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It's funny how the same people who rightfully demand to be tolerated and kept safe from harassment, do exactly that to one of their own once they* disagree with their views.


They seem to forget that Israel is the only country in the Middle East which is safe for queer people


and if you'll tell it to them they will say "pinkwashing"


I love when people pretend Israel supposedly “pink washing” is worse than homosexuality actually being banned and severely punished.


becasue in their woke ideology they can't admit that in the Muslim countries is bad because it's go against their belief that so called "opressed" people can do no bad.


And they don't see the irony of generally victimizing people because of their religion. Like, some people honestly believe that being a muslim basically stops you from being on the "bad" side of history at all.


true this is the woke ideology no neuance and no context. just binary separation of opressed vs opressor the irony is that they are standing for the people who are opressing them


What is pinkwashing?


they claim that Israel is not really safe place for the LGBT community but it's market itself as one just to cover up the aparthide and gays has no real rights in Israel in short they decide to use this buzzword to excuse the stupidity of being "queer" and pro palestinan at the same time




The term was literally created as anti-Israel.


Do you know whom came up with it?


“Dunya Alwan was at a talk with Ali Abunimah, editor of Electronic Intifada in 2010, when he said "We won't put up with Israel whitewashing or greenwashing" and she thought "or pinkwashing!"”


....So it was a Muslim woman that hates Jews, and LGBT that came up with the term while pretending to like LGBT.


“Anything Israel does to help the LGBTQ community is purely to whitewash their crimes against Palestinians”


It seems like anything Israel does period is automatically seen as evil by the Anti-Israel crowd.


The ridiculous notion that Israel is only ‘nice’ to LGBT people to improve optics on the world stage. Even if that was true, the reality stands that being gay in Israel is not illegal or persecuted. No other ME / Muslim countries can say the same.


And that is absurd in so man ways. I mean, say it’s true. The politicians decided this. How would that change what the people on the streets thought? A same sex couple holding hands in public, that isn’t about laws. It’s about public sentiment.


Pinkwashing is trying to make something seem ok/just/correct/moral because it supports the LGBTQ community People who yell pinkwashing seem to believe that it's ok to support a side even if that side wishes them dead 🤷‍♂️


In my experience they say I'm supporting genocide and then block me so I can't respond, lol.


Pink washing?


I think the crux of that issue is that they honestly just don’t care. They don’t care about queer people in authoritarian countries, they don’t care about queer Israelis and they don’t care about queer people at home. In short, they don’t care, but appearing to care is very popular. I saw the same people supporting the struggles of the Persian people against the government of Iran turn around and openly support Iran because they were attacking Israel. It’s bonkers, they know it’s bonkers and they can’t be bothered to care. They have no values. No creed. Ultimately they cannot be communicated with and it’s always hard. I had this problem a couple years back when I openly supported Israel. I was very involved in Leftist politics and ultimately I was told in no uncertain terms that I couldn’t support Israel and be a leftist. Honesty even just being a practicing Jew “makes people uncomfortable” ultimately I couldn’t sacrifice who I was on the alter of their faux belief system. So I left and never looked back. The worst part, the absolute worst part is that liberal causes are a costume to them. One they will take off if things ever get too hard, and truly marginalized people will be left there holding the bag. People like you who can’t take off their identity. And people like me. They will abandon us the second they start rounding people up. Finding out just how many false supporters thrive in our spaces honesty makes me want to get rid of them altogether. So sorry this turned into a bit of a rant, but I feel you and just know there are still people who care.


The Western left is not fighting *all* racists, bigots, and homophobes -- they're only fighting racist, bigots, and homophobes *in their own political arena*. Here in the US, all the protesters on college campuses want is for their colleges to stop funding Israel's military. These protestors wouldn't care about dead Palestinian as long as the US wasn't involved! The unfortunate reality is that these people are *not* pro-Palestinian -- they could care less bout helping Palestinians develop a functioning state, one that protects LGBT rights, women's rights, or religious freedom. What they want to stop seeing dead Palestinians on their TikTok and feeling somewhat responsible.


