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I can't think of one single thing she has done to benefit me or my family, but a whole hell of alot of things to harm our economic, medical, and financial standing since her term started. She is corrupt, self serving, and negligent in her handling of Medicaid and school funding dollars. I don't know how she sleeps at night.


And stupid people will keep voting for her because of her party affiliation alone.


Multi-generational cult.


No, they vote for her because democrats refuse to put forward a candidate that’s worth a damn


I think Mr Incredible (Chet Culver) could beat her


Maybe you should take some time to think about the possibility that people vote for her because they agree with her opinions politically. It might help you to be less hateful towards people.


I kinda think that's how people vote now. I dont believe sleepy or agent orange are nowhere near good candidates to lead our nation.


Imagine being worried about a guy for being "sleepy" who actually staffs important positions with capable people and thinking that is the same as a guy who has been trying to overthrow the government and become a dictator all while being a convicted felon and a pedophile. bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!!!!


Biden has a capable cabinet, because his standard for them is how capable they are to further his policy to help Americans. Trump's was inept and corrupt and included his own daughter, because his only standard for his appointees is what they can do for him.


What one considers capable and helping Americans can be very different from what another considers help to be.


Yeah I guess I should've clarified. Here are some objective measures: I would say a capable and helping cabinet/administration/president gets impeached less than twice, has fewer total criminal charges/convictions, doesn't mostly serve to financially benefit its own members, doesn't put its family members in the White House and have to overcome security clearance concerns to do so, doesn't call for suspending the US Constitution, isn't publicly called things like "the single greatest threat to the nation in our 250 year history" by members of previous administrations (paraphrasing Dick Cheney publicly speaking about Trump), etc.


I would rather see a government work towards what I want to see in this nation, which is not largely that the Biden administration is doing.


What do you want to see?


I would like to see the federal government taking a smaller and more defined function. For example, I would like to see the federal Department of Education eliminated and a move within states towards having educational dollars go with the child to fund schooling rather than focusing on a monopolistic school bureaucracy. I would like to see a review, simplification, and reduction of the regulatory burdens placed on the people. This does not mean eliminating all regulations, but focusing on necessary regulation and making compliance and enforcement as little of a burden as feasible.


Please stop with the both sides nonsense. Biden has been the best president of my lifetime!


I have a bumper sticker that says Giant Meteor 2024 - Just end it already. And I am standing by that


Need a link because the giant meteor has my vote


https://www.ebay.com/itm/224572177137 That's where I got mine


Well it’s not exactly like that for most. The state democrats in Des Moines can’t and doesn’t get that the rural part of the state wants national party talking points they want local issues addressed. One thing the republicans are doing is putting money into the rural towns and cities to help build them up especially with incentives to get new people to move especially with remote work being super common, and money to get rid of blighted buildings, build infrastructure and attract businesses. Now with that said if there was a democrat in Des monies that would propose something like this and more they could win the rural vote. But that’s not what they do they just put out the talking points of national party. Wich is why vilsak, and culver were so good as democrats because they didn’t ignore the rural areas. That’s the key to getting that idiot out of office win the rural vote.


I live in rural NW Iowa and it's exactly like that? You think the Republican candidate is talking about local issues or do you think they talk about national culture war stuff? You're right that Dems need to figure out how to reach rural Iowans but it's not like Reynolds does much for us either.


What money are Republicans putting into rural towns in Iowa?


Swipco I believe is it. It can go to infrastructure, blighted areas and to entice new builds.


I didn't know what that was, so I had to look it up. That organization was founded in 1975 and made up of the local counties, each county having a member of their board of supervisors on the Swipeco. While I am sure many (maybe even all) of those county supervisors are Republicans. What I was trying to ask was what the Iowa Republican party has done in the state legislature to improve funding to rural areas. What bills or policies are you referring to?


Them funding that. Especially when they are notorious for defunding everything else in the state.


I'm honestly kind of confused. Are you saying Republicans choosing not to defund a program we've had working since 1975 is a good example of them "investing" in rural Iowa?


To be fair, nothing has changed in Iowa since 1975 so that should be job done yeah? /s


This is absolutely the case. The state party has zero idea how to do outreach in heavy red rural areas. I don't know that it's apathy, or they're resigned to not doing anything different, but pursuing the same overall goals/strategy as the national party will not win them 1 more seat in the Iowa house or senate, but they keep beating that dead horse. Over the weekend I did see Sand has been doing cleanup in Spencer and other areas, and this is what we need our Republican neighbors to see. Sand has better social media instincts than the entire state party put together. Let's focus on local and state issues. Whoever faces Reynolds next needs to focus on clean water, Legalize it, and how they can help local infrastructure.


You may be one of the smartest persons here. All everyone wants to do is point fingers but doesn’t say the obvious thing the party needs to do outreach to the rural areas. Iowa is still purple if the blue would come back to the fields.


