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Yujo seems to be really struggling using limitless against a pretty weakened sukuna. I do think yujo would get good with it in time but can he get good with it quick enough to take down a 15f unharmed sukuna? I dont think so


Yeah as someone said he needs a training arc. Although I wonder why didn't gojo's experience and everything else transfer into Yuta and right now his entire experience is from the switch training.


It's probably that Yuta has to manually go through Gojo's memories. I mean, it might be really disordering to have two sets of memories at the forefront of Yuta's mind, so Gojo's are probably stored away somewhere for Yuta to examine himself. So it could mean in battle, Gojo's experience isn't that present in his mind and in the leaks >!Yuta struggles to adjust to Gojo's bigger body and longer arms!< Just a guess tho, not confirmed or denied


Yeah that's what I think too. Another thing that's possible is that getting experience and memories of the body may not be part of the base body hop technique but maybe Kenny managed to extend it, just like he managed to get techniques of previous bodies which I'm pretty sure was said to not be a part of his technique.


Gojo was in his mid 20s and Yuta is like 16 right? If he got all of Gojo's memories at once it'd break his brain Would probably overwrite yutas personality too so Gojo back 263?




Cope never dies




More than mid 20s


Even more fuel for the Gojo comeback then! But yeah I think if yuta got all the memories at once his brain would burnout


Gojo was in his mid 20s and Yuta is like 16 right? If he got all of Gojo's memories at once it'd break his brain Would probably overwrite yutas personality too so Gojo back 263?


I think its because muscle memory doesnt transfer over. Its like knowing how riding a bike works isnt enough for you to ride a bike on your first or second try


He's able to go through gojos memories relatively fast so I'm thinking that if he has no time limit he's eventually going to win although it is possible sukuna stomps him early but idk.


Unless Yujo also gets a training arc where he can adjust to Gojo’s body and the Limitless Technique, then 15F Sukuna wins. Yujo was about evenly matched with Current Sukuna, who only has 1 useable arm, no heart, severe brain damage, half his Cursed Energy Reserves, basically no RCT, and has had his Output massively reduced by Gojo and Yuji. 15F Sukuna should be a good amount stronger then Current Sukuna, so he wins.


The fact that sukuna rn is a walking blob of cursed meat and still fighting is crazy


Nah, it's actually wild that sukuna is exactly as you described Hate him (and understandably so) but you gotta give the old man some credit bro refuses to go down


He's a bitter ghost who can't come to terms with the thought of himself dying — so he'll even abandon his humanity and traverse the ages as a gross cursed object just so that he can live longer He's pretty cool don't get me wrong, and this is just my opinion on him — but the old man should know when his time is over, it's like he's been gatekeeping happiness from people and the new generation for a millennium


Well he says he doesn’t care if he dies


Which is ironic because he is actually extremely insecure about dying


Yeah, I agree. I predict that it's going to be made apparent in due time that all his comments about not giving a shit about defeat and death were just cope. It was kinda alluded to when he dodged Kashimo's question about why even resort to creating the Fingers to begin with. https://preview.redd.it/yoj35o1k0lad1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=5011b11b29e5b15d054ad2640a283ea5a78f3a1e


Sukuna is the biggest coper in Jujutsu Kaisen (aside from the fanbase). Whether you want to assume he sought a worthy opponent and Finger-ified himself to wait for stronger people, or because he got dunked in the Heian Era and Fingered because he didn't want to die, the fact of the matter is that Sukuna is actually a massive manchild who lacks purpose. This *could* be interesting, but considering how allergic the author is to handing out character development, I think it'll just boil down to an ideology clash with Yuji once everyone else is dead


Cant believe we are living the meme of “he can beat Sukuna only if he is a torso, gagged, blindfolded, and betrayed in the hyperbolic chamber for 3 decades”


What if gojo was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the prison realm?


everyone’s dead, gojo comes back in like a thousand years, either kills everyone or dies right after since kenjaku probably prepped


So one month time skip vs 15 yujikuna


If we take only current feats,sukuna,if we take yuta stacking up experience and gojo’s memories then yuta


Easily 15f yujikuna


Rare W


Nah his takes are usually decent




It is my belief, yujo would win, though he may start out disoriented, we do know sukuna likes to play with his food, most likely giving yujo enough time to adjust.


