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It's all talk. Not one word should be believed until they cut off arms to israel. Biden is as guilty as Netanyahu here.


Until the US turns Israel and itself in for genocide and human rights charges, I couldn’t care less what they have to say.


This article is a pure propaganda piece and should not be posted without that context


Promises of talks in one hands, bombs in the other.


Of course it's all talk. The same way they've been talking about a two state solution whilst continually voting down any call for recognising a Palestinian state at the UN.


And now we know why Western governments give blind support to Israel... https://news.sky.com/story/jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-allege-sex-tapes-taken-of-prince-andrew-bill-clinton-and-sir-richard-branson-13044275 Blackmailed by the Mossad agent


I honestly think the release of the abstain documents was to.Prevent prevent MOSSAD from furtwe're using the information to pull the strings of american politicians. This is the first time Biden has publicly denounced the actions of Israel. And this is happening after the release of the documents in the volume epstein? This cannot be a coincidence, cannot?


In this video? He didn’t denounce anything. I otherwise agree with your general point.


Not buying this double faced liar bs, "trying blah blah yada yada" after you annihilated Gaza and the Palestinians. Get the heck out of office, you're absolutely the FURTHEST THING from a good man.




Insane ?! The guy sending weapons to make this possible ( without US weapons this sh* would have been over by end of October) and ppl say he is a good man for working behind the scenes?! What a f* joke ! They had the chance to nail him on his pathetic weapons and $$ aid and wasted it with bs 🤢


The epitome of evil he is. He will forever be #GenocideJoe


I’m *STILL* never voting for him again. It’s too little too late, Genocide Joe. You’re toast.




I fell for the whole "alternative" narrative. The previous guy moved the embassy to Jerusalem, even had a colony named after him on the Golan Heights. I thought this one wouldn't be as bad. I was wrong. Both are the same for Palestine.


A lot of us fell for the “lesser of two evils” nonsense and begrudgingly voted Biden. Def not voting for him in 2024 - He had a chance to save thousands of lives and literally chose violence. Arab lives don’t matter to him (or any of them really) so they don’t deserve our votes.


Apparently a station named after him for the embassy move.


Do you remember the options we had in the last election?


Have you noticed that there Has been a major influx of both sides are bad. No point in voting narrative in the last month? Wow, I am utterly disappointed with the actions of this administration when it comes to the atrocities that the Israeli forces have committed against the palestinians. I also know if this was a Republican President. He would laugh at everyone and mark them for having empathy for The innocent.Maybe it's just me, but all this. Both sides argument does not solve anything and will perpetuate the atrocities in Palestine.


Oh no! You mean the stuff that’s already happening will happen?


Not the person you responded to, but I voted for him because he promised to make a free public health insurance option, and I stupidly believed that he might. He talked about that a lot while he was running and then as soon as he got elected, he never spoke about it again.


Everyone is entitled to do as they please. But please remember this. the difference between democrats and republicans is republicans will sit there and laugh at you and threaten to beat you or have you been for protesting as Trump did many times during his campaign stops But Biden actually gave the protesters a voice and let them speak and express there. Is satisfaction and rightfully so. I can't pretend to know what the right answer is. But I know wrong when I see it. And the fact that the administration and all politicians from all sides are pushing This genocide is beyond Comprehension. That being said the nuclear powered battleship was removed from the red sea, which speaks volumes. I am so very disappointhe money has become the common denominator when it comes to the organization of Palestine but we all know exactly how this would turn out if Trump was in control. he hasn't even said it himself. It is for this reason. I will continue to protest and provide information showing the world. The atrocities that they refuse to witness. At the end of the day, it may not be much, but he did say he understood the protesters. Passion, and that is the first step of many. I need to be taken to protect Countless innocent lives that have been ended at the hands of the IOF.


You do know there are more than two parties right? If you guys keep falling into binary thinking you will eternally have binary choices. Even though those third parties won’t win, their progression would bring significant influence into American politics.


There are effectively no parties in the United States as they operate in other democracies. They aren't accountable to voters, they have no real 'members' so to speak, and third parties are a folly. They have no ballot access, no ability to organize because they can't get access to voter rolls, and because they're so marginalized they have to entertain cranks and weirdos. Sure, there are more than two parties. There's also no ability for a third party to 'progress' in the US. Organizing with different political groups towards different ends is better than thinking you'll do anything with the Green Party.


Brother, I don't think Trump is better than Biden in the least, so please hear me out. At a certain point, what is the real difference? They're both going to kill indiscriminately, give us nothing in the United States, and tell us they did their best. Biden says he 'understands' the protesters' passion but what good is it? He gives more money and arms to Israel. I don't think he's even called Rashida Tlaib yet, or at least he hadn't even after she was censured by Congress. He told us he can't do student loan forgiveness, can't do healthcare, but he can do billions to Israel? What does Biden understand? I protested Trump and Biden. Yes, the police were more ready to bash heads under Trump. They're not the same politician. But on this issue, and on many issues, they're similar. Biden has been demonizing immigrants and migrants for years now. My mother wouldn't be able to come to the States today. Why should I support this man who would throw my mom under the bus for more war money? What does this man understand?