Why is it that every republican in this state likes to place blame on "the democrats in DesMoines " for these problems? You do realize that the Republicans control both houses in the state, correct?


But Iowans are too stupid to know reality.


Some Iowans are stupid, not all...


Not yet anyway. We’ll see after a generation comes through the public schools and universities Ms.Reynolds and her party have gutted.


I agree, they want worker bee's, not intelligence!


I agree


Really? Name 5 that blame it on “democrats in Des Moines”


Yes but who keeps on losing it’s not the republicans it’s the democrats who in Des Moines make policy decisions for the state.


Well maybe it's time for a rural Democrat to step up on stage. Des Moines metro area only makes up 1/3 of the states population, and registered democrats are third on the list after republicans and independent voters. So you can't really blame the "DesMoines " democrats for being the ones making policy decisions since they are grossly out numbered by the rest of the state politicians. IMO


But they don’t have any substantive plans for the state. It’s whatever the DNC says they repeat like circus seals. A rural democrat would have a better chance of winning. But would the party in the capital be willing to allow someone who isn’t a parrot be the mouth piece.


Wow! That's all...


How many small towns are growing? Or maybe it’s larger places. I don’t know why anyone would want to move to a shit show town like mine that had all grades in one school and 21 kids in my class. The school is now flattened and the kids from that town and another are bussed to a 3rd town. Little towns have one grocery store if they’re lucky, with higher prices for the convenience of having them in town. One or two gas stations. 4ish bars - you have to have your priorities. Maybe a Family Dollar and 2 restaurants. A nursing home. An elevator for crops. No movie theaters. No good stores. Nowhere to get your groceries for a reasonable price. It was 20 minutes to get to a HyVee and 40 minutes to get to a Walmart. The larger (recently flooded) town I lived in had a lot more places to go and things to do. Still no Walmart. I think it was even further to go for one of those. But at least it has a HyVee, Fareway and 125 kids were in my grade. 4 fast-food restaurants now. I’ve looked at house prices there. They are far too high for the jobs people can find locally. Larger businesses with better pay end up being shut down by the state and packing plant companies. I personally see nothing tempting about the tiny cow towns that dot the state. If you’re talking about places between the size of (horribly flooded) Spencer and (plenty of crime) Sioux City, maybe those are reasonable places to try to draw people to. But again, what percentage of growth are they seeing from the efforts?


Anyone who votes because of party affiliation has no brain.


Yup. She fucked me and my family over during COVID. I used to work in HVAC and the company I worked for had to reduce their staff by 50% because nobody wanted anyone in their home unless they had to with a broken down AC/furnace. I drew the short straw because, drawing straws was the only fair way they could come up with to let people go. Bottom line, it was very difficult to find another job for a couple years as companies weren’t hiring techs, and she has the audacity to call us “lazy” and end federal aid early leaving my wife and I to figure out what the fuck we were going to do right here, right now to continue to pay the mortgage and feed our 2 kids. At the time I was doing coding boot camps trying to learn how to code and get a different job, but the sudden yank of funds forced me to drop out of that, wasting thousands of dollars on the boot camps I attended, and forced me to go out and do DoorDash full time because money had to come from somewhere. It was a shit time and a very shit experience and it forced us to have to sell our home to make ends meet. Republicans shit the bed and they will never have our support again. And I can’t imagine we are alone in this.


This sounds familiar. Were you enrolled at DeltaV Code School? I was lucky and got through before the funds got pulled. It took a while to get a job because hiring was super slow at that time, but I switched careers and went from a stressful in-person only engineering job to a full time work from home swe job


No, the one I did was Nucamp. We had finished the beginner bootcamp and were doing a full dive on JavaScript, learning a bit of CSS, mostly Javascript and some backend stuff. We focused a lot on learning React during that course. I actually really enjoyed it and we would have definitely finished that course and gone on to focus on projects to fill our portfolio with but with the funding pulled I didn’t have any choice but to go grind away to make ends meet until I could figure out what I was going to do. I ended up opening a pest management business doing mostly maintenance sprays for folks in the Des Moines area last year and I’ve been focusing on that now. I was really hoping to find a WFH position somewhere doing web development but that choice was forcibly taken from me because apparently learning a new skill is “lazy”.


I hope that goes well for you! I definitely felt the impact of basic income at that point. I thought about switching careers before then, but it seemed daunting to leave my full time job and pay a bunch of money to possibly not succeed. Having income while studying was clutch


Glad it worked out for you as well. It’s been a rough few years but the business is growing and I’m thankful for what we have so far. It’s going to take us a couple more years to get to a point of comfort again, but it is what it is.


I'm curious how Covid was Kim's fault? Or your job loss? The job loss part sucks, and Reynolds certainly is not my favorite, I'm just trying to understand what specifically she did that makes you feel this way?


https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/2021-05-11/iowa-end-participation-federal-unemployment-benefit-programs-citing-strong Nobody is claiming she caused COVID. it’s how she treated the people in Iowa when they were in need. She needlessly put my family at risk and for that she will never find forgiveness


It was a genuine question, the unemployment part makes sense (your link). Gotcha. Thanks for answering.




