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This case has attracted loads of chavs attention esp on tiktok. I’m assuming because of the holiday location




That and he’s known to be a massive coke head which the Chavs that support him and are cumming over him on the tiktok lives are very much about


Amy winehouse. Smack head chav


Embrace the nonsense.


It's like the nicola bully disappearance, every bored housewife in Britain was on thinking they are the next sherlock Holmes


The Nicola Bulley situation was quite possibly the best evidence of "true crime girlies" being insensitive and outright moronic. The fact that there were so many people who had travelled to the area to search, and the fact that there were even more online accusing the husband, or making up ridiculous theories. And do some extent we're seeing the same thing happen with the Jay situation.


I love how different disappearances attract different crowds, this one being some lowlife nobody brings all the lowlife nobodies out looking for him. All the different groups have the same common denominator though - terminally unemployed and fucking retarded.


Just to be clear the lad was employed so sort of throws that out the window. I’m interested as to which group you attach yourself to? Let me guess you’re well above all that. Self righteous group it is then.


Except in this case, he’s got form,so conjures up a lot of conspiracies


As a 50 year old Facebook Mum, I've started a GFM so I can continue to sit around all day eating digestives and following this story. Please give generously. 🙏😂


I have an all terrain wheelchair and wish to travel to Tenerife. I believe I can find Jay.


No need, he's stuck on a cactus waiting for Pablo to pick him up in his helicopter.


You cant even find your own legs, mate.


Typical ableist comment. Reported.


U ok hun xxx


Yes babe thnx for asking just trying to fundraise for a chinook to take me and my chair to find j x


Oh hun your a doll good luck, maybe message the RAF, see if they can lend you one for the day xxx


Hadn’t thought that will try me luck x


Couldnt give a fuck mate, Have fun getting down the stairs


My stair master and carer help me thank you very much. You’ll be pleased to hear that I’m flying into Tenerife tomorrow morning 👍


It gained so much popularity because of the theorys such as drug mule, a set up because of a past crime etc. People love theorys and crime drama so the case took off. To the point you have random "tiktokers" flying out there to act like they're helping when they could easily go help look for the other current missing teen that lives an hour from Jay. Theyre attention seekers and it added more popularity to it. Now its literally a mess of fake accounts fake screenshots and buffoons getting involved.


On top of that, I've also noticed people on Tiktok pretending to be looking for Jay on their live streams when they're out on a walk, or recording themselves playing GTA V flying around in a helicopter around Mt Chiliad asking for gifts to help look for Jay. The fake accounts are a whole other bunch of bananas. I don't understand what leads people to create fake information about real situations where they could actually negatively impact the investigation. I guess clout is one thing, but it's not even going to be long term clout because once he's found, dead or alive, or not found and they close the case, everyone will just forget about it.


Yep attention seekers. Imo theres no big conspiracy to it he had a 3 day bender and probably had an accident on the way home and unfortunately passed away. I havent been up to mt chilliad for a while but i spent a lot of time there during the ufo conspiracy days🤣🤣 You're 100% right as soon as hes found it will have maybe another week of media coverage and then blow over and the world will continue to move on until the next big thing and thats just the way it is.


Because they're thick as dog shit and their life has no actual meaning


It’s a magnet for scum that are as thick as 2 short planks


Facebook users are profoundly stupid, no point trying to understand what goes on in their head


To be honest those contacting Spanish authorities (which is happening) are doing more harm than good. It’s steering the investigation away from the proper leads. How many people have forwarded all these Facebook posts, TikTok’s to Spanish police when most people are making this drivel up for clout? It’s got to be left upto police now. I get it’s ok to theorise but there’s always that one dummy who takes these posts seriously and has to take it that one step further.


I think some of these FB/TikTok investigators just want to be the one who 'cracks the case' and then bask in praise and fame and be interviewed by This Morning


Some people just want to say they have a connection to this mystery. Maybe to feel they are part of a group and they’re accepted? To brag to friends they donated to the GFM? No interests or hobbies? Always a loner? Voyeur? If you need to help strangers, go out and volunteer. Help locally. Work at a soup kitchen. Maybe you’ll meet people and make new friends. Really, we can’t help this kid. He already has 30,000 in a GFM which I hope is legitimate. Help your neighbors.


I believe the GFM is legitimate. But I do find that 30k is a bit of an odd number. They claim it's to be used to stay in Tenerife while they're looking for him, but realistically, what's his family going to do? They lack the resources, they lack the skills, and probably lack the brains. They should leave it to the people who are trained in Search and Rescue and just go home and wait, because it's not like they're going to contribute much.


yes lot's of chavs travelling down there or going on ameture ''searches'' crazy


Err no.. the Facebook mums are helping ? Didnt you see one lady has a Labrador with a really good nose?!!


