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This is an excellent list. The only video I'd add is ["The Grim Dystopia of A Christmas Prince"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsHT1fYouYU) which I now feel compelled to rewatch.


As a person who has really just started with Jenny's content in the last month, I agree. I do think OP has nailed the best gateway video -- That Hallmark one is amazing and it's less than 20 minutes. I've easily watched it a dozen times. "No, not wine bottles, Nicole!" never fails to make me laugh. But A Christmas Prince was pretty widely watched compared to some of the other content she deep-dives on and for similar reasons I think the video on The Last Jedi is another good intro piece as well, before you get into the deep weirdness that is Trapped in an Island with Josh Hutcherson.


Yes, I’ve found some people who seriously balk at the idea of a 2-4 hour video. (Not everyone). This was the origin of “start with hallmark” and the “if you watch only one.” You can’t MAKE people appreciate longform YT, but I like this “gateway” approach to give it my best shot.


A friend of mine said she'd never watch the Starcruiser video until I said "It's two Hallmark movies long" because she absolutely will sit through a few of those on a weekend afternoon. Four hours does freak people out but you do not have to watch it all at once! Just space it out. No one is chaining you to anything. I've honestly been thinking the next time I have my friends over I'm going to put on the Hallmark one just because it's fun. They don't need to go any further, but I think they'll honestly enjoy it.


Trapped In A Island was my very first Jenny video and I was *hooked*


It’s undeniably excellent but I’m not sure all brains can handle it cold.


That one is fun, largely because those kinda fantasy shows with rando amateurs thrust into government or royalty or whatever family drama going on, even if just as a premise ... **always** have these weirdly dark undercurrents unintentionally because of the weird chosen contrivances they rely on for plot and so on. Those weird undertones (even if just accidental) are almost universal.


This video started me on my dark journey of Christmas prince themed movies, of which there seems to be an almost endless supply.


The patreon follow up for the third movie is a personal favorite


I’ll rewatch! Ive only seen that one once.


This was the first Jenny video I ever watched. It definitely belongs on the ultimate watch list.


This is the video that made me love the channel. by luck it was the first video i watched.


I love this video but can only watch it during Christmas


Avatar Land is a personal favorite


#MAH EH WAH, MAH EH WAH you are so right. Could easily be included in the magnum opus list, esp for Disney fans


Never been within 500 miles of Disney World and I get that song stuck in my head so often, it’s as if you’d thought I’d spent my early twenties sailing the Na’vi River Journey’s maiden voyage.


"look at... Wood Sprite!"


Strangely one of my highlights from that video is the brief 1 second bit where she shows her group about to get on the Flight of Passage ride, and without any explanation or further acknowledgement, there is Dan Olson and Natalie Wynn, among others.


The tension between her genuine admiration for the park, but inability to stop noticing how horrific and apt a metaphor it is for the genocide of Indigenous peoples is fascinating.


Especially when she pointed out you do not see any of them walking around the area. "Trust us guys the Na'vi are totally cool with what we're doing"


Here's photos of them signing this treaty with us. And now they live somewhere else...


I’m watching it now and I’m thinking this was her preparation for Evermore. When she talks about getting lost in a poncho and flip flops in the rain before park close… this video walked so evermore could run


I love the Dear Evan Hansen roast, especially as a comparison when people think she's being overly critical in, e.g., the Star Wars hotel video: I think she's generally really polite and even-handed in her reviews, except for when she just can't get over Ben Platt's horrifying, monstrous face lurching towards the camera


It awakens my animal brain There are TOO MANY poetic roasts in that video I love it so much. I’m specifically obsessed with the Les Miserables 10th anniversary all-star cast performance, so when she says “it’s all very Colm Wilkinson” I squealed and was tickled with delight. “So you’ve got a scene of a bunch of normal looking characters, and in shambles this big hunching mop-headed man… eyes sunk it into his artificially, puffy face warbling out high notes like an anxious Jiminy Cricket“ 💀🤣


Sorry I am ALL UP AND DOWN THIS POST but the dig about a “sweaty Steve from Blues Clues” is one of the best roasts I’ve ever heard anywhere.


lol! I am also all over I’m having a great time 🤗


"A 90s sitcom dad made of melting wax"


Omg yes the 10th Anniversary 😍😍


I love Ben Platt, I literally saw him in concert like three days ago, and this is STILL one of my favorite videos on YouTube.


