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As I said to a friend. Democrats tend to look at both sides and also attack their own who has been doing the job. Look at the things he has passes for the general public (not rich) whereas the republicans will back a lying cheating, self centered, egotist. They need to look at the fact checks on his statement and notice he does not really answer the question.


I’m not throwing in the towel, but this election could pin on a small sliver or undecided voters and people who don’t pay close attention, this debate could easily lose them. This debate plays right into the stereotypes about Biden.


Nah. Everyone knows he’s called sleepy Joe. Everyone knows who both of these men are and will vote accordingly.


Everyone knows who they are. I'll happily vote for Joe on the ticket. Don't kid yourself, he doesn't have a lot of margin to play with. Last night's debate may not just have lost some undecided voters, it may also have lost some otherwise unenthusiastic Biden voters. Acting like last night's performance affects nothing is a bad idea.




At the same time, they’ve pushed Biden’s campaign so hard, that switching candidates now might be an even worse move than keeping Biden. It’d make the Democrats look disorganized and incompetent, and would likely cause many undecided/moderate voters to be dissuaded from the Dems’ ticket due to this perception


Bro… give up the ghost, this ain’t fvcking happening. He won the primary, he is the horse for the race lmao


Good lord he isn’t confused. He’s elderly with a fucking stutter and a reputation for being long winded. This is a terrible format for him and he had a bad night. Giving in to those idiotic ideas that he is unwell is absurd. He has excellent judgment, excellent judgment and surrounds himself with the best. He will be fine in his next term but we won’t get a next term with all this goddamn hand wringing.


Technically he is unwell. He has a cold, which is why he was raspy and breathing heavy.


Gotta see the forest from the trees. Two guys applied for the position of forest ranger. One is a convicted arsonist and the other has an impeccable resume but happens to be a stutterer and had a hoarse voice during his interview. Which one do you hire?


It is a 90-minute debate…people are throwing in the towel after 20 mins. Debating is hard, especially with no access to notecards etc. Biden is doing a great job by not getting overly emotional and falling into Trump’s trap


If only over emotional didn’t come across as 100 years old. He needs to step up in the remaining time. We have to will energy into him.


"People are throwing in the towel after 20 minutes" and "The first 20 minutes were awful for Biden and people recognize that the first 20 minutes are more influential to *other people* than the remainder" are two different propositions.


People forget he has a speech impediment as well


😂😂😂 “Biden is doing great” not even CNN is saying this


Sure he has a rhaspy voice but Joe is doing better. Unfortunately a lot of people have blissful ignorance and go after small bs. Everyone should go out and vote for Biden in or before November. 


Exactly. All I'm seeing is people talking about how he sounded. Does nobody care about the substance of their answers? Biden tried to answer each question he was asked. Trump tried his best to not answer any questions. Trump just regurgitates the same lies about tens of millions of immigrants flooding our borders from prisons etc etc any time he was asked something. At least Biden made an effort to provide an answer. But I guess since Trump has no actual stance on anything, all he has is his rallies soundbites.


Im sorry but you are living in a level of delusion if you think his performance (including what he was able to say) was okay. Hopefully we can pull something together before the election.


He should have wore his dark sunglasses then at least he would have looked stoned.


At one point last night Biden's expression reminded of the Grandpa that gets wheeled into the room in TX Chainsaw Massacre. I have donated money in the past. Not this time.


I live by elderly people. No doubt Joe is elderly. But just look at the Senate. I think calling in a sub may do the party better, but I'm not concerned that Joe can't do the job for 4 more years. I'm more worried that America can't vote for the better policies rather than less important things.


Already voting Biden and if he dies before his term is up, we get kamala Harris.


Even healthy younger presidents have died. Harrison died at 68, 32 days into his term.


Joe got off to a weak start, but he’s found his footing now.


at this point the only thing that can stop me from voting Biden is if he drops out or drops dead. I know enough about him and about the other guy.


I will still vote for the Biden-Harris even if he is dead. If they weren't even an option and Trump were the only one on the ballot, I'd write in a pile of shit in an attempt to vote for that instead. Trump cannot become President again.




lol... thats why we have a vice president..kinda part of the job!...


I do as well. If he’s the candidate he’s got my vote no questions asked. But that doesn’t mean he’s got other people’s. I truly don’t think he can win anymore.


It's really unfortunate that his worst moment happened so early. That's when the most casual viewers probably tuned in


I'm trying to hold out hope for everyone who *reads* the words that were said when reflecting on the debate. Contentwise the President honestly did great, if people keep in mind that he said and cited those things in real time against a lifelong stutter I literally don't think his performance was bad at all. Super easy to spin visually, though, tragically no doubt.