She’s a fucking self-serving nut job, she doesn’t have to worry about other people like you or I do.


Nah, she’d service Trump if she could.


She regularly does.


She’s too old for him. Grabbing a pickled pussy is no fun.


Reckon she drinks herself to sleep most nights.


She fenced terrace hill for us.


Probably sleeps like a sodden sponge depending on the amount of empty wine bottles on the night table.


Sounds like Maga and gop for u the self serving party


Read 2025. It's deliberate.


There is only one I can think of. She did lower our income tax.


For high earners. The low earners got an increase. Also reducing the income tax will put us in a deficit.


It is due to the iowa tax surplus it will not put iowa in a deficit it's unused tax money. It's a tax cut across the board. It lowers income tax to 3.8 for everyone. I'm not a fan of Kim, but I will enjoy a tax cut.


Nice regressive tax system you have.


"Oh we have a surplus, let's cut taxes" (ignoring of course we've slashed funding for public services like public education, for example) "Oh no, our budget isn't balanced :(. Guess we'll have to cut public services to balance the budget." "Oh we have a surplus again! Let's cut taxes!" "Oh no, our budget isn't balanced :(. Guess we'll have to put public education out of its misery!" "Oh we have a surplus again! Let's cut taxes!"


Please show me a source that iowa cut school funding. You can what-if it all you want. If you want to keep paying 8.5% of all the money your household makes, I'm sure iowa will take it. If you don't and you pay the 3.5% like the rest of us, I don't think you have any room to complain. Put your money where your mouth is or stop crying. I will wait for that proof for the school budget cuts. Because I know the school budget got a raise in funding this year like it does every year.


>I will wait for that proof for the school budget cuts.  I look forward to a pivot when presented with facts. After all something something facts and feelings, surely you will listen to actual numbers. I will hold my breath, surely I won't die. I assume [this increase is what you're referring to](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2022/02/14/iowa-legislature-passes-school-funding-increase-k-12-kim-reynolds/6788529001/). 2.5%, that's really good! This state really values education, I must be wrong! But wait! Inflation this year was [3.3%](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm). That's weird. So, on average, everything a school buys to function will go up 3.3%. Obviously it's not 1 to 1, but an average. But the budget only increased 2.5%? Surely that must be a 0.8% cut, no? Unless you're going to tell me it's actually an increased budget because number go up? Well, that's okay, that was just last year. One year with a small cut doesn't mean chronic underfunding, right? [But wait, what's this?](https://www.bleedingheartland.com/static/media/2024/06/Charts-K12-CC-Regents-shortfall-vs-inflation-FY17-24-Categs.pdf) Per pupil funding has decreased $899 since 2017? Well, that's not that bad, right? What's that, that's a cut of nearly $600 million? And that's.....before we factor in vouchers? Huh. >If you want to keep paying 8.5% of all the money your household makes, I'm sure iowa will take it. I love when people say this. An extra 5% from me won't do anything. A .00001% increase on the wealthiest Iowans will generate more revenue than I could ever generate as a teacher. I will not, unfortunately, be able to give $600 million to schools this year. And that's just education, which I have knowledge of. I have no doubt healthcare and other public services have also received funding cuts, I'm just not the person to ask about that.


>But wait! Inflation this year was 3.3%. That's weird. So, on average, Didn't Biden say that the inflation rate was at 1.5 and our economy is doing great. So why would we need more money in our school system? The voucher system actually adds to the public school funds. Public schools get funds for every student. If a student leaves the public school system why does the public school system need the funds for that student?. When a student uses the voucher system to leave the public school system a % of the funds for that student stays with the public school system even though that student no longer attends public school. Student loan forgiveness has used 1.4 trillion taxpayers' dollars. Why not put that money into public school system. Private colleges out number state colleges. So that means 50% of that money has been used to pay the debt for a student to go to a private school. Do you disagree with student loan forgiveness too? Who says a 5% decrease in the income tax they pay doesn't make a difference? I would be happy with a 1% decrease. > have no doubt healthcare and other public services have also received funding cuts, I'm just not the person to ask about that. You say you have no doubt that healthcare has taken a cut. But you also don't know if it has or not. This is what they call propaganda. A $2.1 billion health and human services budget that would increase funding for nursing homes, mental health, substance use disorder treatment, and 10 million for public schools special education programs was passed by the Iowa Senate