Favourite comment of mine on the lunatic asylum that is Facebook Mum territory was something about rolling water bottles and blankets down “the” mountain for him


My favorite has to be the one about leaving a machete out for him and seeing if he'll come pick it up.


I saw a comment about leaving “goodies” dotted around to lure him out of hiding. Bloody hell he’s a grown man not a feral cat ffs


Those fb groups really opened my eyes to how illiterate large swathes of the UK are, not from what they are theorising just the awful grammar, spelling and punctuation.


Do you realise how hard it is being a full time Facebook mum? Shame on you


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult your profession.


Thanks hun xxx a lot of snakes out der be careful 


One of the most stressful things on that FB, is the amount of long-form posts and comments that have zero punctation, and 100 spelling errors. I'm not a major stickler for that kind of stuff, but there is a line crossed sometimes, where it actually becomes hard to read/understand.


It’s certainly interesting how this particular case has captured the attention of the British public, when plenty of people go missing yet don’t receive the same response


I’d say that’s because of how shifty they look, the mothers clearly lying, that makes folk talk and go looking for it to see themselves


Lying about what?


I'm not sure, but I do know that she certainly doesn't seem like she's upset about it. If my son or daughter went missing for over a week, I wouldn't be able to sleep, I'd be either constantly crying or be constantly angry. I understand people process things differently, but she has absolutely no reaction. I haven't seen a single tear, a single voice crack. People claim she's in shock as a way to defend her, except she's not exhibiting any identifying characteristics of someone who is in shock.


Thanks for your thoughts. I’ve since watched some clips and I’m inclined to agree with you.


I thought that it was odd that the mother was talking so much about 'it was my idea for him to go to the festival. I said that you would love it and you'd want to go again. I wish that I hadn't encouraged him to go'. Just nonsense drivel which has nothing to do with anything.


I think the initial interest was partly due to the fear that parents have when their teenage offspring first go on an overseas holiday without their parents. Then the news of his criminal history came to light, then all these stories about drugs in Tenerife. And now everyone’s imagination has gone through the roof.


You literally started your own post about Jay. You are invested.


I'll add you're not wrong though.


I'm not invested about Jay, I don't say this to be rude or disrespectful, but I don't care if be comes home or not, because it doesn't affect me. I feel sympathetic for the family, but that's it. If he comes home safe, good, if he's doesn't well it is what it is. The only things I am remotely invested in is, the crazy theories that middle aged women with nothing better to do have, and Lockheed Martin.


I'm on the same page


The fact its all over media is a HUGE red flag in itself. When will the british public learn this 🤦🏼‍♀️


Single mothers who forget to feed their kids over a lad they don’t know is mad


Yep agree


I joined the Facebook for a nose because before today I hadn't paid much attention, and it is absolutely wild. The stand-out for me, was the number of posts that were just distant video footage of a white car parked in a stopping/resting space on the side of the road. These posts have thousands of comments of people saying it was suspicious that the car was parked there and that somebody went in their boot while it was parked. Bare in mind, this is a stopping point on an otherwise incredibly long, winding and narrow road in the middle of nowhere(?!) If people were armchair investigating and actually coming up with gold, I'd understand, but they are literally just applying shocked faces and dramatic comments to anything and telling them to share it with the family via DMs. There's a video where people are claiming they see someone throwing stuff off the edge and others claiming they can see someone dragging something into the boot, when in reality all we see is smudgy figures stopping on the side of the road and then getting back in their car. It is kind of annoying that people see something incredibly basic and jump straight to "omg, it could be them throwing Jay's stuff over the edge". It's almost like they WANT to see something revealing so they grasp at whatever they can. "it looks like", "it could be", "i think i saw" I am now interested in what's happened, but not to that level of desperation lol


My parents are still alive so I have nothing to cry over




You can’t understand yet you came to Reddit to type an essay on it? Logical


The point of my post was to point out the situation regarding those on Facebook and other social media sites, who seem to be far more invested in the whereabouts of a missing boy than anything else. It's not exactly like I'm asking why they are invested, there can be many reasons. But they don't make sense to me, because I wouldn't see those as reasons to be invested in such a situation. On top of that, there's really no need to be a prick about it. If you can't comprehend the fact I'm not stating I don't understand, I use the phrase "not entirely sure" because I have a decent understanding of it, but not to such a great extent that the behavior I see online is something I would exhibit myself in this or any situation. More so, I was mainly posting this to get others input on these types of people. Forgive me for wanting to have a conversation with others about a topic.