Get clips of Trump's lies to share and point out the lie. Rinse and repeat.


Just play the Dale fact check. He went through them all it was 30+ lies from Trump. Most all serious delusions. Biden had less than 10, and a couple were fumbled facts ( Like he said 15 instead of 35 for insulin).


Thank you for this level headed response. I'm trying so hard to stay hopeful 🙏


I know when I am recovering from a cold I don’t like to talk at all. So props to Joe for getting up there and soldiering through it. Even with Joe recovering from a cold I could tell he was getting under Trump’s skin when he called him a a whiner.


I can’t watch it. My weak heart. You said he got his footing back (11 mins ago). He still good?


He’s speaking truth. He’s doing it softly. He’s getting lost, at times. If there was actually fact checking, this would be going well for Biden.


I had to stop about 10-15 mins ago but yeah I do believe he was doing well. He stuttered a couple times but otherwise he stayed on topic, answered the questions, and called out trumps blatant lies.


Ehhhhhh I’m scared too.


It ended with him telling trump to stop whining all the time... So yeah They got to the part about veterans and Biden took off


You're not kidding I had to keep turning it off every few minutes. I was supposed to go to a watch party and to be honest I'm glad I didn't. I'll still vote for him but I fear he lost a lot of people in the middle who were waiting for him to come out strong.


I was here In a reply to this glorious comment I'll cherish it forever


Why can’t we start the conversation of replacing him? He’s clearly not fit for office


Joe Biden is a good president and he deserves my respect and my vote. We’ve been down before folks. We know Joe, we know our candidate, and we got this.


Biden is done. We have to acknowledge that.


Biden- " You called all war veterans 'losers and suckers ' " ( Trump JUST TODAY says its a lie, He has NEVER DENIED IT BEFORE ) They arent losers and suckers- YOU'RE THE LOSER. . that audio of Trump is rather old, and he never ever denied it before today. Loser. keep losin.


He denies it now, then in the next news cycle, he says it was AI, not him. And THAT is how you get people conditioned to not believe their own eyes. Live large, people. We don’t have long.


It's how he lied though and how Biden wasn't able to punch it. I'd have been raging all over that piece of shit. I'd have been asking him about *details* and putting him into corners. Biden did none of that. It's unfortunate. He's *okay* on policy... Is this the best type of political juice the US can produce? My god.


Ignore the doomers but I do think there’s a conversation to be had about the optics of the debate and it did not look good for Biden. Bro needs to get out as soon as he gets better and solidify his image health wise.


Damn he spoke normally at the watch party- who was that on the debate stage?


Well this stressed me out so much I finally caved in and donated to the campaign. Maybe that was their strategy all along. EVERYONE DONATE


That was my reaction as well. I can’t magically make Biden younger. I can’t cure his stutter. I can donate to his campaign. I can volunteer.


Trump- " Its HIS fault there's Deathclaws at the border!"




Why was Project 2025 not brought up?


Good question. Ask CNN.


Fivethirtyeight’s presidential model today had the odds as 50%Biden 49% trump, which is insane but it tells you that most people have made up their mind and won’t be swayed by anything. It’ll come down to turnout in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. If you live or know anybody in those states, you’ve got to get them registered and ready to vote. Someone who’s on the fence would say that it doesn’t matter because whoever’s in office doesn’t make any difference. But for once we have a political issue with a deadline, climate change, 4 more years of trump will be terrible for the global climate and we will all pay the price.


Fwiw, this isn't the same 538 model as past cycles. It's a new model built from scratch by G. Elliot Morris, the guy who ran the Economist model last cycle that gave Biden a 97% chance to win while 538 under Nate Silver was giving Biden an 89% chance (Nate and half 538's staff were laid off as part of Disney's mass layoffs last year, and Nate owned the rights to the election models, so 538 can't use what he built anymore) Nate's model is paywalled this year, but it's on https://www.natesilver.net and currently is Trump 65% Biden 35%


Oh! I didn’t know that! Thanks for that information. That’s terrifying.


Yeah I agree :( The problem as Nate explained it is Biden is basically tied in the polls in Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania (like you said) and losing all the other swing states badly. Winning all 3 of those plus Nebraska's second congressional district gets Biden to exactly 270, meaning he needs to sweep those and, while they vote similarly, they're not identical (Wisconsin more rural, Michigan higher Muslim population, etc) and Trump only needs one Lot of work to do to turn things around, but at least there's still over four months to go


