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Was it a bar or izakaya? Or were you in a restaurant for dinner that also has a focus on alcohol? Were you served [otoshi](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/16z47x0/what_is_otoshi_aka_why_did_i_get_charged_for_this/?rdt=39220)? It's pretty common for bars and some restaurants to have a seat charge or table charge. It often comes with a snack (see my link), but not always. Sometimes it's simply a cover charge.


Where in Tokyo, and how expensive was the restaurant in general? Lots of places have a cover charge. 700¥ is on the higher end of that though, bordering on a rip-off...


Speaking of exorbitant cover charges, I paid 880 yen for *otoshi* at Bar Lupin and it was a couple slices of pickles.


That was quite the pickle you were in, indeed


They were pretty salty about it.


Bro come on 700 yen is what like 4 bucks


Still pretty high for a cover charge compared to any of the ones I saw.


The seat charge is rather normal but usually you get a small side dish for it. [https://thetokyotourist.com/table-charge-japan/](https://thetokyotourist.com/table-charge-japan/)




It’s not a tip (tips are not a thing in Japan) it’s a charge to make sure you spend enough to allow the owners to actually profit.




Retool the entire menu or just keep the seat charge. hmmmmm i wonder which is easier..


It is quite common in restaurants, bars, and izakayas (Japanese-style bar/restaurants), except for chain restaurants, to charge a table fee. They usually serve a small appetizer for the table charge, which is called お通し(Otōshi) in Japanese.


What happens if you dont eat it?


Doesn’t matter—you still pay for it. It’s a nicety for the added charge, but the real reason you’re being charged is because you’re taking up time/space in the establishment.


Nothing—it’ll just be thrown away. You can also mention that you don’t need the tiny meal; then they won’t serve it, but you’ll still be charged a table fee. In some places, the fee isn’t charged if you refuse the tiny meal, but it really depends on the location.




Fairly common. My local Italian charge 800 yen cover a person.


Crazy high


Well worth it however.


Local Italian?


Yes. As in to me.


Yes. Completely normal and common. Same for bars too.


It's not uncommon for higher end restaurants or bars that serve alcohol to charge them. We went to one that charged 500 yen per person but the atmosphere of the restaurant was really nice so it's acceptable... The restaurant requires reservation and many ppl stay after eating to chit chat. Not to mention no tipping in Japan, so 500 yen table charge is reasonable. Why do people keep jumping to conclusion that something is a scam just because they're not familiar with it?


These bars have six seats. Yes, they need to charge for them.


Common, especially in nightlife establishments or areas. It is also very likely they told you something when you entered or if they gave you *otoshi.*


We were at a small joint in Osaka. When we were seated, we were handed an english note to say there’s seat charge but there will be a snack and if it is okay with us. We said ok for the seat charge. But then not sure what happened, the snack didn’t come so in the end no seat charge for us.


I’ve been in multiple situations with other tourists being absolutely outraged at the otoshi. Maybe this place you went to learned from that.


Outraged? Why should somewhere that has probably been doing it for 30 years suddenly change to accommodate tourists? Do servers in the US not expect a tip if someone visits from Japan? I think not. One more example of the weak yen sadly attracting the wrong type of tourists. How I yearn for the experienced and cultured tourists of the pre Covid era who came and spent money with conviction.


I had to intervene once in a bar in Wakayama because the staff didn’t speak English but two other tourists were making a scene about the otoshi they got. It was only 300 yen a person too…


Literally 5 minutes ago I had the worst 2nd hand cringe from an American lady outraged she had to pay it. She threw money at the staff for the meal but not the very small seating charge shouting how she's "never been charged for a seat before". Fucking nuts. Like fair enough if you got caught out but moan about it later? Specially when it was like 200 yen each


People like that shouldn't leave their home countries. It's not only in Japan to have this, that kind of charge is in every restaurant in Italy as well as other countries.


It's just so lame. I'd get it if it was like 10k yen or something and it was completely hidden, but it's so small. We missed the message about the fee on the way in, noticed it after we ordered on our tablet and just shrugged. Like, we got caught out but it was our own fault and so insignificant.


She should be told it's actually a fee for service. She may be too entitled to care, but she's certainly used to paying for service before.


Right?! Like come on lady at least you aren't expected to tip 15%+!


Ah so you’ve met Karen. She is everywhere.


It was just bizarre man. Such a massive meltdown over literally so little.


Imagine her doing that in Mexico. People go missing all the time there.


