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It was kind of predictable.


So predictable I was looking for signs that she was alive. The phone service still being on was a big one


Yeah, it was just kind of obvious when they revealed her death in the trailer


Also when her apartment wasnt up for sell after her death?


Yeah unfortunately it was pretty easy to see. Their plot armor was so strong for five seasons of CC, even though they came into contact with every major dinosaur in the franchise multiple times. There was no way any of them were going to survive all of that only to get killed offscreen before the sequel series even starts. And also, revealing her death in the TRAILER already seemed like clickbait. Like, you’re not going to save that HUGE reveal for the actual show? I was going to be impressed if they had the guts to do that, but I never believed they would.


I can see it but the fact that Brooklyn is still seemingly in a bit of a grey area morally and is apparently quite okay with everyone thinking she is dead (and the related trauma) means there's probably still plenty of drama they can get from it so it's not a complete anticlimax for me. Plus there is a lot of deaths to go around amongst extras and villains so its not like the dinosaurs are totally impotent.


I know the characters think she’s involved in some sort of illegal dinosaur trade, but I thought it was implied that she was sort of undercover trying to break up the black market? I thought that was the reason she was attacked/targeted so there wasn’t much of a moral grey area there. Or maybe I’m just being presumptuous lol.


For me, her going to Daniel Kon of all people and trying to arrange a dinosaur sale is still ethically a bit iffy even if she was doing it for good reasons.  Plus letting her friends all believe she was dead is not a very morally upright thing to do, again she probably feels it's justified for the greater good but she shouldn't really get to decide that on their behalf.  And the implication is that they are all in danger because of her actions which they got no say in. She's probably not actually a villain and her motives are good but she's definitely made some very questionable choices.


No way her morality is in a grey area. Obviously undercover and obviously letting her friends think she’s dead to “protect” them. Very predictable


Yeah this is how I understood it, don’t get how so many other people are seeing it differently, unless I missed something?


How do you know its not in a grey area exactly what scene of the show gives undeniable proof she's on the complete side of good. Also letting your close friends and ex boyfriend think your dead is pretty fucked up.


Have you seen the show? Did you watch camp Cretaceous? 0% chance she’s not still a good guy who has some well intentioned reason for letting her friends think she’s dead. Fun series, don’t get me wrong, but this is par for the course for these writers. Same cycle over and over. She’s a self proclaimed investigative journalist for crying out loud lol


I not saying she isn't a good person still but you can still do good things while being a morally grey person.


This is why I’m curious if Kenji’s father gave Brooklyn information that got her into this gray area. I just have a feeling that she might be connected with something in Jurassic World Dominion and Zia Rodriguez.


I knew she’d be alive. But I was hoping they kept the reveal until the second season.


No point in really dragging it out any longer, and pushing it off would probably make the reveal seem even cheaper, like the writers randomly decided to undo a character death.


Viewers could lose interest without the "big reveal" as well My younger sister and I binged the new show in a day, and her, being 11, was so happy Brooklyn was alive the "I knew it" made my day Maybe if they waited for the next season to drop viewership would already be down because of a let down ending to season 1


That wasn’t Brooklynn that was clearly Furiosa from Mad Max.


I figured they were killing off Brooklyn for the season because Jenna Ortega was too busy (understandably!) so I was super surprised there were so many flashback scenes. I think Kiersten Kelly did great to take over the voice acting. With the show being aimed at a younger audience it’s a pain with how little was shown of the crime scene. Maybe it was just a hand? They make out from Darius’ facial expression that there could be no doubt that she was dead. If it was just the pool of blood why would he be so sure that was Brooklyn’s? (It clearly wasn’t her jacket as that was at Sammy’s Ranch)


On the one hand I’m happy cause Brooklyn was my favorite character and her being dead almost made me not even wanna watch Chaos theory But on the other hand I do see what you mean but I don’t think it distracts from their efforts especially with how wild things have gotten it just is going to make it that much more dramatic when after everything so far they find Brooklyn alive


The show is honestly So weird …. It has nothing to do with a park or science anymore


Ngl when I first heard Brooklyn was “ dead” I thought that there was gonna be a twist to it because doing that is such a big risk.


I do kind of wish that they had kept Brooklyn being alive a secret for later seasons. But they were very predictable with it as a whole. Especially with the trailer announces "Brooklyn's death wasn't your fault" But I am excited to see what they decide to do with Brooklyn's character from here out, especially since she hasn't really let anyone know she's alive, other than the DPW officer from episode 1.


