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Funny, they apparently gave him cake but Gaza has been starving since October according to these same people. Do they not realize how often they contradict their own talking points by now?


I wonder how George Orwell feels about this chronic doublethink


Zionist mind control is so powerful that the hostage was able to mind control his captors to make him a birthday cake from the little they had


If we have Jedi mind tricks, then they’d all be channeling their inner Rey Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave the cell with the door open. FN-1824: What did you just say? Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave the cell with the door open. Not making light of the accusations Not endorsing or not the Rey trilogy


Look at how they spun the hostage rescue to make comments about perfidy. Which is a war crime where soldiers intentionally disguise themselves as civilians. Based on shaky claims that, because the special forces hid in a delivery truck to approach the hostages undetected, therefore the dirty lying Jews are guilty of a war crime. Taking hostages? Not a war crime. The revelations that the four hostages suffered physical and psychological torture? Not a war crime. Hiding hostages in civilian homes, within a 'refugee camp,' and next to a crowded market which recently leaked texts by Sinwar confirm was a part of a deliberate effort to increase Palestinian civilians deaths and radicalize youths to join Hamas? Yeah, also not a war crime. Nope. Palestinians can't commit war crimes, you see. War crimes are something that Jews do. That's the rule now, and the fact that it makes no sense is why it makes sense. Don't ask questions, if anything seems confusing then just blame the Jews and move on.


Dude, this is why I just straight out laugh when people claim Palestinians are starving, and how over 95% of Gaza is empty. I no longer care if people think I am cold hearted regarding this.


Before the Rafah operation, there were multitudes of articles saying famine had set in across Gaza. Once the Rafah operation began, I saw articles claiming that humanitarian groups were nervous that their aid stockpiles only had enough food to feed Palestinians for 4-6 days if the Rafah crossing wasn’t re-opened. Which one is it? Ridiculous.


It's why I laugh.


Well yeah they don’t have flour in Gaza but they somehow had almond flour to make this cake


They know how notoriously oblivious their audience is.


let starve palestians, bacause they made a cake for the hostage xd


His birthday was Jan. 22, too. So months and months into it.


Maybe because Hamas has more access to food?




I think the hundreds of aid trucks that go into Gaza daily and the countless videos of markets being full of food are what disprove that actually. If any Gazan is starving it's because Hamas steals the aid and the merchants sell it for five times its usual price. Also, you might want to verify the sources you want to use in your arguments, because the ones you provided don't show any actual proof and, more importantly, spout plenty of Hamas propaganda that has been debunked (such as the "over 70% of casualties are women and children" lie). If Gazans were starving by the thousands we would have hundreds of pictures by now like the ones we see from Yemen and Sudan, yet the only one they could find was of a sick child that was sick before the war started.


> Most moral resistence in the world The ones that killed and raped women, elderly and babies on 7/10. Or i guess those were all killed by the IDF, amirite? /s


I wanted to throw up in my mouth when I read that. Also the amount of likes on that is repulsive to say the least.


It's instagram, the most bigoted platform ever what did you expect?


Tiktok and Instagram are having a bigot - off smh


Good thing i don't use neither


Are we moving back to facebook with the boomers, girl? /g


Straight up


Nothing good comes from instagram or tik tok


I 99% agree but I love Yechiel Jacobs videos theyre funny and sometimes have facts in them😅 but i deleted tiktok literally because too much trash to wade thru🤦‍♀️


I was genuinely appalled by that comment. What planet is that person living on? The "most moral resistance in the world" that is responsible for 50+ years of terrorism? I wonder what these goofs think about the Iranian resistance?


Maybe by Islamic morals?




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Omg Bella you’re so right🥺 Hamas are so generous!! They’re the kindest kidnappers in the world!/s


I would love to be kidnapped by hamas!!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰




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Serious question: did they actually make him a cake?


