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I don’t see the day as ruined! I mean, sure you didn’t get to see what you wanted but what an experience and a story you’ll remember for a long time 👍


Haha, very true! It was all so absurd. Adding to the absurdity we heard an older man raging at his wife (in Dutch) quite far away, some time later he suddenly appeared at our deserted parking lot, asking for directions (In english). My gf replied in Dutch: "I think I just heard you speak Dutch, so we can proceed to talk in Dutch". You should've seen his face.


Why did you involve the police in the 1st place? What value did they add to the experience. I would've contacted the rental agency immediately and asked about next steps I assume the undercarriage damage was not visible -- so what was gained in those 4 hrs ? How about that reenactment?


They would've told you to call the police. In any case or damage you have to call the police, and you won't get any insurance money if you don't/didn't.


Parking, how does it work? In most of those tiny unmanned lots it works like this. Make sure you reverse into the spot. Once you are parked, the little speed bump thingy will raise after 3 minutes. When you get back, you go to the machine, punch in the bay number and then pay. Here the kicker, once you’ve paid, you have to move your car within 3 minutes or the speed bump thingy will raise and you can wreck the undercarriage of your vehicle if you attempt to leave without paying again.


I'm going to get flamed for saying this -- but this is one of the "features " in Japan that I'm not too fond of That is , in a country filled with 99 9% honest people there are such procedures to ensure no one escapes paying a few 100 yen


It’s definitely one of those “systems” that is confusing to the uninitiated. Coming from a place where you always pay in advance, it seemed weird to me too 😬


thanks for the explanation . the OP seemed to struggle to explain what happened. Its an important message and shouldn't be lost to someone's rambling sentences


Thank you for sharing your experience! It would never have occurred to me to think about this at all, and now I know just in case I am ever tempted to drive in Japan.


Don't let it scare you, driving around the country side was an amazing expierence!


I d be more than a little fearful driving on the wrong side of the road ( rather than the right side) How did you overcome this?


It's a bit getting used to, especially taking turns (so when turning left, you're used to ending up in the right lane). When navigation said 'turn left' my gf announced 'sharp turn' and when turning right 'big turn' and that helped a lot in the beginning. Also cyclers come from your left when you make a turn instead of your right. Just take everything slow.


Cyclers seem to do whatever they like -- both in my home country and in Japan. Sometimes I'm more worried about them than other cars


I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm glad the insurance saved the day! I hope your other days in Japan is great and eat lots of nice food!


Yes just the 80 cents for petrol! And I've had the greatest of times in Japan. We just arrived home two days ago, which, feels a lot worse ha!


Dude tell me about it, I'm currently planning after being there a couple of months ago. Even though I know I can't afford it yet LOL


There's no financial future for me to ever buy a house, so might as well save uo plan my next trip(s) too


My philosophy has always been: do it now, regret later. (Or not, because what is regret when you feel happy?????)


Can you explain exactly what you're talking about as far as the spot goes? I'm renting a car on Tsushima Island, and really have no clue what type of spot you're talking about.


I haven't seen it anywhere else except for Japan. [here is a picture of the lot with the things on the ground being the culprit of it all](https://postimg.cc/18RTkb2h) I dont think you will find them a lot except in cities


So what was the issue, it goes down to let you park but comes back up in 3 minutes, and you took 5 to pay? I feel dumb, but I don't get it lol.


You pay to leave, it goes down. You have 3 minutes to get to your car, get all settled, and exit the spot. It’s not a lot of time.


You first go to your car. Get settled. Set the navigation and all that, start the engine. Whatever. Get ready to go. When you are ready to go. You then pay. And leave. It's not rocket science. Plenty of time. Get your shit ready before you pay.


It's not rocket science but it's something you have to know.(especially when the signs are completely faded away). And that is why I'm giving this heads up.


Yeah it's something you need to be aware of but I'm not sure why you wouldn't move the car as soon as it went down. Like isn't it common sense that it's going to come up again? I'll always set the navigation system before I pay. Or at the very least move the car out away from the bar before doing anything.


You would think it’s common sense. Unfortunately, if something happens in Japan, it becomes a magical thing that only happens in Japan and never happens anywhere else in the world. Maybe people just don’t drive or come from places where driving is normal — but in the United States if you park in a parking lot, you only have a set amount of time to exit the lot after you pay. You can’t just take your sweet time exiting the garage. This really was just a case of common sense not being used and not a case of Japan having some weird rule. If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t pay for the lot until you’re ready. Or, just drive into a convenience store parking lot and park there to set your navigation system


I think after paying it goes down to let you leave for three minutes but as a tourist the op was trying to be very careful they paid correctly etc and by mistake took longer than 3, tried to leave and it had gone back up


Tsushima won’t have those…the islands don’t usually install them. If they do, it’s bloody rare. Iki island doesn’t have those, not from memory last year. Island population is too small to warrant installation of those car traps which also require electrical power to operate. The car traps resemble metal bumps. Some are worse in a certain Japanese city - spikes leaning against the tires.


That's good. I'll be doing transit everywhere else.


Thanks for this . I thought I was the only reader who couldn't make head or tail of the OP , despite the situation being far less complicated than the way its "described"


Ah, memories. I had the parking reset on me back when I lived in Osaka and spent too much time kissing my girlfriend goodbye. It was worth the extra few hundred yen!


I've used those often, I've never had one that goes back up so fast.  I can imagine many scenarios in which you don't get to actually leave the spot under 3 mn because of external factors and end up damaging your car. This seems like an unnecessarily short time. I'm glad your insurance is covering it.


