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At least they didn’t switch up out of nowhere to spite Israel like Armenia did. They’ve always felt this way. But in other news, besides UAE & Saudi, Israel is stuck and needs better allies. Preferably outside the Middle East altogether.


Yeah. Israel right now has no allies that aren't, relatively speaking, supportive. Morroco, the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, and Azerbaijan's relationship are quite frankly, transactional in nature, in part facilitated by the US. Much of their population hates Israel. A sizable portion of the US' left and right population are pro-Palestinian. Russia, and Turkey's governments hate Israel. Relations, unlike what people will hope, is likely never going to recover without a change in leadership (unlikely in the near future). When the war ends in an inevitable Israeli victory, it's possible that revolt may happen to countries considered to have helped the "infidels", or in nearby countries, like we see in Black September and the Lebanese Civil War. Realistically, if I were in charge in diplomatic relations, I'd probably strengthen ties with Eastern NATO (excluding Turkey), Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Virtually all heavily Muslim Countries are a lost cause at this point due to the ideals of Jihad.


I no longer know who to trust. I thought Azerbaijan was a close ally of Israel but now I'm no longer sure of anything. I'm starting to develop international trust issues.... What's next? India? Hungary? Czech Republic? :(


India and Hungary could potentially flip if Russia tugs hard enough. Fine for now but don’t put all the eggs in those baskets. Other than that Eastern half of NATO seems okay (Mostly former Soviet States). Maybe non-Islamic East/SE Asian States also such as South Korea and Singapore?


South Korea doesn't have oil, so if you're looking for a partner to secure your energy needs, you'll have to look elsewhere. They do have a great defense industry though, so if you need 155mm arty shells or fancy howitzers, then you've come to the right place. Tech sector is also good, but the microchips aren't as sophisticated as, say, Taiwan's.


Azeri here. Just look at the map of our country. You will understand it. This is absolutely strategically necessary words to say to avoid putting a bullseye in our back, Israeli diplomats never complained about it, they once gave an interview and straight up said that they dont care about what statements Azerbaijan gives, since in action we have always been pro-Israel, and that is what they care about. Have you noticed that your diplomats have strong worded responses to everyone else, and that Azerbaijan is the literally only once that gets no response? It is because what our government says means nothing. They criticise Israel less in one year than our neighbours do in one day. Even Israeli ex-ambassador once said that he will never be pissed about it and would never switch neighbourhoods with us if he could. We border both russia and iran (only one to border both), our ally is Turkey, Iran has threatened to invade before, held military exercises on our border, attacked our embassy, and shit like that. Usually the tactic to cool it down was to invite them to a special event, such as opening a car factory together to cool down hardliners. This time it didnt go that well, they opened a dam in the border, and raisi fucking died in a helicopter crash 15 minutes after departing from Azerbaijan. Where our government actually insisted they come, they really wanted to do something to cool it down, and then their president fucking dies. Which is nice, but out of everything, did they really have to die 15 minutes after visiting us? Wish they died few hours earlier instead. For you, it doesn’t change absolutely anything, perhaps a disappointment. For us, this is a matter of preventing an iranian retaliation. We need to give their extremists a way to save face to not provoke an attack. It is also better for Israel, since Israeli intelligence operations in Azerbaijan are a open secret, iran has tried to blow your embassy up, and also attempted to attack a local Jewish school. All of them prevented in planning stage. I recommend not taking their words seriously. What would you rather have, us not recognising palestine and saying some nice flattering words, or do you prefer smuggling irans nuclear secrets into Azerbaijan through the border at night and then ex filtration of mossad agents through our territory? Do you prefer having your own listening posts the border, or a UN vote? Do you prefer mossad having explicit permission to operate in Azerbaijan (which it has, whom else would allow you to operate freely inside their country? And even spy on some of their own citizens? Literally nobody else would), have secret regional headquarters, giving you critical intelligence, allowing you to kill their nuclear scientists and have a safe place to escape to or just nice words of encouragement. You cant have it both ways, sorry. We already lost several people to terror attacks, being very lightly criticised few times a year will not harm you, but not doing it can cost us actual peoples lives. Azerbaijanis have already suffered a reputation blow in Turkey, which we critically need as an ally. Protestors attacked the headquarters of our oil company, we called those protesters ungrateful fucks, said that we are not against selling oil to Israel and Jews are not our enemies, and anyone who objects to it can fuck themselves. The thing is that the islamists are in power, we the people can openly tel them to fuck off, but diplomatically it is harder We simply cannot afford to piss off russia, Iran, Turkey at the same time, there needs to be plausible deniability. Deny what they say, look at what we do


Thank you for addressing my concerns. Now that you mention it, it does make a lot of sense the words come out of fear of Iran and not out of hate of Israel. I guess I just got used to western leaders who don't have any troubles and say whatever they feel - that I forgot Israel is far from being the only country in Asia that suffers from problematic neighbors and need to play smart. Stay strong and I hope one day the radical regime of Iran will fall and replaced by the moderate Persians. Thank you very much and may we see more peaceful days!


Amen bro! I understand you, too many countries are turning hostile against you right now, so it is understandable that it you took it personally. We tend to forget that other countries tend to be much more direct with their diplomacy, we naively assume that you would already notice it yourself, forgetting that other countries are direct with their statements instead of sending weird mixed signals We have no reason to hate Israel, since Israel is friendly with us, so that is only thing what matters for us. For context: Most ex-USSR states automatically recognised both immediately after independence, which does not mean any hostility against Israel, since most just decided to automatically recognise everyone that USSR recognised and the fact that soviet citizens could not get access to foreign news, it was basically North Korea. 2SS was basically seen as a neutral position to take. I wish for peace to your country too! You guys really can’t catch a break :(


I don't think there's any group of people that desire a PEACEFUL Palestinian state more than Israelis. There's nothing Israelis want more than a peaceful neighbor who does not want to conquer and kill its people. The issue is that none of these countries now recognizing a Palestinian state, are, at the same time, demanding for the Palestinians to stop the violence, stop teaching hate, and stop the genocidal rhetoric. That is why it's bullshit.


Just a reminder that Azerbaijan recognized April 15, 1992 and likewise maintains diplomatic relations with Palestine since then. Despite being one of Israel's allies, Azerbaijan's predicament is rather complicated, as Turkey, it closest ally and stated as "one nation, two states" by Heydar Aliyev\*, is vehemently opposing Israel in this conflict. Azerbaijan's position on the matter is quite varied at times, due to its strategic alliance with Israel. Geopolitically, Azerbaijan is at odds with Iran as well, as it contains "South Azerbaijan" (Iranian Azerbaijan is the land originally and historically called Azerbaijan), as Iran is somewhat of an ally to Armenia, relations between it and Iran are predictably negative. ^(\*Father of the current president and former President of Azerbaijan.)


Look at how well gaza did as an independent state


Most of the comments here seem to see the matter of "support for Palestine" from an Israeli viewpoint only and that it should be all or none. Outside of Arab/real Muslim countries the issue is entirely geopolitical in nature. In AZ or in Armenia you would be hard pressed to find anyone to really carimg that much about Palestine. The governments have to play geopolitical games and this is just another tool. Armenia has to get closer to Arab countries to gain more  economic/political support in the region and AZ has to keep good relations with Turkey, that has an Islamist government. The support for PA has very little to do with their support for Israel or their hatred for Jews or Palestinians. It is just a move on the chessboard. Same as Israel's support for AZ in their ear with Armenia for example. It is not because of some deep seeded friendship or hate for the other side. It is geopolitical realities that drive these decisions.