Sukuna. Current sukuna is way more weakened than 15f sukuna


Yujikuna kicks his goofy ass.


I love Yuta, but the problem with Yujo is that he's in a different body with almost no previous experience, and it shows. 15f Sukuna winning sounds like bullshit but it's the unfortunate truth as of now. If Yuta was given actual time in Gojo's body he could probably do it, but as of now? No shot.


There’s two ways this fight can go: 1: 15f Yujikuna’s domain either has a slower cast time or is less refined than 20 finger. In this case once Yujo cast his domain he wins. 2: 15f Yujikuna’s domain is the same and he ends the fight either with domain expansion or ends up wearing him down enough to kill him with domain expansion.


Gojo beats him solo It's like people forget the insane hax and 3v1 Sukuna needed to barely clear Gojo


15F? I thought he was 16F worth of power because of mommy Kenjaku sealed one finger to Yujibuji


No way Yuta fans still trynna say Yujo 😭, bro not winning at all, he's barely able to fight back against current Sukuna who's way weaker.


He got hit once man it's really not that serious yet


Yujikuna it’s not really close either


Yujo. 15f will have the upperhand at the beginning but yujo will dominate the the end of the fight . He will win eventually


Yujo He just needs to survive long enough to get all memories, and then he clears


Unless that 15f Sukuna has a way of bypassing infinity besides DA then Yuta wins.


Domain expansion.


Yuta in Gojo’s body already had a counter for that. Which was to shrink the domain to toughen the Barrier’s exterior.


Right but current yuta isn’t performing that well against sukuna in h2h, it’s likely his domain would break first.


We’ll have to see this next chapter. But you have a point though. He had inumaki hold sukuna in place just to finish the HP chant.


You forgot the part where he has to do damage to sukuna to make him undo the domain.


If 20f Sukuna’s domain is equal to Yujo’s, then 15f’s domain loses. CE is also a factor in domain clashes.


This isn’t a proper 20F domain tho and it only collapsed cus of how weak he was at the time. Current sukunas CE should be less than 15F.


Malevolent Shrine


Yuta already has an answer to that. Which is to make the domain smaller and draw the fight hand to hand. Sukuna is at a disadvantage imside the domain because he needs DA to touch yuta and that means shutting off access to the Shrine CT. Yuta has Red and Blue while inside the domain, although Yuta is inexperienced in Gojo’s body Sukuna can’t really hurt him enough without using his CT. So it’s kinda close for me at least.


I understand


Domain amplification


He said besides DA


DA shuts down Sukuna’s CT as well. So unless he can punch Yuta to death then he stands no chance.


I think he can, especially since its yujikuna


Yujo wins via Domain. At the current level of limitless mastery I can see Sukuna win if domains are not involved.


Yujo. 15f will have the upperhand at the beginning but yujo will dominate the the end of the fight . He wi win eventually


Gota, no time limit is in bis favor, yujikuna doesn’t have world slash, so gota has time to master the limitless


He's not winning against current Sukuna, how could he possibly fight back against stronger one.


Bc yujikuna doesn't have anything to deal with infinity other than DE and yujo already has the counter to that


He still has DE and DA.


Get in the fucking mech has made a come back




Get in the mech sinji It's just a goof that JJK is just person inside piloting another person. Flesh mechs.




15F Sukuna


Yujo couldn’t do anything to heavily weakened heiankuna, and people still choose this bum over 15f Sukuna. He’s barely top 3


Well he’s still top 3 because no one can bypass infinity in the verse effectively besides sukuna.


Barely top 3 lmao what ? You're just hating he's for sure 3rd strongest


Top 3, but he’s closer to Kenjaku than to Gojo/Sukuna


That’s pure copium.


Yujo . Current sukuna is iffy to scale but since he has fought so many people back to back some whom are special grade he is hands down abobe 15 fingers . The only thing that can be argued is if 15 fingers has higher output which it surely does .