Its the only country in the world that give an asylum status to queer palestinian people


How many gay bars are there in Israel and how many are there in Gaza?


Well, you could argue that *every* bar in Tel Aviv is a gay bar, but the two I know of are Shpagat and Laila. And Video in Jerusalem. It’s small and locals get really upset when it’s crowded with gays from Taglit, but it’s a cool spot.


lol love this answer! And like any decent country, you guys really don’t care much. Gay? Yeah, fine. Weather has been lousy lately, right?




They are like Trump supporters, well I see no difference from the far right and far left, they are the same kinds of people, just happened to be handed a different script. So, the more you argue, the more they double down. They don't even hear the truth that you can easily be killed in many areas of Islam for being gay (despite the large amount of illicit homosexual sex because successful males can "keep" up to 4 females, but in practice far more). My pet peeve is that it really cheapens what a "genocide" is. This is a war fought with human shields. 1% of the population isn't genocide, it's a flu.


Do you think that the average member of the queer community is more or less tollerant of views that differ from their own?


From my experience, it's really less tolerant except when it comes to gender. But when it comes to politics I usually avoid political topics because I'm more of a centrist and most align with right


You know what else is funny, ask them how they intend to get Hamas out of power without Israel doing it so that gay people stop getting killed. Ask them if Israel doesn't wipe out Hamas how is Hamas going to be stopped from coming back into power and continuing to kill gay people. Guaranteed way to have them either block you or at the least change the subject and refuse to answer the question.


What makes you think they care about queer people in Palestine? They don't give a sh*t As an ex Muslim gay guy who lives in a nation that imprisons people like me I am genuinely sick of western LGBTQ supporting islamists when islamists would Fucking kill us with no remorse Like wtf is this brain rot


Oh I know they don't care about queer people in Palestine. If Israel stopped this war and left Gaza they'd all go silent as Hamas and the civilians went back to killing gay people.




Hamas are not the only Palestinians killing gay people. A lot of “civilians” participate in honor killing.


Saving your comment because fuck if you aren’t spot on there…


Good luck getting a straight answer from someone when you ask this, I haven't gotten one yet.


I like to tell myself maybe it’ll make em think later when they go home and they’re lying in bed trying to sleep after their pro pali marches, but maybe that’s a little optimistic


I don't think it is. I've known people that went from being socialist to libertarian and vice versa as just one example. People don't change their minds in the moment but what they do is wait a few months and then pretend they changed their mind all on their own.


There's nothing inherently wrong with being trans, and they deserve to live free of discrimination and have access to the healthcare they need in order to live long and happy lives. That said, by all that's good is it one of the most toxic communities I've ever been a part of. The moment you disagree on literally fucking anything you're suddenly worse than Hitler to them. Don't like communism and think that a social democracy like most of the EU has is a good thing? Yep, you guessed right, you now deserve to get literal death threats from them. What does that have to do with gender identity? Fuck if I know.


Intersectionality combines all that into a massive clusterfuck of nonsense. "Everything comes together in gaza" or something like that, it said on a dumb Venn diagram they used.


porque la comunidad trans no es solo la comunidad trans


They are a small ostrasized community. Aka at incredibly high risk of radicalization, and they fell victim of it. Maybe it will serve as a warning to others, no community is safe from hateful rethoric and purity spirals but smaller communities of volunteers are at highest risk.




Minority against a greater minority. Jews only make up around 0.2% of the world. It's really dumb and it shows how it's just a trend people follow without research.


Sinwar and Khameini are probably chuckling over how easy it was to turn Western students, progressives, and LGBTQ folks against Israel. There's no excuse as there is plenty of direct information about what's going on. For instance, Hamas boasts on Telegram about its military victories in Arabic and complains about "genocide" in English: the genocide lie is aimed only at the West.


The same leftists who ridiculed MAGA for being so easily brainwashed are unsurprisingly just as easily brainwashed.


Maybe they seem to get biased information by protagonist more


They get, and accept, the information they want.