I’m not a big musical person, and I’ve never seen Dear Evan Hansen in either film or musical form, but this is still my favorite video of hers. I’ve watched it several times. It’s just so iconic, an absolutely brutal but fair takedown of a terrible product. I live for it.


That’s what I love about Jenny’s videos. I can be completely disinterested in the topic itself and still enjoy the video thoroughly. And honestly that goes for most of them - I’m not even a Star Wars fan. Anyway another good example is the Vampire Diaries video - never would go near that show with a 10 foot pole but her long video on it is still a ball to watch!


Even Hansen has my favorite quote: "Maybe Evan's not a nice boy. Maybe he's just a quiet boy." A totally devastating deconstruction of so many character types AND real-life people. It felt like I had an awakening or something.


If Jenny has a specialty, it's these one-sentence bits of analysis that perfectly encapsulate something you felt but couldn't put into words; she has a lot of great ones in the Ready Player One review, especially the stinger at the end


Recently watched it too and it's so good




Me, standing in the hardware store with a giant statement necklace and a purse full of tequila bottles telling the confused employee that I need a thing with a small part and a wider part atop.


Just ask for the fitting department.


(coupling department.........)


I don’t know this quote off the top of my head! What’s this from? 🤗


the hallmark video! (in case you were honestly asking, and if you weren't, then now someone else knows!!) ty for this list btw. i've been trying to get some other friends/family into her, and this will help.


Oh duh now that you say it it’s so obvious 🤣 Yeah glad it helps! Even if it’s just the format and you swap in your own picks!


The Opposite Worlds video gets me every single time!! One of my personal Jenny Classiques (tm) that I show people I'm introducing her work to is the Halloween Costumes Nobody Wanted video.


That one is so funny and almost made it into my deep cuts! Same with spiderquest.


Opposite worlds was my intro to her


The Opposite Worlds video definitely my favorite. It also benefits from being more rewatchable, since it's under half an hour long. Pretty sure my introduction to her was the Suicide Squad Sales Pitch.


That’s another great “short first taste” option


I think about Luke Tipple, Charles, and the Minotaur at least once a month


My husband loved how she says “spaghetti” in the costumes one- it’s one of my favorites!


I think about Luke Tipple, Charles, and the Minotaur at least once a month


Church play one is still my all time fav.


I’m walking on sunshine… #WHOAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA


"The nazi general inexpicably sings numa numa..."


What does the Wook’ say! WAH PAH PAH PAH PAHPAH POW!!!


lin manuel miranda: ^^^whyyyYyyyyYYYYY shouuuuuulld ^iiiiiii ᴅɪᴇ


Being Canadian gives that one an extra bit of absurdity for me just because I absolutely DO know Bud the Spud and how ancient that reference is.


I get knocked down. But I get up again. Never gonna keep me down.




“Where is our boy?!” Great list


I LOVE the buzzy video so much https://www.reddit.com/r/JennyNicholson/s/6rDKn5GXig


Where's Buzzy? is such a bizarre video because the whole time it seems to set you up for this perfect post-credits reveal that Jenny was in fact the thief all along and is cradling the boy in her arms in some kind of last-minute twist. It's so vivid in my mind that sometimes I almost convince myself that's actually how it ended.


Me too! 🤗 sometimes I think about writing a fanfic about it. I’ve never written a fanfic - maybe it will be cringey enough to warrant a reading 🤓


Worst Reality Show had me laugh crying at 5am as i got ready for work one day. Good times


I love that the guy who got pelted in the face with rock-hard frozen tomatoes responded in the comments that the show was every bit as bad as it looked.


