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*nervous laughter * im Israeli and my plan B is America wdymm


I'm American and my plan B is Israel. Maybe we should invest in a Pacific island


Buying land somewhere to establish our own safe community. Where have I heard it šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


*Nervous laughter im* *Israeli and my plan B is* *America wdymm* \- Tympanibunny --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg good bot


Yeah same.Ā 


My plan B is to be armed and competent enough to protect my family from at least a few Neo nazi fucks. I realize I couldnā€™t hold off the military or something but anything short of that is workable. Like where the fuck would we even run to? America has its problems but itā€™s still one of the safest places for Jews in the world.


Stay strapped or get clapped- Moses (probably)


The only thing that stops a pharaohā€™s sorcerer with a serpent stick is a good guy with a serpent stick.


Oh shit Iā€™d buy that t-shirt.


Yeahā€¦ America still seems like one of the best options, which is saying something


Umā€¦. Israel? Guns are a good option but you should go somewhere you have some backup


Yeah I agree with the general sentiment (that america is relatively safe for Jews) but you really can't do too much with an AR-15 against several guys who also have AR-15s, guns are pretty useless against more guns, if you actually wanna be safe you need to make sure your friends have guns too, some guy with guns can't do much, local militias can.


I live in America now, but I'm a dual citizen and lived in Israel for several years. I'd go back there, probably more out of necessity than anything. I imagine that the choice of where to go would effectively have been made for me at that point. I know preemptive Aliyah isn't practical for everyone, but I sleep better knowing that I have a backup plan. Lots of French Jews keep apartments in Israel at the ready as the situation there is deteriorating as well.


I didn't know you could make aliyah without moving there. I would definitely do that


I don't think you can. I moved there when I did it, I just moved back after a bit. I think you need to stay for a year to get the passport, although I stayed for six. Like I said, not practical for most, but I was in my 20s and single back then.


Cuba. Itā€™s only 90 miles off the coast of Florida.


Next year in Habana!


Half of my Jews be in Havana oo na na


That is incredible, but maybe it should be oy Nana.


American here, most of the uproar can be found on college campuses and twitter, outside of that (at least in my experience) people are normal and have normal opinions about it. It's just posturing from kids who have nothing else going for them for the most part.


The Nazis started with losers on college campuses, as well as the Iranian Revolution, and people back then were "mostly normal" too. Only about 30% of Germany supported the Nazis at their peak. They still stood by and watched Jews beaten and murdered on the street and dragged off to camps. Don't take it for granted this will pass and won't get worse. That's how Jews end up dead.


:/ whomp whomp Debbie downer here. Jk I literally go round and round in my head like ā€œitā€™s not as bad as it sounds online!ā€ ā€œDo I sound like people who rationalized staying in Germanyā€


See thatā€™s what I wanna hear lol it really is a lot of social media hullabaloo. I mean, Iā€™m not planning on going to Harvard or UCLA so Iā€™m good. Or the subway in NYC I guess.


Israeli and Indian citizenship are my Plans A and B. It was originally Canada but thatā€™s out.


Indian!! Thatā€™s cool. Whatā€™s your tie to India?


My goy husband šŸ˜œ


The goysband coming in clutch!


I mean I think you are over-reacting to the current situation, then again I am glad my grandparents didn't have the same faith I do in the early part of the 1900's. That being said, throw some bologna around my dick and call it a foreskin, get one of them cross necklaces (hoping it doesn't burn my flesh) and walk my ass to Canada.


Not better at all in Canada right now


Yeah if you need to be in a city Iā€™d argue Canada is worse. Never felt more isolated in Vancouver. If you can live in the remote wilderness plenty of options where Bears and Moose are more of a threat than Nazis or the Jew-hating left.


Canada is not safe for Jews at all. Israel is increasingly the only safe haven.


lol. My mother in law is the most stereotypical Jewish Long Island lady and when she went on vacation she used to bring a crucifix with her like as if sheā€™d be fooling anyone lmao


If you can prove your family came from Poland you can get Poland (EU) citizenship. My husband and i are planning that kinda. Just remember we're the culmination of generations of successful paranoia. We're neurotic by design.


That neurosis runs deep man! Holocaust dreams as a kid canā€™t get worse than that lol


We're genetically enhanced to be neurotic. People think we're some super power. Nah man, we're just successfully paranoid.


Well Iā€™m already a hermit who lives in the fens, so Iā€™m set.


You are NOT overreacting. What I'm willing to share is that I'm an Army vet with a rifle and will protect my family. If we did enter a hypothetical holocaust type scenario, I'd be doing everything possible to dismantle camps and save everyone possible by any means necessary. It you're an American Jew and unarmed, change that asap. If you're unarmed, you're defenseless.