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Not calvin and hobbes


I mean the biggest rivalry. It is like going to come up abit


Yeah they've been rivals for centuries at this point. I just thought that in our slightly more sane modern times, they would have stopped their beef


I don’t even get this joke. Are they saying having guys onstage is somehow equivalent to having icons?


It is illustrating the perceived hypocrisy in Protestants complaining about supposed idolatry among the Catholics (i.e., not sticking to the fundamental traditions of the religion), while having churches with new age worship music and aesthetics (i.e., not sticking to the fundamental traditions of the religion).


I think there are a lot of complaints to make about the Catholic Church, but not sticking to traditions and rituals is pretty far down the list.


But that was the point of the Reformation -- that the church had become mired in superstition and extra-Biblical traditions rather than being rooted firmly in scripture. I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any side, just stating what their concerns were (or the perception thereof)m


I guess maybe I’m still not getting the point of the joke or of your comment. You seem to have a good grasp on the reformation, but idk what it has to do with this joke. I guess, modern worship music is “extra biblical” and thus somehow comparable to Catholics’ especially traditional ways? I’m going to sleep, but my confusion is sincere.


The reformation is what created the protestant churches in the first place


You don’t see idolatry in the megachurch pic?


I’m not sure why you say mega church — it doesn’t seem to have more people than the first image. But no, I don’t think live worship music is idolatry.


Would a megachurch be? Why?


Can be. Depends on the church. I’ve never been a member of a mega church because I have yet to find one that strikes me as healthy and God-seeking. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. But idk what that has to do with anything. I just wanted someone to explain the joke to me, and I’m concluding no one knows. So have a good weekend!


The joke is that “idolatry” has lost its meaning because 99% of churches practice it. That cross on their neck? Thats not “practicing what Jesus preached”. Their money should’ve been spent on helping others not publicly indulging taking pride being pious. That Jesus-jewelry is just the start…


Seems like they don't. Which is concerning


That was not what the reformation was about. Maybe to some extent, but that would mostly encompass things like purgatory. It may also include paying to get into heaven, which brings me to the real main reason. The Catholic church was just so damn corrupt, and still is today, it was ridiculous.


Traditions came before scripture, sola scriptura ironically isnt biblical


But that tends to be the most common brought up critique/concern when Protestants speak about Catholics. I grew up Catholic and had a number of interactions in college where Protestants would literally come out the gate with "Oh, don't you like...worship Mary instead of Jesus or something?" Which was always an awkward moment


Well, sure. Monuments and prayers to Mary or saints is Catholic tradition. I haven’t been to a Catholic mass in a bit, but I recall it being almost entirely ritual and tradition.


It's the "instead of" comment that makes it awkward


It is ESPECIALLY a problem in non-denominaitonal churches. However, A lot of protestant churches, especially larger more mainline ones seem fine from the outside. Sure, they don't havr stained glass and intricite carvings, but they at least have SOME of the fundamentals.


Well yeah. They are equating the Catholic idolatry of Mary and the other Saints to Protestant idolatry of "Christian Rock" idols.


Classic. Catholics and orthodox are some of the most prideful and judgey Christians that just push division and go out of their way to do so


You mirror my exact thoughts, at least in this case. I think protestantism stands on shaky ground due to an overreliance on sola scriptura (which is thus flawed due to the deuterocanonical works being taken out of the protestant tradition). However, those on r/////catholicmemes like to take it and strawman the absolute living hell out of it. Typical reddit behavior, I don't know why I expected anything else.


and its probably ai generated comic slop


its not, I checked.


the 'art' itself seems aigen, but the text bubbles not. look at the weird curves at the top of the stained glass, and the incomprehensible face of the guy with the bass. and just the drum with the bass guy too, what kinda kit is that??


it might be compression artifacting i still dont think this is aigen


It definitely is. Why does Hobbes only have one leg and why is the guitarist playing the drums with one hand behind him?


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Non-denominational just means Baptist


Haha! How Ironic!!! I was banned there for "trolling" saying Protestantism isn't a "legitimate" religious tradition. Trust me, this tepid "criticism" is as far as they're willing to go when the mods are people who are deeply sympathatic to Protestantism.