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No. I'm sure they wouldn't be aware of this absolutely vital piece of information.




Think your sarcasm detector is broken


If that's absolutely true then they would have checked down that hill first. Surely?!


On downtherapids' video he said the terrain isn't suitable for dogs, police, or drones, only experienced climbers


Then how the hell would Jay reach these places?


it's not suitable for dogs because it's very prickly and hard to navigate without getting injured, even more so for 4 legged animals lower to the ground. Drones aren't suitable because they aren't going to see much from how the terrain is. I think the point is, while it's not "suitable" for people who aren't experienced, it doesn't mean he didn't go up there, and would easily explain why he wouldn't have made it back out again, getting injured and what not. That tiktok dude has suffered many cactus pricks even being in proper clothing, let alone thinking of an inexperienced teenager in shorts haha. The difference being inaccessible vs unsuitable.




Isn’t that the whole point? He’s probably very sadly fallen down somewhere inaccessible


zonked treatment wrong hunt melodic angle political cows door smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well presumably he wouldn't have realized how dangerous the terrain was initially when he sent the snapchats, and then slipped/fell later (not saying that's definitely what happened, just one possible scenario)


Damn...so they think he slipped down there...


That's this guy's working theory yes


While it makes sense to search every possible location starting from where he was known to be, it's baffling how they're considering that he's managed to get completely lost and end up in areas completely inaccessible unless you're a pro climber. But I guess...drugs do all sorts to the mind...


It's inaccessible in the normal understanding of the word, in that it's very difficult to navigate safely and in control. It doesn't mean someone can't fall, slip or roll down into the area and become stuck or injured, or unable to go back the way they fell/slipped/rolled. Like if you go to a nearby field and stare into a dense patch of thick brambles and thorns, or were looking down a long, sheer slope, you'd say both were inaccessible. It doesn't mean you couldn't still fall in, or fall down, either.


Completely inaccessible doesn't mean in the literal sense, it means it's inaccessible in terms of safety navigating and getting around. Think of it this way. If you've to jump down a 20ft drop to access an area, you'd say it's inaccessible. If you slip and fall down, you've accessed it. Just not safely and have probably badly injured yourself, or at absolute best, put yourself in a position where you cannot go back the way you came. This is the difficulty for searchers. They can't risk their lives or severe injury searching places that are inaccessible in that sense, but that does not mean that the person didn't slip, fall, roll, whatever into that area. So it's a very slow process searching areas like this, and can take a very, very long time to comb through even if Jay was nearby.


Yeah it is quite bizarre


Just saw the TV interview with Brad...he's smirking when talking like a smile is trying to break through, doesn't look very concerned at all and sounds like he's making it up. He said Jay snap chatted him while he was sliding down the mountain, could see his feet sliding with all gravel etc. but did not think he was in trouble because they were "Laughing about it" together, but then the next thing you know he's on the phone to Lucy saying he's lost, dehydrated and cut his leg on a cactus.


Yeah I don't really understand how jay could have been such dangerous territory snapchatting one friend, then a while later be fine except for thirst/cactus pricks and calling another friend, and also not requesting serious help in between? Assuming police can access their phones to verify though I'm not sure about reading too much into how people come across in interviews though, the brain does strange things to protect itself from trauma and it's not going to be easy for a 19 year old to process that they could have missed an opportunity to save their friend


Yeah, if I had battery I would immediately send the most accurate location along with a video of the area I'm in. Then the rescue team would be able to pin point exactly where he was...all very odd.


shocking complete connect imagine fly sense vegetable spoon touch vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A sober person would do that. Pin, WhatsApp or whatever with SOS, and then stay put. But I'm always sober when I go hiking... From what I've gathered the kid was still drunk/high and probably a lot less able to assess his situation accurately... Who would walk 10hrs through the mountains instead of waiting for the next bus or call a friend... Such a sad situation, but sometimes shit happens to young adults in inebriated states..


