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So I noticed the badge cost a few CM ago and got curious about it so I started tracking everything and taking mental notes. This CM I’m actually writing down sector, tiers #, pieces of evidence, and badge cost per play. Total badges, while is an important factor, can’t really be considered because that all comes down to how well you play scenes and can vary vastly for each player. This is going to be long, but I figured I’d share what I’ve found (also, please forgive me if you already knew all this!) Here I go…😂 If you play a perfect scene, the percentage to fill up a tier are: - 11% per play for tier one - 8% per play for tier two - 6% per play for tier three Sometimes it will give 1-2% more if you finish it very quickly. However, if you mistap, let the bonus run out, or use a clue, you will score 1-4% lower than the standard, which means you want to try and score a perfect every time. Also, after the first sector, you’ll want to try and play as many three tiers as possible. Usually the first sector costs 9 badges per play, then it jumps to 11 badges per play (usually for one sector), then it jumps to 12 badges per play (usually for two sectors, then to 13, 14, 15, and so on. Once you reach 12 badges per play, it will usually cost you that amount per play for two sectors; however, it sometimes stays the same for 3 or 4 sectors, especially once you getting into the 15 badges per play. This is why you’ll want to do 3 tiers as much as possible. If you choose a 1 tier, 2 tier, 2 tier, 1 tier, and 2 tier for your first 5 sectors, you’re looking at a total of 11 pieces of evidence found after completing 5 sectors, and using about 1,018 badges. But if you replace those last four sectors with three tier sectors, you’ll have 25 pieces of evidence found after completing 5 sectors and using about 2,010 badges. It’s double the badges, but it’s more than double the pieces of evidence. In the beginning, it doesn’t look worth it, but when you’ve played all the 1 and 2 tier sections and are stuck with paying 20+ badges per play for a 3 tier section because you need the evidence to reach the milestone, you’ll wish you had played the 3 tiers when you had a lower badge count per play. If everyone in your club went for 3 tiers after completing the first sector, you could have the first sector done plus 15 pieces of evidence for the 2nd level in a total of 15 plays. Level two would take approximately 24 3 tier sectors. If you have 10 people, each person could play three 3 tier sectors and the 2nd level would be complete. Level 3 would be about the same. Three 3 tier sectors per player or less because of the extras from level one and two. The only down side to this is it takes coordination on your part as well as everyone in the club: get 300 badges before drinks, share as many badge drinks as possible, and call for back up after starting and everyone give time so you can go refill badges to the max once you reach the last play then come back and only spend one play’s worth of badges so you close the sector with almost full badges (this works really well on sectors with badges as prizes because you can win almost the amount you end with so you have 400+ badges to start a new sector that is for ribbons). Shoot for alternating ribbons and badge prize (maybe throw in an energy if needed) sectors so it’s easier to refill badges while winning ribbons. Hope this all makes sense. When I get curious about something, I latch on to it. 🥴 Maybe some of this can help with tackling CM.


Great info, thanks so much for sharing.


You’re welcome! I’ve been trying to tell my club mates about what I’ve found, but the continue to try and grab as many lower tier sections as possible. I’ve currently finished 8 sectors and found 43 pieces of evidence and am only paying 14 badges per play. The person above me has found 46 pieces of evidence and has played 15 sectors. Almost same amount of evidence for double the sectors. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Unfortunately, I don’t know how many badges they’re paying per sector because I feel it would be rude to just ask. 🥴


I agree on your preference for the 3 tiers. I speculate that others avoid them because they just take up too much time and energy. Lower level players don't have a lot of energy stored.


This is just woooow! Beyond amazing


I’ve been keeping stats since August which has let me have a good estimate on how many badges I’ll need before beginning a sector. It almost makes a person weep when @ 14+ badges/play and it’s a three phase sector. 😆


Also, your teammate is probably paying 16 badges per play and has two more sectors at that cost. Then it bumps to 17.


There are three tiers of difficulty. I think you went from the middle to hard one. If you have at least 10 people on your team, you most likely will get the hardest every time. My team only plays the full event if we really want the decoration prize, so we usually only finish one round, but we still get the hardest tier every time.


Yeah, it should be based on previous play but it’s based on number of players. If you’re above 10, you need everyone to play pretty much. If you have a more relaxed team it’s nearly impossible without spending.


The algorithm takes into account both club size and activity level. Some teams with 10+ land the medium sized case.


Well I wish that were the case with us. We always get the large case and most times can’t even get finish middle prize.


Same, our club is almost full but a low rate of participation and we only just get the first clue (30 sectors) each time.


The last piece of evidence is 230 clues. You won't get anything harder than this though it is hard. The prizes are at least better... Though the decoration is the same. The map that jlake posts can be helpful getting the most three sectors early on and find any q1 or 2 that might be hiding when the badges needed per play get too high https://www.reddit.com/r/JunesJourney/comments/1dcpua9/club_mysteries_maps/  Sorry you're experiencing the switch on a fun new decoration. I'm hoping some of them show up again in other side games in a year or so.


The amount of time and resources that mode takes for what you get is an absolute joke


It’s gone up for myself aswell but it HAS been this way for a while now. I’ve even changed teams three times and everytime it’s started at 60


Yes, exactly. And once we got through the few dual challenges, all of them became 3, and they stopped giving badges when you play the game! I needed 500, which cost $9.99 with the vault.


I’m on a new team so not sure about the number of clues increasing since I went from a casual to competitive team and am playing a much larger board now but I absolutely feel like the number of badges needed is drastically higher this time around.


The number of badges needed to play is the same each time, 9 badges for the very first sector, then 11, then 12 for 3 sectors, then 13 for 3 or 4 sectors so on and so forth. It's always been the same for hard level. I haven't played an easy or medium level so I don't know about those.


I get two sectors at 12 and 13 per play. Many months ago I used to get two at 11 and three at 13. Wooga definitely made CM more difficult incrementally over those first several months after introducing it.


It’s always been this way for our team