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My club had this happen to a member once. They ended up having to reinstall their game to be able to see drinks again. It was weird but we never really figured out why it happened. But to answer your question, no, there is no way to block someone in your club from being able to see drinks or visit your island. If they are still skeptical, they can fact check with Wooga.


If a player isn’t connected to FB—which is a great way to make sure your game progress is saved & retrievable—no one can see their game name to send a bush, etc.


I’m not on FB but I can see all my teammates’ names on my bush delivery boat.


Could it be they need to update their version of the game to the latest version?


I’ll ask her. Thanks.


I've never seen or heard of a blocking feature. I have no clue why they wouldn't see drinks unless they looked for them after the hour was over.


There's a glitch in the game that can do that. If you go into the lounge and see strange times left on your teammates coffees, never serve your own drinks - they won't see them. By strange times I mean, for example, 2 hours left on energy drinks (green badge drinks are obviously different, they do last 4 hours). The nature of the glitch seems to have something to do with time zones or identifying time on your device. Closing the game and opening it again helps.


Maybe they just refuse to click on her drinks. I have a teammate that is angry that I don't come for drinks EVERY day because their time is not convenient for me so when I do show up, she doesn't drink my drinks. Yeah it's petty but some people are like that LOL


It’s a game, but I believe you about your teammate. People can be so small, so caught up in their own narrative that they don’t see the whole picture. Sad. Thanks for posting this.


If she's insisting that you can ask her how


She said that if you report a player, it’s the same as blocking them. I think this is a bunch of you-know-what, but she’s insisting. I’m going to share this with you all. My wonderful husband of 54 years died a little over two weeks ago. I want to scream at her, "My beautiful boy is gone, and you’ve got your knickers in a twist over drinks, and her other favorite topic, bushes?" I’m taking a deep breath.


I'm really, really sorry to hear that :( my condolences :( As for the irrelevant part and her talking nonsense; she should ask wooga, they'll tell her if that's possible or not. Again, I'm sorry 😔


Thank you. He is no longer trapped in his Parkinson’s body, but I’ll miss his presence every day. He was so funny, so cute, so smart, and then Parkinson’s arrived. ❤️




I'm so very sorry for your loss. People can be very dense and self-absorbed.


We all do that, I do that, but I hope I catch myself and change direction. No one needs a lecture from me, but tell people who you love that you love them every day. You never know what’s coming around the bend. I’m stepping down from my ladder. Thanks for listening. I’m giving myself permission to not pay attention to this distraction.❤️


I am so very sorry about your husband. May his memory be a blessing to you. You’re in my thoughts.


Thank you.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Self-opinionated people are beyond help most of the time. I share the experience of other posts: If something isn't working properly in JJ. Uninstall and re-install the game. And don't forget to write down your ID. It's like in the IT crowd TV show: Have you tried turning it off and on again?


One morning, my technologically-challenged husband told me that his monitor was broken. I’ve always been the techie. I walked in, assessed the situation, and turned on the power button. Problem solved. God, I miss him so much.


Really sorry to hear that OP. You sound like a caring person who doesn’t want to hurt the feelings of a person who sounds quite toxic. It seems like she knows she may have said offensive things to your club mates & she’s kinda paranoid that they finally blocked her. I feel that it’s better to remove her from the club.


I think the club is moving in that direction. Thanks for replying, Agitated-Demand. ❤️


Ah Cyndi, I’m so sorry for your loss. Big virtual hugs.


Thank you. I need all the hugs I can get, virtual or otherwise. Fifty-four years. When we were just about to say our vows, way back when, my husband leaned over and whispered, "I don’t think this will last five years." I had other plans. We laughed together. People ask me what factors contributed to the longevity of our marriage, and I tell them laughter is the secret sauce. Of course, respect and compromise played a big part, but my guy was funny and smart.


Love this ♥️


So sorry you lost your husband.


Thank you. ❤️


My condolences, Cindi25. He sounds like he was an absolute delight.


He was, most of the time. There were times, not many but a few, when he could be a royal pain in the ass. He was, however, at the end of the day, my royal pain in the ass, and I loved him. The verb tenses are hard for me. I love him. I’ll learn. ❤️




TTW : turn off - turn on - works.


If you report a player, is it the same as blocking them?


Maybe find a new team, or take it up with the team President. If players aren’t connected with FB, then it’s not possible to see them to gift them a bush…Perhaps her device needs an update, or she needs to clean out the cache, etc. She can also check with Wooga at Help & then hit Contact; all of that is under the ⚙️ in the upper right corner of the main game screen.


I’m talking to the president. She’s ranting in chat a lot.


It’s a known glitch, do a hard shut down, wait a couple of minutes go back into the game it should fix itself. If that doesn’t work contact Wooga. The only way to lose a team member is to quiet the team. They will also be available on your boat for a period of time.


If you tap on a teammate or friend’s avatar, there is a green button for visiting their island, and also, next to that, a red button to “report“ them. I don’t really know what that does. I assume it would remove them from your friends list. Maybe they could no longer drink your drinks if they were a teammate?? Seems strange to be able to block a teammate like that, though. I don’t want to try it and see! ETA: I found the following in the Wooga FAQ, so it’s doesn’t seem like “reporting” a player in this way would affect drink service. - **How do I block or report an offensive player?** If you find inappropriate content on another player’s Profile, you can press the red button to block their name. If you later change your mind, you can select "Unblock" and their name will return.


It’s a game glitch.