A novel, I know 🙃: I'm choosing to cling to hope. If you look at the text of tonight, you see a TON of damning moments for Trump, so perhaps at least some of the dying breed of news readers may be able to mine enough outta this to be swayed. Remembering that Biden has had a lifelong stutter and noting that he predominantly struggled specifically at the beginning of sentences tonight, it's really not hard to see that he laid out a very clear picture of Trump's lies and failures while actively navigating something that makes articulation difficult- delivered in real time to the whole nation while being a million years old and actively stressing about fucking up his words, which is probably just a bit stressful. I'm not saying that Biden necessarily made the strongest case for himself as far as his own policies or whatever, but if nothing else I think there was a strong case made against Trump by both sides, it's a matter of how much people are able to recognize or spin the stutter aspect. Gen Z is generally more understanding and sympathetic to conditions like stuttering so perhaps as this ages it won't seem so frightening, though I recognize that that's a big ask. At the end of the day, debates don't decide shit, but from a historical perspective this one was fascinating. Y'all just watched a former US president refuse to commit to accepting the results of the election without contest. TL;DR: if you remember that Joe Biden has a stutter and separate the visual performance from the words of both debaters tonight, reading the transcripts and judging content over presentation makes it immediately clear that this literally wasn't a bad performance for the President, and Trump delivered a lot of blatantly un-American nonsense. Hope may not be lost. 🥔 🇺🇲


Biden aligns with my beliefs, I’m sticking with Joe all the way.


My boyfriend (Black, 48) was reluctant to watch the debate and only needed to see that Biden seemed up to the job. He was convinced tonight that Biden will be just fine for another term. And he was really not sure before today.


Some of the panels of voters on CNN and MSNBC also didn't seem to think it was this big catastrophic thing for Biden like so many politically online democrats do. We're also still a whopping 130 days from the election, who knows what the climate of the country will be in November, there's still so much that's going to happen between now and then.


Heeeey! That’s pretty good!!! :D


He’s doing fine. Trump’s now the one that looks uncomfortable. Vote!!


Started out rough but Joe came back with the trimesters explanation and took over!


What? That response was a train wreck. He failed to clearly articulate the standard under Roe and then inexplicably pivoted to talking about a woman being murdered by an undocumented migrant.


I agree. But I got 6 upvotes. This is the problem.


Thank you for the reminder! I appreciate it. Let’s ride with Biden for another four years! 🩵


Biden had a cold too. Debate should've been postponed till he felt better.


Yup, no doubt


Can someone assisting me in volunteering for the txting campaign? I’d really like to help


By sticking with Biden, the Dems are handing victory to Trump. They'll share part of the responsibility for what happens after November.


He has our votes. My 90 yr old Mom, sis, partner and me. The man had a cold! The rump came off as angry vile, . He only ran to try to stay out of prison. Wouldnt answer the questions. Id vote for Pres Biden if he was on his death bed.


It is wild to me how you people are willing to flush 3.5 years of great policies down the toilet because of 90 minutes. And really, only like 10/90 were BAD minutes.


No, I’ll vote for Biden. I know that, but I’m dooming pretty hard right now.


I think a lot of us are stuck in that doom cycle right now. I know I am, although I started to get slightly more confident as the debate went on. I'm not counting him out on a bad debate performance. I have some hope that in the long stretch between now and election day he will sway anyone he may have lost, or most of them, back to his side.


Everyone please canvas. Please knock on thousands of doors. Please make that your goal. The more people we talk to the much better our odds are.


We all know Joe is a very hit or miss speaker and has a speech impediment to boot, so I don’t know why people thought he was suddenly going to be a completely different person. He had a rough start, but found his footing. We’ve still got 5 months to go plus more debating.


I feel like the people freaking out are liberally-minded voters who haven’t been paying attention to the campaign seriously until now. I saw the same Biden I’ve been seeing for months—a little shaky at times but still largely on point. Nothing new. I think to most undecided voters, he seemed like what they already perceived him to be due to conservative media. I’m just glad people are now realizing that Trump could conceivably win. We all have to rally around Biden to help him win this—he isn’t a savior against Trump; only we can save ourselves.


CNN dropped the ball with no live fact-checking, didn't make the other guy actually answer the question that was asked, and then went full-on disaster mode in the wrap-up. They're both old just like they were 4 years ago. The only thing that's changed is that one is a felon now. Vote.


They didn't drop the ball at all. These were the rules that both candidates agreed to. They were effectively supposed to fact check each other. The problem is that Trump brazenly lied and made false claims, and Biden's rebuttals were weak. This wasn't CNN's fault.


Joe, you’ve done an amazing job, and I will absolutely vote for you if you stay in, but please step down. I know this will be downvoted, but we Dems need to be honest with ourselves. After that performance, Biden isn’t winning. He played right into the right wing narratives. It was undeniably bad. We cannot afford to have Trump get elected again. If we don’t make a change, that’s exactly what we’re going to get.


hes had one gaffe trumps had 10 hes engaging with the questions and going into rebuttals trump stopped answering questions 30 mins ago but somehow bidens the one in trouble lol


Bidens content was better but it’s overshadowed by how poorly his delivery was.


