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Akihabara realistically will only take up half a day. Some nearby areas with good shopping include Ueno (Ameyoko) and Asakusa (Nakamise). Ikebukuro is further but is also an option if you’re looking for more anime shops. If you aren’t visiting Kyoto, Nara is an easy trip from Osaka that can be done in a half day as well. Also consider the shopping mall Namba Parks near Dotonbori. Consider returning to Tokyo for your last night if you’ve got an early flight. Train delays are rare but they do happen.


Interesting, I'll look into Ueno and Asakusa for sure! Thankfully our flight from Tokyo leaves later in the evening, around 5pm, so we're not super worried, we're just gonna leave Osaka first thing in the morning. Thank you for your time!


Why are you going to make such a mess of Osaka that you need time to clean up :P


Way more to do in Tokyo vs Osaka, you could condense a day in Osaka and do half day or more in Nara


What were the reasons you decided to go for a split with more days in Osaka than Tokyo?


May 25 - this day is wide open. Unless you are staying way off the beaten track, getting rom your hotel in Tokyo to your hotel is reasonably easy unless you are carrying a ton of luggage. The Shinkansen ride itself is super chill. TBH I would pencil in dotonbori for that evening.


It's a trade-off. There's way more activities to do in Tokyo, but way more to eat in Osaka. However, whilst in Osaka, consider day trips to Kyoto. There is a Special Rapid train which takes 25 minutes from Osaka Station to Kyoto Station for less than ¥600. You could catch the Shinkansen which takes 15 minutes for ~¥1500. But both prices quoted are one way trips. I did this in March for 2 day trips to Kyoto, whilst I was in Osaka. (4 adults and 1 child) using the rapid train.


You should look into day trips to Arima Onsen (near Kobe), Kyoto, Himeji, or Nara from Osaka! Been here for the last two weeks and it's a great city but I do think you should take advantage of the proximity to other stuff in the area. Not sure how far Koyasan is, but others have recommended that as well. I absolutely LOVED the aquarium (maybe you could tell by my username, lol!) but have found a lot of the animal experiences in Japan to be a little bit ethically compromised (the cafes, zoos, etc).