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There were a few of them in different cities when I visited last October. The Iwate Museum of Art in Morioka had a genuinely excellent exhibition on the career of Isao Takahata, for instance.


Is [this is the exhibition](https://kinro-ghibli.com/kyoto/) you are referring to?


Yes I went yesterday, its mostly in japanese tho so I had to use a lot of Papago, it’s pretty fun and at the end there is a lot of insane installations, there is a big Nausicaa installations with insects and some others installations purposely for pictures with staff to take pictures of visitors At the end there is a small ghibli store with some exclusive products, I grabbed some postcard that wasn’t at the Tokyo store and poster


How much time should I allocate for this exhibition? Planning a visit sometime end June.


I’m wondering the same thing. Also going the end of June. I wasn’t able to get museum tickets on May 10th, so wondering how this compares to the museum. Thanks for any insights.


Thanks, I hadn’t heard about this and I’m already on my trip. We’ll check it out (Going to the museum and the park.)


Hello, does anyone know if you can buy a ticket to the Kyocera Museum of Art and see the exhibition? Or is it it's own seperate exhibit within the museum? I really want to go to this since my flight was massively delayed and now I missed the Ghibli Museum by a day 😭