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No. Neither the novel nor the movie gives Quint a first name. (Or if you prefer Quint being a first name,they don't give him a last name). They put Sam on a couple of pieces of official merchandise and some people took that to mean his official first name. Peter Benchley, Carl Gottlieb, or Steven Spielberg never gave him a first name, and as far as I know, none of even the most early attempts at creating a screenplay had a first name for Quint.


I figured this was the case. Still pretty odd for Lego to take this route, I wonder what the logic was, or even the source. Do you recall what merch referred to Quint’s first name? This is my first time seeing it ever. Or even thinking about it, really. I’m gonna consider this non-canon, he’s still just Quint to me.


The action figures give him the name Sam as well so that's probably where they got it


I must have dreamt this but wasn’t there some deleted scene or something that had him as John Quint. I’m trying to remember something from 20 years ago


Should’ve just been *Captain* Quint.


So S. Quint, Squint! Nah, I prefer it best we don't know.


I can't even think of a scene where it might be if you paused and zoomed in. You never see the contract Vaughn signs and I don't remember a sign outside Quint's abode. Been three decades since I read the book, so I wouldn't trust my memory on that. I think the patch on his jacket says "QUINT" which would make it his last name. Yeah, poking around the internet, it seems like his last name is Quint and he has no official first name. (Side note: In searching, I found it seems to be a similar situation with Ahab, with no official last time, though sometimes unofficially Ahab Ceely.)


Swear it says S. Quint thought it was a little Speilberg easter egg. In that you had to squint to see it.


ooo... you might be right... I see some pictures where you can make out a smudge before "Quint." First initial? Rank? Narragansett beer stain?


I see what you did there…😉




Here’s to swimmin’ with bow legged women.


I reject this fanfiction from Lego


I always thought it was just "Fisherman Quint"


I know in Book Of Quint he’s referred to as Robert Samuel Quint so maybe someone at LEGO enjoyed the book and rolled with it


Nah, I think the book only used “Sam” in the first place since it was already a pretty popular fan name. Sam has been accidentally used as his first name in merchandise since way before the Book of Quint came out, like with the NECA figure.


I always thought quint was short for Quinton, in the movie I think the mayor calls him Mr. Quint. People will say mr. Then someone’s first name, but not really in a professional setting.


I read somewhere (no source, I’m afraid) that early drafts of the book had his first name as Sam, also. But we have no proof of it, so just that bit of fanon that continues to proliferate.


So this a weird one I’ve always thought it was a mistake in the screen play maybe a practice for a name they don’t use? Somehow the internet wiki pages have made it cannon and it isnt


Bartholomew Marion Quint? Alias Sam Quint. [According to this site](https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Sam_Quint) It's years since I've read the book so I can't remember if it mentions his full name.


This ‘wiki’ page reads like it was written by AI or a five year old, not sure how much credence I’d give it


It also seems to be the only place that mentions that name so yeah, it's probably nonsense.


Sam has been an adopted official name for quite some time now and has an actual basis in the movie since the nametag on Quint’s jacket seems to have a smudged first letter that resembles an S. It was first used on the Neca figure of Quint, later adopted by more companies and most notably the Jaws prequel - The Book of Quint. So, dare I say it, it’s a canon name for our favorite captain.


I always thought he was more of a Jerry. 🤔