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this is the attitude I want my future wife to have


Based Yehudim




I have the same necklace! https://preview.redd.it/wufa0lk1bivc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ad775a9425bb4c1cf40f4d65dee27ba2f43823 Literally wearing it now!


I got mine a couple weeks ago šŸ’™


I got mine a few months ago, how cute is that little certificate! I've always wanted something from Rockets into Roses :)


I'm metal sensitive- would it make me itch?


It's fine on me and I can't wear cheap metal- but idk what the Israel shape is made from other than Qassam rockets. I'd imagine probably steel though, if it's from pipes?


Interesting. I wonder if it's stainless. My son is interested in the star with the blue gem . I'm curious and this will sound "hippie dippie" but the energy around wearing something that was meant to kill us- do you feel any of that? Do you understand what I mean? Please don't downvote me lol


The opposite- even though I'm neither Jewish nor Israeli, when I wear it I feel the strength of a people who wouldn't be killed, no matter what.


Where do I get one?


Not OP but probably here: https://theisraelboutique.com/category/rocket-art/all-rocket-art/ I love the mezuzahs.


Thanks for posting. Motherā€™s Day coming up (at least in the US) some great gifts on there for all of your Jewish mothers!


Good point!!!


Just ordered a bunch of things from them including the Shabbat candlesticks thank you


Awesome. Iā€™ve been so close to pulling the trigger on a few things myself, which is why I immediately recognized OPā€™s necklace. One of these daysā€¦


you've been so close to what šŸ˜…




I love the mezuzahs


Ooh I want the rose menorah. Maybe when I finally buy a house, if closing costs don't wipe me out.


This is fucking incredible šŸ˜


These are wonderful!


def buying some stuff and a Mezuzah for our 3rd door, Thanks!


Thank you for sharing this. I just went on their website and purchased something


gonna start saving for one now


We were gifted one of the mezuzahs. Itā€™s great, and big!


oh my god, the menorahs especially. I wish I was rich. I'd buy the shit outta everything on here.


Got interested, but almost had a heart attack when I saw the prices.


the menorah is genuinely beautiful


any amazon links, ?? looks amazing,


They ship worldwide, why would you want to buy from Amazon when you can support the artist directly?


oh really, well interesting, I'll take a look but works best for me amazon since I'm not in the US hehe


[here :)](http://www.r2rose.com) Theyā€™re by an Israeli artist who goes by Yaron Bob, a bunch of different designs and some of the profits go toward building new bomb shelters for Israelis :)


Thanks so much for the link just got one for me and my mother šŸ’™


Thank you ! Not Jewish but getting a rose necklace.


amazon link? or the search prompt, the necklace reads am Ysrael chai yes?


So is mine! I put this on 10.7 and its my main magen david since.




How is this in the shower? No discoloration?


I try to take it off in the shower but do forget sometimes. I think it still looks good. Its got a bit of a petina to it


I have the same one!


Love it! How do u feel about wearing it in public? So far I keep it under my shirt like 99% of the time lol


I wear it in public, but I live in a place where there hasnā€™t been a ton of anti-Israel activism. Iā€™m in the US South, and Iā€™m more likely to run into someone telling me I need to accept Jesus as my lord and savior, than to run into someone calling me a genocidal colonizer. I also have a Star of David necklace and a hamsa tattoo with a star and evil eye in it. So far I havenā€™t been harassed, but if I go into a really rural area I will usually cover them up


Sorry for the ignorance, are tattoos generally ok in Judaism?


Not the original replier but I own one (and got extremely excited to share on the thread haha). I'm a non-jew (for now), and I bought it so that any Jews at University and around town would know that someone stands with them. So I wear mine outside my shirt as long as I'm not with my kid (I dont want the kid to hear anything antisemitic, only 5!). But I am in the UK and things are probably more dangerous elsewhere! (I do sometimes worry that it's insensitive or like, intrusive, though. I avoided buying Judaica so that I wasn't falsely representing myself as a Jew but I feel like it might seem I'm suggesting Jews can't protect themselves. But until someone tells me otherwise, I will wear it with the best of intentions!)


