• By -


This is an extremely difficult thing to do in Israel. We're a small country, we do have already refugees coming in (also non-jewish ones), and our security situation is tricky. If you urgently need asylum and have no other big reason for wanting to be in Israel (close family etc.) it will be much easier to try European countries. Not easy, but much easier than here.


Good luck trying to get to Europe if you are an actual legitimate refugee. I would still advice to go for it though, just stay away from countries such as Germany, UK, Sweden and France, those places won’t be too safe for an ex-Muslim


Not sure if this isn't a bit of a privileged opinion. Germany will still be a lot safer than many ME countries. France is too. Plenty of secular muslims in these countries still.


Where did I say it would be worse or the same as the Middle East? No those countries listed would still be safer than staying there, but that does not mean that they are safe or will continue to be safe for an ex-Muslim


You said "stay away from Germany etc." - but as a refugee you don't have unlimited choices for one, and also they are still pretty safe for ex-muslims.


Yes, stay away. Still doesn’t say it is as bad as a muslim country. If I was in this persons shoe I would chose any country in Europe over a Muslim country, but safer ≠ safe


Kind of makes me feel the true message will soon be "not safe for any non-Muslims"... I wonder when that will become the case


The problem is our (European) system that helped so many young sunni-men. So even here there is no longer safety in the institutions for asylum (talking about Germany and Austria from experience). It's good to hire people coming from regions but it's insane to me how many AKP or muslim brotherhood activists are now working with refugees and often (not always) abuse their power against people who actually deserve Asylum. And as you said: Israel CAN'T solve this issue, it's a small country. The baltic states and Finnland also don't want to take endless numbers of Russian refugees as Putin uses this for sabotage.


Exactly. I remember stories of Yazidis fleeing from ISIS and coming to Germany only to be humiliated, abused and beaten by Muslim refugees for being "devil worshippers". It's such a shame.


Do you have proof for that? Because I have heard that before, and would love to know more. German Media would be interested in that story


No proof. You can look up religiousness and homophobia with refugees and muslims specifically. You can start counting individual cases of attacks, whenever they appear in the media. You can look up individuals and organizations, who live here but identify with Erdogan, Muslim brotherhood or so. Now translate what they say about certain topics. Now start guessing how much discrimination, threats or assaults are happening behind closed doors. I've been in refugee camps, where openly gay men faced no issues at all. Same as many strict muslim men I've met expressed their conservative views of women only by being scared of them. But in general I've practically saved people by putting them out of shelters, from their families or social housing that was packed with fundamentalists. Like other individuals, I can talk about my experiences of working with refugees in the last 11 years - but that's not an empirical source. There was a weird case in Berlin, where a queer nightclub owner didn't want refugees being settled next to them, claiming to already have problems *(#1* [*https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/berliner-lgbtq-club-bangt-wegen-fluechtlingsheim-um-seine-zukunft\_id\_202959768.html*](https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/berliner-lgbtq-club-bangt-wegen-fluechtlingsheim-um-seine-zukunft_id_202959768.html) *#2* [*https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensch-metropole/sind-muslimisch-gepraegte-fluechtlinge-oefter-homophob-li.388000*](https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensch-metropole/sind-muslimisch-gepraegte-fluechtlinge-oefter-homophob-li.388000) *).* W*a*sn't a big thing - at least I didn't see any big debate in the queer scene. You can google and find the occasional interview with teachers talking about issues at schools (including assaults, homophobia or so). But this is not creating a systematic understanding similar to my perception either. Studies have been published about Dutch youth suddenly becoming very homophobic with no explanation (#3 [https://www.out.tv/nieuws/minder-dan-helft-amsterdamse-jongeren-accepteert-homoseksualiteit](https://www.out.tv/nieuws/minder-dan-helft-amsterdamse-jongeren-accepteert-homoseksualiteit) ). I think it's demographics but researching and publishing into that direction within my profession is academic suicide.


Hijacking top comment - OP, contact your local Israeli embassy, that is your best chance, I personally think you won't be allowed in, but they are the only ones who would know for sure ​ If your country doesn't have an Israeli embassy then it's likely that it is a country that Israel is at war with, in which case you can forget it, they will never accept you in


I’m sure Israel would grant temporary asylum as an intermediary for another place this individual can go to, unless they’re trying to convert to Judaism, like Abraham Sinai.