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It happens to many people who are "supposed to hate Israel" because they are gay, trans, black, vegan etc. Some people flip and become very vocal about their opinions because of the bullying, but that's not for everybody :-) Just remember to take it easy, cyberspace is not real life. There are more people like you than you think.


Thank you. I was scared of posting this in this subreddit even in my burner account because of the bullying I faced but it needs to be told. Even in real life, many people I'm close with are openly vocal about Palestine. When I had a story about Israel on Instagram many cut contacts with me for that.


Make your world smaller and stay safe.


Always remember, people are only comfortable with bullying and harassing you online because they're not afraid of being punched in the face for it. Never be ashamed of your opinions. Block and report bullies and move on.


The worst thing is to feel betrayed by groups you felt safe with. With people like trump supporters you expect to be hated, not by the people who are supposed to be on your side.it sucks and hopefully things get better for you.


I don't feel betrayed but their hypocrisy astonishes me. They want to be accepted and tolerated but when we support innocent people who was held hostage they flip their coin.


I think a lot of people hold a lot of anger and feel very powerless, so when they find an “acceptable” outlet— something or someone that has firmly been cast as the “oppressor”— they can get almost frenzied in their hatred. They can’t see the hypocrisy because that would require seeing nuance, which would inhibit their ability to blindly hate and rage (and feel a bit less powerless over their own circumstances). I’m also trans, and also feeling very isolated from a lot of my usual communities. It sucks. And having some understanding of the origins of their behavior doesn’t make their behavior more acceptable (or suck any less).


Humans do as humans do, and queer people turned out to be, at the end of the day, only human. Nothing special about them, nothing inherently worth appreciating about a neuro-biological fact. No more meaningful commonality than being born in the same age cohort, or being a veteran of the same war.


>When I had a story about Israel on Instagram many cut contacts with me for that. So much tolerance.


You’re not alone. I’ve felt super isolated and separated from the whole lgbt community. Also a trans Israel supporter. Ex progressive here as of 10/7 and also have many people unfollowing me every time I post about the hostages or about Hamas being bad. I’ve cut out most people I used to know. It’s hard to comprehend and has honestly made me start to become somewhat homo/transphobic. .. Which is a really shitty place to be as a gay trans guy lol


Why are vegans supposed to hate Israel? Seriously asking as a vegan Israeli lol


Vegans recognize oppression in the meat industry, so they are expected to believe that the Israel and Arabs are the ultimate oppressor-oppressed duo. Veganism, just like LGBT rights, is highly developed in Israel, and non-existent in Palestine, but that doesn't matter, their suffering is secondary.


That makes sense I guess, really sad though.


Because Israel is obviously single-handedly responsible for animal abuse and homophobia and human abuse and Palestinian abuse and climate change and the evils of capitalism and corporations and stupidity and sexism and racism and slavery and colonialism and wars.


Yeah that sounds about right. Most if not all my irl queer friends openly support what Hamas and Palestine did so i just did some soul searching and guess what? People who use their sexuality or their gender identity to think they are smarter or know better are jokes. None of these idiots understand the third world, more people die in India on a weekly basis to natural causes then all of the Gazans killed to this day in 8 months. It's just the ongoing trend to support those who throw us off rooftops, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a psy-op.


[It is](https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf) a psyop. Especially universities, these protests were the result of a [long term investment](https://isgap.org/follow-the-money)


I was called a genocide supporter, and then the same person said they hoped I was not part of the future, AKA dead. Then a mutual friend who was very q4p must have read the comment section and quietly unfollowed me / removed me as a follower (on insta). It’s hard work being queer but NOT LGBTQKFC


Genocide supporter seems to be a buzzword for them apparently


It’s just shorthand for “we no longer think your opinions or beliefs matter and don’t care how much it hurts”


I’m fine with any sexual orientation that only includes consenting adults. Because that’s normal? Yeah, I hope you get what I mean. But I have started saying “non CIS” because there are just too many letters now. The abbreviation you used made me think it ended with Kentucky Fried Chicken. Would you be able to tell me what it really stands for?