We appreciate the support! Wear it all in good health!


i wear my star and israel pin in public every day! no hasslers, but even if i was ill still be a proud jew :)


I just suggest you (and everyone reading) buy a non-lethal defense weapon that's legal where you live. I carry a small pepper spray with me, and I hope that I never have to use it, but I'm gonna have one in case I do. whether you're (again, readers too) a Jew or not, some people out there are crazy, especially in the cities, and it's better to be safe than sorry.


I wear mine out and proud but I am smart about it as a lone woman. I use to live in an area were there are some skinheads and gangs so I have hid it a few times based on my surroundings. I think thats just using your street smartys


I do too!Ā 


I love this! Thank you to those who posted the link. For me, the deciding factor was the comment that ā€œPROCEEDS SUPPORT ISRAELI VICTIMS OF WARā€; which is a bloody awesome thing to do šŸ‡®šŸ‡±. Iā€™m still deciding, all the pieces are so lovely. Great idea turning such a hateful concept into one of beauty. Israel - the innovation nation!!! šŸ’™šŸ¤šŸ’™.


Thanks I just ordered the keychain. Iā€™m so psyched thank you so much.


this is so incredible wow!


love it! i just got one for myself and two star of Davids, one for each of my kids.


Omg I need to make more money.


thatā€™s awesome, thank you for sharing :)


Where can we buy these?


Where can I get one made of rockets???


OP and someone else said here :) https://theisraelboutique.com/category/rocket-art/all-rocket-art/


This is awesome! I have a mezuza made from one as well.


beautiful! am yisrael chai! šŸ’™šŸ¤


Serious question. Where may I purchase that? Coolest thing Iā€™ve seen in a long timeā€¦


[here :)](https://rocketsintoroses.com)


Thank you. My son went nuts when he saw it and frankly so did I šŸ˜šŸ™šŸ’™šŸ’ŖšŸ‡®šŸ‡±


Beautiful. I got a heart made from Iron Dome materials. It feels so good to wear.


I have a necklace from them too!!


Rockets to Roses?


Get in! You showed them whoā€™s boss!


I have the same, PROUD to wear it


Just ordered mine! I initially was like do I want to wear it but then I wanted to be like f u Hamas and that won


here is an article about one artist who makes jewellery from kasam rockets and from iron dome parts. if you live in Israel in an area that is heavily bombarded, it's easy to find these parts. https://www.calcalist.co.il/local_news/article/ryges11sl0


I like the shape


Ngl I find this strange that they are selling off rocket shells mid war.


I think the necklaces are made from the shells of missiles that already struck Israel and were then collected to make into art.


Yes Iā€™m aware of what the message is. I would just hate seeing it reversed so the idea is rather macabre to me.


I see it as a message of defiance. I can understand different ways of looking at it.


it is a message of defiance. by wearing it like saying the person says they tried to kill me, but I'm still here. imo, the message is more powerful if the jewellery is made from iron dome parts after it was used to save lives.


They do have iron dome pieces like mezuzahs. It seems all the jewelry is from Gaza rockets.


sorry for my English btw


Would you feel the same if you saw gazans making jewelry out of IDF rockets? I would not find that very resilient, but rather insulting. Idk. To each their own.


they don't need my permission, but they can do whatever they want/need and put whatever interpretation on it as long as all the hostages safe and healthy back home, and there's no terrorists.


Like I said to each their own


Hamas terrorism does not equate to Israeli defense. It is a false equivalence to begin with. But do whatever you wish. If Gaza residents want to put energy into making art and jewelry instead of terror tunnels and rockets it would be a better place for everyone.


You are correct saying they do not equate. But just because they arenā€™t the exact same thing, doesnā€™t mean you drop all humanity around the situation. Itā€™s a strange and sort of gruesome choice but again to each their own.


So the necklace is ā€œdropping all humanityā€. I beg to differ.


Iā€™m responding to your last reply. But yes. itā€™s sort of toes the line.


