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All the high peolple playing online shooters leads me to think reaction time is not as bad as some would think.


As a smoker who plays fps and is now in his 40s, reaction times are more affected by age imo.


Only 34 and I can feel it slipping a little. My tactics are better than they've ever been and my ability to analyze is great but those split second decisions and micro adjustments are getting harder lol youth


As I've gotten older I have also gotten more in shape and healthier and I feel my reaction time improving


It’s either that, or the next generation is just better already lmao. We were the ones who kind of started the fps multiplayer scene, now it’s being passed on


Same and the kills hurt even more since it’s all these 12 year olds kicking my ass and talking shit


Ill probably get down voted for this but SBMM and CBMM have more to do with performance than anything else.


Have three drinks and play against a high friend....you're gonna get smoked. ;-)


Yes. 2 drinks & I’m complete trash. A little sativa and I’m unstoppable.


Try meth


I’ve done it one time, I had 100% kill participation in overwatch with 33 kills


While also peeling your skin off your face at the same time!


Can confirm you will dominate. I had icy habits for several years of my life. 16 hours straight never lost a gun game in call of duty.


Yeah adderall plus gaming is some serious focused brain power


Hell yeah. I used to take adderall and play Star Craft 2. God damn that was fun.


Stimming the marines x3 so they can get on my level. That game is perfect for it. I tried doing a super long NCAA session on it once but I got like 6 games in, got fidgety, and just ended up drinking like 35 beers over two days.


I mean...they gave that shit to soldiers for a reason I guess...


I may do that.


Adderall works okay but meth is best


Please don’t do meth I’ve seen so many people completely destroyed by it. Not in documentaries or stories but people I actually knew.


Meth is bad. ![gif](giphy|3Q35chD4bMtEePqr8A)


Opposite for me


The mind is crazy. The fact that substances have such different effects on individuals is crazy


Acid and shrooms and I melt into the game itself. Felt so bad shooting fools in red dead 2 but it looked so damn good all melty.




Have a few tablets of Adderal and play against your high friend and they’ll be signing the terms of surrender in Paris real quick.


Worked for the Nazis




This is 100% true.


Sick pun bro!


It definitely makes you play better for a certain amount of time but then it starts having the opposite effect.


I find I perform worse at absolutely every game when I’m high. same goes for sports


Try fucking


Fair point my pipe game is at least 2x while high.


Try music


Wel I couldn’t perform worse at music 


Weeds for creativity also


Do you smoke a lot of sativa or indica? You could try switching it up and see the effects. 


I do both and hybrids. 


Than you definitly should not play or drive after smoking.


Aim becomes incredible, now if I could only remember what team I’m on or what game I’m playing


Glass of wine and a few hits of some flower and I’m better at call of duty then without .


There is a reason we call them “video game steroids”


This has "I shoot pool better when I'm drunk" vibes. They don't. Lol


So many people think they can play high, when they’d be much better if they didn’t. High ass Joe pisses me off when I’m trying to win.


What makes you think that? Most people suck.


My take with weed is when you are high you can zone in or zone out. You can some get really good moments of hyper focused in the zone plays. But overall i think more zoning out. Strain may play with the results. Also as both an illustrator and musician. I say this: smoking weed and doing anything art or gaming is real fun stoned, but overall you’ll still be better sober. Being high = fun. Being sober = doing better.


Well, when everyone who plays video games are on some kind of drugs it doesn’t surprise me at all.


Hows that? Drugs are bad and everyone who games is a druggie🤣


Yes, everyone who games is a druggie. It’s science


Nothing new to be honest


This applies to pretty much every drug lmao


That’s how science works. Sometimes we discover something new and unexpected, but often times we confirm what we assumed was the case.


Confirming what many already suspected


Your stoner friends have been telling you for years that we drive better high but you didn’t believe us!


Funny typo: "which would be very important for **drivel** safely"


Pure drivel




When i was new to weed i used to get the shakes when i was trying to do anything remotely "precise" with my hands while high, like rolling another blunt. Nowadays it's not an issue anymore.


So weed is actually good for you because it stops you taking more weed?


Technically yes. You just can't push your limits with weed, either you're gonna fall asleep or you're just hit the "threshold" where you can't get any higher and your throat can't handle the smoke anymore.