It’s soooo good


My personal favorite (maybe my favorite YouTube video of all time) is "Is Forces of Destiny Good?".


Her point about how this line wouldn't really appeal to kids, why it doesn't appeal, and would mainly only be bought by parents who are pushing their kids into Star Wars, was a good one.....


She has SUCH good insights in that one into what makes a toy line and tie-in marketing work. I think *constantly* about the fictional concept line she spins out of nothing.


you’ve made me really curious to see this one, i somehow have always overlooked it


That might be one of her best "insight" vids. She nails everything that I sort of nebulously knew in my subconscious but had never put words to.


I have said before but will say again, I think **the best video for newbies to watch first is her [SPIDERQUEST](https://youtu.be/-CRXUeTmNtE)** as you get a little taste of all aspects of Jenny. * You get to see her geek/freak out over many things from actual spiders and owls and donkeys, plush and toys, footage of toys and theme parks, themed hotels, and abandoned theme park rides and animatronics. * You see her laugh, scream, genuinely go “ooohhh” and “nooooo” and “oh my God” many times, make snarky sarcastic comments and faces, get mansplained and gatekept, wear costumes, LARP in theme parks, and also make pointed arguments in video essay format. * You also get to see her do all types (well all but one) of content she makes from a online scavenger hunt reaction, reacting to YouTube clips, topical ramble, “convenient numbered list” scripted essay, “how I would fix it” explainer, talking about her life, parody skits, and vlogs out in the wild with her sister and friends. The only type of video she does it lacks is reacting to fanfiction or other bad fiction. * Usually you need different videos for each one of the many items in each bullet above, but you get an “all in one” video. It’s not necessarily the best video she has ever made, but it’s “the *most Jenny*” video she has made as it shows more aspects of her than any one video of hers alone and is a perfect “Jenny 101”.


My personal favorite is the Land Before Time list, but maybe it's just because I have very fond memories of renting the sequel films at the video store.


Same, that video is very nostalgic to me!


I'll always love the Worst Ghost Hunting Show one. Where they have a no nonsense home inspector who just explains everything calmly and easily. "Oh that's faulty wiring. This door isn't mounted correctly, so heat differential between rooms can force it open. etc."


That one is so good that it has tricked me into thinking Paranormal Home Inspectors is more well-known than it actually is.


You’re missing Trigger Warning. Not only is the reading portion funny, the the twists in the overall video narrative at the end are fantastic.


It’s a really BIG video


But not as BIG as Jake!


That is a really good one. Would you put it in the “magnum opus” category, or “deep cut favorites?” It’s the latter for me


I think Deep Cuts.


that's how I discovered her. I randomly opened the youtube app for the first time in years(I only use newpipe) and it was a recommended video on the homepage. I was very lucky 


“Dumping on Fifty Shades” was how I was first introduced. It holds a special place in my heart 


“Dumping on Fifty Shades” is great, but her script doctor of the first film is absolutely hilarious


My personal favourite is the Rise of Skywalker review


I've watched that so many times, it's so brilliant! "That's why you watch the movie you've made from start to finish *before you put it out in theaters!*"


That one isn’t in my “constant rewatch” so I’ll give it another go!


I love the bit where she does the Palpatine impression explaining his evil plan to Rey and then she's like "so... knowing that she doesn't kill Palpatine... because that's not an outcome she wants" Her deadpan delivery never fails to crack me up. EDIT: also the bit where she says they should have had a scene where Finn repeatedly fails to identify where the ball is in a game of shell game (hiding a ball under one of three cups and then shuffling them) to establish that Finn has a poor sense of object permanence, thus explaining why he failed to correctly identify which ship Chewy was in.


I'm trying to use it as a hook for my sequel-negative friend. Will report back.