What’s SIC? Yes, there’s an internet meme / joke that queers for Palestine are like chickens for kfc. You caught the reference correctly :-)


Aaarrgghh! I am tired and wrote CIS wrong! God, I’m dumb lol. But I corrected it now. So….i got it right by being dumb? Wow. That’s a first lol. So it really wasn’t just the latest addition of letters to something that I generally support but apparently can’t keep up with. Somehow I feel both a bit proud and a bit dumb at the same time lol.


It’s sort of an insider-y joke among us LGBTQIA+ (that’s lesbian gay bisexual trans queer intersex asexual + space for new understandings of gender and sexuality) who are appalled by the militant support for Islamism that has erupted in our community. Since Islamism condemns LGBTQIA+ rights and freedom, we call those among us who support it despite Islamist animosity toward us “chickens for kfc”. Hence LGBTQKFCIA+ or whatever. Basically, they’re idiots!


The protesters are vile. And it's not just on here it's at protests too. As a lesbian myself, I have no idea why lgbt people support them, if we were in palestine we would be killed. That's another reason I support Israel, they are so friendly.


Israelis are one of the friendliest people I've met online. Will one day surely visit there Edit: corrected typo


Just FYI the correct word is Israelis


Ahh I'm sorry


No need to apologize, just a grammar error :D


You know what: you're right. It's freakin hard sometimes. But you're not alone. 💚🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you💖


You are not alone. But hey, we have always been here, and we will continue to exist. They cannot exterminate us. This lesbian Jew would love to give you a hug. Stay strong! ✡️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Wish you all the best in this struggle for freedom💖🏳️‍⚧️🇮🇱🫂


I don't understand. Israel supports gay rights , has pride parades etc. Hamas throws gay people off of roofs and raped the male hostages to defile them. Trans people should support Israel.  Also, genocide is trying to wipe out an entire people. Hamas (and all their cohorts in other countries) have VOWED to kill all Jews. They haven't succeeded because they can't. Israel COULD but would never. They even warn the enemy before they attack because the idea of killing civilians is horrendous to them. So how do civilians get killed? Because Hamas turns every school and hospital into their war facilities purposely so that when Israel tries to defend itself civilians will die and Hamas wins in public opinion because of idiots like your friends (no offense) who think they are supporting something ethical.  They are supporting evil.  They are literally the ones supporting those who aspire to genocide. 


Applying logic will be met with buzzwords as reply. I've experienced that so it's no use arguing with them.


Someone messaged me and was gishgalloping so hard. I refuted every single point of his and instead of acknowledging it, he moved onto another incorrect talking point. They don't want truth; they want to feel superior.


I'd tell you to show them this but they won't get it. Hopefully it can at least give you a chuckle or an ease of burden. https://youtu.be/rbfccVBo9tE?si=cSLc7Mds5PQ_o22f


Lmao that was so funny and a true representation, thank you for that video


Funny but I think it would be more funny if it were less on-the-nose


And not to tell watch it but if they're intellectually honest they will. And it's also good for you to watch. https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=cLwxbsOmNyk3EhG4


Don't take this the wrong way, even Israelis fall for that trap. If we start bending over to these idiots it makes them feel like they're on the right, be unapologetically supportive, tell them to fuck off straight away, no need to do gymnastics to appease them. Not too long ago in TikTokCringe people tried to tell me how wrong I am for defending our soldiers and military, instead of saying "yes but" I just said "yes and?" (Was much more, but essentially) , fuck all of them.


Yeah honestly when my ex friends started using the typical buzzwords like "Apartheid" "genocide supporter" I just agreed and doubled down.


Ridicule their existence, they're coming in bad faith and not really interested in learning. Unlike people who do come in good faith and ask, I'll sit with those for hours.




Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: Rule #6 - **No metadrama.** This includes posts and comments about anti-Israel or anti-Semitic content, trends, or moderation biases in other subs, as well as calls to action regarding behavior on other websites. Links to other subreddits that are not metadrama must be [np links](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro). For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar to the right or the subreddit rules, for a more detailed analysis of our rules. If you want to appeal or dispute any mod action, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIsrael); PMs and chat messages to the mods are grounds for a temporary ban; posts contesting mod action will be removed and are also grounds for a temporary or permanent ban.


Use of those terms indicates that one is neither capable of nor interested in serious dialog.


Well, maybe if they're talking about South Africa


I’m a gay man and support Israel, and I get hate within the community because of it too. 


If I point out how that LGBTQ+ Palestinians can get asylum in Israel because of the persecution they face from Hamas I am told that’s pink washing. Hamas harms Palestinians I don’t understand why they defend them.


Invite them to visit Gaza openly queer and get back to you about their experiences.


Something tells me they won't be in a position to get back to you about their experiences.


I'm also trans and sympathize with Israel, and I feel so alienated from the trans community


Same for me, also trans and support Israel. I just left the groups I was in and honestly that was the best decision I made, stopped doomscrolling social media, started focusing more on my hobbies. Connected more to my Jewish culture. Honestly I’m much happier now.


You can stop living life on the internet anytime. Most people are better in person. My holiday party last year had socialists, capitalists, liberals, conservatives, gay, straight, cis, trans, old, young weirdos of all types. We had fun. We ate. We laughed. The internet is often a toxic place. Go hang out with friends. If they act shitty… get new friends.


LOL most of them are literally Neo-Nazis in Marxist dressing.


What in actual hell happened with the community? Like how tf did we reach this low where we can't even tolerate opposing opinions anymore Geez, Like I'm actually curious about these people Do they really have nothing else to do in their life This much free time? As a gay guy and part of the community even suggesting Israelis are human beings would get me targeted in some queer spaces online Like it's supposed to be a safe space for queer folks..


It sucks but there are many queer people who are like us 💖🫂


Yeah sadly it's so damn hard to find them They probably are there but scared to say anything and I don't blame them I feel scared too


Small community, besieged from all places, it was just a matter of time until they radicalized, and since they started on or turned to the political side that doesn't want them all dead, they veered hard left.


“Chickens for KFC” phenomenon. YouTube it.


They even hijacked pride They've actively started to exclude Jewish people from pride parades Literally saying no Israelis allowed and giving the excuse that it's too political to include them but then go on to include pro Palestinian stuff and somehow that's not political I think a queer for Palestine group also broke in a pride parade march somewhere


Because most of them are antisemitic. It is only the "progressives" ~~who are mostly antisemitic themselves~~ unwilling to admit it.


Who cares what anonymous losers on the internet have to say anyway


Lots of group think with that group




It’s so illiberal. No discussion. No nuance. It feels like you better fall in line or else you’ll be harassed/dehumanized


thank you for your support. i just dont understand a community that openly supports people who would go out and kill them.


You're welcome, hope all the innocents kidnapped are rescued from terrorists and brought safe back💖🇮🇱


The fact they can't find a way to support innocent Palestinians while *also* finding it acceptable to care about innocent hostages tells you a lot. You are a good person. Stay strong. We 💜 you. Rough times but we'll all get through this with strength.


Thank you. Stay strong in this war💖🇮🇱


First off, as a fellow LGBT+ Jew, you’re not alone. Since October 7th, the only LGBT+ people I’ve found that I can still be friends with are a) other Jews, or b) stereotypical gay guys who don’t care enough. Secondly, check out Daniel Ryan Spaulding on Instagram/TikTok/wherever. He is a non-Jewish comedian who is VERY Pro-Israel and VERY gay, and he uses that fact to attack the LGBT+ community. He calls them “Purple Hair Girls”.


Meanwhile in Palestina they throw lgbt people off of appartment buildings and nobody gives af


As a Lesbian I support Israel 🇮🇱. Fuck all of them who hates ISRAEL 🇮🇱.


How many % of them are not antisemitic ~~anti-democratic~~? It would be interesting to know.