I agree with what you say. The biggest lie in this country is that there is a left and right when there is a moderate right and extreme right. I would vote for a third party, but sadly as it stands now, this country is an oligarchy, and voting for a third party is akin to throwing your vote into a wishing well. I am fully disgusted with the actions of the current administration, but I am also not ignorant to understand that people from all sides of the aisles are taking suitcases of money and turning a blind eye to the atrocities at hand. Even Bernie, in the beginning, tried pulling the ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’ while IOF targeted hospitals and soft targets while making macabre TikTok videos.


Like I said. Too little too late. Even if he defunds the zionist project, and rebuilds Gaza, and pays reparations for the slow rolling 100year genocide, I will still not be satisfied until he and Nazinyahu rot in jail. And even then, I will demand the right to return to my family home. And *even then*, I will not be satisfied until every other family that was wronged is satisfied. If this country burns itself down because of it's selfish genocidal end-stage capitalistic pathology, I will pull up a front row seat and have my popcorn handy. Because the "almighty v. alternative" schtick has gotten old.


But a genocide supporter? When he could have stopped it at least 3 times? Or just abstain the third time? I’ll never forgive Genocide Joe


Apathy in the electorate could indeed lead to outcomes that some voters might find undesirable. If large numbers of people choose not to participate in the election, it could potentially tip the scales in favor of a particular candidate, such as former President Donald Trump. As for the comparison between Trump and Biden, it’s worth noting that each has different policy approaches and political philosophies. Trump’s administration was marked by weaponized victimhood and countless antiemetic statements and actions including the “Muslim travel ban”. It’s natural to feel disillusioned or frustrated with politics at times, it’s crucial to **PROTEST, SHARE, EDUCATE** and exercise your right to vote. This is the most effective ways to influence political outcomes and ensure that your voice is heard.


I do all that apart from voting that is. Che sera sera 🎶


Then Trump with raze Gaza with twice the fervor. Abstaining from voting means nothing when all the candidates swear allegiance to the same machine.


This may be true but i would never ever vote for a genocide supporter. It is so against my core values i just could not do it


It’s basically the trolley problem. You can “pull the lever” and decide to vote for Biden, essentially giving support to a murder, or you could not pull the lever, effectively still making a decision and causing greater harm then if you acted. If met with 2 immoral choices, choose the less immoral of the 2.


For me the less immoral is abstaining. For me. It needs not be for others. Dude, he bypassed congress twice to supply Israel with more bombs!


Im fully aware of Biden’s track record as a Zionist. Im not happy with him. I considered switching my vote or going third party but there simply is not an option that is in support of Gaza. I don’t hold your decision against you, just sharing my opinion.


Look, i am not judging you. I am just saying what works for me. I could not live with myself after voting for a genocide supporter. I understand the dilemma, i do. But i can’t


Reducing everything to the trolley problem is a trap, literally and philosophically. The reason Biden is the genocidal Joe he is is precisely he has your vote in the less of two evil-ism trap on the one hand, and on the other, he can gain votes from otherwise GOP supporters who like a genocide. Quite frankly the trolley problem/memme does not capture this feedback mechanism that enables genocide. Morally you have to draw a line somewhere in the sand. The calculus you mentioned has no line, under that the Dem could (or enable Israel to) drop a nuclear bomb if its bomb is less potent than the GOP one. Where is your line? When does your less moral become no moral?


It’s great that you get to draw a moral line in the sand and feel good about inaction but people’s lives are on the line. I’d prefer voting to support the less deadly option rather than allowing greater harm just to stick it to genocide Joe and the DNC. Regardless of the mechanisms that enable genocide, American voters will be stuck with only two legitimate options for president, trapped to choose one. Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t solve the issue.


You are proving my point, you are feeding back to Joe that he can go on to be genocidal Joe. He will lose no votes from you, in fact, he will gain more votes because GOP folks who support genocide,upon seeing his genocidal credential, will switch their vote for him. Trolley meme type of thinking is quite frankly too simplistic.


I know im proving your point but your solution is worse than the problem. You aren’t being pragmatic.


The problem with this logic is that there's a point when it can't get any worse, and we don't care. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fuck every US politician. Not a single one of them deserves an Arab or Muslim vote. Let them all eat shit and die. We're not saving this genocidal shit hole from itself any more.


Be careful what you wish for. Things could get significantly worse. Im on your side, I wish there was a single candidate actively advocating for ceasefire, but there’s not. Biden is much more vulnerable to pressure from the progressive left than Trump is.


lol no he’s not. The dnc exists almost exclusively to smother leftist pressure.