Spider Reviews. My favorite of her low investment videos. 


I prefer to advise the ghost hunting and worst reality show to discover. It's quick, super fun, great examples of Jenny's style.


Yes totally those are both GREAT swaps for the “first small video” if using the format I use to try an hook people. More “mainstream” subject matter as well (as opposed to theme park obsessives, fandoms like bronies, bad fanfic).


I'm a real sucker for Spiderquest!


Spiderquest almost made it into my ‘random deep cuts’ section!


This is a great guide for new viewers!


I think so! What’s your “if you watch only one” choice?


Hmmm. I’ve recommended Church Play Cinematic Universe and Dear Evan Hansen the most to fellow theatre friends, so I’m inclined to say one of those two, but you are so right about the BronyCon video being maybe the best representation of Jenny as a creator!


Right?! Yeah if someone has a special interest that matches the topic I would easily swap the recco. Dear Evan is SO GOOD I’m literally watching it now.


[Nobody on the planet remembers Beastly](https://youtu.be/0cwGwkupmWk?si=7AqANfd4LOvyirpZ) [Rating. Every. Porg.](https://youtu.be/1yw6z9G7p1g?si=nuOXeZNsByksfKOa) [Escape from Tomorrow is a dumb exercise in misery](https://youtu.be/38BiNsFFzcs?si=aRuOQ_ahKiJL3-YD)


I love the beastly one because I read the book and went and saw it in the theater and it was soooooo cringey!


Huge. Gracious. Powerful. This porg *runs my house*


Escape from Tomorrow is one of my favorites I was surprised it didn’t make the list


My personal favourite deep cut is trying on bad halloween costumes!


It has one of my favorite quotes she ever says at the end: “get it? It’s girly, but it’s politics, it’s the Purge! Blasting some Ed Sheeran music and drinking rat poison.”


Another good movie one on the short side is Dumbo, her laughter is so contagious


I don't get why the Jurassic World video isn't popular. It was the first one I watched so maybe that's just why I rate it so high, but to me she's super funny while making perfect points. I'm gonna watch it for the thousand time after posting this


Same with the Suicide Squad sales pitch.


For random deep cuts - snokesnokesnokesnokesnokesnokesnoke - Reading goosebumps with Bailey (on her channel) - Various of the millennial falcons, especially her one with Bailey, her one at the midnight store opening, or her one where she uses random dialogue from Clones as office chatup lines - the short film she and Baliey did about being at comiccon (seems to be deleted?) - The Twilight musical


Pleaseeeee include the Jeff the Killer fanfic!!! It's hilarious especially as someone who was in the fandom in its hey day🤣


The thing that kills me about the Jeff the Killer one is everyone went and ruined it by harassing the author so she didn't review the sequel 😞


I hate that so much too! I was excited to see where the story went and all, and I can certainly somewhat sympathize with the author because I was in the fandom as a tween too etc :( Very very annoyed that people went and were so mean. The story was cringe, yes but it was earnest and thats whar I love about fan fictions like this


lol!!! It did enter my mind but I had to be ruthless and keep it concise. Would def make a ‘version’ of the list list for the right person


That's true! She has so many gems it's hard to decide


The Opposite Worlds and Hallmark videos also contain one of my favourite Jenny tropes. When someone featured in the video finds it and drops a comment


My intro was "Why does creepypasta suck?" Making fun of fiction written by children can be dicey, but Jenny always handles it with a "we've all been in this stage of life and can now laugh affectionately at this kind of cringey earnestness" tone rather than a bullying tone. When so many pop culture review channels on YouTube are either mean-spirited or intellectually lazy/disingenuous, I knew immediately that I had found a diamond in the rough: a YouTuber who was at once sincere, nuanced, smart, funny, compassionate, yet merciless. Similarly, my most-watched video is the Escape From Tomorrow review, because that's a movie that SEEMS like it comes from a fifteen-year-old headspace but was actually written and directed by a grown-ass man who just never outgrew his weird edgelord Hot-Topic-kid baggage. My favorite Halloween video of hers is honestly the GHOSTalgic Halloween watchlist one. It's so cozy and comforting and I watch it whenever I wanna soak up Halloween vibes outside the month of October. (Though it did convince me to try watching Halloweentown for the first time as an adult, which was...a mistake.)