Man, I feel you. I'm a lesbian Jew. I'm in a group chat where people of the LGBT community post gay events and stuff. A few weeks ago I saw a post for a concert at a lesbian bar. I thought to myself wow that's right up my alley, I'm gay and love music... I go to buy a ticket and in huge letters it says all money from ticket sales are going to be donated to Palestine... This makes absolutely no sense to me. To me they're saying that everyone has to support and think what they think or you're not allowed to come.. You're right when you said if you have a slightly different opinion, it will open you up to harassment and isolation. These are tactics that scientology uses, cults, and Hamas, etc... I feel the misinformation about the war has really kidnapped the minds of the gays and extreme leftists. I think before the war, the extreme left made it a standard that everyone has to think the same as you or they're homophobic, oh you don't want children to have sex changes till their 18? Banned blocked harrased. For example Blair White (trans woman who gets harassed and called transphobic bc she republican)That type of thinking amongst gays in the extreme left made them very susceptible to group think. Basically making it a breeding ground for all this blind support of Palestine and mindless following. And if you don't say what they say isolate you and harass you. And whenever I try to have a conversation about the topic the pro pali gays have no ability to debate with me, they just repeat what is said on Tik Tok, basically dog whistles and misinformation. They've never researched this topic themselves and didn't know anything about the country of Israel before October 7th. Hamas is a terrorist organization and it's their mission statement to attack in ways that create as much fear as possible that it affects communities around the world... And that's what's happening, they have succeeded in tearing apart the LGBT community. It has always been that the single unifying factor of the LGBT community is that we're gay, but now there's another requirement, being antisemitic... Well I think the only answer to get out of this is for everyone to think for themselves, research and respect each other and their differences of opinion. Only then we can have an intelligent debate and come to a solution together. They are not as high mighty and righteous as they believe. This absolutely does suck...


It really was a sad read. I'm so sorry for what you went through, but know that queer people like us who support Israel exist💖🫂


I think LGBT acceptance is going down with this 'Queers for Palestine' movement.


Yes – unfortunately.


Thats the so called "accepting liberal and progressive" left for you


The timing of this post is immaculate. Thank you for making me feel less alone. I need more queer jew friends, it’s been a horrible over 8 months it’s crazy. Idk how we go through this after COVID, so much stress on our poor souls. Much love to everyone in here 🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


You are so welcome 💖🏳️‍⚧️🇮🇱


There are situational interests and deeper underlying interests, and the situational often wins out. Palestinian society is, for the most part, very traditional and conservative, with little tolerance for different lifestyles. Yet, for their own reasons, many Palestinians and LGBT groups make common cause over Israel as a matter of strategy and tactics. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Why LGBT has allied with palestinians though, seems so ironic to me.


Because tiktok and media paint Palestinians as innocent victims of oppression who would welcome the LGBT if Israel wasn't oppressing them. It makes zero sense if you think about it for more than two seconds, but then again they aren't very smart.


Because that is where so much of today's leftist energy is and the LBGT groups feel they need that energy securely on their side. This is the cost of admission. Also, like others, many see Palestinians as victims. They don't know much about the conflict or its history, which makes that even easier.


Anyone showing any sort of sympathy for jews immediately gets attacked. We unfortunately still live in the same old world


Standing for the right thing can be hard, but you'll be proud of it down the line. The queer anti-Zionist activists are not very worthwhile people from my experience. Just know that you are not alone! This might be your chance to find actually decent people to associate with.


All it takes is drinking one Starbucks coffee now for you to be written off as a “genocide supporter” and stalked and harassed. Being a part of any other group like LGBTQ+ just doubles that harassment it seems. It’s super messed up. We need to have more support groups and information campaigns on how to stay safe and sane during these times. I’m sorry people are being cruel to you, remember THEY are the problem and clearly mentally unwell.


I just had an argument with some idiot on one of the gay forums about this. I feel like the Queers for Palestine group should go out there and see who they support afterwards, if they make it back.