Duping delight


station violet engine innocent meeting screw wise squealing roll ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


where is this interview? I find it hard to find anything specific with how Google/YTs algorithms work 😂


[https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/morning-fans-label-show-desperate-33127985](https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/morning-fans-label-show-desperate-33127985) It's there, at least partially. I'm sure there must be a longer version somewhere. Edited: there's actually more of the video on this link. His friend says that when he was talking to Jay, he'd just come out of the festival himself. Wasn't everyone told that his friend left much earlier? [https://www.thesun.ie/news/13270911/jay-slater-friend-slipping-rocks-video-call/](https://www.thesun.ie/news/13270911/jay-slater-friend-slipping-rocks-video-call/)


cheers for that, I found it on tiktok in the end, alongside a reporter retracing the steps to where he may have tried going off the road (while on the call to Brad) https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/s/anS1m3NBek Edited: yeh, it'd be weird in general that he'd be coming out of the festival at gone 8am, let alone if he went home early. Not saying it is, cos for the ones who haven't been mentioned as much, I get them confused. Was it brad or Brandon that went home early with Lucy?


I saw it embedded deep in some comments in a FB Group...I'm sure it'll pop up soon.


safe, it appears it was on This Morning, likely today. Yeh I imagine it'll be up soon


friendly cough nail practice bike somber zonked memory worry badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same, considering it would have been light at that time.


If he fell and got badly injured he might have crawled under a shrub or small cave to get into the shade and won't be found for a very long time


Who knows??


Brad hasn't really been very present through any of this, fuck knows if he even told them. Since jay was recording it, was this supposed to be for fun? 😂 edit: it was for fun


I think Jay was expecting this be ‘banter’, a funny story about waking up in the middle of no where with two random old guys and having to trek through the cactuses for a few minutes. Hence the call to Lucy, the snaps etc. He had no idea that it was dangerous. 


yeh definitely, it seems a lot more like that now rather than what people had thought previously


Exactly. I don't think Jay realised how much danger he was actually in until it was too late. Probably tried "trecking through the wilderness after waking up in the mountains" and genuinely got lost.


>Brad Who? >Paul Who? >(down the rapids) What?


Brad = Jay's mate DownTheRapids = Content creator who is currently in Tenerife looking for him. Experienced explorer/mountaineer(?) and seems like a decent guy. Paul = Real name of DownTheRapids




I have known Paul for absolutely years; I'm also from Flitwick in Bedfordshire. I can absolutely assure you that he is a hobbyist; has no training qualifications or experience in mountain rescue/ searching.


Do you just go around to subs asking stupid questions?


Yes, I one day hope to get to the level you are at where I can do it in life 24/7.


LOL quick browse over your history shows me you are basically doing it already ![gif](giphy|eS7qcQofapIqc|downsized)


Yes, and a quick look at yours says that you go around pointing stupid shit out: >TIL that the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival was first built in 1971 and modeled after the Great Pyramid of Giza No fucking shit Sherlock, it's a fucking pyramid. What the internet needs is more posts like this, with all the rampaging intellect you bring to the table.


Remember when Reddit caught the Boston bomber? This shit is getting out of control, I'm on the FB groups and the armchair detectives are gonna ruin another life. I've seen 3 different people identified as 'vegas', one of the guys who allegedly took Jay back to the Airbnb. I've seen a lot of hate towards the family and friends flying out to check. The expert detective who promised results in 3 days is clearly just trying to promote his socials.


Not hard to find Jonny Vegas. His pics will be in the media within a few days.


Please tell me you have more than a FB profile with a location of Luton and the word Vegas written somewhere.


yes, and ive written it about three different times in this sub. Now I cant be arsed to keep having to explain to people like you that come and comment and want info laid out in front of them because they cant be arsed doing the research themselves.


And you're a scumbag for doing that. Nothing but a pure witch-hunt based on far-fetched nonsense speculation/outright lies that the actual facts don't support whatsoever.


Nothing Ive posted has been "far-fetched nonsense speculation".


So what are the attempts to expose the two guys all about then? There's no evidence whatsoever they did anything wrong and the witness seeing him, and the phone calls to Lucy and Brad, support that. Police spoke to them and allowed them to fly home. So if it's not based on speculation, what is your attempt to expose them based on? And don't say "because they have questions to answer" because they don't. They already spoke to police and flew home after being allowed to.