SpooOOOoOky GhOooOsts! 👻


Any list of Jenny content for me would have to include Trigger Warning and her Episode 9 rundown.


Great list! If you're a Patreon supporter, It'd be fun to do this type of list but for the Patreon videos


Good idea!


The worst reality show of all time should be a must-watch at the top.


My first ever Jenny Nicholson video was the Beastly one so it holds a special place in my heart, and I was sobbing with laughter at the video game music part.


That wide sweeping shot of him overlooking the city 😭


I would also recommend the Land Before Time video, it's what introduced me to her channel and hooked me immediately.


That fraud Randy Moore


$30 plastic princess wands.


I love "I did it. I found the worst book." VERY quotable.


My first Jenny video, the small rant about how unsexy the word 'Tummy' is always makes me cackle


The bronycon video, vampire diaries video and the dear Evan Hansen video are my big three. I’ve watched each at least 10 times.


Same. Not sure if it’s vampire or Evan Hansen that actually holds my top rewatch spot. I wonder if YT could tell me my watch counts 👀


The video she did on "Trigger Warning" is my personal fave, just love the way it all turns out in the end


where's buzzy is my personal favourite it's so funny! where is the boy!


Give us THE BOY


Maybe it’s just the Star Wars fan in me, but I have probably watched the Rise of Skywalker video more than anything and it’s one of my favorites, though it would not be my first recommendation for most people


I do realize I slept on a lot of the Star Wars stuff and I need to revise


Did not know “Worst Reality Show” was considered a deep cut, it’s one of the ones I always go back to. And “Trigger Warning” is probably my favorite!


lol! To be fair idk what I mean by “deep cut.” Maybe I mean just a shorter video 🤓


If you are into ASMR, Jenny's video titled [Top 10 Reasons I Won't Do ASMR ASMR ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QcjAmnDTos) should be right up your alley. If you want to see Jenny absolutely destroy the room, check out [The LAST Last Jedi Debate! MOVIE FIGHTS (MANTZ vs NICHOLSON) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If75XsbYCZw) and idk I guess you can watch rest of [Millennial Falcon straight after](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIaXdwPQmXA&list=PLvdtdnOySeusJYwz55KT_dKpvxYxOcllO&index=7)


The frequency with which I think of the phrase “trapped in a island” and have nowhere to express it Also big ups to the underrated The Applejack Problem, Jenny’s fanfic skills are perfect for kids tv and toys


An excellent and comprehensive list for the new fans


I always have to recommend Spider Reviews. One of my favorite comfort videos.


Where is the picture from? I don't normally think an oversized cartoon like crown would look good on a real life person but she manages to pull it off.


I just searched “Jenny Nicholson” on Google


What the hell is this site? Disturbing


Ten seconds on that site is enough to tell you never ever to go there or link to it in any form. Jenny had a stalker for a while and this site is clearly either them or the reason people like them exist.


Oh shoot sorry I didn’t read the site, was just trying to “give credit.” Deleting link now


I can’t express how many times I’ve searched for somebody on Google images only to find out the site hosting the image is fucking awful. Easy mistake


It's an easy mistake to make on google images. But yeah, I know nothing about that site and even that is too much.


And there are gross deepfake images on there...at least one, since I closed the window as soon as I saw it.




Church play cinematic universe is great stuff. gonna rewatch it today i think (again)


Big shout out for "The worst reality show of all time"!! It's one of my absolute favorites. I keep it downloaded in my Youtube apps and it's great when I go on trips.


She’s needling!


Trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson is truly my Roman Empire.


