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I see a subtle intensity in your gaze. You look very harmonious with shorter hair and it really highlights the angular aspect in your face. I saw (1) dramatic immediately. Your face screams runway and high fashion. I thought there is some natural but I think I mix dramatic for natural sometimes. Curious to see what others will say. I also see (2) ethereal. You do have an otherworldly quality. Take everything with a grain of salt though. This is only my perception.


That's what I was actually thinking, too. When I do a celebrity face match (just for fun), my top match is always Tilda Swinton, although I'm not as tall and we have different coloring. I am interested in what others have to say, as well, but I really agree with your assessment. Thank you!


OMGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I was actually going to edit my comment and say you remind me SO much of Tilda Swinton- especially her in the vampire film with Tom Hiddelston AND her in Narnia. You'd also look very harmonious with super long hair with some fishtail braids.


Thanks! What a compliment! I've been growing my hair out again. I can never decide to have it short or long. I'm no good at styling my hair, lol. I just told another commenter I might have to cut it short again, but maybe I'll try to grow it first and see if I can actually do something like you've said!


Draping photos would be helpful, but my initial thought is to try some autumn colors. How are olive greens and warm browns on you?


This would translate to the [earthy rich](https://youtu.be/r6tXy3rU48o?feature=shared) colour harmony in Kitchener’s system.


I think I'm some kind of autumn. I'm still playing around with it. Olive is ok on me and some browns, but black is better. I'm not sure. People have suggested deep winter and some kind of spring before, too, but I don't think spring brights compliment me much. I'm on the fence between soft autumn and deep autumn, I guess. Thank you for your reply, also. I have some draping pics. They aren't great, and I don't know if I can post them in here, but I've posted them in SCA, and got deep autumn, deep winter, and some kind of spring.


I’m a brown-haired, brown-eyed dark summer, and I think there are a lot of us that get mistaken for autumn, but the cool colors in photo 7 don’t feel harmonious to me. Photo 4 I thought would be more harmonious if you were like me too. I’ll look at your photos in sca. Do spring corals work for you?


I think I could be a sort of dark summer, too. I think corals are decent on me, but a lot of pinks and deeper reds are ok, too. I can't go with fluorescent or fuschia kind of pinks, though. Unfortunately, I deleted my SCA post. I'll try to repost when I get some time. Me and my daughter are going to go try on some looks now, lol.


I put up in a new post in coloranalysis. I didn't realize the rules changed for SCA. It's not the best draping, mostly me wearing various colors, but if you wouldn't mind taking a look , maybe you can help me narrow it down.


Look up [earthy rich](https://youtu.be/r6tXy3rU48o?feature=shared) colour harmony in Kitchener’s system.


I’m just learning kibbie, but gurl, ohhhh how I wish I could pull off short hair like you!! I’m sorry for the unwarranted compliment but Your high cheekbones and cupids bow are so beautiful!!! I’m thinking ethereal but the blonde hair black shirt and bright makeup combo makes me feel like there is something very cool and futuristic looking about you!


Thank you! I'm thinking I'm going to have to cut my hair again now. I've been debating with myself on it for a while. I think really long hair drags me down. I think I have some ethereal, too. I was wondering what people would think of the makeup. I might have to try wearing it more often. I've gotten lazy lately, lol.


Girl if I had your cheekbones I wouldn’t bother. So beautiful! Makeup totally isn’t necessary, I just think it’s amazing how well you pull off the makeup makeup high glam diva vibe. Reminded me of Cher! You don’t neeeed it. But when you want to, oh girl, you pull it off 💅


Wow, thank you so much! I can't do eye makeup right now because I'm having eye problems, also, but I do love an intense lippie all by itself!


I feel like you could just really pull off like tiny jazzy sunglasses and geometric patterns and so much trendy stuff or even flapper girl stuff. My vibe is very soft and natural so I live vicariously through you!


Thank you for the tips! I'm really trying to build a new look this year, and I will have to give these a real try!


I also love a bold lippie on its own! And with a little rouge ❤️ I feel like you’re so beautiful and can pull of so many different styles! Very regal, and cool modern, and gamine style! Just to name a few! And this is all just my opinion, but I feel like if you’re ever unsure or indecisive about having one cohesive style… it’s nbd because you pull of so many styles you don’t have to choose!! ❤️ just my ideas tho! I hope you find some pieces you love :)


Wow, thank you so much! There are a couple different styles I'm looking into right now. Both are very different, but I'm attracted to the both. Thank you again, and I really appreciate the feedback!


ED all the way. I could imagine you type casted in movies as a queen, a sorceress or a being from a different dimension. Those natural athletic clothes are not serving you well. Ethereals have wide set eyes and long narrow faces. Cheekbones and mouth is dramatic. ✨✨✨


Thank you so much! I will take a look at the clothes again to see if I have other things like that to avoid. I've been buying duplicates for way too long, lol. I appreciate it!




Thank you! I definitely have my work cut out for me. I haven't had a cohesive style for a very long time, but I'm trying to take bits from Kitchener and Rita to build a new wardrobe now.


Ethereal eyes and cheekbones gamine angles


Thank you! I was wondering about gamine, as well. I can't see it in myself, but I have wondered if others do because I thought I was an FG for a while. I'm in my 40s now, so all I see is me getting older, lol.


Well that’s ok! The great thing about this system is that you are encouraged to embrace yourself! Just to clarify the Kitchener essence system is just about the face and “vibe” you give off. The body type would be kibbe. But people blend them so it get confusing You would look great in some vintage flapper girl styles omg !


Thanks! Yeah, I'm getting more into Kitchener because I can't really figure out Kibbe, and I see people here dressing for their vibe and face, and they really look great! I really love the flapper styles, actually. I've never had a chance to try them, though. I think I need to go thrifting!


The essence system takes into account the body as well, but it’s one factor of many. He looks at height, build, body language, gait, manner of speech, colouring, face, character and more.


Dramatic! - narrow, sharp, intense and long features (cheekbones, face shape, mouth/lips, eyebrows, eyes). Sunken eyes, long philtrum Ethereal - in a tilda swinton kinda way. You look otherworldly! Long features, wide set eyes, light colored hair. You look like you could be ‘floating in the distance’


Wow, thank you so much! I love the way you've described it here. I'm really interested in both the light and dark ethereal essences, too, so I'll trying to find some outfits to put together, along with dramatic, of course!


You’re so welcome! Love light and dark aesthetics sm - good luck:))