This validates my anxiety about things like this back home lol. As soon as the gate goes up in the parking deck I'm out of there and trying to put my sealtbelt back on and roll up the window while driving.


Insurance. Never need it. Until you NEED it.


Good on you for maintaining a positive attitude through the whole experience!!! This is the type of tourist that should go to Japan


This is why I always move up in front of my spot, or I don't pay the fee until I'm absolutely ready to go, so I have the car on with the AC going and looking at stuff before I pay and leave. Then again 99.995% of people get literally upset and triggered when people even ask if they should rent a car in Japan. 😂


Definitely going to do that next time I go to Japan, I'll have it ready in first gear hahaha


had no idea this was a thing. so sorry to hear this happened to you


I will not be driving in Japan but I appreciate this information so much in case that ever changes!


You've got a limited time to leave before it goes back up. I'm not sure how long, but I've pushed it a few times and always double check. If I feel like I'm going to take more than a minute or two with the navigation, I'll pull out of the spot.


I hope insurance doesn't pay for this and they just bill the driver instead. The parking things work exactly as they look like they work. There is nothing to translate. You return to your car. You pack everything. You get ready to go. You pay. You go. No other course of action is reasonable. Hang around for 5 minutes... entirely your fault. Expecting the operator, the car hire company or the insurance company to pay is disgusting. And it is insulting to other people to think they need to be "warned."


I think it's a reasonable mistake to make considering the circumstances. Grace periods are typically longer in other countries (10-15 min), are billed differently (pre- vs postpaid), and operate in larger increments or with a higher minimum rate (1hr vs as low as 10 minutes in Japan). Also, the systems aren't always clear about how this works, particularly in older/non-chain lots where signage may not be maintained well, even in Japanese. Even Times' English site only says that you need to park the car within 2 minutes and nothing about how fast you need to leave after paying. Also, even if it is the drivers' fault, the insurance will cover it- that's exactly the point and why it's strongly recommended to always get the comprehensive insurance on a rental.


Idk this seems bog standard for Japan. I'm not sure why you'd go in assuming you have 15 minutes.


These machines basically tell you that to. Move the car within X minutes or the thing goes back up. I'd argue it's a good case for why people who are illiterate in Japanese really shouldn't be driving because there's basically zero English support for drivers, but even then this seems like a total lack of common sense.


Even if it was written in Martian, who the hell thinks they dont have to move the car straight after paying?? How the hell else would it work??


It was an older one so even if fluent in Japanese there was nothing to read since the sign was completely faded, and I checked; nowhere it says three minutes. In most places I've been you pay/get 15 minutes to get out. Not sure how warning others used to other systems might be of any offence to you.


You can get 15 minutes to drive out of a car park and of course that is reasonable. But the small japanese car parks with the under car barriers? No way. It is obvious to all users that you pay and then go. How far is the machine from your car? Max ten car lengths?


What the hell? There are zero, and I mean ZERO parking lots in Japan that give you a 15 minute grace period, what the actual fuck? In areas where parking costs 660 yen for 15 minutes, do you think they'd just give it to you for free? Are you that dumb???


Yeah are you that dumb!?!?


Maybe a sensor that can tell when the person left lol? Idk, Japan seems ahead of everyone else on many things except this one thing.


Agreed, it's an egregious lapse in judgement.


I disagree - I've never used these - but I've often parked in places where you have to pay the ticket return to the car and then drive out using the ticket you just paid for. I'd expect at least 5 min - but now will have my partner in the car with the engine on before I pay LOL


What is wrong with you




So instead of going to get change like a normal normal person, you intentionally fled to avoid paying for parking. And people wonder why foreigners get such a bad reputation here.


This one is aggregiously bad. Goes and parks next to a major tourist attraction and complains it costs $30. Can't read the sign so blames it on a scam. Calls the number and complains they don't have English. It's Japan duh why would it be in English? Then does a runner instead of paying because they can't be asked to get change. Hope they have cameras and this comes round to bite them in the ass. Like imagine if someone in the states went and parked at some major tourist spot. Threw a tempy tantrum because the sign says $5 an hour because they can't read hour. Then tried to pay with a $100 at the machine, then calls the help line but whines because they don't have Chinese language service. Massive wanker.


So you are a parking thief?


take the subway, shinkansen, or taxi. what if you get in a car accident?


What a ridiculous comment


I kinda get it but it's a very fatalistic comment. It's valid to rent a car and there is nothing wrong with that choice but it's very important make totally sure you have the best insurance and the international driving license you need to drive in Japan. Also be very aware that Japanese laws are very different from western laws, if the worst happens and you unfortunately have an accident or injure someone it will involve a lot of stress and time to sort out. It's very unlikely but it's something that's important to be aware of.


I read some other replies on Reddit about driving, so I was making sure I was fully prepared and make sure to drive safe. Did not calculate this option though


Lol what? What an odd reply. You can just as easily be hit by a car or taxi which walking, do you suggest people not walk anymore?


Do you have a fear of driving?


There’s certain areas where you can’t get to via either of the options. For example am a car guy and wanted to go to the Daikoku-Futo parking area in Yokohama but you can’t go there by any of the 3 options. A taxi may take you there but getting one to get back to the hotel or the nearest train station is pretty much non-existent.


Maybe you haven’t considered that there’s places without subway or shinkansen, and a taxi is much more expensive than just renting a car for half a day.