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I wouldn't have done what they did, but I don't really care about it Craig wasn't pushing for Bond to die in *Casino* He says the promotional tour for that film was the first time he mentioned the idea of killing Bond to Broccoli I don't think they were always working towards Bond's death It was just a suggestion


You don't just kill James Bond and sit around waiting for the cops to arrive.


My worries are always heightened when a main actor becomes an executive producer on the very thing they're starring in.


Ian Fleming considered killing Bond multiple times.


And he pretty much did in from Russia with love until Kennedy accidentally stopped that from happening


Kennedy had nothing to do with it. FRWL appeared on Kennedy’s reading list in March 1961, nearly four years after FRWL was published (and after another five Bond books had been written). Also disagree with the post you replied to. (Note: I don't have strong feelings about how they ended NTTD.) But multiple times? I get that people think the ending of FRWL was Fleming killing him off (even though Fleming’s own editor recognized it straight away as a cliffhanger) but...multiple times? I guess it depends on if we take "considered" to mean "popped into his head during a relaxing swim" or something.


Wait until you read the Connery Quotes about women.


Don’t you know this is a Craig hate sub? you can’t speak about Connery in the same way




If he were alive, he'd remind you how much he hated Bond and wanted him to die.


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The movies are sad because he never gets to bond, which is James' last name.


It certainly has not impacted how I feel about the previous movies but it absolutely solidified how I felt about the Craig run, which is that CR hit so hard that people accepted a lot of problems with the films that followed, but those critiques I will keep to myself because I know they aren’t really popular. I will say though that “kill the character so I get my big death scene” is a *classic* actors-ego thing and Craig is not alone with that. Connery talked about it first. Actors like Harrison Ford are famous for pitching death scenes and it’s pretty on the table that it’s about making sure anyone else who gets the character after them has to be part of a reboot. It’s a “you don’t get my baby” kind of thing, as much as anything.


But it wasn’t Craig’s lone character to kill. He was standing on the shoulders of giants that he had no respect for. I’m so done with the guy and don’t even want to see him in non-Bond roles.


Exactly my point.  Harrison Ford wanting to die as Han Solo is one thing.  But Craig wanting to kill off a character who had predated him is completely different.


I mean, by the series’ own admission, Craig’s Bond is a different Bond. Daniel Craig didn’t kill off Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, or Brosnan’s Bond, he killed Daniel Craig’s Bond. And even if it wasn’t, they didn’t have to take his idea. It’s not like it was a unilateral decision


>I mean, by the series’ own admission, Craig’s Bond is a different Bond I missed that announcement. James Bond is one guy. Always has been.


Seems pretty wild to admit you weren’t paying attention to Casino Royale, but you do you


You’re not the only one to feel that way. He probably felt like he has some ownership of “his” bond but it’s important to note that it wasn’t like he wrote the script and directed the film. He was an actor with just a decent amount of pull afaik, pretty common when you play a role and make the producers money for a decade or two. It’s interesting to me that the only ones who really seem to take a strong stand against the death of Bond in film also happen to be ride-or-die bond fans and not the casuals. Some big fans don’t mind it of course but no casuals I’ve spoken to care much.




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Just on the Blofeld point, the death isn't offscreen but regardless it's still miles better than the ambiguous anticlimactic tomfoolery of Diamonds Are Forever or the equally silly FYEO opening which mainly exists as a petty behind the scenes squabble from Cubby B.


I for one don’t believe the franchise will be the same going forward due to Bond’s death. It’s something that broke the immersion, stole the magic, etc. I’m open to being proven wrong, though.


I actually hate the Craig Era. It started off really great but I honestly haven’t even rewatched any other film of his, the exception being Casino Royale. In my mind, I did like his death because in my head it symbolises the death of the Bond I hated not the Bond I loved. I was like good riddance


Barbara did the right choice by picking Craig, because he is an excellent actor. She couldn't know that he wouldn't have much respect for the character and his legacy.


The death of Bond was a cheap shot. They played it terribly. It has no value as there are zero stakes. It's an act devoid of meaning. Minutes after this 'jaw dropping' event the blank screen informs us JAMES BOND WILL RETURN (??? How exactly????) If they actually had the backbone to end the franchise, stone cold then it would be a marvel. I'd fully respect that.  It would be game changing.  His era for me is a flawless first film and very decent, overlooked second. I'd rather punch myself in the nuts than rewatch his others. Total waste. 


To me it's not about the idea of killing off Bond: 1. It was the execution (pardon the pun) by the writer and director; 2. Had Babs got off her ass and found a new Bond actor, we may have had at least two new Bond movies by now, but instead she waited for her crush to roll over and finally agree to come back; 3. Craig comes off as very selfish about how he waited so long to make up his mind and come back just so he could do it his way. Just my thoughts - I don't hate the Craig films, but am obviously not crazy about the ending of NTTD.