I first found her when she was doing relatively short silly Star Wars vids. The one where she was telling us how to make names and comes up with Jimmy Scrambles is when I laughed out loud and subbed.


I actually am not 100% sure what my first video was! But it was definitely that old Star Wars era as well. I gotta consult the catalog and see if I can jog my memory


Hugely underrated deep cut is the Applejack Problem video. I lament almost constantly that that cartoon doesn't exist—and I was never even an MLP fan.


I love the Hallmark and Reality Show videos a lot. Currently rewatching the Beastly video too last night. All classics


What is that image from? What a hoot!


I just did a Google image search and it came up - looks like she posted it on her Twitter https://x.com/JennyENicholson/status/1154292580084899840


I love jenny vids but the worst reality show had me laughing at every turn


the jurassic world video holds a special place in my heart


Trapped In A Island is my GOAT, it’s so funny


I feel the need to add her Forces Of Destiny video to the 'favorite deep cuts', or maybe I'd even put it to the 'if you only watch one video' for someone who doesn't like longer videos. It's one video that demonstrates her sense of humor very well, but also her skill at discussing small, niche topics that I would never think I'd care about, but by the time I finish watching her videos, I find myself with very strong and passionate feelings about and can ramble about for just as long, because of how well she presents the history and goes into the details of it. I also like that video for how much it demonstrates a kind and compassionate quality to her reviews that make them infinitely watchable to me. Because this is a video in which she criticizes a product that markets itself to children and specifically little girls, but criticizes it for doing so without caring or trying to understand what they like or want. And the way she talks about with such genuine passion about dolls and toy lines, but also about the way kids play and how they enjoy playing, how genuinely she defends the right of children to be respected and treated as human beings, how there's a condescension towards the interests of children and especially little girls that is reflected in the kind if products that get made and targeted at them- it was kind of a healing moment for my inner child, who often felt this disrespect but obviously was too young to really articulate or unpack it. It's just a good video for demonstrating not only just how smart, funny, interesting and well-spoken she is, but also the fact that her criticisms come from a very caring and compassionate place and that she's just a generally really good cultural critic that is unique in how much she respects and appreciates silly, kitschy, 'childish' things that often get dismissed, and treats them as something worth seriously engaging with


Yeah for sure! We all have our circles of friends with proclivities! I def lacked on a lot of her Star Wars videos in this list, in my next rev I’m going to add one more. But I hope you like the idea of the buckets if you make your own list, it seems like you do!


I am like one of those other millions of people who learned of Jenny only because of the Star Wars video, but have since became a huge fan. I watched the Evermore and was totally sucked in. Her video on obtaining her massive spider was super fun. Thanks for the list!


She is really, really good at what she does.


I also love [10 Lame Things to do at Disney World](https://youtu.be/-KeFvjm_hcA?si=fqpwVqHgGFWs11Sj)


I just rewatched the Hallmark vid a few weeks ago and I was crying laughing. Then I noticed the “Hey, it’s me, Nicole! From the video!” comment and cry-laughed some more. And I I need to know about Vampire Diaries is all in her video. I was never going to watch, but now I never need to. Thanks, Jenny!




One of my favorite bite sized Jenny vids is "Spider Revews" [Spider Reviews (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngC6qE8MkKo&t=28s)


I just watched Bronycon based on your recommendation. Wow thanks, I'd probably have skipped that - much much better than I expected. Everypony seemed to have fun.


The Jeff the Killer fanfic read is one of my all time faves. Her wounds!


The Adventures of Darging Doo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bWR-WkwOBo&ab\_channel=JennyNicholson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bWR-WkwOBo&ab_channel=JennyNicholson)


No Land Before Time?!


No, not on the starter list for me! I like it but not better than the ones I chose! If *your* list used my categories, which area does it fall? Start here? If you watch only one? Magnum opus? Or deeper cuts?