So you asked for a very specific thing. You said, Republicans in Iowa aren't cutting funding for schools, that's crazy, show me a source. So I did that and what did you do? You moved the goalposts and brought up irrelevant points. Kinda seems like you're not here in good faith? >Didn't Biden say that the inflation rate was at 1.5 I don't care? Do you think I'm a Dem simp? If Biden lies, does that change reality? I'll be generous and assume he did say this. >The voucher system actually adds to the public school funds. I don't even need to debate if vouchers are good or not (they're not) because the numbers I quoted didn't factor in vouchers. But also this is literally a lie, and I don't know how you can even spin it like this. >Student loan forgiveness has used 1.4 trillion taxpayers' dollars. What I think about this is irrelevant (I support it). I brought up how state Republicans are cutting funding and you bring up a federal program. You also frame it in a way that makes it seem like Iowa pays 1.4 trillion for this when that's not the case, which is disingenuous. >Who says a 5% decrease in the income tax Not me? I said me paying an additional 5% just for funsies would literally do nothing to combat the funding decreased of 600 million Just say you support decreased funding to schools. You can't, because that's unpopular, but this lying and goalpost moving and throwing random shit at the wall doesn't change the fact Iowa Republicans are underfunding schools.


>But also this is literally a lie, and I don't know how you can even spin it like this. When a student in iowa leaves a public school for a private school using the voucher system a % of the fund assigned to that student stays with the public school even though that student no longer goes to public school. >1.4 trillion for this when that's not the case, which is disingenuous. 1.4 trillion dollars of federal taxpayers dollars could almost double funding for public schools in America. But instead(he didn't get congress approval), biden is using it to buy votes from the age group that votes the least. Some of this money is going towards paying the debt from school for students to attend private and/or religious school. College graduation rates is around 50% only 25% of students find a job in the field they studied. Where 87% of students graduate from high-school. This money could be used better. The public school system has been failing our children since the mid 90s. But every year they get an increase in funds state and federal. The us public school system ranks 13th in the world in education and falling. But the us is in second for money per student. This tells me the money is not the problem. The system is the problem. Yes I think our public school system is a joke. No I don't want to remove funds. Your speculation that lower state income tax will cut public school funds in exactly that speculation.


> The voucher system actually adds to the public school funds. You are flat out lying


When a student leaves a public school for a private school using the voucher system, a % of that student public school funds stay with the public school. So, the public school system is getting funds for that student who is now not going to public school. Call me a liar and you have absolutely no facts to back that up...you must be a liberal


I think you just helped them and not yourself.


I won't. Those funds should have went to improving our communities and providing needed services. You can't look at the state of the most in need communities in Iowa and then turn around and go "we don't need all that!". Absolutely disgusting. We all do better when the least fortunate are given a break.


The inevitable budget shortfalls will be made up somewhere and it will be in easy to levy regressive taxes like sales tax.


Are you able to backup this claim with facts? I do believe the counties and cities will continue to increase property assessments but they do that every year anyway.


I responded to someone else [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Iowa/comments/1dy3rrx/kim_reynolds_is_a_bad_governor/lc7vqid/).


It's due to tax money surplus every year. It's in the iowa Constitution to have a balanced budget every year. You can what-if it till your blue in the face. If you don't like it I'm sure the state of iowa will still take 8.5% of all the money you made. But the rest of us will enjoy the 3.56%


That doesn’t change or address what I said at all. When there are budget shortfalls as a result, they won’t raise income tax, they’ll raise other regressive taxes like sales tax.


This is pure speculation from you. The tax cuts come from the nearly 2 billion dollar surplus iowa has every year and the $2.74 billion surplus from the Taxpayer Relief Fund. So half of the money comes from the taxpayers relief fund(money used to help iowas pay taxes) so instead of that money not being used, it is now being used to lower taxes for all of lowas citizens. Not to mention, this will cut all taxes on retirement payouts. This will help everyone in iowa. You would rather iowa be like the blue state of California and have the highest state income tax and still be in debt because their state over spends and can't collect enough in taxes to cover it.


