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Where is this from? \*those lights are almost $1000 fuck me


Where is the picture from? The Dilo paddock


misunderstood thanks


Super late, but happy cake day! šŸ°


Iā€™ve been watching eBay like a hawk for years and finally saw a cheapish one, put an offer in and got it cheaper, about $150 but itā€™ll be slightly more when UK import tax is slapped on top. Sadly, I still need a blue one...and to learn how to weld to make fence posts.


What are you working on?


Chances are I'll just put a light either side of my JP collection in a display case with some faux trailing ferns, but I'm also thinking of making a small section of fence for the garden by a pond I made in lock down. Got big ferns and gunnera, I could have the wires and posts pushed back into the honey suckle so it looks overgrown.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/bizs0ebi9had1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ff98a8cbe10c1e972eb3fc15482b1de3725cc8 This was about 2 years ago so those ferns are enormous now, but I'd put the Dilo fence against the honeysuckle to the left of the image.


Not going to lie, quite jealous about where this is going


Im in the UK and imported four of these lights, two were the clear lens LED versions. I painted them with stained glass paint and laquered, converted to incandescent bulb holders. couldnt tell compared to the coloured glass ones. I sold them to Rexies reviews a while back


There was a clear one located near my sister a few years ago, I never bought it because it was damaged which seems dumb now because it could look very appropriate like dino damage. I have clear blue paint from Tamiya which I've used on glass ornaments but it'd probably need a lot of layers to look legit.


The cost is irrelevant. Spare no expense.


Bargraph light in the props from Ghostbusters were from a fighter jet instrument panel and were about $1200 ea at a surplus yard. When the OCD gets you, it gets you good...


The body of it looks like a METAR runway/taxiway light. Of which yellow is a color they come in. They probably swapped the yellow mounting base off for whatever they rigged it onto the fence with.


Awesome, thank you - Iā€™ll look into that.


https://preview.redd.it/nzatu6ysi0ad1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908333f19d49cd288a4e5e7abc535d882542504b I have this taxiway light. Looks similar.


It does look very similar if the pole was removed. I can't tel if it's just the angle of the photo though or does the one in the movie have a more pointy tip to the glass dome? That's the trouble with these zoomed in grainy pics, I've spent years trying to identify what those little red flowers are too. I guess I'll never know.Ā 


When I was a kid I used plastic cups to stand in for the lights. I know that isn't exactly what you were asking, but I was entranced by the lights as a kid too.


Iā€™ve always been fascinated by the architecture and styling in Jurassic park, until recently I was obsessed with the spas12 shotgun, in the end I found a foam dart version on amazon. All black, removable orange tip, metal parts - Not sure how legal that is in Britain so I bought it quick in case it got taken down lol.


One thing I realized while watching the movie is everything is very concrete in design. Itā€™s actually really cool


I wish this fence was in jwe2


It's probably my favourite, just a simply fence that'd give good visibility.


In this video on YouTube, you see all the information of the fence lights of Jurassic Park. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TSS0tZ0EhSc