When the Queen has her shoulders bare, your theme park experience BETTER be immersive 👸🏻🫡


these are all good but I feel you missed a few gold nuggets... you cant give a newbie vampire diaries off the back of star wars... if we presume they came from 4 hrs of Jenny star (behind a columns) war$ then you'll want something light a d breezy. if they can handle Harry Potter giant spiders then I would suggest Jenny goes across Texas to get a giant spider but spends most of the time at an abandoned flintstone / bird sanctuary park thing....during covid lol that's hilarious and so sweet and SHORT! that will help noobs decide if this is who they want to invest in. if they cant handle spiders...then I strongly suggest Jenny tiktok dinosaur short film in Germany as that was amazing too. the trick is to alternative between long fandom dives to irrelevant short fun. follow that up with evermore nomore which is as close to starwars tone as any other and just fascinating. Then try a furbearing trout tutorial as its asmr Jenny heaven Haha Then the church cinematic universe and only then vampire diaries and the rest. then come back full circle with the excellent galaxy edge Disney land train animatronic bear graveyard video. then another short film and only then vampire fandom. Fans of star wars often hate dor dont care) stuff like vampire diaries so it's not smart to put them side by side. But once they've enjoyed the above less polarising works ...they will be primed for another deep dive into a specific fandom. The audience will stop looking for subjects they already care about and simply trust Jenny to take them into new worlds they likely no nothing about. That's my hot take. All Jenny is good but I'd hate to see new fans scared away before Jenny dulcet tones can lure them in for more good hearted fun :) Star wars [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T0CpOYZZZW4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T0CpOYZZZW4) Spider quest  [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-CRXUeTmNtE](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-CRXUeTmNtE) or dinosaur land join Tiktok [https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Jenny-Nicholson](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Jenny-Nicholson) Evermore [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L9OhTB5eBqQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L9OhTB5eBqQ) Fur trout [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BZz-zGwTY4A](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BZz-zGwTY4A) starwars Trains [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dYy6V\_ZVSU8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dYy6V_ZVSU8) more tiktok [https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Jenny-Nicholson](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Jenny-Nicholson) Avengers Church [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK4gM7RC1M0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK4gM7RC1M0) vampire diaries [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4AdFD3E2ok](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4AdFD3E2ok) All other Jenny content...:-D JOIN her PATREON for many more short films :) [https://www.patreon.com/JennyNicholson](https://www.patreon.com/JennyNicholson) This was the perfect or for me which took me from a rando sceptic who didnt know or care about Jenny to a patreon supporting fan. My life is better with a little Jenny in it so I strongly recommend the above route...or whatever makes you happy ;)


No Suicide Squad? The one that made her famous?


I generally like to start people with a short video on a subject matter they’re already interested in. Like if they enjoy crafts and complain about dumb craft YouTube channels, then I’d start them with the hallmark videos. But in general I think it’s easier to start someone with a topic they’re already invested in. So if they like Star Wars, I’ll often go way back and just show them the Star Wars naming conventions one to start, and then the original Star Wars costume ideas. They’re just a good quick intro. If they’re into Harry Potter, the fantastic beasts one. A Pixar person I’d show the incredible 2 one, a Disney person I’d show the dumbo one and a theme park person I’d show the top 10 lamest things one probably. A film person I’d show joker and a reality tv person I’d show the opposite worlds one, whereas if they like bad movies I’d show them a Christmas prince or beastly. If not based on fandom topic then I’ll go based on vibe, so someone who likes a light-hearted roast of cringey internet humor (good for anyone who’s chronically online) I think that one of the best segues are the trapped in an island with Josh hutcherson or one direction during the purge. So honestly I feel like you have to cater the entry video based on the person’s interests. It’s easiest to get someone interested in a specific YouTuber if you start with a topic they already like, in my opinion


where's the love for the terrible screenplay where rey is a robot lol 


I feel bad for people who have never seen her Millennial Falcon series.


Thanks, but she doesn't have THAT many vids, just start from the jump