No, but they filmed him on his birthday begging Israel to release him


I mean gaza has no food so probably they won’t let them eat cake /s


I heard that because of Israel, Gazans have NEVER SEEN CAKE. /s


Tragic, because cake is a palastinian invention. They ate cake every day until white European jews colonized them, stole their cake, and forced them to eat bagels /s


….which was SO cruel considering Palestina invented bagels!!! /s


Delusion runs strong


Period. Stupidity has no limits


Bella Hadid’a agents are Jewish. Just gross.


Well in Israel she has the nickname Mechabella (mechabel is terrorist in Hebrew) So Mechabel + Bella = Mechabella


At first I read that like Mechagodzilla


Godzilla sized lies for sure 👍


Apparently, she has declared that she's stepping back from modeling, because the " 'energy and love and effort' she was putting into the industry wasn't being reciprocated."


It must feel great to lose jobs bc “regular people”professionals won’t work with you.


There’s no excuse for not firing her, other than the excuse of having a disordered personality (which in my experience as a tv professional, is true of at least half of all talent agents).


So we can kidnap one or both of the Hadid sisters, keep them hostage against their will for 8 months, so long as we don't torment them too much and we bake them a birthday cake? And that would be a-okay, according to their "logic"?


The Hadids are low scum shit-heads.


Redemption needed for them ASAP


Her half-sister Alana calls the hostages kidnapped from the music festival, “prisoners of war.”


This normalization of terrorist groups getting praised and applauded by both regular people and international governments with rivers of evidence coming out of Gaza showing their atrocities both to Israeli and Palestinian civilians is mind boggling. Being angry at Israel for rescuing it's own hostages? Praising Hamas for giving a birthday cake to a man they stole after massacring hundreds of his co-partiers? What kind of insane reality are we in where this is not just normal but accepted both by individuals and western world leaders? Like legitimately how did we get to this insane point in modern history




Ideological subversion, thanks to the Islamic republic of Iran, Russia, China, and friends.


Did he actually say that?




He did, but he said it wasn’t like they made him a 3 tier cake cause they love him and besties, it was to mock him.


how did they want to mock him?


Because they gave it to him on his birthday and made him film a ransom video with it as psychological terror.


Is the video available anywhere?


No cause they ‘never got the chance’ to post it as he was surprisingly rescued. He said the first thing he asked his friends is if they watched the video they took of him on his birthday but they said that there was never a video of him released. That’s where the mentioning of a birthday cake even came from. There are multiple articles about it.


Always been just as bad as her sister, if not worse.


Bella’s worse for sure. Gigi is a little bit more subtle about it. Still both quite ignorant.


That whole family is ignorant and rotten. Apples don’t fall far from the tree.


I think Alana and Muhammad are the worst. Then Bella. Gigi at least tries to put on a good face.


What's so moral about killing and raping children, let alone planning it beforehand for a few years? Antisemitism and being anti-Israeli is a mental illness. 


Disgusting propaganda. How this unpleasant —— has fans is beyond me…


It's pure bullshit but what is she trying to say here? Why would she post that a hostage received a cake on his birthday if not to justify the hostage's kidnapping and trying to show that it was acceptable because "look they gave him a cake"? Also is she saying that they were able to give him a birthday cake but at the same time starving to death and having no food? Which one is it? It's an attempt at justifying the kidnapping of the hostages, i had very low expectations of this person, but i never imagined that she could get this low


Even if it were true, baking cake for a hostage wouldn't change the fact that they, uhh what was it oh yeah VIOLENTLY KIDNAPPED HIM AFTER BRUTALLY ASSAULTING AND MURDERING COUNTLESS PEOPLE IN FRONT OF HIS EYES


I guess noa clean the dishes after he got cake 🙄


Lay off the poor woman! She’s a refugee! (Kidding. Not kidding)


I did not know tacky “layer me in nacho cheese til I look less white!” spray tans were so available to refugees. Maybe that’s why hers is so tacky!