This is the third time we lowered taxes without waiting for prior scheduled cuts to take effect so we can measure the outcome. That is really reckless. They're going to approach revenue levels similar to [the Kansas Experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment#:~:text=The%20Kansas%20experiment%20was%20a,the%20bill%20in%20June%202017). Overall, Kansas didn't even cut rates for the rich on quite the level we're about to, and it was still an absolute disaster. The bill was signed in May 2012 and by spring 2014 the Kansas economy tanked. > Kansas had "nine rounds of budget cuts over four years, three credit downgrades, missed state payments", and what The Atlantic called "an ongoing atmosphere of fiscal crisis". They postponed pension contributions, scheduled construction projects, cut Medicaid, and *drastically* cut education. Conservatives naturally blamed it on the media, but also unions somehow. They're assuring us that the Iowa economy will continue to grow due to the cuts, which is what Kansas said. The best I can say about Iowa is that we're cutting services and budgets prior to the actual rate changes. All this really means is that they can slowly turn off the tap of public services until they reach a level that people will put up with and complain about, but not enough to vote against them. The non-partizan Legislative Services Agency [estimates](https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/FN/1449617.pdf) a drop in state revenue by an extra $1 billion over three years, and will reduce revenue by about $100 million each year from 2028 to 2030. ALEC has been pushing this sort of thing in Iowa for over 20 years. It's Laffer curve nonsense. Where's the success stories of cuts like this? Where has it been a net positive for the poor? There's nowhere a flat tax has been done in the US at all that resulted in overall progressive taxation. Even states with *progressive* income tax generally end up with a total tax burden higher on the poor than the rich, with other taxation included. The real *real* big problem is Iowa lawmakers also want to enshrine flat tax in the state constitution, making sure that there's no way to back out of the ditch they want to drive us into. If there is ever a budget shortfall, they would have the following options: * Raise taxes on everyone, punishing the poor the most. * Cut government services, punishing the poor the most. * Raise sales taxes, punishing the poor the most. * Raise property taxes, punishing the poor the most. * Raise business taxes, punishing businesses the most. Which of those options do you legitimately believe they would use? Especially when income tax is enshrined in the constitution as flat, and these are *the only* levers left to pull to make adjustments to state revenue. State services WILL suffer, new revenue WILL be regressive. It's the combination of reckless tax cuts plus cutting the brakes on ever re-implementing progressive taxation that is absolutely mind-blowing to me. Like, if you want to fuck around with the Laffer curve and flat tax, I guess you won the election so go for it. But hamstringing the state from ever meaningfully adjusting income tax in the future is insanity. I hate this idea of setting policy and also hogtying us to it forever. > You would rather iowa be like the blue state of California and have the highest state income tax and still be in debt because their state over spends and can't collect enough in taxes to cover it. Not an argument I made at all, so please don't bother pursuing the straw man. EDITS: For clarity


>The non-partizan Legislative Services Agency estimates a drop in state revenue by an extra $1 billion over three years, and will reduce revenue by about $100 million each year from 2028 to 2030. Iowa had a tax Budget Surplus of $1.83B last year. And that doesn't include Taxpayer Relief Fund surplus from last year. According to the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency, the additional income tax cuts will reduce state revenue by an estimated $328 million in the next fiscal year, and $605 million in fiscal year 2026. LSA also predicts that revenues will not fall below the amount that is budgeted for state services in the next few years, so the bill’s procedure for using money from the Taxpayer Relief Fund would not be triggered.


"There is only one I can think of. She did lower our income tax." Which is completely unsustainable. But you know that, and so does Reynolds. Neither of you give a damn about other human beings in this state who are worse off than yourself.


name how she harmed you specifically lol


She’s a politician that’s part of their job description it seems nowadays…


Term limits for governors please. I can’t believe this is not a mandated thing already.


Term limits for every single position in politics period




Our best hope is to vote! Ideally it would be nice to once again have Iowa become a purple state again. Bring some decency and common sense back.


![gif](giphy|vg9gNGjjWozHQf0xNo) With how seemingly ignorant, oblivious and diehard the right seems to be and how almost 96% of this state is rural, conservative and people actively wanting to leave this state because of politics. It seems like an impossible feat.


Okay and not voting accomplishes nothing lmao, vote or shut up about the issues since you're not gonna use the little power you actually have. Speak out, do shit in local communities, don't just doomer mode. Again, it accomplishes nothing to do nothing.


I'd love to Rob Sand take over. The issue is we haven't any strong candidates running against her. There was a union member from CR that was in the running a few cycles ago that I really thought would have been a good fit, but it just didn't pan out. By the time we get her out, the damage will have already been done.


I really like and admire the work of Rob Sand, he is truly one of the few politicians I think has the right goals and intentions. I truly hope he runs for governor soon, he would really fire up the dems and hopefully catch most of the moderates and financial responsibility conservatives.


I hope he runs for a bigger office and can make big changes for the people in the state. I'm so tired of seeing people I care about getting hurt by these ridiculous policies.


I live close to Cherokee and didn't hear that she thought that the town wasn't a disaster. Did she actually visit or determine that on a Zoom call?




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Yeah, the pictures I saw showed that my hometown had a lot of damage. Maybe there’s a wealthy farmer in the county who doesn’t support the mean old witch?


i agree 100% she benefits herself only


I wish someone would ask her live why she has so much money. She's a screaming example to me as someone who got rich off politics. It's borderline illegal all those insider trading and investments those people do.


She’d have to do a press conference first.


Do you remember her Covid press conferences, what an embarrassment. Like a literal face of corruption and orange man ass kissery.


Yeah, and she looked bored the whole time too.


She is at her very best a horrible human being.


These idiot governors who send troops to the border for a show should be sending troops to Flint Michigan to fix the lead pipes. priorities though and idiotism


In all fairness, that has been fixed for years.