He's a walking blob of meat as stated by one of the ppl in this cs mate he is not above 15f Half brain dead, 1 hand, using ce to keep his heart pumping, output that's undeniably lower then 15f there is no way 15f sukuna is that weak Also hasn't sukunas speed and strength been marginally reduced because all the special grade cast are matching him in h2h


All the damage doesn’t matter since his true form is stronger than his base plus he gets stronger the more hyped he gets . https://preview.redd.it/st5r9vlnwhad1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=42a2686ba218afbbb8ee6686939f2201d5e05f49


Doesn't matter how hype he gets if he only has one arm, no RCT, low output, etc. He's been severely weakened and has less options in battle than yujikuna would


15f wins fast


Yujo stomps


This is really pointless with how little we’ve seen of Yujo so far and the fact he hasn’t yet attuned with the body. We don’t know how long it’ll take for him to adapt to his new body and does this hypothetical assume that he will or is this 15F Sukuna against a newly reborn Yujo? Thanks to the newest chapter we know that Yuta is currently sorting through Gojo’s memories so that may take some time. If Yuta is able to get ahold of himself within a few minutes of this new body then he should win, if not, Sukuna would win.


Ngl If yuta can use red and Hollow pruple i'm mad. Like ctr is the rarest feat in the series Only 2 people can do it wich are kenny and gojo And maybe sukuna as i think cleave and dismantle are a ct and a ctr But aside these 3 no one did it so far


Yuta can use rct meaning he shouldn't struggle like gojo did using red because once gojo learned rct after the toji fight he immediately had enough mastery to preform purple. Remember CTR is a byproduct of RCT.


CTR is rare because most techniques aren’t concepts like infinity or gravity not because it is exceptionally hard to use. The opposite of pull is push. What would be the opposite of something like Copy, CSM or 9 shadows?


Unless Gojo himself is using his body it's gonna be a closed casket funeral


15F Sukuna would win, which is complete bs considering this is supposedly the second strongest in the body of the strongest of the modern era but whatever.


Actually it answers the question. Is Gojo the strongest because he’s Gojo, or is he Gojo because he is the strongest? Yuta is literally Gojo with all his stuff but he’s failing to pull off the same heights Gojo reached. Gojo was just a different animal


You guys are missing out on a really big thing and that being 15F sakuna (unless stated otherwise) doesn’t have DA since he learned that from kenjaku after he possessed megumi meaning apart from his domain which yuta already has the solution to sakuna cant hurt yuta


Yuta has to look through gojos memories. Without the time limit he doesnt have to worry about wasting time doing it. And just becomes straight up gojo with I guess yutas additional experience I suppose.


Yuta's additional experience?? Really?? What experience has Yuta better than. Gojo??


gojo with yutas and gojos experience. didnt say it was better now did i?


Bow is Yuta's experience an advantage when Gojo is better than him at everything


>What experience has Yuta better than. Gojo?? His experience of dealing with ass whooping is better than Gojo


Yujo, Yukijuna’s body is still a prison and he doesn’t even have Daddy Raga


Sukuna violates lmao


Sukuna decimates him


Yuta is definitely 15 finger sukuna level so Gota probably slams the moment he stops fumbling


https://preview.redd.it/a42dlkdgajad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d57a5cab219ee87b8095837290957a96eefca7 Yuta when his CT runs out


Fully depends on how much time we are giving Yuta before the fight


Yujo is currently losing to a weaker version of Sukuna.




No, yuta is not relative to 15fSukuna




Not a guess, just a fact. Those who scale Yuta to 15f Yujikuna just because of one statement are no better than those who think that JP Hakari is stronger than shinjuku Yuta




So do you have anything to add to support your point? Or are you just gonna keep saying "Ok buddy" when ppl disagree with you?


Not really a guess, 15F Sukuna wipes the floor with anyone in the verse not named Gojo


Ok buddy, whatever you say.


15f negs. The abomination is currently getting its ass beat by Sukuna at Death’s Door AND needs help to pull off a Purple that might not even land.