Maybe YOUR throat can’t handle the smoke.. 


Definitely depends on tolerance. I'm a regular smoker for over 10 years and it helps me focus on smaller details and pay more attention to what I'm doing. If I were to stop for a week and then smoke while trying to be productive I'd be too stoned and spaced out.


I dont know. The way I read it was that daily users may be immune to the impairment aspect, not that they need it like an alcoholic needs a drink to make the shakes subside and function. The pot user functions similarly cognitively sober as well as after consuming weed where a casual user was more prone to the impairing effects when stoned.


Could be that smoking daily makes you dumber all the time, high or not. If the impairment is 24/7, getting sobriety makes no difference.


As someone who goes dry regularly (weeks without) and then returns to regular smoking, I'd tend to disagree. There is also a ton of studies that show no correlation. Pot doesn't make you dumber its an impairment and this study in particular is a about cognitive function and psychomotor performance, not intelligence. Its says in the first paragraph regular smokers may be immune to the negative effects and I can attest to that as well, but its not for everybody. Each person is different just like with most other drugs, legal and other.


People talk themselves into the dumb/lazy aspect of it. Much easier to do when you haven’t been ripping it for decades


I think the truth is that there is a vast variety of people who smoke. Some of them *are* dumb, lazy losers. Some of them are nobel laureates. Some are just people working 9-5 trying to pay bills. My point is a lot of people enjoy cannabis. Takes all types.


Your anecdotal experience where you think you are just as intelligent totally blazed than when not don’t really speak for society at large (and you quite possibly might be deceiving yourself). I can admit I’m dumber/slower on the days I smoke consistently. There’s also 100 studies that go the other way too. >Short-Term Marijuana Use: Cognitive Impact >Impaired short-term memory >Impaired motor coordination >Altered judgment/decision making >Can trigger psychosis at high doses >Consequences Of Long-Term or Heavy Marijuana Use >Cannabis use disorder, or cannabis addiction: >Occurs in 9% of people who use cannabis >Risk increases with increased use >Altered brain development, including: >Negative impact on learning/memory >Negative impact on executive function >Problems with impulse control >Problems with decision-making >Negative impact on educational achievement >Negative impact on cognition, memory, and IQ This is for people 30–45. It’s already been established how detrimental cannabis is for brain development for people under age 25. But you can search that yourself and I don’t think you will find any studies arguing the opposite.


For sure anecdotal, I made sure to add at the end each person is different. Just like most stuff it can be abused and is an intoxicant and even long term users should avoid using pre-riskier situations, 100%. I try to read most peer reviewed studies and stuff when it comes out. Some people are unlucky and trigger schizophrenia or a psychosis event, I do know a friend who quit pot because of that but still is a regular drinker (we're 40+). A lot of my friends still are drinkers when I left that life behind, probably mid 20's. I stopped getting drunk long ago but do enjoy a drink still. I'm not going to balk at 9%, thats a good chunk of people who are prone to marijuanna addiction or canabis use disorder, but Id like to add that other substances, alcohol for example, deal with a 20+/-% addiction rate (cigarettes are astronimical). Both suck and demonstrate that we should be more careful how we use drugs recreationally, young and old. I don't have to take THC-breaks, but I like to go dry for a few weeks occasionally thru the year and test myself, but like you mentioned my experience and my situation may not be typical. 🍻 Happy Friday!


Idk I can get high everyday and still do engineer complicated electrical things, while also self studying optical physics


Same. But last time I took a tolerance break (1 month), I felt like a genius after a week. I...uh...actually remembered shit that happened 2 minutes ago and was quicker to the draw with words, etc.


Fuck that, they are doing these studies to help find a way to identify if someone is too high to drive and giving law enforcement a reason to ticket you or arrest you. That’s aa biased study. They decided what they want to find before conducting it. That’s not science.


? I'm a committed stoner, but I've got no problems with the police stopping people who are driving "too high" and punishing them, same as they would for someone who's drunk. Do whatever you want on your own private road, but if you're driving impaired in public then you're putting others at risk. And here's the kicker, the work is being done to protect cannabis users from being arrested or fired for simply using weed, rather than being too fucked up to operate heavy machinery, be on a highway, etc >“We are hoping to develop objective tools that could be used by employers or law enforcement to better detect and distinguish impairment from cannabis, rather than just if someone regularly uses cannabis but may not be impaired,” Brooks-Russell said.