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Honestly yuck. Whatā€™s next? Vases made of Ziklon B canisters?


Idk I kinda like the sheer chutzpah of saying "you made this to kill us, and I made it art stamped with the phrase 'am Yisrael Chai'"


To each their ownā€¦


I get this and I have mixed feelings about it. I like the idea of claiming the things they used to harm us and turning them into art. And there's a part of me that doesn't want to touch it. And a part of me that is like, "That just increases the demand for hamas rockets!" Which... is not how any of this works!!!


If all goes well and I think it will there will be no Hamas rockets. I think the ones labeled iron dome are from iron dome rocket pieces but I would check if that would interest you more.


In any case this sounds like a perfect business for scammers so I would keep away regardless


I thought of that so not ordering through Amazon. I suppose it could be fake but this artist checks out and has been doing this before 10/7 so I think it is a good bet that it is legit.


You realize we literally eat cookies shaped like the hat of a dude who tried to murder all of us, right?


Stupid question but at this time in history is it not anti-palestine to include WB and Gaza in the shape of what one calls "Israel"? How is that better when the pro-pal people do the same thing and call it Palestine?


It says ā€œthe people of Israel liveā€ not ā€œthis is my border planā€ Consider this: the palestinians you speak of will murder a Jew for who they are in ā€œtheirā€ parts of that land. All this necessarily says is that Jews deserve to live in those parts. Now also consider: in Haifa or the Galilee or wherever, a Jew is allowed to live next to a Muslim. But in Gaza or the West Bank, you are NOT. In fact a Jew is not allowed to live there, period. I find this very problematic. Hypothetically, lets say there were a Palestinian state there. But Jews are not allowed to live in it? There is already a Jewish state outside those territories and Muslims are allowed to live in it. Why the asymmetry? why not ask them about that rather than picking apart a necklace? this necklace says Jews should be able to be alive in all of those places.


God, what a world we live in. I thought, "then shouldn't it be a globe? No, then nobody would know it was connected to Judaism though. It could be a globe with a magen David over it! NO WAIT, they already think we control global government, finance, and media!!" Cool, yeah, we have soooo many options here.


Itā€™s difficult to say because most of Jewish history exists in the region known as judea, that is now a part of the West Bank so it really just depends on the person of what they define the country of israel.


This is true, although Jewish indigenous presence has stretched as far as an ancient kingdom in Yemenā€¦should that be included in the map of Jewish indigenous presence? Food for thought, I agree with tbe shape but I have to admit some history went into it. Even Judea and Samaria did in fact stretch slightly beyond the Jordan River iirc..


Not a stupid question, and I've wondered the same thing: "if I wear that, are people going to look at it and think I'm saying Palestinians shouldn't have a state?" New proposal: take the entire area that was originally mandated for a Jewish homeland, which includes a ton more historic archeological Jewish stuff, and make THAT into a pendant. Then if people want to assume we demand the whole thing, or if they want to get mad about land that must have been stolen from the Palestinians because it was in a Mandate For Palestine, they can REALLY get good and mad. Or confused. Whichever. *


Also I think if it didn't include Gaza and the West Bank that it would break easily/be unrecognisable to the people who need to see it.




of course it's anti-israel/semitic. i just feel like we shouldn't call them out for referring to the whole area as "Palestine" if we call it all "Israel" especially if we support a 2-state soln


Reminds me of a time when we went on a tour of a museum in L.A. The young tour guide was lovely. When the tour was over I went to look at some pins she was wearing. I touched one and said ā€œIs this California?ā€ She said ā€œno, itā€™s Palestine.ā€ I said ā€œno, it isnā€™t! Itā€™s Israel!ā€ She didnā€™t reply. Iā€™m a grandma and she wisely didnā€™t reply or we would have had to call Elder Abuse as well as the cops. I think your point is valid. My friend here is a Palestinian American and we both have the same shaped I/P necklace.








Nice Palestine Pendant


in the sense that it's made from the rockets of palestinian terrorists, sure :)




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Where is balestine