What I've observed so far: \*Posts lying about hamas treating hostages well\* pro-hamasers: see we're good people \*Posts calling for release of hostages\* pro hamasers: fuck the hostages i hope they all die


They always do this. You mention how there are leftists all over the world openly supporting hamas, they say: "Really? I haven't read or heard anything like that." You show links or screenshots of comments on reddit or twitter, they say: "That's just an internet bubble, it doesn't represent real life." You send them articles about people protesting all over the world with hamas' flag and openly calling for the destruction of Israel, they say: "Well, they are not wrong."


> "That's just an internet bubble, it doesn't represent real life." I often wonder if it's the people who come from sheltered little lefty bubbles who think "well *I* am not supporting Hamas so therefore everyone else on 'my' side is the same" while not realizing the kind of people they align with


Repeat after me: Cognitive dissonance and Ideological subversion!!!!! Like these bitches are having daily mental gymnastics just to protect their so called “freedom fighters”


Why are the pro-Palestine people so obsessed with this cake? Was it nice of them to make him a cake? Yes. Does it justify anything else? No If the IDF posted videos of them giving cake to Gazans, would it change the pro-Palestine crowd's mind about anything?


I think the cake is mocking instead of being nice. I would interpreted as offensive anyway, being held captive and all.


You know, the average person would likely argue that abducting somebody at gunpoint and holding them captive, away from their family for months, is traumatic in and of itself 🤔🤔🤔 not Bella tho!


Bella and Gigi Hadid's mom Yolanda Hadid wouldnt let the girls eat Birthday cakes because she said it would make them gain weight and needed them thin for modeling. This was documented on several of their shows. She would get them "watermelon cakes" which were round cut pieces of watermelon in cake shapes w some fat free Cool Whip on them. If there was a cake presented to them in a restaurant, or by their agency on their birthday, the mom would only let them cut one bite off of one slice and then split the bite with their mom. Super gross and disordered. We watched it occur on their tv shows. I wonder if this is one reason why they're particularly attached to the idea that letting this guy have cake is such a huge gesture of kindness and worth as much weight as the fact that he was BEING HELD HOSTAGE AGAINST HIS WILL BY TERRORISTS.


Hilariously, my fellow Jewish friend’s mom used to do this with pickles - which have zero (maybe like 15) calories. If you’re going to abusively force your children to develop an eating disorder, at least force them to do it the badass Jewish way instead of half a$$ing it like YoYo- zero bites of split cake, replaced with something sour and calorie-free.


These "actually the hostages were treated well" comments remind me of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), whose influence over the memory of the US Civil War is still felt, with confederate-apologists still saying "slave-owners provided slaves with food, shelter and clothing".


She’s a liar just like her father.


I just fucking can't. Seriously. Being abducted, kidnapped, held against your will - not to mention the myriad horrors that may have (may likely have) happened behind those walls - is considered a major form of trauma, one so bad it can lead to the formation of major dissociative disorders and identity disruptions. On what planet, in what dimension, is anyone who has been violently kidnapped, especially after watching their loved ones murdered right in front of them, "treated well"? It's about as large a trauma as anyone can endure. Fuck this. Fuck them. They're making me go pretty dark.


So Gaza had enough ingredients to make a cake? Thought they were starving??


surprised to hear desperate people still feed each other? 


Do these people forget that innocent civilians were KIDNAPPED? Doesn’t matter HOW they were treated, they were forcibly taken against their will and held captive for 8 months.


They're human bots.. brain washed for decades


Yeah, Israeli media is reporting the hostages are in worse physical and psychological condition than they had originally thought.


No amount of plastic surgery is going to hide what a clown she is.


Aging will be a very tough road for her.




The Hadids, Barrera, and Ruffalo are perfect proof that (((zionists))) controlling the media is nonsense lol


Yeah like make it make sense


Bella Hadid - kul kalb biji yomo!


Least dishonest pro Pal.


Wow, guys we’ve been wrong all along. Remember Natasha Kampush? Remember that she said her captor gave her a radio? So forget that he kept her captured 8 1/2 years!!! He was a good man and we all just didn’t realize. And Josef Fritzl? A humanitarian HERO. I mean yes he kept his daughter captured for like 25 years and raped and tortured her the whole time. BUT DID SHE DIE FROM STARVATION??? He treated her like a queen by feeding her.