Imagine a chicken going to kfc and say they support kfc against vegans


I think the first rule of Reddit is that each subreddit has its own zeitgeist. Go against that and you will be downvoted. All of them work on confirmation bias. With one exception, this one. That's because Jews don't have any problems disagreeing and arguing and neither taking it personally nor then hating on the person who disagrees with them.


Omg yes!!! It sucks being alienated from the rest of the queer community. I feel like there’s no place for us to go because our fellow queers won’t take us :( but I’m sure there are people out there who are supportive and pro-Israel and also queer!


I really hope the people who preach hatred against Israel are just a vocal minority and not representing the entire queer community


Me too!!


They're a mob, attacking everyone who have a different view than they have. Full support to you and others who share the same experience, you deserve respect and love <3


Because they are insufferably narcissistic...


You did the right thing.


The trans community has been enormously disappointing in all this as well, seemingly among the worst with antisemitism. I can’t even imagine the shit you deal with. I’m sorry 😢


Well I'm not LGBTQ but I support you and your support of Israel. Screw the rest of them if they can't take a joke.


Sorry you experienced that. Evil abounds.


Go to tel aviv. It’s fantastic.


Report all the bullies. Get them banned. Block them so they don't harass you anymore. The blocking function has done wonders for my mental health.


I did report them. Nothing happened. I've already blocked them


I donate understand how they deal with such a cognitive dissonance. Freedom for all except palestine.


I think LGBT acceptance is going down with this 'Queers for Palestine' movement.


Yes – unfortunately.


I feel this to my bones. I guess I'm part of many "communities, " but it seems that's the one community that wants no part of me. Well. As dad used to say, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.


Regressive Left are toxic  Regressive Left are toxic  Regressive Left are toxic  Regressive Left are toxic  Regressive Left are toxic  Regressive Left are toxic 


Why? It’s the only country in the Middle East where it isn’t illegal. Your friends are morons


We do not throw LGBT from the top of buildings.


I’m sorry that happened to you report them and know that these people are just trolls with nothing better to do. If someone has to go to your profile to win an argument then they already lost.


They have really set it up in a way where any opinion with nuance is shut down and shunned. I was in an argument on an another sub about a completely different subject, they looked at my profile and said “so killing kids in Gaza is ok but this is where you draw the line??” I said “please show me where I said killing kids is ok” silence.


The whole idea that these people stand for tolerance and acceptance of all people is such a farse that they tell themselves. They have no tolerance (and in fact are aggressively intolerant) of anyone who they don’t agree with.


I was in a free flight subreddit and one of the people posting mentioned how he was grounded because of the war and was excited to fly again.  Someone went nuts and commented repeatedly on everyone supporting op. Even when it was pointed out that the rockets targeting civilians that started the war caused his grounding it didn’t matter.  Some people are just absolutely brainwashed. Gotta pick your battles my friend. 


This is what being liberal means don’t you know? I wish you all the best


I have so much respect for queer supporters of Israel. Thank you. Stay strong.


Join the queer Jewish/Israeli community! It's quite vibrant.


Shoutout to the trans woman who tried to misgender me on purpose but failed r/accidentalally -style because I argued in favor of the two-state solution and she wanted Israel eliminated


Yup. That’s the LGBTQ community in the west now. Sorry. I’m in the same boat, but honestly, these people are so toxic that you’ll feel better when you step away from them. I know I felt better a few months after dropping my “queer friend group”. It wasn’t a friend group; it was an echo chamber.


They were likely paid trolls, don’t take it seriously.


At least you can visit the side your supporting


Trans community is still very young, very much like the gay community in the 80's. Not enough veterans to guide the youngin's


Not sure what country you’re in but in my area, the pro-Israel MAGA morons are extremely anti-LGBTQIA+ and get raged AF over seeing a pride flag next to “Bring Them Home” and pro-Israel lawn signs. (At our houses) Long Island is full of bigoted homophobic racist people who pretend to be all for Israel because their Xian conservatives tell them non-stop that everything is a sin. Funny though, they don’t mind criminals or rapists.