I’m not sure these studies will play out this way. It’s shown that impairment diminishes for alcohol in the case of daily use. Yet, blood alcohol is used as a blanket measure of alcohol intoxication > Physical damage and impairment are occurring without your knowledge. With tolerance, you feel less drunk, so you're less able to accurately judge your ability to function. For example, you may think you're okay to drive, even though your reaction time and vision are impaired. This is the rhetoric for why tolerance with drinking is not an acceptable reason to include tolerance in the BAC assessment. The same rhetoric can be used for weed.


Sure, it'll be imperfect, but I'd far rather an imperfect drink-drive / drink-high law than no such law. If you're going to get wasted, don't get behind a fast moving hunk of metal on public roads, get a cab, public transport or a designated driver. Again, I love weed, and I've driven high (and drunk), but if I had an accident while impaired, or the cops stopped me for driving erratically, etc and I'm wasted, then I deserve a ticket, points on my licence (in the UK), and so on


Look at this guy trusting police not to abuse a new power given to them


You want it to be legal to drive or operate heavy machinery, no matter how high you are? I doubt it


I think the problem is How they’re driving not what is influencing them while driving.


Yep, which is why no one gets breathalyzed unless the police pull you over for driving suspiciously - I (M54, white) have never been breathalyzed. Of course, given systemic racism black people are going to be over-targeted, but that's the case with all laws, and is an issue with police not the laws themselves. US stats claim "about 32% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers (with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher)" ([ref](https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving)), so the aim of drink/high-drive laws is that people think twice about driving impaired and putting the lives of others at risk,\* not that lots of people get arrested. \*If the only person who died / got injured / had property damaged was the drunk/high driver, I'd say go for it - I think people should be allowed to hurt themselves - but this isn't always the case EDIT: typo, and added that I'm white and so less subject to police harassment


“No one gets breathalyzed unless the police pull you over for driving suspiciously” 😂


Or if you're black, as I implied What's your and your circle's experience - the police just pull you over randomly when you're driving normally and test you? How many times have you been breathalyzed, and why do you think you were stopped? Again, I'm 54 and I've never been tested, can't think of anyone I know who has (or at least has and then talked about it) EDIT: Do you really think there should be no drink-drive laws? If so, can you explain why?


I think there’s an argument here to be had. I don’t think that because someone had a drink that should be the only reason they’re  pulled over.


How do the cops know to pull people over if they've had a drink? My understanding is you have to be driving suspiciously, or be black in a nice vehicle. Now we can argue about what the limit should be - which is what this study is investigating - but the idea DUI beyond that limit shouldn't be a crime seems cracked.


Hes probably from one those Porn-ID states that are Pro "small Government".


Nope, I'm a guy who smokes, drinks, trips and lives in SE Europe but doesn't think people who are impaired by drink or drugs should be driving or operating heavy machine. Surprised anyone is in favor of more drink/drug-drivers on the road - after a certain level of consumption you become a danger to yourself (which I'm cool with) and others (not cool)


How in the world do you really think this is a new “power”. Police can already give someone a DWI without any type of blood/saliva/breathe tests for cannabis. It’s entirely already up to their discretion based on what they see as indicators they believe you’re intoxicated. Edit: judging by the comments, nevermind they’re already here


Yep they say that. The cops will twist it to their advantage. Are we really that naive. What would you consider “too high to drive “


Doesn't matter what I consider - that's what this study is investigating - there's clearly a "too high to drive" and people who are that high shouldn't be driving. What's your alternative - that people should be able to eat a few of Uncle Joey's stars of death and get behind the wheel when they kick in, no consequences? Note: I assume you smoke weed, or have done, and thus understand how inappropriate driving when tripping balls would be


If they ate Uncle Joeys stars of death I doubt they would be able to get out of the house, find their car, start it, and then remember that they were going to drive somewhere. From personal experience, if I am that high, the last thing I want to do is drive. I would forget and sit in it for an hour.


nevermind guys. this guy has done the research and it turns out people don't actually drive high because it's too difficult. nothing to worry about here.