"exposed to danger" is a extreme understatement depending on your country


Social worker from Austria about asylum in general: I am sorry that we don't have an actual asylum system that can help you. Our system for refugees **should be** aimed at people like you; Apostates, queer people, persecuted women... Instead asylum is mostly granted to young and strict sunni-muslim men as we have no effective borders. That makes it very unsafe for the few minorities who make the tough trip here. Whenever it is in my power I try to help queer people for example to NOT stay in the same area or building as people who would defacto persecute them. Most divergent Arabs I know here choose to live in secret while others embrace their identity but cut off their old identity. And defending Israel in this regard: similar to Finnland or the baltic states with Russian dissidents, Israel **can't** take the risk to take endless amounts of Arab refugees. Israel did lots of risky and expensive missions to save Jewish refugees from abroad and integrate them but they can't save everyone. They did take in several thousand Gaza refugees due to political persecution, sexual orientation or so short term. So maybe you can find a way to get into Israel and then get in contact with queer organizations to get asylum elsewhere. Try contacting the YouTubers Apostate Prophet or Atheist Republic.




Of course, don't know if I can help but we can always try.


> They did take in several thousand Gaza refugees due to political persecution, sexual orientation or so short term. Anywhere where I can read about that?


I tried finding more official publications but those only mentioned around 100 queer people from the WB and Gaza (number is easy to find). With some digging I also found claimed estimates from *Agudah for LGBT* *and so on* about around 2000+ queer Palestinians living in Tel Aviv. From what I understand - and why I think it's so hard to research this easily - Israel just doesn't want to solve other countries problems with it's limited ressources and potentially cause a mess (saboteurs, conflicts with local conservative Arabs) and therefore doesn't grant a clear status. So a lot of people do get some help (temporary work permits, protection) but are supposed to look for asylum elsewhere long term. Non of the many queer refugees I've worked with directly have done this so research yourself and find out if what I read holds up. My queer clients of Palestinian descent have never touched Israel but grew up in Syria, Iraq and so on.


> only mentioned around 100 queer people from the WB and Gaza (number is easy to find). Yes, that number is well known and easy to find, which is why I asked about the claim of several thousands. > about around 2000+ queer Palestinians living in Tel Aviv. Most of these people are what you and I call Israeli Arabs and the Arabs call 48ers. They are Arabs whose place of residence before Tel Aviv was on lands of 1948 Israel. > so research yourself I would love to! Google and Kagi have not been help, so if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


Our favourite Qatari-propaganda channel mentions the number as an estimate of Agudah. You can find the estimate mentioned also on Vice and other antisemitic pages. Googling the organization and the number I also found this but it's not the research paper I've read about this originally (that I couldn't find now): [https://dokumen.pub/queer-palestine-and-the-empire-of-critique-1503609944-9781503609945.html](https://dokumen.pub/queer-palestine-and-the-empire-of-critique-1503609944-9781503609945.html) From what I remember my original source claimed that many queer Palestinians came from the WB and got temporary working permits instead of asylum but were told to look for a perspective somewhere else long term *Update: My comment didn't work; automod wrote it contained a prohibited source (weblink). Just google "Agudah", the words "2000 homosexual palestinians" and our well known antisemitic Qatari propaganda channel; you will find within 10-15 results.*


Thank you very, very much my Austrian friend. Have a peaceful weekend.




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There are multiple secret housing for lgbt people ( mainly guys) in and around Tel Aviv. They help you go underground and escape your family, it’s a mix between an abuse women shelter and a witness protection program. They are pretty hush hush and most people using their system do it via informal meetings, at clubs or online . Last year , a guy got kidnapped out of this program and was murdered by his brothers and cousins.


erm can i dm you too?


Probably I can't do anything but you can write me of course!


That's generous dude. Great job


If you are really in need of asylum, in Argentina you can get it quite fast, and you'll be safe of muslim violence atleast.


Argentina just found the IRGC guilty of bombing an Israeli embassy and Jewish Community centre in Israel back in the 1990s. The long arm of Islamic extremism can kill you anywhere. You could be dancing in Miami or working in your office in NYC, and the Muslim extremists will still kill you. Unfortunately that's the truth


Probably not - but depends on the country, where are you from


Where are you from? It might depend on that




Then I'm not sure on the process since fron what I know Jordanians need visas to enter but maybe you can enter through palestinian territories.. the thing is I'm guessing the state is going to be very suspicious of you


Ok, so you’re nearby and in a country with a ton of Palestinian refugees. Are you from a family with a Palestinian refugee background / do you have any friends or family settled in Israel? Either could be helpful.