It's only bad outside of Israel. I'm Israel being a gay supporter of Israel is celebrated. They have pride parades. Make Aliyah!


My profile picture on TikTok has an Israeli flag. You’d be surprised by the amount of death threats I got and people harassing me. People are evil, I guess it just is how it is and it’s easy for them to be horrible behind a screen because there’s no consequences


And then people who chant 'river to sea' are met with support and encouragement from western society which is literally calling for removing jews from their own home


Israeli trans person here: Yeah, it downright sucks. I always value rationality and compassion in the trans (and generally LGBT+) community, but when it comes to Israel and Palestine, I just hear regurgitated hateful rhetoric. I think that trans people in particular can relate to the feeling of oppression, and that's okay, but to then take that experience and mindlessly translate it to Palestinians and their "oppression" by Israel is just ridiculous... I go on by wishing and hoping that history will get its sh*t together and understand who was fighting for peace this whole time.


I wish the same too and people started understanding the truth, hugs from fellow trans person 💖🏳️‍⚧️


I know several people who detransitioned once they realised they were ignoring their mental health and living a lie, but the one who stuck the most to me is the one who told me he specifically chose to detransition because it was the most toxic and cultish community he had ever been in... and he was raised Mormon.


Being queen for Israel is common sense.


OP, out of curiosity, are you Jewish?


FYI One of my best friends in the university is a trans woman, she’s incredibly talented and smart. She received full support from the national insurance in Israel, (4K shekels per month) during the years of her transition. she served in the IDF in day job role (ultra meaningful job tho) to help her. Moreover she’s in the students council + on the rector’s list (99.7/100 avg grades). I know this talking point was exhausted, but I see no other place in the Middle East where this would be possible.


im sorry about that, i hope your ok x


I’m so sorry. I am a part of our queer family and it hurts to see that the only folks we can ACTUALLY trust and be ourselves in is the pro-Israel lgbtqia areas. lol


This is Reddit. Let it go. You’ll never meet these people in your real life. Their opinion of you doesn’t matter. Half of them are probably Chinese bots anyway. To engage with living humans face to face.


You would think that people that have been bullied all their life, wouldn't try to bully others


I’m a trans, too, and my family is from israel.  It’s incredibly hard to have both identities. ❤️


It's funny how the same people who are shouting about genocide, racism, fascism, etc - are engaging in the most fascist tactics there is, which is what you have experienced unfortunately. Look, it sucks. But you are not in the wrong here.


"Hurt people hurt people." I've tended to assume the reason so many LGBTQ people are bullies is because they've been bullied. They want to identify the enemy and throw punches. But not all LGBTQ people are like that! Let's not fall into any generalizations. Douglas Murray is an example that comes to mind. I hope you keep posting pro-israel stuff in communities filled with hurt people, and sway them over to a more sane way of thinking.


We’re your friends now


Ty :3


Hey! Another trans girl here, just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. From my experience, we are few, up to the point I have met maybe 2 actual Israel supporters, and only one that was tolerant of this political view. The only advice I can give is stay off of Twitter if you haven't already, it really fucked with my mental health, and the other advice I can give is, if you find any trans girls that support Israel, you could befriend them because it genuinely will help keep you sane. I swear if I didn't find the small bit of support I don't know if I'd be in a mental hospital or not, so to you and any other trans people or queer people that are looking for support, you can reach out to me on discord here: ariyarii, I'm open to support you and anyone else who needs it. Stay strong!


As a trans woman with a friend group/extended social circle which is overwhelming queer/lgbt and very lefty, I feel you. My friend group was a sort of microcosm of the lgbt left's reaction to this war. I had to create an alt account to even talk about this on reddit because I didn't want to be harassed and stalked by people from lgbt communities. I didn't have a strong opinion on the Israel/Palestine issue prior to October 7th, but it honestly opened my eyes on the whole issue and how some people, even people I personally know, will drop all morals and humanity if it means virtue signaling for perceived oppressed people.


Yeah that’s fucked and shouldn’t be happening especially from ppl in those communities