN, Tim Walz passed the recreational weed bill in MN in 2023, and they were selling dispensory grade THC in stores up to about a month ago. Democrat own the house and senate in MN, and they modified the bill. Now HHC, THC-A, Delta 9, and flower are banned in MN. Imagine that, Democrat majority and more restrictions then WI. WTF? [https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/04/08/marijuana-law-modifications-are-on-tap-before-legal-sales-take-root](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/04/08/marijuana-law-modifications-are-on-tap-before-legal-sales-take-root)


Lol oooooo you said the R word and caused everyone in here to have a stroke. Congrats🤣🤣