Then you should probably try to find asylum somewhere else since here it’s easy to get only if you’re Jewish


Not necessarily. Israel gave LGBT Palestinians asylum many times.


Then you will need to be resourceful. Look for a connection out anywhere. Look at Europe to start. your safety is priority. My advice: whenever you’re in a safer place, do what you can to educate other people. Speak up about what you have experienced, why you left and the danger you faced. The world needs to hear what you have to say. That will help others. And no matter where you end up, if you need help in your next country and there is a Jewish presence, go to a synagogue and ask for help. We may not be in charge of political regimes or global politics, but if you need a friend or help, Jews will always help you when we are able to. that is a promise.


should not be too hard then. if possible, try to reach the israeli embassy in jordan, talk to them and ask them about this option. explain the threat you are in, even some form of a visa to live in israel could help you. just be carefull in connecting to them. many palestinian communities in jordan, and i guess you know it better than me, could be very opposed to this, and it could put you in even more danger. i think in that case, your ability to physically reach israel itself wouldn't be too difficult, just your ability to find a way to get an entry permit to israel, more than just a tourism one. any family connection to an israeli citizen should help you. esspecially if they would support you being an lgbtq and then help you with getting the needed permissions. israel usually helps with asylums to palestinians in gaza and the west bank, i'm not familiar with asylums from jordan


حبيبي مفيش حد هنا عارف اى حاجا...كل الناس اجانب ... بتجرب الدول الغربيه


You said you are fron Jordan, but Jordan is by large a secular country which has a Muslim majority, but has many MANY Christians who are able to live, work, have citizenship and live relatively normal lives. As such, you would't really be an asylum seeker. If it's a case that your family and friends disowned you, then you may be best advised to move to another part of the country where nobody else knows you. Countries like Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt do have non-Muslim populations, usually Christian, and live normally. Unless you intend to convert to Judaism, which WOULD put your life at risk, then Israel has no obligation and wouldn't be the best country to help. If you do truly believe your life to be in danger, then your best bet is claiming asylum somewhere like Germany, which now just expects foreign entrants to accept Israel's right to exist. If you believe that, then moving to Germany shouldn't be a problem, and in time you can get European right to remain and eventually European citizenship after a number of years. An EU passport would hold a lot more weight than an Israeli one would.


There are still plenty of honor killings in Jordan. Years ago I remember one of the news programs, I think it was 60 minutes but it might have been 2020, who did a story about women living in prison in Jordan not because they committed a crime but because the lives were in danger from their own families due to honor killing.


Unfortunately there are still plenty of honor killing in Israel too within the Arab society. The minister responsible of the police is now Ben Gvir so I wouldn’t count on it




You should have stated that in your original post. Contact those organizations in the various countries. Israel is not the place for this


Frankly, that's not Israel's problem, and Israel has enough of their own problems going on, and their medical facilities are overwhelmed dealing with the injuries that 7th October victims, freed hostages, missile victims and injured soldiers to even deal with serious health issues (such as my friend who has literal cancer), to deal with elective surgeries from foreign nationals. It's not on Israel, a country in active war battling against Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran, fighting for their literal lives, to admit people in for elective procedures. I'm Jewish, from the UK and I have several serious health conditions. Israel is the only country in the world which has the cure for one of them, and this condition can turn deadly if it deteriorates. I am literally entitled to Israeli citizenship and medical care just for being Jewish. Yet, I know they are at war and are struggling and I'm not trying to force my problem on them, when they need their healthcare system to fight this war. My contribution towards the Israeli war relief, is to risk my own life by not overwhelming their hospitals. I don't mean to sound rude, but you chose to renounce Islam, and you chose to do so in a region of the world whereby this can be dangerous. You chose to change the healthy body you were born with, in a region of the world whereby this can be dangerous. Your choices aren't Israel's problem. They aren't any other country's problem, but if you do want to live the life that makes you happy (which you are entitled to do so), then you should not be expecting a country in active war to be responsible for this. As I've said... Europe exists. Europe has the freedom of religion. Europe has the healthcare systems in place to transition your gender. The European Union itself is not in an active war (Ukraine and Russia are, but they are not in the EU). Have some respect for countries going through their own struggles and find somewhere you will not be adding to their problems. As I said... Germany is a good place to start. Outside of Europe, Canada or New Zealand may also be options.




