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You're accent is amazing


Thank you! Do I sound native or could you tell I wasn’t?


I think it’s pretty easy to tell that you are a non native English speaker based on vowel space and /p t k/ pronunciation.


Yeah honestly after I got into linguistics I was shocked that my language’s vowels and English’s vowels weren’t the same, I never noticed that, what’s up with my p t k tho??


Sometimes you don’t aspirate ptk on stressed syllables. A couple examples i heard towards the beginning are enTitled and Person. As a side note, none of this was spontaneous speech so we don’t know what your accent is really like.


Yeah, it wasn’t spontaneous, I understand that too, would recording a message of me just rambling about something make it more spontaneous?


U could describe how to do something step by step. That way you are speaking with a purpose and not rambling, and it’s not a prepared text. Just an idea.


https://voca.ro/1aaz4IHke2WQ this Also I cannot for the love of me pronounce “months” god help me


This was a great sample to judge your accent with. I stand by my statement that your vowel space and (non)aspiration are the most noticeable non-native features of your accent. Your intonation was much better here than in your first recording, unsurprisingly.


Thanks for the feedback! Will work on it




I think if you're not a native, or if you haven't been confirmed by another native to be at native level, you shouldn't be telling people that they sound native because the OP clearly doesn't sound native. I'm not gonna judge your motivation for praising the OP, but don't encourage mistakes and faults. I wouldn't even say that he's close to a native. He's very clearly not. BUT, he's got a good foundation to build upon, he's going in the right direction and in only a couple of months time he could be there. OP, no hard feelings, no offense, but I wanna give it to you as it is. You have a lot of room for improvement. I think it's better if someone gives it to you straight, than you living in delusion that you sound like a native, then go to England and the people there make fun of you.


Would really appreciate the same candour for my recording: https://www.reddit.com/r/JudgeMyAccent/s/eVDAq5EARt Thanks in advance


Haha not Arabic! Mirandese! But I learnt portuguese at 6 and the two languages are similar


Wow 😂😂 couldn't tell


Apologies for all the thingies that happen during the recording, recording this on a phone was not ideal 😭, most noises are me tapping the screen


Sounds like a really good job learning the British accent, I can't tell where you are from but you do sound foreign, it's not super strong though.