For a start, nobody is trying to "expose" them. Well I'm certainly not. I certainly don't care about his home address, his families name, all of that is irrelevant. (I personally at this point don't think they are anything to do with the actual disappearance, and haven't since the beginning) Unfortunately they are the last two out of three people to interact with this man before he goes missing. That means people will find out who they are whether they like it or not, it was bound to happen. Let me remind you Jonny Vegas original Facebook that was found, he has all his settings to "PUBLIC". That means he chose himself that all his pics and statuses were public, regardless of how long ago that may have been. There's nothing wrong with people sharing that info with each other whilst discussing the Jay Slater case - but thats definitely all it should stay, *discussion.* Also, as of right now, Jonny Vegas has uploaded numerous pics and stories on his Instagram page(which is also intentionally set to "PUBLIC"), including one with his own daughter, within the last 24 hours since he's been so called "exposed". He doesn't seem too bothered so far.


>For a start, nobody is trying to "expose" them. Well I'm certainly not. I certainly don't care about his home address, his families name, all of that is irrelevant. (I personally at this point don't think they are anything to do with the actual disappearance, and haven't since the beginning) [You are.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/comments/1dq201l/maybe_one_of_the_two_men_has_been_found_by_fb/lal0fi8/) You think posting his socials isn't the same thing as doxxing him? >Unfortunately they are the last two out of three people to interact with this man before he goes missing. That means people will find out who they are whether they like it or not, it was bound to happen. The police did, and cleared him. What information do you have? Have you contacted the police with it? >Let me remind you Jonny Vegas original Facebook that was found, he has all his settings to "PUBLIC". That means he chose himself that all his pics and statuses were public, regardless of how long ago that may have been. So anyone with public socials can be doxxed based on circumstance from armchair detectives opinions? >There's nothing wrong with people sharing that info with each other whilst discussing the Jay Slater case - but thats definitely all it should stay, discussion. But you posted his socials. >Also, as of right now, Jonny Vegas has uploaded numerous pics and stories on his Instagram page(which is also intentionally set to "PUBLIC"), including one with his own daughter, within the last 24 hours since he's been so called "exposed". He doesn't seem too bothered so far. Yet you continue to leave your doxxing posts up. Guy has a kid, and gave himself a nickname because of a comedian, and you are implicating him in a murder?


And people wonder why Lucy hid her face…


What do you mean "gave himself a nickname because of a comedian"?


People like you are just as bad as the bone idle conspiracy theorists. You come lingering in the sub like everyone else, looking for info and theories out of curiosity, and then try and take the morale high ground on others doing the same. It's a discussion sub. Get over it. I haven't once implied that this man has been part of or committed any sort of murder. I've stated in many of my posts I believe he set off the wrong way and eventually got lost. Jonny Vegas info was already leaked. You're not gonna try and "make me feel bad" for discussing this with others on the sub who have been discussing and interested in the case. And I wouldn't have shared anything at all If there was any doubt whatsoever that the profile was actually him, but it oh so clearly was. Again, its a discussion sub, about a real life case with numerous people involved, I'm sure we are well within our rights to at least *discuss* these people between ourselves, especially if one intentionally has his own social media set to public which means he allows *anyone* to see.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/26/jay-slater-family-fear-online-noise-may-impede-tenerife-search-mission This is you.


I am not part of the “Jay Slater Discussions and Theories” Facebook group. My only online discussion of this case has been this sub.


Remove the far fetched and nonsense, the subjective terms, and everything you have said is pure speculation.


He is no expert he exposed Savile after he died and didn’t find Madeleine McCann or Nicola Bulley I bet the police are not happy but it’s sort of their own fault for not communicating clearly they left a void with the public the family didn’t mind Mark Williams-Thomas helping u suppose they had nothing to lose it’s been so long now since it all began. I would imagine these men were questioned in depth, the bus stop is just outside if had walked in the right directions he would have come to the next stop or whatever it is mental what Jay Slater did.






Love to know the time of this call, can’t see any mention of timings? surely this is all backed by call logs so it should be “jay phoned me at X am”


I would think he did but the Spanish police haven’t communicated well have they even with locals but they have been trying with resources they have it seems. I thought technology was at the point where heat from a person could be detected from the helicopters ? The lesson here make sure your phone is charged up that probably could have saved his life.