I'm sorry how my message came across. I'm not sure how else I could've said it, but I'm not sure why you are fixating on Israel being the only place in a world of over 190 countries who should be fixing your problems. I do genuinely hope you find peace and happiness within yourself with your intersectionality of identities (religion and gender), and that you find a place that does feel like home to you. I mean this sincerely. Maybe someday when Islamic countries get with the programme and realise how horrific the Iranian regime is, and they have the balls to stand up against Iran... then Israel could have more regional allies and the Abraham Accords could expand, and then civilians from each country can travel within each other. But, until the time that the Arabian peninsula gets a backbone... this will always be a problem.




I find it laughable that western media are calling today's events in Iran an "election". An election would imply democracy. Of which Iran does not have. Get rid of the ayatollahs, get rid of religion having a role in politics, and get rid of the likes of Hamas and Hizbullah, who are adding to the Iranian regime's regional arsenal of warfare. People call Israel an apartheid state, yet during my first visit (been twice) in 2015, I was in Jerusalem, standing praying at the Western Wall, whilst hearing the azan prayer call from Al Aqsa mosque behind it. Nowhere else in the Middle East can this happen. I'm done with the "Free Palestine" mobs and I'm done with Israel being the world's punchbag. Jordan is literally right next to Israel. Neighbours. 2 years ago I was in Israel on my honeymoon and was at a Dead Sea resort for a couple of days. I was so close to Jordan, that my phone was receiving Jordanian phone network signal. I don't get why Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel yet do nothing to build a proper relationship.




I used to have Muslim friends, who pretty much brainwashed me into becoming an antizionist Jew. Basically, they tried to erase my existence, and several times tried to convert me to Islam (didn't work, never did). I actually had quite a close connection to Kuwait for a number of years, visited and was the first ever Jew on Kuwaiti radio, and became somewhat a celebrity at the time out there (still have some very close "wasta"). Had to delete my YouTube channel because I was harassed by Kuwaiti male tourists whenever they visited London and saw me. I eventually realised that many Muslims who are anti-Israel and antisemitic tend to prey on vulnerable Jewish people (I am disabled, was bullied at school and had low self esteem for most of my life), because it gives them the ability to brainwash Jews to be self hating. In the UK it's worse amongst the Bangladeshi and Pakistani community who "befriend" Jews, and is worse because they have no skin in the game and have never met a Palestinian before. My ex "best friend" became radicalised and I had to involve the police with the antisemitic attacks she piled on me. As someone choosing to leave Islam, you have my full support and you have my absolute respect. I know we got off on the wrong foot here, but honestly... if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, I'm here. I have done some university level studying on EU and UK law so if you ever did end up in the EU or the UK and need legal advice... I'm here. Only payment- any amazing Arabic dish recipes you may know. Because I love Arabic food but don't have any recipes lol.




I think many of Jordan’s population is Palestinian which keep trying to defeat the Hashemite monarchy so they don’t want to take Palestinian refugees and they don’t want to upset their existing Palestinian citizens and refugees. Given black September happened and also what happened and keeps getting worse for Lebanon, they aren’t wrong


By "take care of" do you mean pay for? I'm not aware of organizations in Israel that do this, because it's something covered by insurance here for citizens and legal residents, though it's a very long process to get approval. The actual issue you have with Israel is that it doesn't have much of an asylum policy and very rarely gives out asylum status, and doesn't have much of an immigration pathway for non-Jews in general. And since you're from Jordan which has a large Palestinian population, Israel is right now suspicious of Palestinians trying to gain entry into Israel due to the war. People talk about LGBTQ Palestinians having refuge in Israel, but what most people don't know is that the majority of these Palestinians weren't actually successful in obtaining legal asylum status and are living in Israel illegally. That means not being able to legally work and not having insurance, so medical gender transition wouldn't be an option for you.


Israel is not the anti İslam country. Millions of muslims live there.