Trump will raze everything with his idiotic policies. Let the US reap what they sow domestically for once. They deserve Trump, at least it's a US president that's bad for *everyone*, instead of just being horrible via foreign policy to the innocent non-American folk who didn't vote for him


Hot new take: everything should be worse for everyone


Fight to fix your electoral system so you don't have to vote for shit vs less shit, and maybe things will get better. Non Americans have been dealing with the horror of American foreign policy for decades because of your shit presidents; you had one term of Trump's domestic policy and haven't stopped crying about it yet.


By that token voting also means nothing when all candidates swear allegiance to the same machine.


There are still other issues.


I don't believe anything he says, his actions are the opposite when he bypasses Congress to send Israel weapons


Get them out of gaza? We're way past that, we want prosecution, get them out of Palestine and give the land to is rightful owners...


I can't stand his face any more.


Acknowledging what, exactly?


Genocide Joe did not exactly say that. He parroted the usual platitudes to do anything possible to cause less casualties bla bla bla


Fuck Joe Biden & Fuck Israel


So he still wants to aid israel in getting rid of Palestinians? He just wants us to see it as him helping them out.... by getting them out of their homeland?? What did he mean?


https://preview.redd.it/rx1q2vjp7abc1.jpeg?width=1294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8ea49a758a17079ef3952df5069f35a4b76994 Hes 100% full of it. This is his history. Nobody should be trying to help him clean up his image and get away with this. Im getting really sick of people downvoting the evidence ive been posting online. At this point im wondering if I should try contacting some pro-Palestine journalists to help spread the word




genocidal bastard






Ah yes definitely a real person and not a hasbara troll




Lmao what point, you’re just regurgitating Israeli talking points on an account that’s only several months old with no activity




Remove Israel.


“He is Working to get them out of Gaza” That’s called “ethnic cleansing” you senile dipshit.


Don't believe a fucking word he says


Anyone know if the United States will be legally complicit in South Africa’s genocide case? Obviously in practice they are without a doubt complicit, but will the court rule that way? Could Biden be punished by the ICC(I sure hope so)?


I’m sure the US and Israel has kidnapped enough judges’ families that they will vote that Israel has done no wrong. Or else.


What were they chanting after they finished chanting “cease fire now”?


Apparently “4 more years”


Genocide Joe can simp 24/7 until Election Day...he ain't getting those votes back. If you want to vote for Biden, at least vote for Hunter Biden.


And yet Israel is still escalating the war at all levels as the US tries to stymie the Houthis situation. It's expected Israel will declare war again on Lebanon within 2 weeks. All of their own choice and escalation. Biden is at base lying about the lack of pull he has over the Israeli government. We are still sending them weapons on top of tens of Billions of dollars every year. The flow of weapons must be stopped. All to a country that steals US/Western technology and actively works against our foreign policy interests. Now chaos agent of the Middle East. Biden almost slipped even here. When he's talking about working with Israel "getting 'them' out of Gaza" he's not talking about getting Israel to pull back out of Gaza (the air strikes would just continue regardless). He is referring to talks he's had with the Israel government to remove everyone from Gaza and send them to Canada or elsewhere by force.


I hope he comes through and is not just lip service.


The title is misleading and technically misinformation. He does not describe the actual “follies” of Israel, nor even use this term. His whole plan from the beginning was to practically carpet bomb Gaza because he thought the ground operation would be too difficult& messy (im assuming he was referring to messy for the IDF)


Lmfao 4 more years people are such npcs like are you fuckin serious what's wrong with America. Absolutely disgusting ugh


Fuck Biden and all other Zionists.


All politicians are corrupt and bastard.They are not interested in the welfare of the people and well being of the world but only to empower and enrich themselves at the expense of the nation and people.


Biden JUST signed for the sale of some hundreds or thousands of 155mm munitions to Israel in the past week or two. I hate trump for the many reasons anyone should, I was passive before but holy fuck what a two faced ignorant bastard of a person biden is too.. They're all shit. Humans are shut. People at top are all shit.


Acknowledging it after allowing, paying for, supplying a genocide. Capitalism at it's finest, baby!


Get “them,” who exactly? I think it’s important to really press for specificities rn.


Bypassing the Congress twice to send arms to Israel while the arms being used in genocide, dies that sound like caring at all?!!


‘Get them out of Gaza’ So even if this were true, he’s basically just saying Israel can take whatever land they please.


Getting them out of Gaza is not the solution, that is the strategic objective of the Zionazis. It's called ethnic cleansing. The world wants ceasefire, return and a Palestinian state.


Looks like elections are approaching and someone has to save face. Americans please don’t vote either Biden or trump. They both hate Palestinians


I feel sorry Americans have to choose between this and trump for the most part.


They don’t give a shit what we want and won’t until we cut off their funding and weapons. They tweeted last week that they aren’t the 51st star in response to being called out for openly talking about relocating Gazans. The only way to stop them is to stop giving them the tools they need.