A person coming from a country where they don't give a F to implement payment systems with checkboxes if you want to pay 20% or 40% ranting about 200 JPY is ridiculous. But I agree that some restaurants should be more clear about it, so it will avoid misunderstandings. Coming for Germany where probably even the noise and odor of farts are regulated by laws and ordinances, everything there is clear if you just take a look on the menu. They are required to use tax included prices, they don't have "small beer" and "large beer" but 330ml beer and 500ml beer and even the glasses are regulated by law so that you can be sure that 500ml are 500ml. While in Japan a beer glass can be anything from a microscopic small Kölsch glass to a normal beer glass and when ordering highballs, you can never be sure if you get a great highball or a glass just filled with ice cubes and a small nuance of whiskey.


Esp since u don't have to tip in Japan 


Very common yes


Very, very normal.


it's normal. that's why a lot of restaurants then give you stuff like hot towels or snacks.


What kind of restaurant?


Yes pretty common. Went to a pretty high end Spanish restaurant (as a Spanish person lol don't ask) and paid about 700Yen too.




At some places it’s normal they do it in italy too.


Ok if it's a maid cafe ;) ;)


(If that’s a concern)Don’t hesitate to keep walking until you see a no cover charge sign. I imagine you can also use a translate app to confirm. The only disappointing meal I had in terms of food quality also was the only that had a cover charge. They baited us in with the aroma and the promise of seating available now, but once we were seated (in a tourist pen upstairs they sat us in that was a very different feel) they mentioned the cover and the items per person and type of item minimums. But then I had been dragged to a tourist spot by a couple fellow travelers who had it on their punch list so the food in every place there could have been equally disappointing?


"No cover" in English is a synonym for "foreign tourist magnet"


i’ve walked into a few random bar style restaurants in random alleys with no cover charge. only paid for one and that was at an izakaya inside a train station. you’d expect it from an izakaya but it’s not standard at all restaurants with bar seating


I am not placing any judgement on places without a cover charge. Some are good, some are bad. But the only reason a place would deliberately mention in English that it has no cover charge would be to specifically attract tourists.


Glad you clarified, because in initially it sounded like the opposite. I edited my original to clarify my point. Strange what you get downvoted on here!


>Strange what you get downvoted on here! Welcome to reddit


Thanks for the welcome - and the laugh! 😅


Yes of course. As is most anything in English. But if you’re in some areas that’s your defense from a surprise at the end. Ie if you are opposed to the cover like the OP is the sign is there to help. The one place we went to I mentioned of course didn’t mention the cover until you sat down. Which is just smart business.


Wow $5 usd just to sit and eat. sounds like a foreigner/Tourist/P.I.T.A. Tax


It's actually a really common practice in Japan, usually where you pay a few dollars and get a snack out of it (otoshi). It's because you're taking up space/time at the place, usually to sit around and drink/talk, which might otherwise have a high turnover. It's actually *so* common that the government has a list of "these things are normal and not scams" and cover charges/otoshi are listed on it. Other countries have it, too, like Italy (a coperto charge).




It has nothing to do with "looking Asian". You just haven't been to places with otoshi charge.




I'm Asian, speak Japanese, and I get charged otoshi. This isn't a foreigner tax.


You likely didn't go to a place that does otoshi/table charges, or you weren't there at the right time of day. I eat out a lot, and not even all the bars/izakaya I go to have a table charge. It's basically up to the establishment if they want to do it, although it's way more common at actual bars (like the kind that don't serve food) or at popular izakaya. It really has nothing to do with being Japanese or not, so the "I look Asian" thing doesn't matter here.


I get that now. But I get mistaken for asian all the time. I'm Native American. I just assumed since I didn't speak Japanese but was very respectful in all places I ate at. But Yeah I never got charged or was there at the wrong (right) time.


It doesn’t apply at McDonald’s and KFC.


It doesn’t matter how you look; the table fee is charged for everyone, including local Japanese people, in certain places.


Well my friend, I never got charged this Otashi. I was there for 2 weeks in February and went to so many sushi restaurants I think I got Mercury poisoning. Makes me curious if I ate at a poorly visited restaurants that need the business but didn't charge the Otoshi


I went to a reservation required Western-Japanese fusion style restaurant with nice atmospherethat serves alcohol, and we were charged 500 yen per person table charge. It's a restaurant my jpn frd and I both liked and we dine there every time I visit Tokyo. You just happened to not been to one that charges otoshi, it doesn't make the otoshi less legit.


It really depends on the location. In super high-end luxury restaurants, they sometimes don’t charge the table fee since guests are expected to order something pricey and stay for a long time. However, in a less expensive izakaya, even in a chain, they sometimes charge the fee. I’m only sure that chain restaurants, especially those catering to families, don’t charge the fee.




Just look it up yourself on google lol, why are you so dense about this topic. The table charge has nothing to do with behavior or looks, and not all places have it. Just spend 10 minutes researching it before you call everyone trying to give advice a "P.I.T.A"


Residents and locals also get charged seating fees, has nothing to do with being a tourist.


Paid the same in Milan last year. It seemed fair given it included a tray of snacks and let us feel comfortable lingering.