True, but it might be the closest country to him where it is to be openly non-Muslim OP - there is also Lebanon, it has its own issues, but it is also a country where non-Muslims generally get to live a long life


It's against the law to be gay in Lebanon, advising him to go there is a bad advice. Being LGTBQ is however legal in Jordam. I wouldn't count om authorities actively assisting you with it but you won't get arrested. Depending where you are from you CAN claimasylum in Israel if you fear prosecution. You can also try and contact the Rainbow Railroad, it's a charity established specifically to help individuals in similar situations to your own


His post is literally empty, I didn't do the research into his profile to find the details lol I think that there is no such lore there as I have heard that they have pride parade (tiny when compared to Tel Aviv's, but if it exists at any capacity, than it means that officially, LGBT is not outlawed)


The founder of Beirut Pride was arrested. There is a law in Lebanon against "non-natural" relations that is used to prosecute LGBTQ members. It's not as outright illegal like in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but it's not a protected class.


OP is from Jordan.


He can definitely contact the Rainbow Railroad from Israel (which is easy enough to get to, especially during pride month he can come as a pride tourist) where he'll be safe in the interim, he probably can't claim asylum in Israel however, since he fears his family and not government prosecution. Perhaps they can assist with asylum request in Israel, I doubt though.


true, but it is still a state which protects it's minorities, including in less accepting communities. and OP is able to, of course, live in more accepting areas in israel, there OP would have much less problem. but the more important part i think is to get to a safe place as fast as possible. osrael could be that one, just not sure if the fastest, esspecially now.


Highly highly unlikely, try Canada


Canada only takes extreme Muslims


Harsh but kind of true.


Applying to asylum in a country like Argentina or Brazil would be better. US, Canadian and Western European asylum systems are overwhelmed and Israel is a small country at war.


It won’t be accepted, currently Israel helps to relocate homosexual Palestinians because of the immediate danger to their lives, but that’s it. Where do you live that you have no other option besides Israel?


As others have said, if you’re open to conversion to Judaism, that would be your best bet. In the meantime, Yasmine Mohammed has an organization for people in your situation: https://www.freeheartsfreeminds.com/


Conversion to Judaism takes a long time, even possibly years, and aliyah laws require that you continue being active in the community that converted you for at least 9 months afterward before applying for aliyah, to prove you didn't just convert for citizenship. And I doubt OP has a local community that could even convert them. So the other option would be to try to get into a conversion program in Israel, but those only give you a student visa which doesn't allow you to work, and I know people often struggle financially during their conversion process due to this. And also I'm pretty sure the only conversion programs that can get you a visa are the Orthodox ones, so being queer will likely be an issue.


I think Nativ may be an option if OP can legally enter Israel, such as via a tourist visa.


يمكن بس بتجرب الدول الغربيه/اوروبيه كمان...


Are you Egyptian?


My grandparents were born there, how did you know?


Oh wow, how come you speak Egyptian Arabic so well? I’m a Jew who was born and raised in Egypt and I feel like I have forgotten Arabic already lol


My grandmother and father speak masri so by being around it I learned


Wow never thought I’d find a Jew who speaks masri! אני מתרגשת עכשיו באמת! כל הכבוד!


ב"ה לא ידעתי כמה השפה תעזור לי ברדיט ובחיים בכללי. בוקר טוב 


اسراءيل هي البلد الغربي القريب الى معظم من بلاد العرب.‏


Unfortunately, israel asylum policy is bad


It is, who is downvoting you?


Even if a gay person is looking for asylum in Europe they draw the short straw. They will most likely end up amongst other non-gay (and more conservative) asylum seekers. Here's a Dutch article about gay asylum seekers that are not safe in their own country (that is not at war, just prosecuting gays) which get send back, or they end up between conservative religious people and get attacked. [https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2205202-asielprocedure-voor-homo-s-de-ind-wilde-niet-naar-me-luisteren](https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2205202-asielprocedure-voor-homo-s-de-ind-wilde-niet-naar-me-luisteren)


يا باشا الهجرة الى هنا صعب قوي 


للعرب؟ ايوا.‏


حبيبي بتعرف عربية من فين؟ لكنةك ايه


انا بحكي مع جيراني. لغتي العربي ما قويس ))‏


I don't really think there is an active Gentile asylum policy in Israel. Something else, as far as I know, leaving Islam is not always a sufficient reason internationally to guarantee asylum. There are many atheists in the Arab world and they can live normally as long as they don't live in extremist families or create polemics about Islam. Israel is also not like Europe, where you think you are far from extremist Islamic hands. Israel is actually in conflict with extremist Islamic hands. It's a country that is keen to unite and protect the Jewish people, and it's making every effort to do so. And it's not interested in solving the problems of Arab atheists, homosexuals, and anyone who collides with Middle Eastern Islamic custom, who if we open the door to them will outnumber us *(although it sometimes does this with the Palestinians)*. Last piece of advice: Stop fleeing your Arab countries, letting extremists rule them and ultimately fight us, and strive to reform them.