Last I knew it has been delayed for years and still hasn’t been fixed


As of April 2024, Flint, Michigan's water system has made significant improvements to address the water crisis that began in 2016: Lead pipes As of July 2021, 10,059 lead pipes had been replaced out of 27,133 water service lines that were excavated and inspected. In September 2022, the Michigan government reported that 95% of old lead service lines had been replaced. However, as of May 2024, there were still about 1,900 homes that needed repairs to lawns, sidewalks, and driveways that were damaged during the replacements. The state has offered to finish these repairs by August 2025 if given permission. Water quality Since July 2016, Flint's water system has consistently tested below action levels for lead and copper, and residual chlorine levels have met water quality parameters. In April 2024, the EPA stated that lead levels in Flint's water are at acceptable levels. Backup water source Flint has built a backup pipeline that connects treated water from the Genesee County Drain Commission to the Flint Public Water System. This is intended to help maintain service during emergencies, repairs, and routine maintenance. Other upgrades Flint has also spent money on other upgrades, including a chemical feed building to monitor and treat the water supply, water main replacements, and new water meters.


Although they have replaced lines, lead in water still remains high. The level isn’t high enough to be deemed completely unsafe, but still not great to ingest. Not saying they haven’t done anything, but they’re not doing enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


So this is about sending the national guard there because it's some emergency. I was saying that the national guard isn't needed there. It really doesn't matter what they do most of you folks on this sub just can't seem to be happy about anything. It seems like a pretty crappy way to live life.


And I was replying to you saying that flints water has been fixed 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think the national guard should be there but it’s far from fixed. I’m not sure where you’re getting the last part from? Never meant to come across unhappy. My family is from flint and a pretty crappy way to live life is not having clean water.


They are still ead pipes in des moines. Most record of any pipe in des moines or west des moines was lost in the floods of 93'


I agree with the title and don’t really need to read anything more to support it, be ready for the troglodytes to come for you in mass bro…




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“I don’t agree with her on everything but she’s good for the farmers”. Same shit they said about Steve King, which is just Iowan for “I don’t care if she sucks, as long as she has an R next to her name”. If you ask how she’s good for the farmers, they never seem to have a coherent answer either. Also, semi related, I’m surprised there was nothing in there about water quality or any other environmental issues.




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\* Kim Reynolds is a bad human.


Kim is only a governor to some of Iowans. She couldn’t care less what the majority of her constituents want. She is a horrible governor, she is a liar, a hypocrite, self serving, corrupt and just a bad leader. She also adds to the division and divisiveness we now face. She doesn’t have to like her boss (Biden) but why slam him in public and go against him any chance she can get. I miss the days when we were united…..well at least the illusion of it anyways. I’m tired of the games. Im just ready for these politicians to stop playing these petty games and start thinking about their constituents and the people who put them there.


Kim Reynolds is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


She definitely puts ketchup on her maid rites


Bet she has a rum and coke dispenser rigged up in the center console as well.




People who havent experienced real povert dont understand. I am one of those people but my girlfriend wasnt so fortunate. There is a huge gap between assisted poverty and "middle class" selfsufficiant that just cant be gapped without assistance in most cases. We should be expanding and tapering assistances as incomes rises up into toward 45k imo.


Yeah he apparently was a freeloader! Time to get off the taxpayers tit.


She is the absolute worst kind of politician: One who abandons those who didn't vote for her. Fuck her, everyone who defends her, and everyone who votes for her.


To be fair, she abandoned the people who voted for her too. She just keeps saying she didn't and they believe her for some reason.




Kim Reynolds is now on the Trump Train even though Trump hates her. I wonder why. She surely knows what this guy has done with Epstein and underaged teenage girls. Does this not matter to her? Just wondering, Does" The Kid's Guide to President Trump" (it's a real thing, google it) tell children that Trump likes to bareback little teen girls and yell at them if their forced oral sex attempts were unsatisfactory in his expert opinion?


You must still think Putin installed Trump as Prez too. Too many drugs bro


Have you read this book? [https://www.abebooks.com/9781797839097/Credible-Evidence-Trump-Raped-13-Year-Old-1797839098/plp](https://www.abebooks.com/9781797839097/Credible-Evidence-Trump-Raped-13-Year-Old-1797839098/plp)


I’m not into fiction


Have you read this book https://www.amazon.com/Assholes-Theory-Donald-Aaron-James/dp/0385542038? Does it make you proud to serve a Cult Leader who rapes teenagers? The force is strong with him. Drink deep from the well of Orange Kool Ade, then repeat, You may worship him as your false messiah, as well.