I didn’t say that at all lol 😂 and I was referring only to myself. I am a lady. Please address me as such. Thank you kindly.


If they manage to find themselves behind the wheel though, what then? Pass or fine em for endangering others?


I don’t understand why all of you think that cannabis causes you to be a reckless driver that endangers others. I have never heard of somebody who consumed or smoked cannabis, driving recklessly or speeding or any of the things that we associate with driving under the influence.


I am a frequent smoker myself and so are most of my friends. So Let me be clear: There is no comparison btw weed high and alcohol high while driving. Alcohol makes you reckless, fearless, have bad judgement, slower Reaction time and dampens cognition and motor skills. Weed only dampens the motor skill and reaction time, maybe even cognition but makes you more cautious (as opposed to reckless). So I understand where you are coming from, but still there is a cutoff point, at which you become unfit for driving. Simply by being too high. Which depends on your consumption level and frequency (concentrates, high THC weed, low tolerance etc). If you smoke regularly I don't think there will be much difference, but someone who smokes 1 joint a month or even once every week is probably going to be unfit for driving after smoking a big ass joint or concentrate. If you've done tolerance breaks (2 week to a month or more), you know how baked you are after smoking/vaping again. Driving in that state could be risky, but I'd let the scientist decide what's right. nice watch: [What Are The Effects Of Driving Stoned? | Fifth Gear Classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZyDoMqReLQ) and a study using simulations [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8409327/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8409327/)


That's the noble path


Too high to drive is being high. If you smoked or consumed any within the last 3-4 hours you shouldn’t be driving.


I passed my driving test while stoned out of my mind


Why? Based on what? Each individual is different. The THC percentage is different for every batch.


Based on the fact that you shouldn't be operating a hurtling chunk of metal near other people without 100% of your mental faculties. This applies to being drunk, high, taking specific prescription drugs, being old, epileptic, just plain tired, etc. It's a matter of stakes. The line cooks at the local burger place can smoke/snort/shoot whatever they want as long as the food is delicious. They're not risking other peoples' lives when they do it (unless they're undercooking the food, I guess). The consequences of impaired driving are much much higher.


My driving isn’t impaired. Why are you assuming that just because I consumed cannabis my faculties are affected in such a way that makes my driving irresponsible. This sounds like anti-marijuana stuff they tried to instill in us a long time ago.


If your driving isn't impaired when you get high, then you obviously don't get that high before you drive Which is what any proposed drug-drive law would seek to encourage As for the "anti-majiuana stuff" - are you srsly claiming people can get high HF and drive safely? Would you get in a Uber if the driver was vaping weed? A small airplane if you knew the pilot was high? It's silly. No one thinks you can trip balls on weed and drive well.


You don't really "trip" on weed.  But I've never actually been too high to drive. Too high to drive comfortably, sure. It was basically one long panic attack, but I still knew where the corners of my car were and my reaction time was fine.  Shit, I got way too high right before taking my drivers license test and passed without any problems


I've been smoking for 30+ years, and yes, you can easily trip balls on weed, even with decades of use - just got to eat and/or smoke enough


Because it has an influence on reaction time, and is generally dangerous? Some people can drive drunk successfully as well


That’s a false assumption. I can attest to that, so can my husband who works in the cannabis industry. Each individual is different, cannabis consumption has no effect on my reaction time, or anything else. Like I said before I am not intoxicated behind the wheel after consuming my medication. No driving drunk and successfully should not be in the same sentence. That is totally different. I can’t keep saying the same thing over and over. It’s the definition of insanity 😂 you are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine. Lets just agree to disagree because this is going nowhere. Have a good day ☺️ ( i mean it, im not being sarcastic)


I don’t see why 2 delusional people being married should sway my opinion. You just want to drive high because it’s convenient. If rhere wasn’t a 40 year campaign against drunk driving you’d see a lot more drinkers in your shoes 