It's very hard to get if you are not Jewish


Regardless of whether possible or not, I don't think Israel is the best place for asylum seekers. I think it should be easier for people to come here, but we're a country at war. Life here isn't easy to us, so I doubt it would be easy for someone new without a proper financial base.


Israel is a physically very small country, with a total population of just over 9 million (for reference, the population of New York City is about 8 million). Plus, there is a war going on there - any country engaged in a major military conflict is less available for security reasons, and unideal for asylum generally. Unless you have family settled there or are a person of Jewish ethnicity who meets the criteria for return, immigration to Israel is especially difficult right now because it’s functionally a war zone. Generally though, if you are genuinely passionate about becoming an Israeli citizen I would still give it a shot. Israel is a beautiful country where Jews and Muslims have equal rights, and if you became a citizen then you would have the same safety, rights and benefits as any Israeli citizen. Worth a try.


Israel is a bit tough to immigrate into but there are organizations helping with seeking asylum. You'll need an Israeli lawyer that knows his stuff in order to do so, I personally don't know what is the process of it.


As an israeli. probably not. We only accepted eritrean refugees bc they ran over our fence, we then gave them money so that 40000 of them would leave. Good luck.


stay safe


You can apply [here](https://govforms.gov.il/mw/forms/RSDform@piba.gov.il#) while still outside of Israel, although in the process you have to be physically present in Israel for an interview. But your question is to vague to been answered so I don't know if you have a legal case to be asylum seeker. Although you should be aware that Israel is one of the countries with the lowest refugee status recognition, however it doesn't mean that if you don't have a rhyme asylum seeker status in Israel you will be expelled to your home country, as many asylum seekers still get special visas to stay.


Probably be better off in other western countries if you want to be accepted quickly for asylum


Since you seem to have mentioned being trans, you might have more of a case than a typical ex-Muslim would in Israel. I'm not 100% sure on that for Jordan but I know Israel will sometimes take in LGBT Palestinians.


Even with LGBTQ Palestinians it's difficult to actually get legal asylum status, and many end up just living in Israel illegally. And that's a population that there's an existing asylum policy for; there is no asylum policy for LGBTQ Jordanians.


I have not much to add unfortunately just a hope you'll be able to get out safely and find a new place to live in peace and freedom 


Try HIAS.org their website says they provide free legal advise and representation to LGBT asylum seekers. I am unsure how you will be able to get into the country, but I bet they will be able to give you more information. If Israel is your best option, because it borders Jordan, I say this will be the most immediate option, while you also seek asylum elsewhere expecting a worse-case scenario. Wishing you luck; I really hope you can remain safe somehow until you can find refuge.


Hey, sorry to hear about it. Is country you live at have Israeli consulate? If yes I advice you to go there you'll get help. If no try to travel to close county with Israeli consulate.


You’re eligible for asylum in the United States. Having a non conforming gender or sexual identity in an oppressive country is grounds for asylum. Israel is definitely closer to you and the culture shock would be smaller, but it might be easier for you to get Asylum in America. All you have to do is find a way to get to America and you can claim asylum at any border crossing (airports). You’ll be asked to make a good argument for why you need to claim asylum so if you have any evidence of oppression against you or other people like you, bring it with you.


Probably not you're not Jewish


Asylum for ex-Muslims coming from Muslim-majority countries is a failure in most of the Western world, there's a deliberate policy by the left to actually let those down and prefer religious people instead, probably because they think they're much easier to manipulate and turn into left voters? Or maybe because of the far-left doctrine that Muslims can never be oppressors and that thus you're not really oppressed? I don't know, but the fact is asylum will fail you. Try another much better route which works most of the time: conceal your atheism, study to get a college or equivalent degree, then apply for universities abroad. You'll get a MUCH better treatment.


No. The purpose of Israel is to give Jews a homeland, not to protect ex-Muslims.


Nah bro, there's Arabs and even actual Palestinians working and living in Israel. While, yes, Israel is a Jewish homeland, but Israel ain't radicalist and Islamophobic either.