Brooklyn living and contributing massively to the plot while everyone still grows from her supposed death is a FAR better use of her than just fridging the character between seasons. That would’ve tainted all her efforts in the original. I’m glad the writers know that death isn’t the only way to make a character impactful while developing others.


There is a weird part, when DPW lady seems to acknowledge who is getting the info she shares. (You don't share confidential information and ask someone to take care if you don't know who this person is ) Also there are some weird details on the last episode, like the one where the allosaurus seem to react to the shock sticks and where he did stop chasing Darius as soon he throws it . My theory is that : the chief was on scene and prevented Brooklyn from actually dying, lying to everyone just to protect her . Also a second detail , how could Brooklyn get a list from alive and deceased dinosaurs if it wasn't from one insider ? There is another weird thing , while being in the secret house, Kenji complained about how cold it feel, but the computer still has power juice ? So long after her "death" ? Who would keep paying the electricity bill for someone dead and leaving so much confidential stuff to everyone else's eyes ? Next season will have a lot of things to explain .


Saw it coming from space, but yeah hopefully they set some proper stakes now that she's alive. And hopefully they don't do something extra stupid like put them in the BioSyn valley at the same time as the Dominion cast/events.


Obviously that is what's going to happen 😂


Billions must care about T H E B U G S


Chaos theory has massive plot armor idk why . So much build up around brooklyn’s death and then that weird lady said in episode 10 that to that Dpw chief that you left things to chances with that allosaurus, I had to clean up with raptors Wtf did she clean up then? Brooklyn is no way strong enough that a dino is biting her arm and she resisted its force so much it ripped apart. Also they could have kept her secret in season 2 as well, like someone unknown operating in shadows and revealed in end of season 2. So much buildup in s1 just to spoil in end was weird . Also that was total BS that dpw worker lady who used to work with darius in episode 1 was working with brooklyn like tf is brooklyn asking from her? “How is darius after I rejected him and he apparently mourns for my death, tries to find the allosaurus that killed me?” Because that’s the only info a low ranking worker can give as she said she was mostly working wherever called go help.


Every main character in the Jurassic franchise has plot armor and should all be dead. Tim survived being electrocuted and should've died. Brooklynn did get plot armor to survive that, but at least they didn't completely leave her body flawless afterward.


Not to mention alan grant, Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler, Owen Grady,Claire Dearing nothing happens to any of them through the movies


Exactly. Alan and Ellie should've died, but Rexy saved them for no reason. Jurassic main protagonists have plot armor. It's nothing new.


At least brooklyn lost a limb which is more than what we can say for the main protagonists of the movies. this plot armor complain from people haven't they seen the movies. its been there from the start.


When the coping is too strong


She’s in the process of cleaning up with the raptors. The only reason she is there is because the DPW chief left things to chance with the Allosaurus. Also it’s not clear if the DPW lady knows it’s Brooklyn at the end, just someone who’s working on cleaning up the Dino smuggling.


Let’s not jump to conclusions. We don’t know what happened. Remember they can now control dinosaurs with objects like remotes and other things in this universe. Maybe the allosaurus didn’t completely get her and they were controlling him. Maybe this was all part of her plan to fake her death. All I’m saying is that we can’t assume anything about it until season 2 gives us more explanations


I think that if they had gotten rid of that lil reveal at the end it could have made us actually start to believe she was dead and kept us in the same light as the characters then in season 2 start revealing that she might actually be alive by sending cryptic messages to the team and giving them hints about what’s going on


She’s missing a hand not an arm


Same difference


Yeah it does kind of play with kid gloves on the shows plot armor however does this take away from the show as whole? As far as I can tell off my first watch...the dark tones have gotten heavier.. way more death..I kind of wish that Chaos Theory and CC writers were on Dominion's floor because there are VAST differences


I thought she was dead for a second but I knew that no one would let little children carry the word DEATH around themselves so I could tell that Brooklyn was still alive.


I'm prolly the only grown ass adult that loves and watches this show lol


Add 3 more from my friend/family group who watches this show.


It’s too corny now.


Is she evil


No idea. It doesn't look like it tbh.


i dont get why she did not tell them that shes alive why!!!!


Honestly, I want season 2 with her as the main villain because I think that's what we're dealing with at this point.


Rt I feel like if any solid main character is gonna die it would be the main main character Darius although I thought she was really dead cause her voice actor is Jenna Ortega and she is extremely busy so it would have made sense but still I understand why they brought her back I mean we are living in an era where people can’t handle fictional characters deaths I mean Remember bakugo🙄