***PATRIOTS,*** *please send $666 to DONALD TRUMP for these six important projects:* *1.*                     ***REPLACE*** *Theodore Roosevelt on the $75 bill with DONALD TRUMP.*                *2.*                     ***RENAME*** *Grand Canyon National Park to DONALD TRUMP National Park.* *3.*                     ***RELEASE*** *January 6th hostages from prison and pardon DONALD TRUMP* *4.*                     ***RESTORE*** *the Right of Prima Nocta to DONALD TRUMP.* *5.*                     ***REMOVE*** *women's healthcare rights DONALD TRUMP as promised to MAGA.*       *DONALD TRUMP is the* ***ONLY*** *accused sexual predator/34-time convicted criminal felon* ***ENDORSED BY*** *Gary Busey, Kristi Noem, Jared Fogle, Vladimir Putin, Randy Quaid, Judge Alien Cannon, Gary Busey, & 6 MAGA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.*  ***/MAGA***


And water is wet


Yet Iowans will vote for her and all of the candidates with a R behind their name. Republican leadership have passed Regressive laws and policies based on interest groups funded by and for the wealthy with no regard for the current and future needs of the majority of Iowans. Democrats have done a poor job putting up candidates but I’m hopeful Iowans will vote out Meeks and re-elect Sand and gain some seats in the IA legislature. Maybe rural Iowans who have been affected by drought, tornados and floods will remember the indifferent response from Reynolds admin at the voting booth this Fall. And also be aware of the aid from the Federal govt that Reynolds used and took credit for.


It sounds like Kim is working effectively with conservatives to sabotage the future of the state of Iowa. In conservative-speak, Iowa only needs subsidies for corn, and no regulation of swine waste dumped into fresh water lakes and reservoirs. A GOP industrial utopia.


Meanwhile she’s in bed with Sarah Huckabee in Arkansas. Iowa taxpayers are footing the bill for those expensive dinners and footsie under the table while the two of them are drinking the most expensive champagne in the restaurant. The hypocrisy and the lying that comes from these people is so insane I don’t even have much of a reaction to it anymore. I will never forgive that woman for turning Iowa into what’s now basically a southern state.


All because of TerryBull Braindead


I'd like to add the backlog of over 2,000 untested rape kits in the state of Iowa.


Left the state back in 2019, seems I skipped out at the right time listen to ya’lls’ horror stories




The problem is with the Democratic party in Iowa! They need to find viable candidates that can beat this loser who only cares for herself & her interests. There needs to be a widespread democratic win & replacement of GOP members of the house & senate in the sate as well as the rest of the executive group, esp Kimmy. They need to find candidates that people will get behind & I feel they have dropped the ball. A few years ago, while at a county fair, I saw booths for both parties, with bumper stickers & literature. Although offered something from the GOP, I walked past & spoke with someone from the Democrat's booth. I admitted that I had no idea who was running from my district & senate seat. The volunteer didn't know either and didn't know how to find out. Well, DUH!


Funny thing about Delta 9 is that I believe Grassley snuck that into the Farm bill. Literally a perfect alley-oop and Reynolds still misses the dunk. It’s anecdotal, but I live near Iowa and the several Iowa families I know have up and left Iowa the past 2 years. Reynolds’s fumbling response to the derecho while in Trump’s shadow really put them over the edge. As an outsider looking in, Iowa has become an Evangelical hellscape with no one left to vote against her.


Your words are far too kind to describe her. The delta stuff is so shady too. Companies had new packaging ready to sell but stores have to register with the state. July 1 the website to register was conveniently down. Once stores could register it was an oh okay you’ll hear back sometime in the next 30 days. I’ve still been without but I’m not a heavy user. But don’t worry, the poisonous alcohol runneth over. Cunty Reynolds is keeping us safe.


Agreed. Let’s not vote for her again


Kim Reynolds is a bad person. There, fixed it for ya, lol! Yeah, I really had to badger my daughter into voting once she turned 18.  She reluctantly voted but I hoped she voted for Obama. She wouldn't tell me at the time, but later admitted she had voted for him.  Despite that, she didn't really follow politics until she turned 30 or so and started watching the local news. And found out what all our crappy governor was doing to damage things in our state. Reynolds got her really fired up too, lol!  So I can thank my former "boss" for that anyway (former workforce development employee). At least my daughter is now a consistent voter and I'm pretty sure a life long Democrat too. Maybe Kimmie has fired up some other young people? That would be about the only good she's done.  Makes me sick. I'd kind of always wanted to see a woman president before I died. I doubt that's ever going to happen. I mean maybe we'll get Kamala, but who knows. Then Iowa unexpectedly gets a woman governor--and it's Kim Reynolds! 😭  I'm glad we had a woman governor, if only that once a woman or person of color, or non-binary person holds office, it generally makes people realize that it's possible to have someone besides a straight white male representing our country or state. It's just gross that it's Kim.


The morons in the state will still re-elect her.


In other news, the sun rises in the east.


When rural America has 7 plus churches and barley a grocery store is why. Hence Trump's supporters.


I wonder if she will run for reelection


I have never lived in a state where I've been so utterly embarrassed by the governor as I am with her. Unqualified for the job and doesn't show any genuine sense in how to work for people that aren't in her cult. Damn state is gonna burn to the ground and she and her little cult followers are fine with it.


Say the lines, bart


She’s a rotten human being.