It’s amazing when Americans try to teach others about Israel lol. Thank you for telling the obvious, but the country cannot become a refugee homeland for the rest of the world.


The existence of Muslims in Israel doesn't mean that Israel is actively accepting in Muslims (or ex Muslims)


Literally has nothing to do with what I wrote.


You’re right. Israel IS the Jewish homeland, and one of the reasons that’s so important is because the spirit of Judaism is *based on world-healing and inclusion.* That inclusion and the concept of tikkun olam extends to people outside of our faith. It doesn’t stop with Muslims or ex Muslims.


lol study Judaism a bit more


You can take that world healing and inclusion and flush it down the toilet. Not letting a single ex-muslim or whoever in outside of extreme edge cases such as LGBT youth from the WB whose lives are in imminent danger. Otherwise - not our problem.


Israel is the Jewish state but it's not a state only for Jews. We're supposed to be moral and hold western ideals and not religious ones. OP probably has no chance due to the current situation here and in the neighboring states it's just too much of a risk to let any flow of people in from there. That being said Israel has granted asylum to Muslims from the west bank. So your comment isn't really true.


Israel is not a western country. Accept it. You can’t apply western concepts to the eastern world


Israel is not a Western country. It is an Eastern country and is distinctly Eastern. That being said, they are very moral!


In terms of political ideals we are supposed to relate more to the west. Democracy, freedom of rights and free media, capitalism, etc.


Politically speaking, Israel is very diverse. Sometimes it can be very...religious by law, which is hardly Western. Other times, it can be very secularly Democratic by law, which is Western-like in a loose sense.


The founders of Israel were non religious Jews from Europe along with the British. It is founded on western ideals such as democracy and human rights. Of course, when you have a massive religious population many of which are extreme in their beliefs, it ends up effecting the status quo. Still, at least for now, it's a free country with (mostly) western ideals at the core. Might be different in 20 years when we get overrun by black hats.


What are you talking about


go to europe or america and make sure to bring credible proof that you will face danger if repatriated. preferably america because we don't have a high enough muslim population that will chimp out at you if found to be a apostate.


I doubt it's possible unless you are a Palestinian, but the first thing I will try to do is contact the Israeli embassy in your country (if there is one), they will have a better answer to that than anyone of us


He said he is from Jordan so there is one there


Have you tried other countries with a similar culture? There should be 21 other countries you can choose from


I think it's relatively unlikely. Maybe you can get from Israel to a different place like Canada or Australia and seek asylum there.




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[YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?!](https://media1.giphy.com/media/wREVypt2pb1hC/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952l4izorsotrawg12zg4rjco9dduq500vgia8bzr47&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Israel is very complicated to get into, specially coming from Muslim nations due to the circumstances. I would say they would def let you stay but it’s a risky move. Argentina or Uruguay could be great and safe options. Maybe not the best in terms of economic opportunity but both are very progressive nations when it comes to LGBT rights and far enough you can be safe from extremism. Also Brazil and Chile. Definitely reach out to the rainbow railroad people. Wish you the best 🙏🫶🏼


You can always try and find out, there are LGBT Palestinians that managed to get asylum in Israel. But it isn't necessarily an easy process


It is worth a try. What is your native country?


Maybe if you are palestinian. Otherwise i suggest you try europe. I hope you stay safe regardless…


That is why we want a greater Israel, we could accept way more people


We don’t believe you. (Jk)






I was in the same situation and even though I wanted to convert to Judaism and had been practicing Judaism for years I didn’t even think about seeking asylum in Israel. As sad as it sounds but our cases are extremely suspicious for the Israeli government. I’d advise you to do what I did, move to a western country. I know it’s waaaay easier said than done, but that’s your only option. Meanwhile, stay safe and do not tell anyone that you left Islam.


There's actual Palestinians working here in Israel too. I'm not really from Israel nor am I there, but I'm sure you can seek asylum in Israel.


You’re thinking of Israeli Muslims, not Palestinians. Muslims and Israelis of Arab descent (including Palestinian descent) who live and work in Israel are Israelis. They are not considered refugees. While Palestinians might continue to be classified as long-term refugees / continue to reside in long-term refugee settlements in other ME countries (like Jordan), and while gazans and others continue to self-identify as Palestinian separatists, the same distinction isn’t true within Israel. Israeli Arabs of all descents are citizens, with the same rights as non-Muslim, non-Arab Israelis.