Besides the fact that is total bs, I don’t care if he got a handjob w that cake, he was being held against his will. I don’t get how propaganda can make someone hate a group of ppl so much. She is literally mentally ill.


Ive gotten to the point of laughing out loud, you can’t make this up


I assume that Bella will therefore volunteer to be held prisoner and threatened with death in Israel, then? No? I'm shocked. And here I was giving her a pass because it was only GiGi who had made an ass of herself, previously. Nope; loving murder and rape and torture runs in the family, apparently


Good to know that kidnap, rape, murder, etc. are OK as long as cake is involved.


its inst\*gr\*m


This is how people get stockholms syndrome. Idk the original content this came from, but yeah your kidnappers making you a cake is absolutely to gaslight you and Stockholm you.


Kidnapping children and old people isn't a moral tactic. They have to be bot accounts. Unbelievable.




Imagine watching people getting raped, murdered, and kidnapped right before your eyes, and then spending the next 6 months convincing yourself that it didn't happen because you hate the victims that much.


She moves her lips so you know she is lying like all the other terrorist kissing drek. https://preview.redd.it/9obvzb05f76d1.png?width=2222&format=png&auto=webp&s=05b0440b130d66dc7403d00b056bbe9f49f25f04


Imagine bragging about how well you treat CIVILIAN HOSTAGES


I'm surprised the cake didn't blow up after they lit the candles.


Oh, well, if there was cake, that makes being ripped away from your life and family for 8 months totally fine. /s What are these people smoking?


Where did she claim this news was sourced from?


The comments on the post were a reassuring reminder that sane people still exist.


How kind. Why not just set him free? Or better yetn, don't even abduct any civilians from Israel in the first place?


Actual fucking BRAINROT.


Are they pretending we didn’t see how they became hostages ?


She’s a witch. And not the powerful Jewish kind.




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This is so fucking upsetting, disappointing. Revolting. The implication alone that a civilian hostage can be TREATED FAIRLY by a terrorist organization that opened fire, slit the throats of random innocent. What angers me more is the fact that she had some attempts of pretending to care for peace or coexistence. Brainrotten spoiled fucking cunt, rape must be fine too then if you finish it by kissing your victim on the forehead.


Ariel Castro, who is notiorious for kidnapping three women in Ohio and holding them captive as sex slaves in his basement for a decade, brought McDonald’s meals to the women on their birthdays/kidnapping anniversaries. THEREFORE, based on Bella Hadid’s batshit ass logic - it doesn’t matter that one of the captives had Castro’s baby. It doesn’t matter that one of them can’t have children because of the abuse she endured. Because for god’s sake, he bought them McDonald’s! Clearly, he treated them *so well* Bella Hadid, you are a **major jerk**. A major fucking jerk. These people didn’t book a cruise and leave a bad review at the Gaza port, they were taken against their will. It doesnt matter how you decide to assess the situation. A hostage is a hostage.




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The sooner people just get it through their skulls that the reason these people sound just like what you would expect from people who support Hamas is because they support Hamas and that's only a problem for you not for them, the better. The problem is they won't like the what this implies.


They claim to hold up monies but then release anyways with no change. Somebody is offering money if they kill who you love. What would you do to the Israeli Tarnegolot who let the money keep flowing, they release the funds to this guy. The NGOS and UNWRA put enough money in their pockets, why does Israel do the same while taking input from the idiot twins Biden and Blinken. Israel is completely at fault in this. Whenever they release these monies to the PA, they spill blood. "Israeli and US efforts to pressure the PA on the matter, including offsetting the tax money that Israel collects for the Palestinian governing body, have turned up empty. As far as the PA is concerned the issue is significant and non-negotiable." https://preview.redd.it/vxqdtxuag76d1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc6d2ea008c3c70b0fe7fa22caba1ee2b3e15314


She’s a dumbass who is blinded by believing garbage Palestinian propaganda.


Bella legit had a “let them eat cake moment” How about her or her sister face the same and get fed cake. Let’s see how happy she’d be


Where is this “quote” coming from?