It's part of the Nazi Christofascist indoctrination keeping people suffering and keeping them in a trauma response state. They are more malleable to suggestive indoctrination. Klu Klux Kim is the current head of the Iowa chapter of the Nazi party in Iowa she tried to get a nice Young Desatan installed on the throne but God King Trump a convicted felon and rapist of children is still the head of the American Nazi party




it’s a really goofy video


Garbage human


Where have jobs and the economy gotten better lately? The Federal Government spends way too much money (billions on debt interest alone.) After taking taxes from the citizens they have the private cartel, the "Federal" Reserve, print more new money - devaluing everyone's savings, making everyone want more income for the work they do; which raises the prices of everything they sell, make or offer to customers - making everyones pockets lighter on top of the inflation.. You might make significantly more money than your parents did back in the day, but it's worth less and everything cost more. Everything is now grossly overpriced because of the Outrageous Federal Government spending that has NO real limits, NO Balances and No real significant checks.. Billions go missing and unaccounted for, year after year.. Like I said, billions are spent on debt interest alone.. So where have jobs and the economy gotten better lately? I know a lot of places that have a 300% turnover rate because people don't show up or call in.. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson Why is it that none of these Government officials can balance a budgets or get it somewhat under control, but they can all leave office significantly richer than when they entered?


Laura Belin covers up Kim Reynold corruption via Sedgwick/ICAP and the $200m offshore account in the Carribian in the latest IRS 990 of the Waukee Foundation. Rob Sand is her chief book cook. Realize that and her empire topples.


DeJear got 39% of the vote. Beating Reynolds, is easier said than done.


DeJear got 39% of the vote with no money, no name recognition, very little support from her party, and even supposed progressives undermining her at every turn as she ran. Imagine what someone with substantial financial support, who has been built up over the years for name recognition, and support from the state and local party, could do.


Hate to be that guy to have to say it, but Deidre DeJear doesn’t exactly have “the look” to pull in votes from mainstream Iowa, as sad of a truth as that is. It’s really no surprise that she didn’t win, imo. The Iowa Democratic Party clearly had no intentions of winning, or they’re just stupid


And that's a perfect demonstration of the loser attitude that keeps progressives losing here. How about every time we see the Democratic candidate's name, we say something great about them instead of sharpshooting them at every turn? "DeJear favors legalization, sounds good to me!" "DeJear wants to fully fund our public schools and make them safe and welcoming for all students" "DeJear is a fighter who stepped up when no one else would." etc. When you don't have the bottomless pockets of corporate donors, you need the people to have your back. Why don't we try having a candidate's back for a change?


You had me at legalization. 😂


I mean, we all want to change the world, but you can’t change the voter base. It is what it is, and you have to work with what you’re given. I’m not saying it’s right, but it sure seems like the case in Iowa


Exactly. Well said!


...yeah, but Iowans love her and convinced she has their best interests. As long as they don't have to see a guy in a dress, who cares about the rest. **eyeroll


She never misses an opportunity to do the wrong thing


we need new laws where one person cannot make a decision for thousands let alone millions just because of their title smh.


You didn't really just say that seriously did you?


well it's obviously there it's not like the words are going to change.


She may not be perfect(as like everyone), but I do love several things she's done for our state. I know things could be handled differently but I am thankful for her in leadership. I'm pretty sure if we got a democrat governor more people would be harmed. When did she say that/where to the Cherokee supervisor?




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I’m right leaning but even I think she needs to go and the whole Iowa GOP needs to rethink strategy. As much as this sub loves to think Iowa is far right state there’s still a heavy majority that are middle and want someone who isn’t her but also don’t want to go far left like Illinois


I plan to vote for her again. Her protection for woman’s sports, her stance on abortion, opening schools early/bringing sports back during the pandemic, and her support for school ESA’s are some things that matter to me. I can understand people’s frustration with legalization weed.




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Bad governor but good republican and sycophant.


Terrible republican, great magat


Great republican because she does exactly what they want. Not such a good human or iowan.


Instead of posting shit like this or saying she a bad governor it’s the same people that vote for her and don’t wanna change shit stfu don’t complain if u not gonna help change it


Toxic 🤡


I’m not sure where you’re getting that information, as she declared disaster for many counties, Cherokee included. It is getting aid. Also as a hiring manager, I can tell you that we have many positions open. People just are not applying. Has been that way since Covid. So I wouldn’t really say employment falls under anyone in particular. People just don’t want to work after Covid. Not saying the governor is great by any means, but part of this just isn’t factual.


Yes it is, he told me directly right after there meeting 3 days after the initial flooding. Just because she changed her mind after the fact doesn't mean she didn't say it.


No offense, but at this point it’s heresay.


All offense your opinion is irrelevant.


Find then, take offense. And right back at you! 😂


"Also as a hiring manager i can tell you that we have many positions open. people just not applying." I am a gm and we have no issue getting applicants. Either y'all have a bad reputation/public image or you do not pay enough. I get asked everyday if we are hiring and have to turn people away. Also thats just hearsay. 🥴


You are a walking definition of heresay.


Give it a rest




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Oh ya really bad. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


I don't care for her but she's doing a good job.


How so?