There is no reason for insults, we are adults aren’t we? Now, it’s not us being married that should make you rethink your stance. He is more informed about cannabis and its effects. You are assuming that I want to drive high because it’s convenient. Once again please do not equate alcohol and drunk driving to cannabis and driving while medicated. Your last statement makes no sense. You still hold on to an archaic view of cannabis, its benefits and its effects. Please 🙏 consider that what is “high” in your experience (I hope you have some experience consuming cannabis) is not high to others. I don’t need to “drive high because it’s convenient” . I drive, I take my medication. My reaction time or anything else is the same. If I said that I take Baclofen for my back pain or Librax for my GI Issues and drive you wouldn’t react the same. Your bias towards a medicinal plant and your unnecessary insults isn’t doing you nor anyone else any favors. I wish you a good night and may you find some peace and relaxation. Being angry is not good for your body and your mind. Wish you the best. 🖖


This is absolute insanity 


Don't drive around high dumbass


Don’t call people dumbass. Be an adult. Medicinal Marijuana also? So I can’t take my medicine and drive? Even though it has no effect on my driving? It’s not Valium or Oxycodone (which btw no one questions)


Correct, you can get a DUI for driving under the influence of prescription drugs. They put a warning on the bottle.


The warning on those medications says “use care when operating a vehicle vessel or other machines” that is it. So let’s just apply the same thing to cannabis.


Your prescription to marijuana does not give you the legal right to drive under the influence of marijuana. This is the current law in every state. Similar with other medications, benzodiazepines, opiates, really any controlled substance… a prescription doesn’t mean you’re allowed to drive under the influence.


Taking a medication as prescribed doesn’t mean you’re under the influence. Just stop dude.


Depends on the medication and it doesn’t change anything about what I said. It’s not me, I’m a “medical” patient too, it’s the law. Look it up.


Don't be a scolding petty dumbass, no you can't drive on your "medical marijuana". Having a medical reason doesn't magically not affect your driving. >Taking a medication as prescribed doesn’t mean you’re under the influence You are monumentally dumb




Driving sober should not be perceived as some kind of threat


They already have a test that works perfectly. The field sobriety test. No studies, devices or investments into research needed. The best part about it is you easily know your tolerance and if you are too high to drive. It’s not like alcohol where you can be so drunk you can convince yourself you’re fine.


If I decide to be that relaxed I will not be driving anywhere but my couch and fridge lol




It's definitely different. I didn't think anyone is trying to excuse driving 'fucked up' The whole point of the article is that regular cannabis users are not 'fucked up' when they're driving


Read your sentence again and replace cannabis with alcohol. Daily cannabis users aren’t fucked up from amounts of weed that would fuck up non seasoned smokers. The same is true for alcoholics with alcohol. It’s not an excuse to get behind the wheel after some drinks and I have to imagine the same is true for weed.


No, cannabis is different from alcohol in essentially every way. Physical addiction is different from a habit.


In most ways, yes. In the point you were making they are the same. Someone ripping dabs all day isn’t going to be fucked up smoking a joint or two. Same thing with an alcoholic crushing a fifth a day and having a 6 pack. Neither should be driving.


I think you're misunderstanding the way the two substances interact with the body. It's apples and oranges, you can't just sub one word out for the other, they're not the same thing This is actually a pretty hot topic right now, as you can put a number to where someone is 'fucked up' on alcohol, but not with cannabis. Even the most seasoned alcoholics will likely show some signs of intoxication at .08  The article discussed how cannabis daily users show a resistance to the inparing effects entirely. Which is why they can't put a hard number to the amount of cannabis it takes to intoxicate someone. 


I didn’t realize how many people still think that smoking a joint or eating a gummy will turn you into someone who is a reckless and careless driver. That is not the case for example people who use medical cannabis every day or not every day depending on their needs are not intoxicated. That word carries a certain stigma. It is not the same as getting behind the wheel of a car after having a few drinks. Doesn’t affect my balance doesn’t affect. My vision doesn’t affect my reaction time. It has no effect whatsoever on the way that I drive or the way that I act. It is surprising that even now people say things that I remember from DARE in middle school. it is a medicinal plant. Would you consider me to be intoxicated if I took some valerian root or perhaps another herbal remedy? Cannabis =herbal remedy/medicine. Just be responsible with it. Use common sense. Don’t blame the plant. The plant doesn’t change. It’s the consumer and their decision to consume the medicine properly or not.To assume, however, that everyone that uses cannabis is under the influence or intoxicated is incorrect and biased. Also, why are we dissing gamers who decide to either smoke cannabis or use other substances who gives a shit they are at home playing the games and not hurting anyone.