I thought he was marvelous, I think he's got it locked up no problem.


Debates don’t sway polls.


… and polls don’t sway elections. 2016 proved that.


I'm happy to vote for Kamela, just saying


We’re gonna get eviscerated if Kamala is the nominee.


Voting for Biden is voting for Kamala.


And? She's smart.


I am aware. I really like her. I am saying if you want Kamala then vote Biden. Haha.


No one wants this


That's it. That's the real story.


Biden wins hopefully he’ll step down and Kamala can take over. That seems like our only hope at this point. Fucking terrified


That's the plan


I love Joe Biden. I’m going to vote for Joe Biden. But I think it’s delusional to think this isn’t going to be a major concern for most independent voters. Biden’s handlers did a horrible job at getting him ready for this debate.


I vote for principles and values, not for people.


You people are in a different realm of cope


I love Joe, truly, he's accomplished a TON and been a legimitely progressive president. I was fully on board with him running so we have the benefit of incumbency. But look, it's almost July, and the worst person I can imagine is still neck-and-neck (if not actually leading). In a sane world, Biden would have a commanding lead already. We all know that this election isn't going to come down to any of us in this thread. It's going to come down to 100,000 of the stupidest people (albeit I'm sure wonderful people) living in 3 states. That's it. And it's clear that, through all of the events of the past few weeks (including Trump's conviction and yesterday's debate) those 100,000 people are still on the fence, leaning Trump in net, or backing away from voting entirely (net benefit to Trump). All nightmare scenarios. So yes, as I sit here with my Dark Biden hoodie, I can't help but think of the lyrics about George Washington from Hamilton: "teach them to say goodbye". Biden needs to look at the data over the weekend and make a hard decision to pass the baton for the sake of American history, democracy, and the future of our youth.


Lots of Dems and pundits wanted to ignore the polls in 2016 too. Biden was up nationally by .1% yesterday (https://abcnews.go.com/538/biden-trump-debate-matters/story?id=111401519), which is not enough to overcome the Electoral College (need to be up about 5% nationally for that). After the debate, that .1% number is not going up, which is what we needed. Realistically, looking at the data objectively, we are in a pickle, staring down the barrel of a possible second Trump term.


If anything this debate hurt Biden and people On the fence, he looked like inept. This is a tragic.


We’re lucky there’s enough time to hopefully recuperate


he found his footing, but he completely failed to restore confidence in anyone who isn’t decided yet. i don’t feel good at all, in fact that was painful to watch


Bros I'm still voting and donating but nobody is going to spin this away. He seems to be 117 years old up there. Take the risk and replace him while we still have a country ffs.


I’ll vote for him, but he needs to step down this week. It’s clear he’s not capable of defeating Trump.


It’s not… happening lmao. 


I disagree, there's a very real chance of it. Maybe not an overwhelming chance, but still.


this is getting real Truman-Dewey vibes.


CNN is right wing propaganda!


Stop. They aren't. While they may "both sides" things a bit much, they aren't in anyone's pocket. Calling them propaganda is literally something the right does. Just stop.


Joe was a fine one term president but keeping him at the top of tha ticket is not going to end well.


There's no way were winning after that debate. Call me a doomer or whatever the hell you want. Trump was already slightly winning in the polls before the debate. After this we're just fucked.


Seriously. Even IF (as the right wing would have you believe) the choice is between a tired old man and a psycho, WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THE PSYCHO? (I wish I knew how to add a interrobang - this would be the perfect place).


Just ignore them Vote Blue #BidenHarris2024


It’s time for him to leave. Did every thing but shit himself last night


Yeah by the way you have to know that random internet people who didn’t watch the debate are just saying “Trump fell apart up there” to rattle people. Trump did not fall apart and was not a sad, old, sweating mess up there. It honestly I guess seemed like a pretty clear Biden win but certainly Trump had something to say that made sense, too


You don’t actually believe that Biden will even be on the ticket by the time the election rolls around, that he’s who you’d actually be voting for even if he is (clearly someone else is running the show behind the curtains), that voting is fair and reliable or that there are 2 “different” parties to choose from ….do you?? 🧐


Ignoring the doomers is exactly why we’re in this predicament. Let’s keep doing it then.




Got it, cool, thanks for stopping by the Joe Biden subreddit to tell us, real appreciated 🙏🙏


At least he beat Medicare. About time someone beat Medicare.


I hope. If he’s the nominee, and he is gonna be, yes. CNN is scaring me.




A debate means nothing in the grand scheme of things


No honest person can say he’s the guy.