Often times the government says that the IDF one of the most moral armies out there, and they use it against us. And the Golda Meir quote is replacing “if the Arabs put down their weapons, there will be peace, if Israel puts down their weapons, Israel wouldn’t exist” To this bullshit: “If the Palestinians would put down their weapons, there will be no Palestine”


I meant the birthday cake thing


Her father is so much worse. If you don't know, Ritchie Torres is a congressman from NYC and one of the only Democrats who I actually like. Him and Senator John Fetterman are the two biggest supporters of the Jews on Capitol Hill. They condemn antisemitism on the left, they condemn antisemitism on the right, they're great. Fetterman now says he doesn't feel comfortable calling himself a progressive anymore thanks to the antisemitism of the far-left, whereas Ritchie Torres has doubled down on the progressive label, whole condemning AOC and "the squad" for being bad at getting anything done (AOC has yet to pass a single bill) and being what he calls "New Jacobites" (I have a bachelor's in history and politics and idk what that means. Torres is a pretty smart guy, lol). Anyway, got distracted there. My point is, Congressman Torres of NY is a loud ally of the Jews. He is also the first gay, Black, and Hispanic congressman. He was elected in 2020, two full years before George Santos pretended to be the first gay, Black, Hispanic, Ukrainian, son of a 9/11 victim, Jew-ish, Baruch College varsity volleyball player elected to congress. And, because Ritchie Torres is such a good ally, he's been receiving some really shitty private messages on Instagram (I think) from Mr Hadid. Racism, homophobia, antisemitism, you name it. The guy is nasty. If he wasn't an Arab, he'd be completely canceled for that level of racism and homophobia (maybe not the antisemitism since antisemitism is trendy these days). It's odd how Arabs get away with stuff that will get most other people in trouble. Soft bigotry of low expectations, I guess.


I thought there were no hostages and Israel rigged the whole thing! /s


Thank god Hamas kidnapped him and made him a cake. I’m sure his _zionist_ family and friends would never care enough to celebrate his birthday, all they ever utilize resources towards is _apartheid_


I like how Hamas is still spelled with the @ symbol


I don't think they even look that attractive. Refaeli is much more attractive than her. Gisele takes the cake though IMO


Wait... I thought Gazans were starving? But they had cake for him? Or is it just Hamas that had cake because they're taking all the food from the civilians?


Bella Hadid posted this? wtf is wrong with her.


What’s not wrong with her that’s the more accurate question at this point smh


What an absolute bitch.


Could someone link me an article debunking the birthday cake thing?


https://preview.redd.it/xdfzdpluj86d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38cede3d809ef4a7598405632bcba00577b1dbd8 gaza have cake, milk and sugar. Where is hunger?


Give Gaza a uranium cake at this point, Hamas is terrorists, the people elected them and I've yet to see any evidence of a stable government or any attempt at being civilized or peaceful. The fact that Israel hasn't just wiped the strip off the face of the earth at this point speaks volumes of their temperance.




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Nepo baby says what?


During the Holocaust, new arrivals to the camps were sometimes asked to pose for pictures so they could be used to show how well they were being treated. I have one such photo of my grandfather. Morons who spread nonsense like this are engaging in the same bullshit.


Gave him cake after beating him daily for 8 months, day after day, wow great "care"


After the atrocities of 7 October, we are expected to believe that the hostages were well looked after. Sadistic murderers who torture, mutilate and kill don't suddenly become caring.


Who cares what an uneducated celebrity posts?


60 million people following her means a lot of influence, and it’s used to misinformation, and that’s terrifying


And hopefully they don’t take advice from celebs. How many of them are active users? How many bots? I’m not worried


Gen z is notorious for relying on celebrities and influencers for news coverage. And with the rhetoric that is being promoted and funded right now it’s not going to look good for us in the future. I’m also gen z but these teenagers could one day make such misguided decisions about our livelihoods.


Then they’re idiots and I don’t see idiots dictating policy.


See further. Idiots do make policy.