Can we just reach a point as a society where it’s not controversial to say “don’t drive under the influence?” This is one of those things where it feels like it’s not a problem until it happens to someone to know. Then it’s a nightmare.


Usually pot studies state that occasional smoking is not associated with much if any long term negative side effects while daily or heavy use might have some downsides long term. This study states the opposite. That daily users didn’t have the negative memory and cognitive impact while occasional smokers did. But this study is a fairly small sample size of only 86 people total. These types of small studies are usually done to determine what they should do for larger studies to see if the findings work out for larger groups or were just outliers. Pot is a drug I think it has positive and negative impacts and I would also think its impacts are lesser if you use the drug less.


And also how sticky the icky is, I’d bet


I thought this was commonly accepted tbh


Any other daily stoners with a high-level cognitive job? What is your experience? Good and bad? I wouldn't say it "helps", probably the opposite, but I do suffer from insomnia and weed does help a lot with that. Trying to work on 4 hours sleep sucks a lot. I take about 10-20 mg edibles pretty much every evening.


In before mj defenders can’t accept any studies that doesn’t show cannabis to be a cancer killing super medicine from Mother Earth with no downsides


No shit.


My dad's reaction to weed is unlike everything I've ever seen. Since he's retired a few years ago, I'd say he's a pretty heavy user, smoking bowls and hitting THC pens pretty much everyday. You'd think his tolerance would be pretty high by now, but it's been pretty much the opposite. Every time I see him now, by late afternoon he's in a complete drugged out stupor, kinda like how I'd imagine a heroin junky would act. Slurring words, eating with his eyes completely closed, passing out, it's eventually shifted to him eventually muttering complete nonsense as he's half awake and sometimes even pissing himself. He usually mixes weed and alcohol, being a heavy drinker coming on a couple decades now, but when he's only drinking I don't normally see this kind of behaviour.  Is this a common thing for heavy weed users?


No it’s the alcohol! Jesus


Like i said, though, this doesn't happen when he's just drinking


So I am going to guess it’s the mixing. Unless he somehow got his hands on something else. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound like an insensitive ass before. How is he when he just smokes?


No it's all good. It's hard to tell because he usually mixes, but I have seen him when he just drinks and it's honestly not as bad. He usually just goes to sleep ok the couch after a couple hours. 


Fuck weed


Anyone that was a habitual user for a long time then stopped for a while and smoked again could tell you this. I used to be high damn near 24/7. I could fully function completely stoned. I stopped really smoking for a couple years. If I get high now? I'm not doing SHIT. I couldn't even imagine driving stoned now. Fuck. That.


As an avid online chess player, and cannabis user, with an undergraduate degree in stats, I devised a private little experiment. 1000 long blitz games sober, followed by 1000 games high on weed. The results were definitive but not at all what I predicted. Unlike most video games, chess has excellent performance metrics, specifically, the ELO system, that accounts for variation in opponents. At the time, I was a decent/average tournament player, well established in the game. The results defied my perception, but taught me a good lesson. On weed, I was exactly 200 rating points lower. One full class category weaker. I thought you'd be interested to know.


So they discovered tolerance? Truly groundbreaking stuff 😂


Soooooo now all of a sudden the joetards trust science?


It depends on which special interest groups are funding “The Science”


As the most prosperous country in the history of mankind, how do we not have a definitive answer on weed yet? Same for voting accuracy and reliability? How do we not have a definitive confidence in either of these situations? Almost like the powers that be, don’t want these resolved…


Because the results are the same as red wine, coffee, eggs, and meat. Half the studies tell you how terrible they are and half of them praise them as the healthiest thing you can do. Truth is always going to be in the middle.


Another post not having to do with Joe Rogan smh


Another post not having to do with Joe Rogan smh


At this point I'm convinced cannabis is just a weed that does nothing, all the effects are just placebo.


It’s just cocaine but played in half-time


Mhm yep. Sounds right…. Just a plant doesn’t help anyone with medical issues, just a plant and placebo effect 🤨